Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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#65762011-12-22 15:29Том первый. Религия без бога От автора Сначала я хотел бы обратиться к тем, кому Рерихи не интересны. Эта книга написана на тему «теософия и христианство». Это означает, что в ней речь идет не только о теософии, но и о христианстве. Из оглавления достаточно ясно видны главы, в которых можно ожидать изложение христианского мировоззрения. Кроме того, тем людям, у кого нет сомнения в том, что оккультное учение Рерихов носит религиозный характер, я бы советовал пропустить первую часть и начать читать книгу с шестой главы. Именно со второй части начинается собственно философское сопоставление христианства и оккультизма – а, значит, речь уже пойдет не только о Рерихах, но и о том, что бесконечно важнее их «Агни Йоги»: о христианстве и том, чем отличается христианство от язычества. Мне самому изучение оккультизма помогло лучше понять христианство. Нет, я не шел столь обычным сегодня путем от йоги к Евангелию, от оккультизма к Церкви. Уже будучи священнослужителем Православной Церкви, я впервые раскрыл оккультные книги. И очень многое в Писании и в богословии, в церковной истории и в церковной практике стало для меня яснее. Вообще многое в самом христианстве становится яснее, если сопоставлять его с оккультизмом. Дело в том, что теософия в некотором смысле – природный враг христианства. Как, например, волк является естественным врагом зайца. Никак не понять смысл неуклюжего черепашьего панциря, если не знать о ее природных врагах. Если у черепах толстый панцирь – значит, у кого‑то слишком острые зубки. Если у христианства толстый панцирь догматов – значит, было от чьих зубов защищаться. Новозаветные книги явно полемичны. И как любые полемические сочинения, их нельзя вполне понять, если не знать, какие идеи и доводы выдвигали оппоненты, на какие положения церковной веры они нападали. Теософия начала христианской эры носила имя гностицизма. Гностицизм вероятнее всего возник на несколько десятилетий раньше христианства. И он с огромным энтузиазмом отнесся к перспективе поглотить веру апостольской Церкви и по меркам ветхого язычества перетолковать Новый Завет. Именно в полемике с древним оккультизмом гностиков писались апостольские послания и Евангелия. Именно гностицизму противостояли все христианские авторы I‑III веков. И в полемике с оккультистами Церковь уясняет свою веру, уясняет служение и учение Христа. Гностицизм был побежден и исчез с поверхности исторической жизни. И многое в христианстве стало непонятным – ибо трудно уловить логику рассуждения, если не знаешь суждений оппонента. Трудно понять смысл телефонной дискуссии, если слышишь лишь одного собеседника. Сейчас этот оппонент вновь явлен. И мы по‑новому можем оценить христианство… Почему среди моря оккультных школ были избраны для сопоставления с христианством именно Рерихи? Ведь прямых последователей учения Рерихов не так уж и много в России. К счастью, да. Но оккультизм в целом, в совокупности многих сотен своих школок и секточек, весьма многочисленен и активен. И среди многочисленных российских оккультистов немногочисленная школа рериховцев, пожалуй, самая большая и самая известная. С оккультизмом как таковым, с оккультизмом «вообще» спорить слишком трудно. Покажешь, что некоторое утверждение некоего оккультного автора и ненаучно, и не слишком совершенно с точки зерния нравственности – а остальные оккультисты скажут: «Ну, так это же нас не касается. Для нас критикуемый вами автор никак не авторитетен. Вы бы ознакомились с книгами именно нашей группы!». Поэтому для постоянного диалога нужно выбрать такую оккультную школу, которая достаточно определенна в своих взглядах, которая не считается периферийной или «еретической» в большинстве других оккультных течений, которая изложила свои взгляды письменно, и в которой завершен процесс формирования канонически значимых вероучительных текстов. Этим требованиям отвечает учение основательницы теософии Е. П. Блаватской и тесно связанное с нею учение «Живой Этики» Рерихов. Эти фигуры никак не назовешь периферийными в оккультизме. И способ их мышления, и