Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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#66012011-12-22 16:30if you cannot do with ur scriptures,please allow us to do with our valuable BHAGAVAD GITA |
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#66022011-12-22 16:33It would be an absolute unjust to humanity if this most revered book is banned. |
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#66032011-12-22 16:33http://www.k-istine.ru/sects/mosk/mosk_sewage.htm Sects / "the International society of consciousness of Krishna" Eat manure, drink urine and glorify Krishna "... Naming itself wise, have gone mad, and glory of imperishable God have changed in an image similar to the perishable person, both birds, and four-footed, and a reptile, - that and their God has betrayed in lusts of their hearts нечистоте, so they сквернили bodies. They have replaced true of Bozhiju with lie, both worshipped, and creatures instead of the Creator Who is blest in eyelids, аминь served... And as they did not care to have God in reason their God превратному to mind has betrayed - to do непотребства" Rome. 1:22-25,28 Note МС. At us in Tomsk, as well as everywhere кришнаиты deceitfully rub to young and near students that the belief in Krishna and belief in the Christ, Son Bozhija is practically one and too. Say, we trust in the same God. It is enough to read only attentively New and the Old testament to understand that this true Divine revelation differs from "Bhagavad-gita as it is" as gold from manure. The same God could not give so essentially different and contradicting the friend the friend of revelation. Therefore for Christians obviously that so-called "the sacred writing" for кришнаитов is only a fruit of human mind, to be exact, on the apostle - madness ". Why? Yes at least because both in antiquated, and in new treasured revelation there is no concept "a sacred animal", as object of religious worship, not to mention that иудеи and Christians should use a sewage of animals in sacred trembling. For me till now обстается secret, for what reasons (there can be this deep virus defeat of a cerebral cortex?) people leave belief in really existing Jesus Christ Which great causes, has confirmed with words and miracles, what It the Son the Divine and our unique Savior, and start to worship to ancient pagan myths, a black idol and thus still to use a sewage of animals, instead of the Flesh and Blood of Son Bozhija? An animal sewage and the Flesh and Blood of God - unless it is equivalent relics?! What exact words apostle Pavel has told still 2000 years ago: "... Naming itself wise, have gone mad, and glory of imperishable God have changed at image" *** We result original кришнаитский the text without comments. The text itself speaks for itself! "Last 5 days of month Karttiki traditionally are called as Bhishma-panchaka or Vishnu-panchaka. In" Hari Bhakti Vilase "is said that in Bhishma-panchaku for the sake of satisfaction of the Lord the person whenever possible should observe a post on certain kinds of food. Though this post is not obligatory, Krishna is happy with that who observes this аскезу as to a way to satisfy It. "Padma-purana" says that thanks to such аскезе it is possible to satisfy the Lord and to make spiritual progress. If you did not observe a post in Chaturmasju, that, having observed a post in Bhishma-panchaku, you receive all blessing from observance of a post of Chaturmasi. There are three levels of strict observance of this post. The first level (the highest) - on pancha-gave (in each of 5 days to accept only one of 5 products which receive from a cow: - The first day - manure (go-Maya), - The second day - urine (go-mutra), - The third day - milk (кшира), - The fourth day - yoghurt (дадхи), - The fifth day - a mix of all products of a cow (pancha-gavja). Sources: "Padma-purana", Brahma-khanda, гл. 23; "Skanda-purana", Vishnu-khanda, Karttika махатмья. гл. 32; Garuda-purana, Purva-khanda, гл. 123. LiveJournal - Vitaly Pitanov - 3/14/2010. Power йогов... In the cow urine Throughout a theme. Here what interesting text is on one кришнаитском a site. Gennady Malakhov has a rest... Urine of a cow is in quality of clemency, in a counterbalance from urine of the person which is in ignorance. Urine of a cow introduces clemency in our mood. If to accept the cow urine regularly within 6 months, the human nature becomes kind. The cow urine destroys qualities of passion and ignorance (Note МС. I have a basis weight to consider, what exactly in ignorance progressing the cow urine and result our krishnaitov-idolaters). It deduces toxins from all organism through urine, sweat and excrements. Urine of a cow also is the destroyer of the illnesses connected with mind. In the Ayurveda the following is told: "Gavjam павитрам ча расайанам ча патхйам ча хридйам to balls of Buddi сйата Aajur прадам ракт викар mugs тридош хридрог вишапахам сйата". Transfer: "Urine of a cow is great элексир, it is pleasant for heart, grants force of mind and a body, gives longevity. Eliminates all frustration connected with blood circulation. Counterbalances bile, slime and air. Cures heart troubles and eliminates results of influence of poisons". Effect of influence of the cow urine: cures all corporal and intellectual illnesses. It is a divine drink (Note МС.-?!) йогов which provides with their divine power. The divine river always lives in the cow urine - Ganges. The cow urine - the destroyer of all sins of the person (read => illnesses). Has no value in what kind to accept the cow urine: natural, distilled or dried up. On medical influence between them there is no difference, the dosage changes only. The Krishnaitsky primary source - korova-cow.Ru P.S. The saying is fair: "Whom God wants to punish, that at first deprives of reason". LiveJournal - Vitaly Pitanov - 3/14/2010 |
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#66052011-12-22 16:39http://www.k-istine.ru/sects/mosk/mosk_about.htm Sects / "the International society of consciousness of Krishna" The international Society of Consciousness of Krishna (МОСК) Other names: Кришнаиты, ИСККОН (ISKCON) - an English variant of abbreviation МОСК. Date of the basis of sect - 1966. Founders and management Abhaj Charan De - its divine favour Abhau Charan Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada (1896 - 1977) The president of the Center of societies of consciousness of Krishna in Russia Vadim Tuneev - саньяси Bhaktivigjanoj Gosvami. The sect characteristic The Neoinduistsky antisocial totalitarian sect, which adherents worship to god Krishna. A part of the secret doctrine кришнаитов is the program of construction of the uniform state (probably, in the world scale) on the basis of ideological views МОСК. Official publications 1. Shri Shrimad A.C.Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada. Bhagavad-gita as it is. - Москва-Ленинград-Калькутта-Бомбей-Нью-Дели: Бхактиведанта the Beech the Trust, 1990.83 with. - преставляет itself modern, postmodernist retelling of the original "Bhagavad-gity" diluted with terms and concepts of the western pop culture and pop philosophy. 2. Shri Shrimad A.C.Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada. Shrimad Bhagavatam. - the First song, a part 1. Москва-Ленинград-Калькутта-Бомбей-Нью-Дели: Бхактиведанта the Beech the Trust, 1990. 549с. 3. Shri Shrimad A.C.Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada. Shrimad Bhagavatam. - the First song, a part 2. Москва-Ленинград-Калькутта-Бомбей-Нью-Дели: Бхактиведанта the Beech the Trust, 1990. 605с. 4. Shri Shrimad A.C.Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada. Easy travel to other planets. - "Bhaktivedanta the Beech the Trust", 1990. 5. Сатсварупа даса Gosvami. Sketches of the Vedic literature. That the great tradition speaks about itself. - Vilnius: Бхактиведанта the Beech the Trust, 1993. 5. Сатьяраджа дас. So it is written to Bibles?. – Moscow: Jamuna Press Kompani, 1993, etc. The religious doctrine of sect and its activity Creation history Roots of this movement leave in XV century when Chajtanja Maraprahbu has deduced from belief индуистской sects of Vishnu the doctrine of Krishna. This movement was long time insignificant while in a XIX-th century of Bhaktivinoda Tkakur has not inhaled in it the second life. Then small communities кришнаитов in Europe began to appear. His son Bhaktivinoda Tkakur Sarasvati Gosvami became teacher Abhau Charan De Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada (1896-1977) to whom has charged distribution of this doctrine in the West. Now members МОСК call Prabhupada "Its divine favour Abhau Charan Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada". Earlier Prabhupada studied English language, philosophy and economy at Kalkuttsky university, then served in one chemical firm, was the succeeding businessman. In 1954 he has thrown business, has left a family and became the monk, having received a high title "Svami". In 1965 Prabhupada has arrived to New York where began to preach the sect doctrine. It has based МОСК in 1966-1967 Also remained its head to the death in 1977. Now МОСК two various groups operate: one, consisting of 11 persons, supervises over spiritual questions, and the board of directors deals with administrative problems. In the USSR кришнаиты have appeared in 1971 after country Bhaktivedantoj visiting. In 1988 of community МОСК have been officially registered. Though heads of the Moscow organisation кришнаитов officially deny communication with МОСК, once at session of "a round table" in newspaper edition "Tver, 13" invited кришнаитами their coreligionist from India, not knowing Russian, it has appeared not in a course of ideas of the Moscow colleagues, and has declared in English that Moscow кришнаиты are branch MOSK. МОСК, under own data, has all over the world 350 temples (108 from which are based personally by Prabhupada). In territory of the former USSR it is located about 100 temples and 150 проповеднических the centres in all big cities, including гурукулы (spiritual schools MOSK), vegetarian restaurants and so forth However, by estimations of experts, кришнаиты are inclined to embellish rather the achievements in recruitment of adherents. In Russia they assert that in India at them millions supporters, in India - that at them millions supporters in Russia. In practice кришнаизм represents rather insignificant current индуизма, having insignificant number of adherents in India, all some thousand adherents in the Russian Federation and some tens thousand - in all other world. But from the small number it does not become less dangerous to a society because of the aggressive internal doctrine and possession considerable financial resources. Кришнаиты actively bypass the administrative organisations with the entertainments and gifts. Probably that at preparation of dishes for a food are used слабодействующие narcotic substances. Does not raise the doubts that over these dishes in the course of their preparation "clarification" ritual is made, i.e. the food becomes идоложертвенной. Courses of lectures on studying of "Vedic culture", other cultural programs for representatives of various levels of population are regularly spent. More often during advertising of similar actions it to be represented кришнаиты "forget". Cases of opening of points of public catering from the menu specific кришнаитского directions are known. The sect doctrine The sect doctrine - the Americanized version индуизма. The doctrine кришнаитов left the doctrine вишнуизма. Вишнуизм - belief in Vishnu as the Supreme God who once has proved in image of Krishna. Krishna - the god in an image of the herdboy became a popular idol in India in VI-IX centuries. On lines of the character it reminds the Greek god Hermes - проказливого, playful roguish the shepherd: "In all Universe there is a set of swindlers of different type. From all types of swindle gambling costs above all and consequently represents Krishna. Krishna, being Supreme, can be more perfidious than any