Asking Rep. Pete Stauber to hold in person town halls.

Rep. Pete Stauber is our US Representative for the 8th district of Minnesota.  The purpose of this petition is to compel Representative Stauber to hold an in-person town hall in Duluth before the end of June, 2025.  Duluth and the surrounding communities make up over  1/3 of the constituents in the 8th district.  Yet in his six years serving the district he has never held an in-person town hall in the area.  He has also failed to hold in-person town halls in the rest of his district.  His office has opted to hold prerecorded telephone town halls in place of of meeting his constituents face to face.   As our representative, we feel it is a part of his job to allow his constituents an opportunity to pose their questions and concerns and hear directly from him.  We ask that this town hall be open to any consistuent from his district with no advanced tickets.  Entry should be allowed on a first come, first serve basis.  We also ask that there are two moderators, one representing the Republican party and one representing the Democratic party.  

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