основные черты их мировоззрения являются общими для основного круга современных оккультных течений. Поэтому через сопоставление учения Блаватской и Рерихов с христианством можно получить выводы, значимые и для анализа большинства других современных оккультно‑эзотерических групп. * * * В предлагаемой книге два тома. Первый больше говорит о теософии, чем о христианстве. Но очевидно, что было бы невозможно ограничиться лишь критикой оккультизма. Необходимо дать хотя бы краткое позитивное изложение православного миропонимания. Поэтому второй том излагает те стороны христианского вероучения, которые более всего искажаются оккультистами. Предисловие Большинство людей, почитающих имя Рерихов, совершенно не знают их доктрины. «Да, были такие художники. Они путешествовали в Индию. И там, не то в Тибете, не то в Шамбале, они встречались со святыми отшельниками и мудрецами – махатмами. Они учили духовности, писали о красоте, о том, что культура спасет мир. Они призывали к терпимости и к уважительному отношению ко всем религиям, единство которых Рерихи и проповедовали. И вообще учили жить в гармонии с природой и Космосом». Это и есть, пожалуй, весь популярный катехизис рериховской пропаганды. Людей, которые сами читали их философские трактаты, то есть трактаты собственно «Живой этики» или «Агни Йоги», не так уж много. Может, многие пробовали читать. Но дочитали явно немногие. Все Рерихов уважают, но весьма мало людей их читали и еще меньше вчитывались. Понятно смущение людей, когда они вдруг узнали, что эти милые, хотя и чудаковатые путешественники, всем желавшие добра, вдруг оказались отлучены от Церкви. И в работах Рерихов, и даже в книгах их предшественницы Блаватской можно найти вполне уважительные высказывания в адрес Церкви. «Вы не найдете в этой книге ни одного слова против Русской Православной Церкви, – говорит Блаватская в одном из своих писем в Россию. – Вы спросите, почему? Потому что Ваша церковь самая чистая и самая истинная, и все уродливые человеческие деяния никогда не смогут повредить ей. В русской Православной Церкви прочно заложено зерно божественной Истины, только оно зарыто у самого ее основания1. Позднее и в письме к своей сестре Н. П. Желиховской она написала: «Что же касается моего противу‑христианства, ты его знаешь. Я враг католических и протестантских церковных излишеств, идеал же Христа распятого светлеет для меня с каждым днем яснее и чище, а против православной христианской церкви, пусть повесят меня, – не пойду!»2. Так зачем же вдруг Церковь сделала столь резкий выпад против людей, настроенных отнюдь не враждебно? При ближайшем знакомстве с людьми, посещающими рериховские кружки, и с самими текстами, оставленными теософами, оказалось, что миролюбивые декларации – не более чем прикрытие для проповеди вполне антихристианского учения. В данной книге я буду анализировать прежде всего тексты Рерихов и тех, кого они сами называли своими учителями: Е. Блаватской и «Махатм»3. Это материал и весьма объемный и довольно пестрый. В нем можно найти призывы к миру, добру и любви. В нем встречаются эпизоды с интересными этнографическими и религиеведческими зарисовками. В нем есть суждения, с которыми может согласиться действительно практически любой человек. Но есть и другое. Есть суждения и советы, оценки и предсказания, ставящие под сомнение просто нравственную вменяемость авторов. Моя задача была, во‑первых, обратить внимание людей на теневые стороны теософии. На упаковке продуктов питания, производимых в западных странах, сегодня принято указывать, какие вещества содержатся в приобретаемом товаре. Так защищаются права потребителя (его право на здоровье). В красивой упаковке может находиться вполне ядовитый продукт. Да, в нем есть тот шоколад, что обещан на обложке. Но там же может оказаться еще и некая, вроде бы небольшая, примесь – и отравление произойдет. Но у человека есть еще и право на безопасность души. Так вот, в «шоколад» рериховских призывов к миру и терпимости вкраплены такие примеси, которые вполне способны смертельно отравить человеческую душу. Поэтому первая задача этой книги – обратить внимание на те антихристианские, а зачастую и просто безнравственные «примеси», которые есть в рериховской проповеди. Вторая же задача была сложнее, чем просто чтение рериховских книг с карандашом в руке. Надо было оценить место этих «примесей» во всей системе Агни Йоги и сделать вывод: что, собственно, в ней является примесью, а что основным содержанием. Околохристианское сладкоречие оказалось случайно окроплено оккультным злоречием, или же «общечеловеческие ценности» использовались в качестве внешней присыпки, призванной до времени скрыть подлинный вкус предлагаемого «пиршества духа». Дело в том, что христианская мораль может вырастать не на всякой философской почве. Не во всякой философии можно так объяснить феномен человека, что присоединенный к метафизическому трактату призыв «возлюбим друг друга» покажется логичным. Подметил же Владимир Соловьев противоречие между метафизикой материалистов и их народническим и жертвенным пафосом: «Человек произошел от обезьяны и потому нет любви больше той, как если кто положит душу свою за ближнего своего». Так вот и «Живая Этика» пыталась взрастить цветы человеколюбия на почве столь бесчеловечной философии, что доброго плодоношения не получилось. Собственно, необходимостью достичь этих двух целей и объясняется структура книги: главы преимущественно информационные, излагающие нерекламные, «эзотерические» страницы Агни Йоги, чередуются с главами аналитическими. Аналитика же идет по двум направлениям. Во‑первых, доктрины теософии сопоставляются с христианским пониманием мира, человека и Бога. Во‑вторых, показывается, что «темные» стороны теософии как раз логично и необходимо связаны с ее фундаментальными предпосылками, в то время как повторение теософскими авторами нравственных прописей требуется отнюдь не внутренней логикой «тайной доктрины», а необходимостью придать «товарное лицо» оккультной продукции. Поэтому тех людей, которые захотят вступить в полемику с этой книгой, прошу вести дискуссию достойно. Не надо опровергать меня «типографским методом», то есть указанием на то, что в оккультной литературе есть светлые страницы. Я знаю – есть. Но во‑первых, моим оппонентам не удастся доказать, что в ней нет техтемных страниц, которые я напомнил. Во‑вторых, докажите, что эти светлые страницы не есть «маскировка», о необходимости которой неоднократно писали гранды теософии. В‑третьих, попробуйте посмотреть на эти страницы (как темные, так и светлые) из глубин теософской метафизики и сказать – что же все‑таки логичнее вырастает оттуда. Мало заявить: «мы считаем, что человек свободен» – надо обосновать, что то видение Вселенной, которое проповедует ваша кармическая философия, разрешает человеку быть свободным. Мало сказать: «мы призываем человека к борьбе со Злом» – надо еще доказать, что с точки зрения вашей же пантеистической философии со злом можно и нужно бороться… Иначе я скажу, что вы просто вырываете мысли из контекста и упрямо хотите мыслить по законам христианской мысли, а отнюдь не теософской. Пока же рериховцы отвечают православным – «Вы вырываете цитаты из контекста». Обвинения в «выдергивании из контекста» и переиначивании смысла могут быть приняты лишь в том случае, если сам контекст понимается нами одинаково. Мне представляется, что контекст теософии – антихристианский. И некорректно поступают именно проповедники рерихианства, вырывая из этого антихристианского контекста те или иные суждения, декларирующие симпатию к христианству. Рядовым рериховцам, напротив, кажется, что теософия вполне совместима с христианством, и потому именно антихристианские выпады кажутся им выпадающими из контекста. На уровне толкования тех или иных абзацев здесь нам вряд ли удастся прийти к согласию. Поэтому обсуждать надо фундаментальные интуиции, лежащие в основе теософии и в основе христианства. Эти исходные предпосылки весьма различны. Не надо быть конфессиональным писателем, чтобы заметить эту разницу. Различие восточно‑пантеистического пути и западно‑теистического заметно даже светскому историку религий. Я не обвиняю современных теософов (за исключением некоторых, вполне доказательных случаев, о которых речь пойдет ниже) в сознательной лжи, состоящей в том, что антихристианское учение они пытаются выдать