simple person. If Krishna decides to deceive the person nobody can surpass Him in insidiousness" - chapter 10-36 [1]. How here not to remember: "your father a devil; and you want to execute lusts of your father. It was the murderer from the beginning and has not resisted in true for there is no in it a true. When he tells lie, tells the, for it the liar and the father of lie" (Ин.8:44). On R.H.Chajtanja Mahaprabhu learnt to the return: Krishna was the pivotal god once shown as Vishnu. Кришнаизм was one of the first attempts to introduce in weights philosophy индуизма. In индуизме god неличностен and непознаваем. Кришнаиты personalised god and as a result to it worship, communicating with it as with the person. Under Prabhupada Krishna's doctrine has 16108 wives, everyone has a palace, on 10 children and громдное quantity of grandsons. МОСК does not recognise Jesus Christ as eternal God, but does of it one of semidivine displays of Krishna. Adherents МОСК believe that Jesus worshipped to Krishna. МОСК adheres traditional монистического пантеизма, existing in some индуистских sects, saying that all gods and demigods (which, in their opinion, very much) are forms of One Absolute god which they name Krishna. All adherents МОСК believe that Krishna is "life" of all live beings, "live essence, being a small part of the Supreme Lord, is its qualitative part" (Bhagavad-Gita As It Is / Translated A.C.Probhupada. - New-York: Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, 1970. P.704). According to the doctrine, rescue should be deserved by means of a number of affairs. To get rid of ignorance, it is necessary to repeat diligently a name of Krishna, to participate in ceremonies and worship ceremonies. Кришнаиты never leave a necklace from 108 beads which they touch during the recitation or singing of mantras (spells). Each inhabitant ашрама should repeat daily a mantra not less than 1728 times (16 "circles", a circle - 108 mantras). The mantra of Krishna is the formula consisting of 16 combinations of words to "mug", "Krishna", "frame". It is considered that its pronouncing releases the person from a material world and causes real presence of Krishna. According to experts, repetition of the same words lasting many hours enters the person into a special hypnotic condition in which it easily gives in to influence of "the spiritual teacher", obediently participates in carefully developed rituals practised in a community. Doctrine МОСК demands implicit submission of adherents of sect to leaders. In кришнаизме division of the doctrine of a cult into some parts is very brightly expressed characteristic for the totalitarian organisations. One of them - "external", intended for public opinion and potential followers. It corresponds to the true maintenance of the doctrine a little and urged to play a bait role. Another - for the people who already in time to some extent to "be cleared" during constant mantras and ritual actions, and because already lost ability critically to estimate that is kindly, and that is angrily from the universal point of view, instead of from the point of view of "god". And one more - for the people already precisely knowing, as what for they do, what purposes achieve, for what hold in the hands of a thread of management of the organisation. "If Krishna decides to deceive the person nobody can surpass him in insidiousness" - chapter 10-36 [1]. What involves people in ашрамы (temples, meetings) кришнаитов? First of all that Prabhupada preached an ideal of the "higher" spirituality, aspiration to true and cleanliness. Besides, кришнаиты urge not to cause violence, to store matrimonial fidelity, as seldom as possible to be angry and for the sake of love to animals to eat exclusively vegetative food. All it looks is rather tempting for the person suffering from immorality of the modern "civilised" world. The considerable role is played also by exotic rituals, not clear words and terms. Even put on кришнаиты somehow unusually: men carry дхоти, and women - сари. The main law of life, Prabhupada, - spiritual perfection, self-realisation own "I" learnt, merge to the pure divine world. But for this purpose it is necessary to find "consciousness of Krishna" - to esteem him, to comprehend heavenly true that the soul of the person has merged with the divine world. But the dogma of movement to "Jara Krishna" can be acquired, only having entered in ашрам - "gate the spiritual sky" where the cult of Krishna is unique motive and result of behaviour and attitude of the person. New turned break off with the families, refuse the developed habits and a way of life, give up work. They receive new, "spiritual" names. Men shave heads, leaving a plait on a nape. The special sign is put on a forehead, тилак, in the form of a letter "Y". The woman in sect is a being of the second grade. Кришнаиты believe that the female body is a punishment for sins and errors of the previous existence that is why its fate - to worship to the man. Prabhupada speaks: "the Woman never can be equal to the man as bears genital functions and possesses incomparably lower mentality and spirituality". Therefore women are entrusted with only minor work. As to children who are born in ашраме from weakened hunger and deprivations of mothers their fate is even more sad. Cases when Russian children were taken out on "education" in ашрамы India where have been compelled to beg in favour of movement are known, were exposed to every possible violence, including sexual, from adult men ашрама. A question of sexual violence including in relation to children, in the communities closed from the whole world кришнаитов it is so actual, what even some leaders of movement "are disturbed" by scope of this phenomenon. The interdiction for normal matrimonial life of adult adherents of a cult pushes them on similar acts, and sometimes they take a form ritual that does by their even more unrestrained. Narcotic substances of different force of action which "expand consciousness" are often used in the ritual purposes, and as a matter of fact remove constraining the person of sense of shame and promote display of the most low feelings of a human nature. Among members МОСК two books have special distribution: "Bhagavad-Gita as it is also" Shrimad Bhagavatam "."Bhagavad-Gita"is "a Mahabharata" part (the Old Indian poetic epos) and represents компилятивный the arch of knowledge from late and early Vedic texts. Statements that"Bhagavad-Gita"- one of the most ancient writing which can be heard often from representatives МОСК, are not true, as, according to scientific orientalists, time of a definitive writing and registration (literary fixing)"Mahabharata", concerns 3 4 centuries AD"Bhagavad-Gita"never was for индуистов the same indisputable authority on dogma questions, as the Vedic writing. It is possible to tell that"Bhagavad-Gita"is the minor book in relation to the basic Vedic texts more likely. Not so high opinion on it and Prabhupada:" In the great historical epos - "Mahabharata", the product specially intended for not so reasonable people: women, working and unworthy descendants брахманов... ". "Bhagavad-Gita as it is" except texts actually "Bhagavad-Gity" contains Prabhupada's their comments which are of special interest. Thus it is necessary to remember about proclaimed кришнаитами a faultlessness and infallibility of these books: "... Faultless reputation of"Shrimad Bhagavatam", free from any errors, illusion, a deceit and imperfections" (further in the text reduction - chapter 3-24 [2] is used that is similar - chapter 3, the comment to the text 24 [2]; "We should accept"Shrimad Bhagavatam"as direct display of the Lord of Krishna" - chapter 3-43 [2]; "Most important of all created by Shriloj Prabhupada is its books..." (с.498) [2], "Bhagavad-Gita" is a management for all people "- gl.10-22 [2]. Besides, Prabhupada - ostensibly the continuer of a continuous chain of student's tradition ("парампары"), ascending, by words кришнаитов, to to Krishna that automatically does its statements by program theses of all кришнаитского movements, the law for all its followers. Resulted citations are not resulted out of communication with the general context only some of the numerous statements repeating and supplementing each other on sense of what it is possible to be convinced, besides, are resulted, having addressed to Prabhupada's specified works. Contrary to numerous statements for love to all people, actually a unique normal basis of interhuman relations, in opinion кришнаитов, the exclusive system is. Not members МОСК and furthermore those who critically concerns to МОСК, are шудрами (шудра - the lowest class corresponding индуистской to a category of ignorance), them name demons and they are quite worthy all humiliations and even destruction: "the Most part of people, especially this century of Cali, are born шудрами" - chapter 9-49 [2]; "In a century of Cali the whole world population possesses qualities шудр or lower... In the modern democratic states all people have rolled down to level шудр or lower, and corrects them same as they, the person who does not have concepts about requirements, which writing shows to the governor. Therefore all atmosphere is poisoned by qualities шудр, shown in desire and greed" - chapters 12-13,18 [2];" The modern educational system prepares one шудр. The largest engineer or the designer is only big шудра... In a century of Cali all are born шудрами "- chapter 12-48;" And not betrayed however formed it was, always harms "- chapter 2-19 [2];" not Betrayed at all do not possess any merits "- chapter 11-19 [2]. Members МОСК in the relation to believers of other religions though confirm are no more valid: "We loyally concern all traditional faiths" (the Statement of the Center of societies of consciousness of Krishna in Russia "About the relation to religious traditions" from March, 24th, 1996). Nevertheless, кришнаизм learns: "There are two classes of people: бхакты (betrayed Krishna - a comment сост.) and demons" - chapter 4-3 [1]; "Who can be so silly not to want to find consciousness of Krishna in such simple way..." - chapter 9-26 [1]; "that Krishna - the higher authority, admits the whole world from time immemorial and up to now, and only demons reject It" - chapter 4-4 [1], and reject its all "silly" некришнаиты;" Sometimes such demons incur a role of preachers, mislead people and get popularity as religious reformers, or, as incarnations of God. They make ostentatious sacrifices, either worship to demigods, or create own God. Simple people proclaim such person God and worship to it; fools consider this person as deeply religious and allocated spiritual knowledge "– chapter 16-17 [1]. Last statement is a direct insult for each believing Christian knowing that the Christ - being True God after an embodiment became in everything, except a sin, the person. It preached spiritual knowledge of Tsarstvii Heavenly, and, without hiding that He is a God, has sacrificed itself for world sins, having undergone a crucifixion and death. Thus, far not the loyal relation кришнаитов to Christian belief here is available. So, all people, except adherents МОСК, at all do not possess any merits, are mad and silly, and also are allocated by all other "qualities" inherent шудрам, according to Prabhupada's statements. What fate waits for not believers, what Krishna - god? "It is especially underlined that шудра should not accumulate money. As soon as at шудры there is money, it there and then incorrectly uses them on sinful activity: wine, sex and gamblings. Wine, sex and gamblings specify that the population degraded to level of lower, than level шудр. The higher castes always should care about шудрах and provide with their worn clothes" - chapter 9-26 [2]; "the Supreme Lord does not forgive the slightest insult to The... Betrayed" - chapter 9-27 [2];" In spite of the fact that each live being - a compound part of the Lord, the one who annoys It as if the prickle, is called асуром, and the one who voluntary serves