Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita



2011-12-22 19:43

Те , кто пытаются "засудить" великую книгу добра и справедливости лишь показывают свою глупость!
Бхактиведанта Свами Прабхупада принёс нам бесценный дар.



2011-12-22 19:44

Бхагавад-Гита нужна людям!



2011-12-22 19:44

я за справедливость, Бхагавад Гита лучшая книга в мире



2011-12-22 19:53

Bhagavad-gita is our soul.it is a hit for not only Santana community but also following all over people in the world. govt should not take this type of this decision. i wish govt,abandon their decision.



2011-12-22 19:55

Прекратите позориться! Остановите судилище над Бхагавад-Гитой.



2011-12-22 19:55

People should study and have knowledge of all religions to understand God.



2011-12-22 19:58

Да,собака лает, а караван идет.Пусть по гавкают,а движение Сознания Кришны уже не остановить



2011-12-22 20:24

Bhagavat Gita is for everyone. No one should ban it. No one can ban it.



2011-12-22 20:24

Hahaha, our presecution system is nothing, but clown show. Ahahaha, they judge the book they don't even read!!! LOOOL



2011-12-22 20:26




2011-12-22 20:56

Bhagavad Gita is a true treasure for whole of humanity and any act to ban it is an insult to our civilization and I strongly condemn such an act.



2011-12-22 21:13

Please stop.



2011-12-22 21:20

Let's live in a more tolerant world. The Gita is a holy song. Melodious. Let's not shun melody



2011-12-22 21:22

ishwar ne amrit ki boonde geeta ke roop mein dharati par bheji hai abhage wo hai jo isase door hai



2011-12-22 21:28

Философ, культуролог ГРИГОРИЙ ПОМЕРАНЦ: «В нашей Церкви есть живые ростки, живые приходы, но создается впечатление, что иерархия достаточно глубоко поражена»

– Сейчас в Томске книгу "Бхагавад-гита как она есть" пытаются объявить экстремистским материалом. Как Вы расцениваете это явление?

– Мне кажется, что если ее признают экстремистским материалом, то это будет международный скандал, потому что Бхагавад-гита — это явление мировой культуры. И осуждение одного из важнейших духовных памятников индийской культуры было бы просто скандалом.



2011-12-22 21:33

Bhagavad Gita is a manual spoken by God as how to lead a perfect life, how to realize God, how to Serve God and how to reach God. Banning Bhagavad Gita is simply banning the candles in our lives.

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2011-12-22 21:38



2011-12-22 21:40

Gita is the most appropriate scripture for the mankind.It is the way to live a perfect life.Only an ignorant can call it a extremist literature.It is the word of GOD .The enemy of Gita is the enemy of the mankind .Gita teaches to respect even the animals at par of human beings as it says every one is part and parcel of the supreme.It doesn't differentiate between Christian,Muslim and Hindu.Please go thruogh Gita completely under the guidance of Spritual master and try to understand a small 0.00000000000000000001 fraction of it and then you will understand the greatness, humility,love,affection and other qualities of this holy book.Even an atheist can not deny the greatness of this book which is very reasonble on all places and circumstances.

Please do not ban it as it is very useful for the survival of the mankind.



2011-12-22 22:07

Of all the countries, RUSSIA, should
pick on such a sensitive subject to Hindus of the world and Hindus particularly of India.
We all grew up thinking that Russia is our
wellwisher and a friend. I am sure it is the game of
politicians and not of people of that great country.



2011-12-22 22:13

Everyone has the right to read what he wants. It's against the rights of human beings to prohibit anyone to read something!



2011-12-22 22:31

The Gita is for all people, irrespective of religion or cultures. It is a shame that the Russian government wants to ban this ancient text that teaches society to live a clean, progressive life. Please do not ban the Gita and it's teachings from Russia.



2011-12-22 22:32

this is a disgrace to the holy name. why would anyone ban such holy scriptures? russia should be very embarassed. i feel really bad for the russian devotees.



2011-12-22 22:36

Freedom of speech, your thoughts in what you read and subsequent non aggressive actions should be a natural gift provided by our Lord,known by many names,there is but one for us all.
Our rights to do should not be suppressed by others who have a selfish or hidden agenda.
Let peace,good will and the right to read " The Bhagavad-Gita As It Is" be available to all.Thankyou.



2011-12-22 22:54

One of the greatest books which changed my life. Hare Krishna.



2011-12-22 23:03

The Bhagavad Gita is a sacred book that preaches love. It's most beneficial to mankind in every possible way