за вполне евангельское. Я буду с ними спорить, но не буду обзывать безнравственными подлецами. Полагаю, что я вправе ожидать такого же отношения к себе и от них. Я не привожу ни одной придуманной цитаты, ни одного непроверенного факта. Если я толкую их иначе, чем хотелось бы теософам – так это мое право. Еще один излюбленный контраргумент рериховцев: «а вы умалчиваете»… Вот вам, дескать, книжечка «Знамя преподобного Сергия», и извольте считать, что православию будет очень даже уютно в теософском «синтезе». Точно так же штатный имидж‑мэйкер какой‑нибудь фирмы, производящей недоброкачественный лимонад, мог бы отвечать на упреки врачей. Медики публикуют заявление о том, что в данном напитке опасно много примесей, а изготовитель этой «взвеси» отвечает: «но почему вы умалчиваете о том, что наш напиток имеет красивый цвет и хорошо упакован?4. Моя цель и состоит в том, чтобы показать людям реальную разницу между теософским и христианским путем и тем самым напомнить им о неизбежности выбора. Людям же, твердо решившимся жить по постулатам «Живой Этики», я не рекомендовал бы читать далее этой страницы. Если язычник не знает Евангелия и живет по‑язычески – он, как говорит апостол Павел, будет судим лишь по закону своей совести; на Последнем Суде к нему будут приложены те мерки, справедливость которых он сам признавал для себя. Но если язычнику проповедано Евангелие, а он держится за свои прежние предрассудки – его судьба может быть иной. Языческие религии до Христа – это частичный свет, в котором уловим отблеск Логоса. После того, как Слово само пришло к людям – язычество стало уже беспримесным мраком. Многие приверженцы «Живой этики» искренне думают, что их вера совместима с христианством. Прочитав эту книгу, они уже будут знать, что это не так. И если в них не найдется решимости принять Евангелие, не искаженное теософами, – с этого дня такие люди станут уже не просто «ищущими» или «ошибающимися». Они станут христоборцами… Но столь решительных приверженцев Рерихов, я полагаю, все же не много. Для большинства людей, издалека симпатизирующих их учению, «Тайная Доктрина» Блаватской осталась тайной. Для них и написана эта книга. Кем в таком случае я считаю своих читателей и оппонентов? – Хорошими людьми, оказавшимися в плену у плохой философии. Я хотел бы, чтобы было предельно ясно с самого начала: эта книга не анализирует взглядов современных обычных посетителей рериховских собраний и лекториев. Они, скорее всего, не узнают своей веры на этих страницах. Но эта книга излагает и анализирует убеждения тех людей, которые претендуют быть «Учителями», «Посвященными». Изложенные здесь оккультные концепции разделялись Е. Блаватской, Рерихами, А. Клизовским, Р. Штейнером… И вполне возможно, что они не разделяются большинством рядовых участников рериховского движения. Но мне кажется, что и они вправе знать, куда именно пришли их «Махатмы», и в какие поистине сатанинские бездны они зайдут сами, если будут и впредь следовать их «Тайной Доктрине». Чтобы понять всю неизбежность и серьезность выбора, надо уяснить историческую перспективу противостояния теософии и христианства. Бывают ереси, которые рождаются из не слишком удачной попытки «улучшить» христианство. Такие теории стоят на евангельской основе, их создатели любят Евангелие и Христа, но, как сказал Лев Карсавин об Оригене, оказалось, что «у этого метафизика сердце лучше головы5. Бывают ереси, которые представляют собой просто ошибки. В них есть слишком поспешные выводы и слишком быстрые обобщения… Но бывает иначе. Бывает, что в мир вторгается идея, которая дышит ненавистью к Евангелию и к Церкви, и которая лишь притворяется в своей симпатии к христианству. Такая доктрина призывает к реформе Церкви и вероучения не для того, чтобы помочь большему числу людей действительно жить по Евангелию, а для того, чтобы сподручнее было в конце концов сломать хребет Церкви, реформированной (точнее – деформированной) по новоявленным проектам. Теософия с самого начала формировалась в лоне именно таких доктрин. Среди прежних хранителей «древних и тайных знаний», которые наконец приоткрывает теософия, Блаватская и Рерихи называют каббалистов, розенкрейцеров, масонов6 … Оккультное посвящение Николай Рерих получил от генерального делегата «Великой Ложи Франции» Чеслава фон Чинского, который в 1911 году устраивал спиритические сеансы в доме у художника7. Не Евангельскую традицию продолжает теософия, но сознательно анти‑христианскую. В Заявлении масонского Конгресса в Бельфоре (1911) содержится увещание к собратьям: «Не будем забывать, что мы антицерковь, приложим в наших ложах все усилия, дабы разрушить религиозное влияние во всех формах, в которых оно проявляется». Конвент Великого Востока в 1903 декларирует: «Триумф Галилеянина длился 20 веков. Иллюзия длилась слишком долго… Он исчезает в своею очередь, Бог лжец. Он присоединяется к другим божествам Индии, Египта, Греции и Рима, которые тоже видели много обманутых ими существ, лежащих ниц перед их алтарями. Братья‑масоны, нам должно быть приятно, что мы не чужды этому падению ложных богов!». Обращение Конвента Великой Ложи Франции (1922) призывает: «Энергично будем поддерживать в каждом свободу совести, но без колебания будем объявлять войну всем религиям, ибо они суть истинные враги человечества. На протяжении всех веков они способствовали лишь разладу между отдельными людьми и народами. Будем работать, будем ткать нашими быстрыми и ловкими пальцами саван, который покроет в один прекрасный день все религии; таким образом мы добьемся во всем мире уничтожения духовенства и предрассудков, внушаемых ими8. Эти признания взяты не из антимасонской, но именно из промасонской книги, написанной любимым учеником Елены Рерих – А. Клизовским. Апология масонства у Клизовского своеобразна: он не отрицает антицерковных и богоборческих масонских деклараций, приведенных его оппонентом. Он просто пробует сказать, что в хорошей семье масонов, дескать, не без люциферических уродов. Но разве не нечто вполне похожее на только что приведенные масонские декларации встречаем мы у Е. Рерих – «Всякая обособленная, ограниченная и упадочная религия есть, именно, опиум, злейший яд разъединения и разложения9. Итак, христианство без ламаизма и каббалистики есть «злейший яд»… Полагать, что выношенная в такой среде теософия вдруг станет действительно совмещаемой с христианством без ущерба для совести христианина – значит обманывать себя. Поскольку теософия рождена масонством, она не может декларативно опираться лишь на свою действительную родословную. Ей нужно было прислониться к какой‑то менее одиозной религиозной традиции. Поэтому на протяжении полустолетия происходил дрейф теософии. «Тучка золотая» теософии пробовала переночевать на груди то одного, то другого «утеса‑великана». Первоначально Блаватская была полностью солидарна со спиритистами: «Я спиритка и спиритуалистка в полном значении этих двух названий. Я была матерьялисткой почти до 30 лет, и верила и не верила в спиритизм… Более 10 лет я спиритка и теперь вся моя жизнь принадлежит этому учению10. Спустя год Блаватская начинает ревизовать спиритуализм: «С тех пор, как я в Америке, я посвятила себя всю спиритуализму. Не феноменальной, материальной стороне оного, а спиритуализму духовному, пропаганде святых истин оного. Все старания мои клонятся к одному, очистить новую религию от всех сорных трав ее11. Как видим, Блаватская здесь прямо говорит о создаваемом ею учении как о религии, но пока она честно заявляет,что это именно новая религия и что именно она стоит у ее истоков. Но вот настала пора создавать «Теософское общество» – и Блаватская бросает первый якорь: «Олкотт теперь устраивает Theosophical Society в Нью‑Йорке, которое будет составлено из ученых оккультистов, каббалистов, philosophes Hermetiques XIX века, и вообще страстных антиквариев и египтологов. Мы хотим делать сравнительные опыты между спиритуализмом и магией древних буквально по инструкциям старых каббал – и жидовских, и египетских12. Итак, первая точка опоры, первая историческая любовь – это каббала. «Я посвятила всю жизнь мою изучению древней каббалы и оккультизма», – пишет теперь Блаватская13 , еще недавно уверявшая, что вся ее жизнь принадлежит спиритизму. В 1877 году выходит «Разоблаченная Изида», наполненная уверениями в том, что теософия на этот раз происходит из некоего «буддхизма», который гораздо древнее любой другой индийской религии, и из тайной египетской мудрости. Историко‑религиозные построения Блаватской, ставящие буддизм раньше ведических религий, с таким сарказмом были приняты востоковедами, что пришлось искать новую почву для проращивания теософии в глубь столетий. Блаватская нашла замечательный ход: «Тайная Доктрина» пишется как комментарий к некоей «Книге Дзиан», которую не видел никто и никогда, кроме Блаватской, и которая ею провозглашена самой древней книгой человечества. Теперь уже ни Египет, ни буддизм не необходимы для теософии. Теперь можно сказать, что любая религия – отголосок «Книги Дзиан», и что любая религия исказила изначальную религиозную мудрость, ныне известную только Блаватской. При этом исходное лоно теософии – спиритизм – подвергается самому резкому осуждению («Повторяю: спириткой я никогда не была» – заявляет теперь Блаватская)14. Позднее Рерихи, очевидно, не имевшие вкуса ко столь масштабным историко‑религиозным авантюрам, вновь сочли необходимым пропагандировать теософию не как нечто самостоятельное, а как голос собственно восточных традиций, обращенный к западным читателям. Рерихами история теософии возводится к буддизму (Блаватская же никогда всерьез не отличала буддизма от религии Упанишад), и нити «традиции» привели их не в Индию, а в Шамбалу‑Тибет. Египетского материала, столь важного для «Разоблаченной Изиды», Рерихи практически нигде не касаются. Р. Штейнер же пытался гораздо активнее работать с западным, христианским религиозным материалом… При этом дрейфе только одно оставалось неизменным: и буддистская, и брахманическая, и «христианская», и египетская, и герметическая версии теософии отдавали дань величайшего уважения Каббале… Кроме того, с течением времени стала очевидной миссионерская неизбежность делать внешний слой теософии менее каббалистическим и более христианским. В первых книгах Блаватской ссылки идут почти исключительно на нехристианские источники, и даже существование Иисуса Христа подвергается сомнению. Затем он был признан «Посвященным», Адептом древней эзотерической школы. Вскоре теософские книги начали признавать в Нем не только ученика, но и Учителя. Наконец, Ему был присвоен титул «Учителя Учителей». И поныне миссионерская необходимость поиска общего языка с православной культурой толкает многих теософов не только к декларативному, но и к действительному сближению с христианством. И поэтому происходит разделение теософии. В ней выделяются течения, которые становятся открыто антихристианскими, но появились и тенденции к постепенному сближению с христианством. Рерихи гораздо больше заинтересованы Россией и ее церковной культурой, чем Блаватская. Современные оккультные писатели (типа С. Н. Лазарева) пробуют освоить христианскую идею покаяния, к которой чрезвычайно враждебно относились и Блаватская и Рерихи. И все же – не лучше ли вместо насилия и над теософией и над христианством во имя их «примирения» просто трезво сопоставить их учения, понять их радикальные различия и сделать шаг прямо в православие? Не выдумывая православие по образу и подобию современного стихийного язычества, а приемля его таким, каким оно было для преп. Сергия и для оптинских старцев, для св. Феофана Затворника и бесчисленных мучеников российских… Я все же надеюсь, что оккультная «эра Водолея» еще отодвинется. Пройдет период религиозного одичания и люди вновь поймут, что баловство с духами добром не кончается. Поймут – и сделают тот же выбор, что сделали русские люди 1000 лет назад. Но при этом тот неоспоримый и в конце концов радостный факт, что многие люди, начав свой религиозный поиск с теософии, в итоге приходят к православию, не означает, что теософия сама по себе хороша и безопасна. Передо мной, например, религиозные проблемы впервые встали, когда я занялся изучением «научного атеизма» (полностью приемля его) – но это никак не означает, что между атеизмом и христианством нет никакой разницы. В мои планы вовсе не входило ни близкое знакомство с рериховскими текстами, ни тем более написание столь обширной книги о них. Я предпочел бы заниматься изучением собственно Православия. Совершенно точно могу сказать, что