the Lord - деватой... In a material world деваты and асуры constantly are at enmity... This world is full live beings of two kinds, and mission of the Lord - always when in that there would be no necessity to protect деват and to destroy асуров for the blessing that and another "- chapter 15-34;" the Word душкритам is applicable to those who is not involved with consciousness of Krishna. As to non-believers, it is unessential to Supreme Lord to appear Most to destroy them... The Lord has many assistants who can quite cope with destruction of demons "- chapter 4-8 [1]; Thus, those who do not trust to Krishna - demons, and it is accurately registered at Prabhupada, and demons follows, according to its statements, to destroy. Besides, кришнаизм proclaims "the Violence made according to principles of religion, much more above so-called"nonviolence"- chapter 7-36 [1]. It is important to mean that кришнаиты constantly remind all of necessity to observe principle of Ahimsy which consists in an interdiction for the person to take away life at any live beings. In the light of the above-stated citations this principle, appears, actually to кришнаитам does not concern. Here, thus, two doctrines again take place: for internal using and opened – for recruitment The Krishnaitsky treatment of a principle of a nonviolence in general very much differs from the general understanding of this principle, and is explained by Prabhupada in following theses: "or from so-called non-use of violence it is necessary to refuse such magnanimity that who by an example of Ardzhuny, submits to a direct management of Krishna" - chapter 2-3 [1]; "Refusal of violence in the politician can be good for the diplomatic purposes, but never should be made a principle... Thus, murder in fight for the sake of religious principles and убиение animals on sacrificial fire are not considered as acts of violence for are made for the sake of religious principles and are the blessing for all" - chapter 2-31 [1]. It is interesting that in an original variant of this text of anything directly it is not told about that refusal of violence should not be made a principle, i.e. the authorship of this statement entirely belongs to Prabhupada, founder МОСК that will not be co-ordinated at all with it officially proclaimed and regularly declared by all кришнаитами a principle of Ahimsy. Besides, for кришнаита (by the way, the word "кришна" on a Sanskrit means "black") is quite comprehensible to express fury and disappointment concerning non-members; the violence, including murder, is authorised if it is carried out by a name of Krishna: "it is necessary to operate according to command of Krishna which is transferred through парампару and the true spiritual teacher" - chapter 18-57 [1], that is, through a management кришнаитов. The adherent can even deprive of someone life and not to feel guilty, not to bear for it moral responsibility, because: "Any person operating in consciousness of Krishna..., even killing, does not make murder... As well as it is not mentioned by consequences of such act" - chapter 18-17 [1]. Further it is said that the soldier kills in the war by order of, therefore does not bear responsibility, but in the beginning of this citation it is told about any person who is in consciousness of Krishna." Even if the person makes the most bad acts, but is occupied by pure devoted service, it is necessary to consider as its righteous person "- chapter 9-30;" Therefore kill them and be not anxious "- chapter 11-34 [1]. Even near relations not always represent an exception." It is necessary to offer all in order that постигнуть Krishna and to serve It as has made Ardzhuna. Арджуна did not want to kill members of the family but when he has understood that they were an obstacle in a way to comprehension of Krishna, it has followed to Its instructions... Also has struck them "- chapter 13-8,12 [1];" Nobody knows, under what circumstances pertinently compassion "- chapter 2-1 [1];" the Lord Krishna has not approved so-called compassion of Ardzhuny to the relatives "- chapter 2-2 [1]. According to кришнаитской to the doctrine, it is possible not to consider murder at all for murder: "It only at a superficial glance of Ardzhuna was done to these people by harm, as... All people who have gathered in the field of fight, would continue to live as individual beings for the soul cannot be destroyed... Therefore Ardzhuna, battling in the field of fight at Kurukshetre, actually did not battle in general - it simply executed orders of Krishna" - chapter 5-7 [1]. In what such formulations can result - terribly and to think. But the knowledge of the maintenance of similar elements of the internal doctrine does not prevent to make to heads of the organisations such statements: "the Sermon high moral and ethical standards which members of our movement adhere in the life, has helped much to get rid of addictions and to conduct purer life" (the Statement of the Center of societies of consciousness of Krishna in Russia "About the relation to religious traditions" from March, 24th, 1996). Criteria of distinction of good and harm which it is necessary to adhere, according to the internal doctrine are not less surprising: "Actions in consciousness of Krishna трансцендентальны in relation to consequences both kind, and malicious affairs" - chapter 3-19 [1]. Differently, кришнаизм completely relieves from responsibility for the acts. Thus criterion of an estimation "good-bad" are management words кришнаитов, instead of moral standards: "Correct acts will be co-ordinated with manuals шастр, and wrong contradict the principles established in them" - chapter 18-15 [1]. It is not surprising, since "Krishna is a source of everything that we see, good or bad" - chapter 10-4,5 [1]. It is easy to understand, why it is simple to Krishna to be a source "bad" if more close to familiarise with this person and some its characteristic lines. The description of shape of Krishna is resulted in chapter 11, Texts 16, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30:" I see in Your body many hands, bellies, mouths, the eyes stretched everywhere, without a limit... I see, how You vomit a flame and burn all this installed by Own light... All planets and their demigods ввергнуты in confusion a kind of Your great form with its many faces, eyes, hands, hips, feet, bellies and many frightening teeth... Your gaping mouths... All people will direct in your pharynxes, like the moths flying on fire to be lost in it... I See, how you absorb people from different directions the flaring mouths... I cannot keep balance at the sight of Your burning killing faces... Our main soldiers direct in Your frightening pharynxes. And I see, how heads of some, jamming between Your teeth, are distressed them ". Completes this"lovely"show a bed from snakes on which Krishna - chapter 11-15 [1] sits. Кришнаиты repeatedly declared that Jesus Christ not who other, as itself Krishna in the next embodiment but who though time read the Christian Scriptus, that after the above-stated descriptions "fine" Krishna will understand what to confirm such it is possible only on dense ignorance. Conformity of so terrible shape of Krishna to its essence is proved by words on behalf of Krishna: "I - the Hole, God of death... I - all-devouring death" in chapter 10-29,34 [1], and also: "I am time, the great destroyer of the worlds, and I have come here to destroy all people" - chapter [1]. At Krishna in general a lot of any suspicious qualities for the normal person, for example: "It the fear" - chapter 8-31 [2] is frequently frightened; "All-powerful God... Can select all Universe, having asked a small plot of land" - chapter 3-19 [2]; "About the Lord, nobody can understand Your transcendental games, which... Are capable to mislead everybody" - chapter 8, the text 29 [2]; "... The wounds put to a body Misters by sharp arrows of Bhishmadevy, delivered to the Lord the same pleasure, as stings of the bride of the Lord" - chapter 9-34 [2]; "The Lord did not participate in fight. It has simply created hostility between powerful governors, and they battled among themselves. It was similar to a wind which causes a friction of trunks of a bamboo the friend about the friend and by that becomes a cause of the fire" - chapter 11, the text 34 [2]; "... The death is A Supreme Person of God" - chapter 13-19 [2]. It is not alien for the internal doctrine and installation on possibility of achievement of the world domination. In more details this question is worked in кришнаитской to the book not for a wide circulation "by Varnashrama - the manifesto of social reason" where it is told: "That silly and sentimental ideals mean"to live and survive"in the world which has clearly shown propensity to self-damage". Therefore кришнаиты preach creation "not fascist, however a rigid mode брахманов", providing introduction of exclusive system. But also in quoted documents there are corresponding instructions:" The idea of the uniform world state can become a reality only in the event that we will follow infallible authority... To correct the world, the chief executive should be the person who has received... Special preparation and to possess all completeness of the autocratic power. The idea of the world state can is real be carried out only when in power there is the perfect tsar similar to Maharaja Judhishthire "- chapter 10-3 [2]. Let's notice that if to take into consideration chapter 17-4 [2] arrival кришнаитов to the power at least in one country can lead to world accident: "to representatives of a century of Cali the head of the government or the tsar invested by the power similar to Maharaja Parikshitu who would be well armed can throw the Call and could punish villains". The good arms mean also possession weapons of mass destruction: "the Nuclear weapon named брахмастрой, is applied only as a last resort when does not remain other exit" - chapter 7-19 [2]; "Representations that explosions of modern nuclear bombs can destroy the world, - children's imagination" - chapter 7-32 [2]: "the Most powerful weapon - брахмастра, let out by Ashvatthamoj - reminded nuclear, but possessed большей radiation and thermal radiation. Брахмастра - a fruit of more thin science... Its One more advantage consists that it does not operate blindly, like the nuclear weapon... Somewhat it is more dangerous than a nuclear bomb as it is capable to amaze without a miss even the most protected place" - chapter 8-13 [2]. Besides, about the nuclear weapon it is told in comments to the text of 20 chapters 7, the text of 44 chapters 7, the text of 12 chapters 8, the text of 32 chapters 10, and also in the text of 1 chapter 12 and in other places of quoted product. But to come to power even in one country with кришнаитской the program not so it is simple. In the beginning, most likely, it is necessary to accustom or force to cease to love people the people, the Native land, the history. As one of means on this way appeals to civic duty default before the residing state are used: "The one who completely possesses consciousness of Krishna and is completely satisfied by the activity in consciousness of Krishna, does not need more performance of any debt" - chapter 3-17 [1]; "The one who is occupied by service to Krishna, does not have necessity to co-ordinate the actions with a material world, including obligations in relation to a family, the nation, to mankind as a whole" - chapter 2-41 [1]. Permissibly to ask, as it will be co-ordinated with type declarations: "The priority we see in imparting to the members solicitous attitude to traditions, foundations and institutes of the Russian culture" (the Statement of the Center of societies of consciousness of Krishna in Russia "About the relation to religious traditions" from March, 24th, 1996). As to private life on-krishnaitski then doctrine МОСК demands implicit submission of adherents of sect to its leaders. About it Svami Prabhupada in detail enough writes: "it is necessary to carry out only the manuals