Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #6693

2011-12-22 21:40

Gita is the most appropriate scripture for the mankind.It is the way to live a perfect life.Only an ignorant can call it a extremist literature.It is the word of GOD .The enemy of Gita is the enemy of the mankind .Gita teaches to respect even the animals at par of human beings as it says every one is part and parcel of the supreme.It doesn't differentiate between Christian,Muslim and Hindu.Please go thruogh Gita completely under the guidance of Spritual master and try to understand a small 0.00000000000000000001 fraction of it and then you will understand the greatness, humility,love,affection and other qualities of this holy book.Even an atheist can not deny the greatness of this book which is very reasonble on all places and circumstances.

Please do not ban it as it is very useful for the survival of the mankind.