в данном случае все произошло по известному правилу: каждый пишет ту книгу, которую хотел бы прочитать сам. Мне не интересен оккультизм. Мне просто хотелось прочитать книгу, которая сопоставляла бы оккультизм с христианством. Такая книга есть. Это «Мистическая трилогия» М. В. Лодыженского. Но она отвечает не на все вопросы. Во‑первых, она сравнивает только аскетическую практику православия и йоги. Во‑вторых, она была написана прежде, чем появились книги Рерихов. В‑третьих, она просто была написана давно (последнее издание – в 1915 г.) и с тех пор полностью не переиздавалась. Я надеялся, что найдутся люди, которые лучше меня знают реалии оккультных движений (сегодня среди церковных людей немало таких, кто до прихода в Церковь был практикующим оккультистом). Но пока таких книг не появилось. Возможно, этим людям тяжело и неприятно вновь погружаться в темный мир, из которого с таким трудом они когда‑то вырвались… А дискуссия все же завязалась. К сожалению, она оказалась дискуссией между мною одним и всею оккультной церковью. С моей стороны потерь пока нет. Я не нашел никаких оснований, чтобы хоть в чем‑то изменить свое отношение к рерихианству. А вот оппонентам мои выступления явно доставили некоторые неудобства. Рериховская газета «Знамя мира» письмо своего читателя о «гнусной статейке некоего диакона» поместила в рубрике «О наболевшем15. В этом же номере рериховка из Екатеринбурга говорит о реакции ее единоверцев на мои лекции в этом городе: «Пусть знает диакон Андрей, что после его нападок на Учение Живой Этики и убогих измышлений о Рерихах, истинные рериховцы станут сплоченней и бдительней, а шелуха, которая мешается под ногами, отпадет. Ведь так было ясно по лицам в зале – насколько они стали суровыми и настороженными16. А в предыдущем номере агни‑йогиня (это термин из «Беспредельного», 69017 ) из Среднеуральска сообщала о моей газетной статье: «В газете „Труд“ прочла статью диакона Андрея Кураева. Прочла, потом еще и еще – и опять ничего не поняла… Эта статья четко рассчитана на то, чтобы посеять сомнение и смущение в душах тех, кто хоть малость знаком с оккультными науками. Конечно, по возможности пытаюсь своим знакомым объяснить весь разрушительный смысл этой статьи, всю лживость постулатов автора. Но мне не хватает знаний. Поэтому прошу редакцию газеты „Знамя мира“ дать разъяснение людям насчет соотношения Агни Йоги и церковной религии18. Главный редактор этой газеты Г. С. Горчаков говорит и о том, чем хотя бы иногда кончаются сомнения, поселяющиеся в головах рериховцев: «Сейчас церковники проявляют излишнюю активность и вовсю поносят Учение Огня. Многие люди, начитавшись проклятий в адрес Учения Света, впадают в смущение и даже отпадают от него19. Что ж, если первые опыты полемики с теософией принесли благие плоды освобождения некоторых людей от оккультного учения, надеюсь, что и этот труд также поможет хотя бы некоторым. А люди очень часто спрашивают о том, правда ли, что оккультизм (Рерихов, Блаватской, Штейнера и т.д.) совместим с христианством. Оказалось, что потребность в выходе книги, показывающей, в каких отношениях находятся «Живая этика» и христианство, весьма велика. Именно для ответа вопрошающим я взялся за книги «Живой этики». До той поры я слышал о Рерихах только хорошее. Те отрывки, что попадались мне на глаза, не вызывали у меня какой‑либо симпатии, но и поводов для отторжения я также в них не находил. Просто чувствовал на уровне вкуса: «не мое». Бывает же «не моя» музыка или «не моя философия»… В общем, я начал читать книги «Агни Йоги» без внутреннего предубеждения. Первое мое открытие было – кошмарный русский язык. Язык литературно блеклый и страшно неуклюжий, неестественно напыщенный стиль20 , пренебрегающий элементарными нормами русского литературного языка. Немедленно последовало и второе наблюдение: аморфность сюжета, полное отсутствие доказательств и вообще последовательности… Оказалось, что ни к литературе, ни к философии книги «Агни Йоги» не имеют никакого отношения. По мере чтения в глаза стало бросаться отсутствие некоторых слов, ключевых для любого христианского размышления. Во всем многотомьи книг «Живой этики» не найти таких слов, как