proceeding from Krishna or from Its representative - the spiritual teacher" - chapter 2-53 [1]; "And if there is an unwillingness to execute such strict order. The similar unwillingness should be suppressed" - chapter 3-30 [1]. The adherent кришнаитского movements is obliged to execute any orders going from a management, without dependence from that, he understands their expediency or not, without dependence from conformity or discrepancy of the order to laws of the state or to norms of morals for the adherent a priori is considered incapable to understand the higher logic of a management. How "correctly" to build home life, exact enough instructions and explanatories also are given: "Absence of attachment to children, the wife and the house does not mean that it is necessary to get rid of any feelings in relation to them. But when they interfere with spiritual progress, it is necessary to refuse such attachment" - chapter 13-8,12 [1], that is to get rid of such feelings in relation to them, as love, necessity of care and protection, responsibility for education. Really, normally constructed family relations strongly connect the person with tradition of its people, give to its the firm grounds and criteria in construction of correct system of outlook, a sensible estimation of the acts. But such person will not want to obey to Krishna and a cult management completely. Therefore it is necessary to deprive of it from this "attachment". And as it is possible to be adhered to the children if кришнаиты consider that children are only body by-products: "... Body by-products, namely children" - chapter 2-20 [1]. "The person, which... Considers body by-products as the relatives, and the earth on which was born, worthy worship. Should be considered similar to a donkey" - chapter 3-40 [1]. Thus, the person considering children by relatives, and the earth on which was born - the Native land, Prabhupada names not differently, as a donkey. "The house, the native land, a family, a society, children, the property and business - here some of the material covers covering spirit, атму, and yoga system helps to get rid of all these illusions" - chapter 13-53 [2]. After perusal of these lines at once there are questions on why the management кришнаитского movements on any slightest criticism, including fair, in the address from mass media or public organisations answers with sharp attacks in offensive letters personally (in letters type expressions are usually used: "because of the full incompetence", "in узкокорыстных the purposes", etc.) or in the form of claims in courts, and thus in the books forming the doctrine, movement offends all некришнаитов, comparing their that with pigs and donkeys, that, through a word, naming their "silly" or "stupid", urges to forget about all human feelings to a family and the Native land, propagandises racism. Features of activity: it is necessary to note some characteristic sources of considerable capitals of this organisation. To 20 million dollars sale кришнаитской brings to movement to "Jara Krishna" literatures: books and Prabhupada's transfers, magazine "Back to divinity", leaving in 500-thousand circulation. The considerable sums arrive in treasury "International society of consciousness of Krishna" from rich patrons of art. But the basic profit is brought by begging. The whip-round in sect is considered as a high religious debt. The daily norm is usually established. Кришнаиты sing mantras and songs in places of the big congestion of the people, sell the literature, plates, videocassettes. Getting of money at кришнаитов is put on "a scientific" basis. On compact discs even manuals on a Sanskrit are specially multiplied. They in brief sound so:" Overall objective of your enterprise and ingenuity - "карми" (i.e. not кришнаиты) with filled money pockets. This money is intended for a sin - on them meat, tobacco, entertainments will be bought... It is absurd to waste money. Especially, if "карми" all become sillier and more disgusting... You should select this money. What for this purpose it is necessary to make? First of all, to force "карми" to receive your small gift! After that by all means you should subordinate "карми" to your will... ". Owning own radio station "Radio Krishnaloka", кришнаиты can conduct all day and night propagation of the doctrine. Criminal acts of sect In 1984 proceeding under the claim of a family George concerning МОСК on charge of some adherents and heads кришнаитского movements in deprivation Robin George of a free will, mental cruelty drawing, slander on her mother and actions which have approached death of her father has taken place, have ended with adjudgment in favour of members of a family George, a recognition of their charges by the proved. In 1986 accusation in murder has been brought with the city of Nju-Vrindavane (USA) to a local community кришнаитов to the adherent. The suspicion also has fallen and on the head of this community of Bhaktipadu and on its nearest accomplices to whom accusations in fulfilment of some crimes have been brought. During proceeding of wine of some of them has been proved. In March, 1987 Bhaktipada has been excluded from МОСКа that was based, among other, and that it and its nearest environment operated counter with beliefs МОСКа. But, despite it, works of Bhaktipady continue to be published and after its official exception of the organisation. In the end of 1996 for 20 years in West Virginia, Prabhupada's "guru-successor" the head of a community has been condemned for 2 custom-made murders. In the India "the Society of consciousness of Krishna" is the centre of the extremely nationalist extremist movement of "Vishva Hindu Parishad" which members are known for pogroms of Moslems and foreigners. In кришнаитских schools-hostels for children, гурукулах, takes place not only насилование women, but also насилование children, and often it is made in the face of contemporaries. Besides, leaders of a society repeatedly were exposed abroad to criminal prosecution for financial frauds, extortion, drug traffic and the weapon and murders. About, whether judicial proceedings on charge of members МОСК in fulfilment of those or other crimes are casual, it is possible to draw a conclusion if to remember some moments of the internal doctrine of this organisation about which distributors of this doctrine usually "forget" to mention during the fascinating story advantages МОСК. At night on the eve of a spring equinox on March, 21st, 2000 the admirer of Krishna has killed the Russian orthodox priest in far Siberian settlement of Round. The priest - celibate priest Grigory - since November, 4th, 1997 was the prior of a house of worship in the item of Round of Evenki area of Krasnoyarsk region. According to colonel Ivan Panova, the head of the Department of Internal Affairs of Evenki area, the murderer - Roman Gavrilov (a sort. 1973), armed self-made шилом, at 3 o'clock in the morning it was knocked at a door of father Grigory. The priest has opened a door, and the murderer has struck to it blow шилом in heart and two in a neck. When father Grigory has fallen, Gavrilov cut off to it a head a penknife, having broken thus a knife. Further the fanatic has come together with a head of the killed priest into a temple premise, has enclosed a head round a throne so that dripping blood has formed a circle on a floor, and then has put a head of father Grigory on a throne. Father Grigory has opened a door to the criminal as with it it was familiar. As local residents tell, earlier it helped restless кришнаиту, has supplied with its warm clothes, repeatedly fed and many times talked to it, trying to convince to refuse errors. The murderer has been detained next morning. At detention Gavrilov was called as Romanom Harievichem Krishnitsem. Evil deed the murderer has not repented Of a criminal conduct. On the first interrogation he admitted that carried out command of god: Krishna was to it in the sleep and has in details described that it should make. The used literature 1. Shri Shrimad A.C.Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada. Bhagavad-gita as it is. - Москва-Ленинград-Калькутта-Бомбей-Нью-Дели: Бхактиведанта the Beech the Trust, 1990.83 with. 2. Shri Shrimad A.C.Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada. Shrimad Bhagavatam. - the First song, a part 1. Москва-Ленинград-Калькутта-Бомбей-Нью-Дели: Бхактиведанта the Beech the Trust, 1990. 549с. 3. Shri Shrimad A.C.Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada. Shrimad Bhagavatam. - the First song, a part 2. Москва-Ленинград-Калькутта-Бомбей-Нью-Дели: Бхактиведанта the Beech the Trust, 1990. 605с. 4. Dvorkin A.L.Sektovedenie: totalitarian sects. - Nizhni Novgorod: Publishing house of a brotherhood for the sake of St. кн. Alexander Nevsky, 2002. - With. 313-351. The antisectarian centre Novosibirsk cathedral for the sake of St. кн. Alexander Nevsky (With additions): www.nevskiy.orthodoxy.ru Activity кришнаитов in Bashkiria Officially registered religious organisation MOSK has stopped to an owl existence in the end in 2000 because of sharp reduction of adherents (much from which has got to psychiatric clinic) and external financing. Now there are small groups in Ufa, Kumertau, Salavat, etc. Krishnaity, as well as many small not Christian sects, are connected with shop "Sun City" on street Revolutionary and other points where sell the okkultno-sectarian literature and consumer goods. In them the literature кришнаитов constantly is on sale and announcements sectarian recruiting the action (seminars) hang. In Kumertau кришнаиты have opened Open Company PKP "Гауранга", which makes идоложертвенные pies (i.e. they are devoted Krishna) with exotic names like "Vrindavan". |
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#66062011-12-22 16:40This is one of Krishna's leelas. With His blessings we will out successful |
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#66072011-12-22 16:43http://www.k-istine.ru/sects/mosk/mosk_news-19.htm Sects / "the International society of consciousness of Krishna" Having read Krishna books, Kemerov citizen has chopped off heads to the daughters The inhabitant of village Coastal the Kemerovo region, fond of reading кришнаитских books, in Easter седмицу has chopped off heads to two daughters and has wounded the wife. As the head of Novosibirsk branch "the Center религиоведческих researches" archpriest Alexander Novopashin has informed Agency of national news, the native father has cut an axe of two daughters of 13 and 11 years, Tatyana and Margarita and has wounded the wife. From conversation with mother of girls it became known that her husband, the father of killed children, Nikolay Rodikov, from the middle of 90th years so was fond of the doctrine about Krishna that starved for 50 days, without accepting food "for the sake of Krishna". In some years, being the successful farmer, having the house, the earth, a tractor, cattle, Rodikov has burnt property, as he said, having brought it in a victim to Krishna, having allowed to take out nothing, than has doomed a family to poverty. After that it has been surveyed at the psychiatrist and has been recognised by mentally healthy. For the murderer frequent words were characteristic: "In me there lives Krishna!". Nikolay very much loved children, the wife never "a finger touched". Within a month previous murder, the father with new force was fond of reading of books. In the night from 25 for April, 26th Nikolay Rodikov has left to spend the night separately from a family in a bath. Early in the morning has entered into the house, has killed an axe of girls, having beheaded them, and has wounded the wife. The arrived militia has found Nikolay with blood-stained hands, to someone praying. Alexander Novopashin has noticed that recently law enforcement bodies of Novosibirsk have fixed the fact of threats to orthodox priest Andrey Romashko with whom local кришнаиты have promised to finish even more refined, than it was in Tuva with celibate priest Grigory Jakovlevym when called кришнаитом the criminal cut off to it a head. According to an archpriest, the measure of the "peaceful" doctrine кришнаитов eloquently is opened also by recent incident in the Moscow underground when professor A.L.Dvorkin became a victim of aggression кришнаита Sergey Kosenko (тридцатитрехлетнего the citizen of Moldova, without documents and without a certain residence), trading without the permission кришнаитской the literature at station "Kuznetsk bridge", known религиовед. The attacked has been detained, in militia corresponding documents are made, physicians make survey of the victim and the document on character put to it the sectarian of physical injuries is made. ANNAS - 5/17/2006. |
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#66082011-12-22 16:44http://www.k-istine.ru/sects/mosk/mosk_news-25.htm Sects / "the International society of consciousness of Krishna" Кришнаит, brutally killed in 2000 of the orthodox priest in Evenkii, it is torn to pieces by a bear On March, 21st, 2000 R.Ljubetsky directly in church has killed celibate priest Grigory Jakovleva, and the cut head of the priest has carried in an altar and has put on a throne. The criminal detained this very day has declared that operated under instructions of "god of Krishna", the newspaper "Komsomol truth" writes on March, 24th. The court recognised R.Ljubetsky as madman, it have sent on treatment to psychiatrists in prison hospital. However after a while the criminal has been written out. In the autumn of 2009 hunters have found boots and blood-stained clothes in a Krasnoyarsk taiga. Local residents assert that it is R.Ljubetsky's things. Just at this time in wood bears-rods wandered. In Round till now remember father Grigory. Every year in day of its destruction, on March, 21st, parishioners gather at a tomb of the former prior of the Troitsk temple. Interfax-religion - 3/24/2010. Note МС. What here it is possible to tell? To a dog - the dog death. The analysis of cases of murders of orthodox priests shows a punishment inevitability for a criminal conduct. The writing gives the grounds to consider that murderers of Christians receive punishment already during lifetime: "And when It has removed the fifth press, I have seen under a soul altar убиенных for a word of Bozhie and for the certificate which they had. They also have begun to yell a loud voice, speaking: how long, Lord Svjatyj and True, you do not judge and you do not revenge living on the earth for our blood?" (Otkr. 6:9-10). Has received requital both this "madman", and the murderer of father Daniel Sysoyev whom have shot down as a spiteful dog soon enough after the evil deed made by it, will receive воздание and other murderers of priests. |
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#66092011-12-22 16:48Искренне надеюсь, что это недоразумение скоро уладится. Бхагават Гита вне времени и судить ее _ чистый абсурд... Счастья всем и мира! Харе Кришна! |
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#66102011-12-22 16:48Люди пытающиеся судить Бхагавад Гиту проявили свое полное невежество и глупость. Я следую этому учению 20лет и оно помогает мне решать все проблемы возникающие в моей жизни. |
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#66112011-12-22 16:48http://www.k-istine.ru/sects/mosk/mosk_ivanova.htm Sects / "the International society of consciousness of Krishna" From Krishna to the Christ To me 24 years, christened me in 9 years, воцерковлением nobody was engaged, parents were atheists. To 21 years enjoyed life "to the full extent", in the meantime the feeling of internal emptiness and неудоволетворенности accrued. The daughter was born, and we have undersigned with my present husband. Difficulties was much, it was necessary to move from St.-Petersburg to a small town of Leningrad region and to lodge at parents of the husband. I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown; everything that I appreciated: girlfriends, work, hobbies - all remains behind, and I - alone with myself, the unripe person who is not able neither to bring up the small child, nor to build relations with numerous relatives with whom I should live now under one roof. The husband worked much and was tired, and at me the despair, a hysteria and aggression to relatives accrued. I felt, how my nervous system, and health falls. And here my cousin has brought to me a disk with an inscription of "Vedy". Has told - listen, brains rise into place. I began to listen, I liked at once the lecturer, and on all that he spoke, I inside had any response. I then trusted in something, I do not know in what. Лазарева liked to esteem, about relationship of cause and effect порассуждать. And here I began to listen greedy it and other lecturers. Names them I do not want to name, as nevertheless I respect these people, and it would not be desirable me to believe that they any morons. After a while I have felt that already I use such concept as "God", and before considered that there is only certain "absolute". That is personal representation about God has appeared. Then yet did not connect this concept with any name. I lined the husband to listen to lectures with me. He, the good-natured simple guy, after the first lecture has told to me: something it "the ancient knowledge" very much reminds a forbidden Tree of Knowledge... I have told: yes you that - foolish? Here, on the contrary - about God, about morals!! Also has rushed … Early liftings, kilometric areas of lectures, Vedic cuisine, hysterical quarrels with parents on a theme: to feed the child with meat or not. Later - reading of Bhagavad-Gity and reading махамантры. There were also good fruits, with it will not argue. I became дисциплинированнее, more responsibly, have ceased to dare to make eyes at other guys. At first relations with the husband of a steel осознаннее, spiritual practice pull together us. He has ceased to drink beer, to look silly films. So has passed two years. I decently raked over the coals to those from my friends who did not forget me and came on a visit. Listened with interest but so desperately nobody was fond - all had hobbies - study, music, love. And I breathed also a vein these lectures, these videos, books. I and my husband. Once we with a daughter have rung out in hospital. There I in tears prayed to the Christ for a daughter. Me and in a head then has not come to pray to Krishna. Then we have left, and I have forgotten about this case. However, it is frequent with interest listened to A.I.Osipova, metropolitan Antonija Surozhsky, read the New testament. Thought: yes, Christians, apparently, too not fools. Contradictions did not find. What contradictions? Simply Christians do not catch up that God of the Father is called Krishna, and in the rest by them class children. Further I have read the book about Shrile Prabhupada and have like to it strong sympathy. I have decided that will suffice to be at a stop, now I will search for possibilities to visit in Peter meetings кришнаитов, to ask Krishna that has sent me the guru who will cut my false ego, to learn Bhagavad-Gitu by heart, earlier to rise, more to read circles. The determination burst forth. We have gone with the husband on meeting кришнаитов (for me the first, and, probably, the last), I was delighted with dances and an entertainment (the food offered deities). We have agreed with the husband that at any possibility we will go there. Anybody there did not approach to us also imposed nothing. The lecturer was not pleasant - has seemed arrogant and haughty, completely not such, as those my favourite lecturers as whom I considered then as the correspondence gurus. And further there was a following. The daughter has started to be ill. And that my sister has told to me – christen the child, do not leave it without a guardian angel. But at first, speaks, itself confess and причастись. So she has told, because knew my sinful youth and my behaviour during pregnancy. Well, sins of a youth and me did not give rest, and I have dared at this step. To repent of the кришнаизме at me and thought was not, opposite - it seemed to me that it will be treachery, and the Christ of it will not estimate. Church books about a repentance in heresy somehow did not teach me - brains were well обкатаны. When I have come to our small temple, there was only one-two person. All liturgy I have cried, in hope that to a confession nobody leaves. The service was conducted by the father, there was in it something extremely mild, strict and serious. I have thought, God forbid to it to confess - such it to me has seemed to the considerable. But it was necessary to it. However, fortunately. In tears and snivels, stammering, I have read the confession, and it is difficult to tell that I have tested, when he has started talking to me - in its voice was not condemnation shades, and any even fatherlike love, whether that! He saw in me the person in spite of the fact that has just heard a dirt about me more than someone! I have thought: if this simple priest such, what Christ? I was amazed with its words and the sermon - such simple, children's, plain. It very much differed from those кришнаитский sermons which I loved and to which has got used. In a week причастилась (in кришнаизме still did not repent). And further the most interesting has begun. At me the presents ломки have suddenly begun. And mental and even the physical. It seemed to me that my consciousness collapses. Threw that in heat in a cold, I began to cry much, panic attacks, obsessions have begun and is maniacal-depression. I still read a mantra, and also orthodox молитвослов and the Gospel. There was a feeling that Krishna has left me (and I at that point in time felt богообщение). The condition was simply on the verge психбольницы. I have decided to go причаститься once again, me заломало even more strongly and the feeling has suddenly come that these two years I was strongly-strongly deceived. On an altar I had Krishna, Prabhupada, the Christ and the Virgin. I have cleaned Shrilu Prabhupada and Krishna. Has then put them into place. Then has again cleaned. Me "колбасило" it is intolerable. I am hardly cunning to church and without a special repentance have told on a confession about the кришнаизме. Store, My God, this father! He has not condemned me and did not begin to press in any way on me. Has simply told: the victim Christ's is great, we should understand it. Seeing my condition, has admitted to the Participle though it was felt that he doubts, whether costs. Not at once I could refuse and these lectures, both from music, and from mantras, all pulled, then again turned inside out. Repented and причащалась. The father did not abuse me, with relief sighed, seeing that I have once again come. Has already passed half a year. Hardly to me it is given воцерковление, oh, not easily. Even nervous breakdowns happen, but very much pulls in church. Only now, reading the Gospel, I understand, how it is a lot of discrepancies in кришнаитских arguments. And remembering itself to воцерковления, sometimes I am horrified, on how many I have been freezed. Once has told that I am not afraid to lose anybody from relatives. Because considered itself of the restrained and executed love for God. But now I am afraid of all and everything, even the shade. I was waited many by unpleasant opening when I have come to church. Everything that I there навоображала to itself so fell down suddenly that mum do not grieve. And the main thing - my husband still in a theme and how on it to affect? - Probably, only to pray. After all any person could not teach me. Friends speak now: we tried to teach you, but you were, as coded. For the second year of our spiritual practice we with the husband kept away from each other more and more. Emotions in my life became ever less. I did all of "call of duty", forbidding itself to "enjoy" relations with the child, the husband, girlfriends, including such pleasure by display of the lowest rough feelings. I did not notice, how I become reserved, as I divide the world into those who is cut into something and on with whom there is nothing to speak in general. I do not want to argue on those прабху which [1] I have started to respect, and which to me seem raised people. Where they go? I do not know... But only, кришнаиты, darlings, we should not be naive and speak that we accept the Christ. The Christ has gone to bat for our sins, He has tested all horror богооставленности, has gone down in a hell to release us from death. And we consider It only as one of the guru proclaiming consciousness of God. Hardly probable we honour It more than any of the guru. Let's not be deceived. Certainly, it is possible to tell that it is simple I did not go a true spiritual way. But if this knowledge is true, and I have simply got confused, where a guarantee, what many other things will not get confused? I do not know what to tell, I while am simple in shock. By the way, it absolutely agree with Vitaly Pitanovym about that feelings [2] and from an orthodox prayer diametrically differ from a move-mantra [3]. In the first case is any ecstasy, flight, euphoria, разгорячение. In the second - something thin, quiet, cool, consoling. Now I have departed from all кришнаитского, I go to church, I will regularly confess and причащаюсь. Besides it has appeared that at me the huge religious self-conceit has grown for these years, and it is very difficult to me to understand that I - a clean sheet. I feel light in the end of a tunnel, but sometimes I understand that I need the help of the good believing psychotherapist. Unfortunately, often I hesitate to talk to priests, but rescue them My God, it is more such, as they! I will name itself Anastas Ivanov, a name and a surname not the presents, my husband sympathises till now кришнаизму therefore superfluous scandals are not necessary to me, and the letter we name "from Krishna to the Christ". Anastas Ivanov LiveJournal - Vitaly Pitanov - 3/3/2010. Notes and the used literature 1. Прабху - "mister" so вайшнавы respectfully address to the instructors literally means. 2. The mantra to "Jara Krishna" is considered in sect кришнаитов main. Кришнаиты consider that its reading will make their happy and quiet. Pitanova V. Ju's comment. 3. An audio record: Pitanov V. Ju. The certificate on spiritual experience or from sectarianism to the Christ (6/18/2009). apologet.orthodox.ru |
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#66122011-12-22 16:50there is no reason for Russia to ban this holy book since it has not caused any issue. People believing in this book believes in Live & let live as well which is probably better than following other alternates. |
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#66132011-12-22 16:51http://www.k-istine.ru/sects/mosk/mosk_moroz.htm The Hare-Krishna doctrine has demonic character Known Petersburg priest Alex Moroz has commented on the actions which have taken place in the Russian regions кришнаитов … "Society" Consciousness of Krishna "represents the modernised variant индуизма which inherently is демононаправленной religion in view of that it is free or is not free, the person by means of offered индуизмом an expert adjoins to the world of the fallen spirits. Besides кришнаиты the various modern psychotechnicians leading to deep internal defeats of the human person" use, – the known Petersburg priest, the head Diocesan has declared in interview to "Russian line" "Revival" is out-patient-consultation centre, the candidate of pedagogical sciences иерей Alex Moroz, making comments on the information on the mass action which has passed in the Saratov region "International society of consciousness of Krishna". As it is informed in the statement of the press-service of the Saratov diocese, on September, 12th in the regional centre there has passed the mass action of this pseudo-religious organisation which is classified by modern religious studies as totalitarian destructive sect. By organizers of sectarian action have been planned "the dramatized procession with a chariot", "a free entertainment royal sweets", musical show "Mantra-fate-dans". The action passed in frameworks "Days of the Indian culture in Saratov", as "Festival of Vedic culture". Thus organizers of action, have naturally held back the ceremonial party of the "holiday" including ritual singing of mantras, taste идоложертвенной food and performance кришнаитского the preacher. Especially offensive for orthodox believers was also that the action кришнаитов took place in day of memory sacred благоверного prince Alexander Nevsky in Park "are sticky" – in immediate proximity from a place where was destroyed богоборцами the Saratov cathedral Aleksandro-Neva cathedral, – informs a diocesan site. Celebrating of "Radha-jatry" – one of the main celebrations кришнаитов, also has passed "within the limits of a year of Russia in India" and in other regions, in particular, in Primorski Krai. As father Alex Moroz has explained РЛ, mantras кришнаитов are turned to demons which sectarians call "gods" and consequences such "молебствий" are obvious." The main mantra "Hari Krishna" which they constantly repeat, represents ритмологический an appeal to the world of the fallen spirits, whence демонологический the agent, standing up for a name "Krishna", responds and influences the adherents. As Krishna in one of transfers means a name "black", and "mugs" – "good fortune" or "gift" leaves that adherents of sect some thousand times a day call "black good fortune","black gift". It is obvious that as a result of such action their consciousness мутируется and opens for influence of powers of darkness. At constant repetition of a mantra the person enters into this rhythmics, all its body is adjusted on this rhythm, it starts to vibrate and opens for a source of this vibration. And after all behind each mantra there is a demon. It is known that one of the most ancient mantras – "аум" which Buddhists and кришнаиты use also, is a mantra of the Satan ", – the orthodox pastor has told. "As a result, – the priest has added, – the person it becomes simple the patient. All event he perceives at an angle doctrines of the sect, naturally, its people, and our Native land any more its Native land escape from the native environment and Russian people for such sectarian any more. All that is here, for it there is alien, and that is close to it is in the homeland of Krishna, i.e. in India. They are the people who completely have dropped out of a context of Russian culture, working on its decomposition and destruction and finally разрушающе operating on our people, on our outlook and on our country". Thus father Alex has underlined that movement of Krishna is criticised and in the India, where its followers much less, than in Russia and the countries of Europe. "Hindus consider that it is the deformed version of their religion which can harm more likely, than advantage. I.e. this doctrine there is not accepted and does not admit. And use modern the psychotechnician allows to carry this movement to totalitarian sects which change consciousness, spirit of the person, do by its slave to sect", – the priest marks. "This sect, certainly, is dangerous both to the separate person, and for all country, therefore it is necessary for it to render counteraction. It is just necessary to explain to people that our Native land of more 1000 is the Christian country, all our ancestors were orthodox, and, receding from belief of fathers, – we betray them, our Native land, our culture, we become traitors and destroyers. We are obliged to tell about demonic character кришнаитского doctrines, about its negative influence on mentality. It dooms the followers to death, therefore any participation in this movement is the extremely harmful, both for the person, and for a society as a whole", – Alex Moroz has concluded иерей. Russian line – 9/15/2008. |
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#66142011-12-22 16:55http://www.k-istine.ru/sects/mosk/mosk_dvorkin-03.htm Sects / "the International society of consciousness of Krishna" krishna(?)-fanatic has made ritual murder of the orthodox priest Recently all our Church was shaken by the message on brutal murder of the orthodox priest in Krasnoyarsk region. We have asked to comment on this tragedy managing chair сектоведения Orthodox Piously-Tihonovsky Theological institute of professor Alexander Leonidovicha Dvorkin. - Alexander Leonidovich, what all the same has occurred? - At night on the eve of a spring equinox on March, 21st, 2000 the admirer индуистского god of Krishna has killed the Russian orthodox priest in far Siberian settlement of Round. The priest - celibate priest Grigory - since November, 4th, 1997 was the prior of a house of worship in the item of Round of Evenki area of Krasnoyarsk region. According to colonel Ivan Panova, the head of the Department of Internal Affairs of Evenki area, the murderer - Roman Gavrilov (1973 of a birth), armed self-made шилом, at 3 o'clock in the morning was knocked at a door of father Grigory. The priest has opened a door, and the murderer has struck to it blow шилом in heart and two in a neck. When father Grigory has fallen, Gavrilov cut off to it a head a penknife, having broken thus a knife. Further the fanatic has come together with a head of the killed priest into a temple premise, has enclosed a head round a throne so that dripping blood has formed a circle on a floor, and then has put a head of father Grigory on a throne. The murderer has been detained next morning. At detention Gavrilov was called as the Novel of Harievichem Krishnitsem. Evil deed the murderer has not repented of a criminal conduct. On the first interrogation he admitted that carried out command of god: Krishna was to it in the sleep and has in details described that it should make. Now Gavrilov is in a temporary detention facility at the Department of Internal Affairs Rounds and, according to employees of a call centre, sings in the chamber a mantra to "Jara Krishna". - And why the priest so late has opened a door to the stranger at night? - Father Grigory has opened a door to the criminal as with it it was familiar. As local residents tell, earlier it helped restless кришнаиту, has supplied with its warm clothes and many times talked to it, trying to convince to refuse errors. - Alexander Leonidovich, but arises such question: after all about кришнаитах it is often possible to hear that they, say, vegetarians, preach a nonviolence and in general silent and quiet children. Odd fellows, of course, but will not offend a fly. And their writing too learns to nonresistance to harm violence. Is not so. In doctrines "Society of consciousness of Krishna", really, there is an interdiction for the use of meat food. But the interdiction for murder of the person there does not exist. Here some citations from кришнаитских вероучительных sources: "Refusal of violence in the politician can be good for the diplomatic purposes, but never should be made a principle" (Bhagavad-Gita as it is. Гл. 2, the comment to the text 31). "The violence made according to principles of religion, much more above so-called" nonviolences "(Shrimad Bhagavatam. A song 1, p.1, 2, гл. 7, the comment to the text 36)." Who is not guided by a false ego and whose reason is free, that, even killing people in this world, does not kill, and acts have no it for it consequences "(Bhagavad-Gita as it is. Гл. 18, the text 17)." Any person operating in consciousness of Krishna … even killing, does not make murder, as well as it is not mentioned by consequences of such act "(Bhagavad-Gita as it is. Гл. 18, the comment to the text 17)." The actions executed in consciousness of Krishna, under Its management from within, do not involve consequences neither in this life, nor in life after death "(Bhagavad-Gita as it is. Гл. 18, the comment to the text 13)." Reached perfect consciousnesses of Krishna in final ito-ge are not responsible for the actions. All depends on the higher will … "(Bhagavad-Gita as it is. Гл. 18, the comment to the text 14). Here see, it is possible to kill, and sometimes even it is necessary. Moreover, if to make murder in" consciousness of Krishna "leaves that you do good work. But after all Gavrilov also considered that operates not simply in" consciousness of Krishna ", but under the direct instructions and the order of the deity. - But, as far as I know, кришнаиты say that these ancient texts cannot be taken literally. Say, and at desire it is possible to find violence and murder in the Bible. - Pay attention, those citations which I have resulted, is not citations from ancient texts. These are modern comments to texts. And these comments have been written in second half of XX-th century by the founder of "the Society of consciousness of Krishna" Svami Prabhupada. Whether saw you sometime modern church comments to the Bible in which something would be told similar? - Whether there was any reaction кришнаитского managements on murder? - The Moscow management "the Center of societies of consciousness of Krishna in Russia" has operatively reacted to an event, having declared that the murderer has to them no any relation. However, such behaviour is characteristic for "the Society of consciousness of Krishna" which always renounced the criminals when they have been caught red-handed. And crimes (including cruel murders) for short history of this псевдоиндуистской sects it was made more than enough. Moreover, even murder with the subsequent cutting of a head also is not the first in the history of modern кришнаизма. In 1987 in London one of adherents of sect several blows by a knife has killed the guru Dzhejatirtu then the same knife cut off to him a head. Джейатирта was one of eleven gurus-successors appointed Prabhupada - the founder of "the Society of consciousness of Krishna", and inheriting to it. However, the question at all in, whether was registered formally Gavrilov on a member of "the Society of consciousness of Krishna" at the moment of murder, the main thing in that charge of hatred which is put in the sect literature, and in that absolute power which кришнаитские gurus have over the followers. This explosive combination also can result (as, however, and resulted) the person with unstable mentality in the most terrible crimes. - Whether something is known to you about Russian Orthodox Church reaction? - As "the evil deed directed against Sacred Church" Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Alex has regarded II ritual murder of the orthodox cleric made on March, 21st in Krasnoyarsk region. About it it is told in the telegramme of the condolence which the day before the head of Church has sent addressed to the archbishop of Krasnoyarsk and Yenisei Antonija "With grief has apprehended news about foul murder of the clergyman of the Krasnoyarsk diocese - the prior of the Piously-Troitsk temple of a city of Round of celibate priest Grigory", - it is marked in the telegramme. In it Patriarch Alex has presented sincere condolences to the ruling bishop, clergy, parishioners, the family почившего which, as he said, "has entirely devoted itself to service to God and people"."Dividing a loss pain, I pray, that the Lord упокоил its soul in settlements heavenly and has created to it eternal memory", - is told in the telegramme conclusion. And here that is told in the diocesan message on ritual murder of father Grigory:" We regard this tragedy, as consequence of wide advertising in any mass media of pseudo-religiousness, return to wild pagan cults of a Satanism and idea cultivation многобожия the new sample under a name of the Christ, it is artificial now spread illogically and to the Scriptus which is not supposing divisions of uniform, God-given belief on any отсебятину of charlatans and многоверия. Yes the Lord will accept I smother slave Bozhija to celibate priest Grigory Jakovleva in The Heavenly Monasteries as истинноверного the Son of Church Orthodox, having forgiven it through its martyr death all its sins ". - Whether you can add still something to the aforesaid? - Burial service of the dead has been made on March, 23rd. Archbishop Antony considers that in a temple just blood for the Christ and consequently divine services will proceed here has been spilt. The chief of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs of Evenki area Ivan Panov in telephone conversation has informed that the death of hotly favourite priest has shaken townsmen and that after that events all city has addressed to the Christ. It is obvious that our Church has got the new martyr and the prayer book for us at Prestola Bozhija. And that the death of father Grigory has played such role in become for it native far Evenki settlement, shows that all event was not casual and that the Lord has called for Itself The faithful slave who has passed the most difficult examination. *** Celibate priest Grigory (in the world Gennady Mihajlovich Jakovlev) was born on October, 3rd, 1949 in a city of Bodaibo of the Irkutsk region. After 8 classes of high school has ended Agrarian политехникум (1968) Served in Navy fleet with 1969 for 1972 Has ended then истфак the Odessa State university in 1978 Has accepted the same year the Sacred Christening. In the beginning it was the parishioner of one of temples of Barnaul, then became алтарником a temple in a Petro-Pavlovsk temple of Anzhero Sudzhensk of the Kemerovo diocese, 1981 till October, 1982 bore obedience in Pokrovsk a cathedral of Tobolsk, and since January, 1983 was the psalm reader in the Uspensky cathedral of Yeniseisk. In Irkutsk on December, 12th, 1986 accepts a dignity диакона, on December, 13th the same year – a dignity иерея. Since June, 5th, 1987 – the prior of the Piously-Nikolsky temple in village Listvjanki of the Irkutsk region, since May, 1st, 1988 – a private secretary of the archbishop Irkutsk and Angarsk. On May, 5th, 1994 sending from Moscow cancers (tombs) for prelate Innokentija Irkutsk has been charged it. Father Gennady has been translated from January, 1995 in the Krasnojarsko-Yenisei diocese, on March, 26th the same year accepts a monkhood with Grigory's name in the Spaso-Preobrazhenskiy monastery. Since November, 4th, 1997 it accepts affairs on настоятельству in a house of worship in Round settlement (Эвенкия). Nikolay Ratnikov talked The centre свщмч. Иринея Lyons - 4/1/2000. |
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#66152011-12-22 16:57This is a very disturbing sign of the age of Kali Hare krishna, This will surely be overturned Regards Renu Ps: Gita will hopefully get more penetration in Russia with this incident |
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#66162011-12-22 16:57Shri mad Bhagwatgeeta I am Supported becouse this is most peaceful,mercyful & sprituly best grantha... |
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#66172011-12-22 16:59http://www.k-istine.ru/sects/mosk/mosk_pandit.htm Interview with indologist Moti Lal Pandit About "the International society of consciousness of Krishna" Question: Please, be presented. Who you by training and what your trade? Moti Lal Pandit: My name is Moti Lal Pandit, I индолог. I have written about 25 books devoted индуизму and the Buddhism. Now I teach in Delhi, and also closely I co-operate with the International Dialogue-centre in Arhus. Now I, basically, specialise on Buddhism studying. Also I one of editors of magazine "Mystic India". I the Catholic, was catholicized from индуизма, I occur from a family брахманов. I try to inform to Hindus essence of Christian spirituality, and to give the chance to Christians to familiarise with the Buddhism and индуизмом. I am engaged in it for a long time. In: That do you think of statements of members МОСК what they are representatives traditional индуизма? МЛП: the Movement which has arisen in XVI century in India, more precisely, in Bengal, combined Vedic and not Vedic traditions of India, however then it occurred in frameworks more or less orthodox индуизма. From your permission I nevertheless will name its orthodox. As to movement to "Jara Krishna" (this phenomenon has arisen in 60-70th years in America), though теологически it partly and continues a line which has arisen in a XVII-th century, социологически it is perfect to it does not belong. Also explain it two circumstances: first, МОСК for own propagation has apprehended new western techniques. And secondly, МОСК exists mainly for the western people. According to the tradition accepted in индуизме to become the Hindu it is impossible, they can be born only. In this sense МОСК is a modernist interpretation. They are absolutely not right, when declare that represent traditional индуизм as actually are followers completely not Vedic, and sectarian tradition. In: Really, there are some levels индуизма. One is ostensibly 5000-year-old Vedic tradition. The second - much younger cult of Krishna. And, at last, the movement which has arisen in a XVII-th century under Chajtani. But whereas you explain the fact that among the books which have been let out МОСК, practically there are no works of Chajtani. Everything that you will find are Prabhupada's books. Even if it is "Bhagavad-Gita" - you will find out not the classical text of this poem, and Prabhupada's supplied with its comments only modernist retelling. МЛП: Earlier Prabhupada belonged to the theological school which founder is Chajtanja. Prabhupada has given to this doctrine the new interpretation. In this sense we can quite tell that it is the founder of new tradition. On the one hand, it is connected with tradition of Chajtani, on the other hand is a new religious movement. Because it is turned only to the West, to неиндусам. In: What relation of Hindus to МОСК? МЛП: First the white people (Americans) dancing in streets of India, caused in them euphoria. But now Hindus more do not accept МОСК. You see even in the centre of all movement, in Mature where, under the legend, was born Krishna, they are not authorised to come into traditional temples. At all it is not authorised, because they white-skinned and traditional индуизм them at all does not recognise. They lead the closed life in the Indian society, without mixing up with it. And the Indian society does not accept them. In: Please, repeat once again the name of that place where was born Krishna. МЛП: It is Matura, in area Vrindavana. In Vrindavane is their own ашрам. But into traditional temples it do not allow to enter. Absolutely. And when are spent индуистские the congresses or other actions organised by traditional Hindus or the guru, representatives МОСК never to them invite. In this sense they do not represent индуизм as that. The same occurs and to Christian sects. They can proclaim themselves Christians, but unless them recognises though one traditional faith? In: whether it is comparable with the relation between sect "Witnesses of Iegovy" and Christianity? МЛП: And and is not present. Understand, in индуизме any and everyone can create sect. At us it is uncontrolled process. In: you want to tell, what in India a word "sect" does not bear negative sense? МЛП: Exactly. If you the strong guru or the strong person, you can organise sect and collect round yourselves followers. And associates will not worry about it. But as soon as you want to unite with traditional system, at once there will be a problem - you will be accepted by it or not. The Buddhism, for example, has been accepted by considerable number индуистов, but traditionally it runs counter to theological bases индуизма. The Same and with МОСК - in modern индуизме it is considered as неоиндуизм. It can accept as неоиндуистское a current, but traditional индуизм at all does not recognise it. In: So, why МОСК cannot be recognised by traditional индуизмом? Only for the reason, what its members were not born in India? МЛП: No, not only. As well because of their theological interpretation. At them the head, the divinity, the school which is called as "Geda-Veda" that the dualism and монизм means. That school to which Prabhupada belonged, more does not recognise it. Here that the main thing. They do not recognise its interpretation of tradition. It belonged to this school, but has based new sect, it means that it has broken away from the school, and she more does not recognise it. When it was still live, him at all did not invite to participate in the congresses. In: But, probably, it did not make for it a problem as it was happy with growth of own movement. МЛП: Yes, it was happy, because has created, so to say, own индуизм or the sect. And financially it did not depend any more on traditional school to which earlier belonged, even became much richer than it. In: whether Usually for неоиндуистских sects to proclaim itself representatives of ancient Vedic tradition? Or it is feature only МОСК, for example, in Russia? МЛП: the Majority неоиндуистских the sects operating in the West, do not assert that they belong to traditional индуизму. For example, such as Radzhnesh or Aurobindo or Missija Ramakrishny do not assert that represent traditional индуизм. They will tell that their doctrine is eclectic, but in a basis lies индуизм. In this sense МОСК it is strong from them differs. Its members for what do not name themselves неоиндуистами, but will assure that they strictly adhere брахманических to traditions. At first sight, it is truth since they really shave off hair, dance in streets, the western people outwardly completely индианизируются adhere to a special diet, otherwise. In other sects their members cultural not индианизируются. And this strong distinction. In МОСК you cultural and mentally индианизируетесь. In: What relation to МОСК from a society and the government of India? МЛП: Indifferent. As I already spoke, in India a large quantity of sects. And so was from the very beginning индуизма. Therefore nobody is surprised to that there are new sects. However, Radzhnesha nobody has accepted. It was the only thing who has revolted Hindus with the sexual orgies. Other sects did not excite neither the government, nor a society as a whole. Because only so индуизм also functions. If you the influential person, you can surround yourselves with pupils and to become god. It excites nobody. The same in India occurs and to Islam (It is necessary to notice that over the last ten years the relation of authorities of India to sect has changed. So the embassy of India actively lobbied building huge кришнаитского a temple in Moscow. – comment МС). On July, 1st, 1996 Arhus, Denmark The centre свщмч. Иринея Lyons, Moscow |
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#66182011-12-22 17:03Индуисты, протестуя против секты свами Прабхупады (кришнаитов), сожгли его изображение Dec. 20th, 2011 at 11:13 PM Оригинал взят у pitanovв Индуисты, протестуя против секты свами Прабхупады (кришнаитов), сожгли его изображение Жрецы Храма Джаганнатхи снова поднялись против секты «Международное общество сознания Кришны», которое, несмотря на прошлогоднюю критику с разных сторон, скорее всего снова будет праздновать Ратха Ятру в разные даты в разных частях света. Большое количество жрецов и энтузиастов под флагом Шри Джаганнатха Сены, местной влиятельной фигуры, устроили во вторник демонстрацию перед знаменитой святыней 12 века, протестуя против несвоевременного проведения ИСККОНом Ратха Ятры в различных городах, включая Нью Дели и Лудхиану. Разгневанные жрецы сожгли изображение Шрилы Прабхупады, основателя секты ИСККОН. Скорее всего, ИСККОН будет проводить Ратха Ятру в разных городах Индии в ближайшие пару месяцев, сообщили некоторые жрецы принадлежащие к традиционному индуизму. «Снова и снова общество ИСККОН попирает наши традиции и нормы. Вот и в прошлом году они не обратили внимания на наши протесты и провели Ратха Ятру в разные даты в разных городах страны», заявил Приядаршан Паттанаик, представитель комитета Сены. «Хотя храмы Джаганнатхи есть в каждом уголке мира, настоящей обителью Джаганнатхи является Храм в Пури. И следуя вековой традиции, ежегодная Ратха Ятра Джаганнатхи празднуется в асадха шукла двития, который выпадает на июнь и июль грегорианского календаря», добавил Паттанаик. Жрецы упрекают администрацию Храма Джаганнатхи за то, что она мало что делает для того, чтобы остановить такую практику секты ИСККОН. «В прошлый раз власти святыни пообещали предпринять судебные шаги против руководства ИСККОН после того, как последние не прислушались к предупреждению. Но власти Храма не выполнили обещание. И под их попустительством секта ИСККОН снова провела Ратха Ятру в разные дни», сказал Сомнатх Кунтия. http://k-istine-icxc.livejournal.com/ |
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#66192011-12-22 17:05hare krishna , muzhe lagta hai ki krishna ki leela ka ye ek aur leela hai jisme jeetshri krishna ki hogi, thats why called kliyuga... Hari Bol |
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#66202011-12-22 17:07The lie is amazed how many have splashed out кришнаиты with begun litigation! Dec. 20th, 2011 at 12:45 AM "Since the birth have receded impious, From a womb of mother are mistaken, telling lie" Пс.57:4 "Your father a devil; and you want to execute Lusts of your father. It was the murderer From the beginning also has not resisted in true for there is no in it a true. When he tells lie, tells the, For it the liar and the father of lie" Ин.8:44 "You will ruin telling lie..." Пс.5:7 The lie is amazed how many have splashed out кришнаиты with the litigation which has begun on December, 19th in Tomsk about a recognition неокришнаитской books "Bhagavad-gita as it is" the extremist! So for example, кришнаитский lawyer Alexander Shahov (the former Khabarovsk public prosecutor whom have expelled for illegal attempts to pursue critics of sect "Society of consciousness of Krishna"), has declared to journalists: "Essentially not such categorical conclusion. There only one moment (!) connected with propagation of restriction of freedom of women". New psycholinguistic examination as I know, even more more rigidly. And differently could not and to be! Here our analysis of this book: the founder Book "Society of consciousness of Krishna" Abhaj Charan De "Bhagavad-gita as it is" – all, who not кришнаиты – demons, the fallen sinners, fools and ignoramuses. Malignant gossip to all некришнаитам (malignant gossip, instead of the objective criticism) - penetrates all book! By radio today has still heard that, say, scientists ТГУ have refused examination. Nobody refused examination. Weak-willed, got on plagiarism (alas) Svistunov, and only he, has refused own CONCLUSIONS. Кришнаиты recently advertise opinion as the authoritative seminary student of the professor of chair of philosophy SibGmU Nikolay Karpitsky. From what it is authority on religious studies on Tomsk became рЁрехнутый (in sense the person of okkultno-sectarian consciousness) Karpitsky which now so like to quote кришнаиты? This person if I am not mistaken, have expelled (have friendly asked to leave at own will) in due time from ТГУ that it … expelled demons from students. Кришнаиты also have splashed out misinformation in the Indian mass-media. So one (you guess, pro-American) Indian газетенка "Times of India" has crafty given heading and introduction to article: "Bhagavad Gita faces ' extremist ' branding, ban in Russia Bhagavad Gita, one of the holiest Hindu scriptures, is facing a legal ban and the prospect of being branded as "an extremist" literature across Russia. A court in Siberia's Tomsk city is set to deliver its final verdict Monday in a case filed by state prosecutors ". I will explain according to this journalist of lie, judge, not "Bhagavad-gitu as it is" - неокришнаитский new affairs of the middle of the XX-th century, and already Bhagavad-gitu, "the sacred" Indian writing … All it becomes сатаною to make the international scandal for the sake of small sect (in Russia all nearby 3000 кришнаитов see - the Society of consciousness of Krishna in Russia - the dwarf with huge ambitions), кришнаиты try to provoke the Indian nationalists. The government of India has enough prudence not to quarrel from Russia for the sake of marginal sect (it the meeting of high-ranking officials of India has shown and businessmen from V.Putinym - there nobody has brought up a question on court in Tomsk). By the way, Bhagavad-gita does not concern the case of sacred books индуизма. In detail about this here: As the birdie has grown to god of the whole world (about god кришнаитов). If the Indian extremists begin the next pogroms of Christians in India is will be on your false conscience, кришнаиты! I should notice that lie revelry in mass-media occur thanks to the worthless press-service of Tomsk Office of Public Prosecutor. One adequate statement of the press-service could neutralise instantly all lie and кришнаитов, and journalists (many of which, truth, meaningly extend lie about litigation in Tomsk). It is necessary to understand, the Office of Public Prosecutor has faced what false people, which unlike criminals are able to work with the press. Here some examples: It is impossible to begin good business, having put in its basis law brazen violation - the Answer of Missionary department of the Tomsk diocese of Russian Orthodox Church to the statement of the Tomsk society of consciousness of Krishna Tomsk кришнаиты regularly and maliciously break the law "About a freedom of worship" - we continue to inform the representative under human rights in the Tomsk region Nelli Krechetovu - On topic of the day And here about lie кришнаитских defenders: I congratulate, again соврамши … the Review of Boris Falikova's article "Gita and a bat" - professor Alexander Dvorkin Кришнаитов in Tomsk the former employee of Office of Public Prosecutor of Khabarovsk, convicted of corruption - a selection of materials protects Nelli Krechetova - or absolutely incompetent legal expert, or lies, or that and another or who actually was dishonoured? - Comments to performance authorised under human rights in the Tomsk region Nelli Stepanovny Krechetovoj on radio "Echo Moscow" in Tomsk. However: "Everything receding from Your charters, You depose, for their shifts - lie" (Пс.118:118). "The perjurer does not remain unpunished and who speaks lie, will not escape" (Прит.19:5). And at last, a position of Orthodox Church concerning sects as a whole and "Societies of consciousness of Krishna" in particular: Definition of the Arhierejsky Cathedral of Russian Orthodox Church of 1994 "About pseudo-Christian sects, neopaganism and an occultism" - Patriarhija.Ru Maxim Stepanenko, the head Missionary department of the Tomsk diocese Russian Orthodox Church "On topic of the day" - 12/19/2011 http://k-istine-icxc.livejournal.com/ |
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#66212011-12-22 17:08The image of Krishna in an orthodox temple Dec. 20th, 2011 at 12:33 AM You know, what in the Bogojavlensky cathedral of Tomsk there is a list where it is drawn Krishna?! Thus in classical hinduist an iconography! http://k-istine-icxc.livejournal.com/62185.html |
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#66222011-12-22 17:10New sessions of court over "Bhagavad-gita as it is" Dec. 17th, 2011 at 3:42 AM On Monday new hearings in Tomsk by a recognition extremist кришнаитской books «Bhagavad-gita as it is» with the new expert judgement on December, 19th will take place. My God Jesus Christ Syne Bozhy, yes there will be Your will! Materials on this business on http://www.k-istine.ru/sects/mosk/mosk.htm see also http://k-istine-icxc.livejournal.com/60385.html |
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#66242011-12-22 17:24It would be in the best interest of your country to allow the expression of freedom of religion as in the case of the attempt of banning Bhagavad-gita. Bhagavad-gita helps in developing the good character of the citizens of any country. Thank you. |
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#66252011-12-22 17:28Мы требуем прекратить суд над священным писанием! Эта инициатива Томской прокуратуры задевает чувства верующих и позорит нашу страну! |
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