грех, покаяние, искупление, благодать, Бог. Значит, это тексты, рожденные нехристианской духовностью. Затем мне стали заметны многие высказывания, резко противоречащие основам христианства. Стало понятно, что передо мною мировоззрение не просто вне христианское, но ясно и осознанно противопоставляющее себя христианству. Наконец, обращение к письмам Елены Рерих и к работам Блаватской позволило заметить откровенно богоборческие, сатанинские нотки в теософии. Для меня это был вывод, к которому я пришел все же неожиданно для самого себя. Поскольку же я пишу не философскую автобиографию, то попробую более систематично (хотя и в иной последовательности) изложить те доводы, на основании которых я пришел к убеждению в том, что рерихианство – это сатанизм для интеллигенции. Или, говоря более отстраненно: Рериховское движение в России – нелегальная религиозная секта оккультно‑антихристианского характера . Теперь читателю надо изложить конкретные основания, послужившие для вывода, столь расходящегося с общепринятым мнением о Рерихах. Слово за словом попробуем обосновать эту характеристику. |
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#65772011-12-22 15:30Кураев: Вспомним священный текст кришнаитов – «Бхагавадгиту». В начале повествования описывается легендарная «битва при Курукшетре», и утром накануне боя Кришна советует Арджуне не смущаться необходимостью уничтожения всех своих родственников и миллионов людей вкупе с ними. Естественно, что В. Сидоров, поясняя, почему титул махатмы по праву носят и проповедник ненасилия Ганди и практик «революционного насилия» Ленин, напомнил об этих страницах Бхагавадгиты (см. Сидоров В. Рерих и Ленин. // Знамя мира. №11 (25), 1994). |
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#65802011-12-22 15:42Russian Orthodox Church is using censorship and removes anything they don't like from words which devotees are saying, thus they try to find anything what they want in texts which are different from what sectologists try to find in them |
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#65812011-12-22 15:43So who you, mister Kuraev? First of all — the orthodox Christian. Then — диакон (I serve in John Predtechi's temple on Red Presne). The seminary student to name itself I will not dare, but the church journalist — it is possible. Means, God have reached? It is impossible to reach. But it is possible to come nearer … What for this purpose it is necessary? On own example, please. My way went through sense search. As sang in 80 one rock musician (nowadays the priest in Makeyevka), “if me to spread out to molecules — well, I will become a molecule. And if me to spread out to atoms — well, I will become atom. Boringly”. Here this sensation of boredom as last limit of a universe also was for me a push to belief. Well there can not be a boredom last true! It became insulting? It wanted to reach true. How you reached? Now, after the lapse of twenty years, apparently, that all was very simple... About five years ago I was in a monastery at кришнаитов. Here, in Moscow suburbs, at them the Russian centre. Also has found out very interesting thing. It appears, in the history of the Indian philosophy there was a debate, very similar that is conducted in the Christian world between Protestants, orthodox and Catholics. At Catholics consider that you the merits should earn to yourself rescue. Protestant polemists speak: “Is not present, you only believe, the Lord will rescue you. It is not necessary to you of any merits, good deeds”. Orthodoxy is a way such “the imperial middle”, cooperation of God and the person. And so, at кришнаитов there are two schools one of which is close orthodox, and the second — to Protestants. One of them is called “school обезьянки” the second — “school of a kitten”. The first says that the cub of a monkey clings to mother, and it transfers him from a branch on a branch. From the kid it is required to keep and not to disturb only. “The school of a kitten” speaks: “Look, how the cat bears in teeth of the kid, the kitten at all does nothing”. And the Lord will rescue the person who in it does not accept any participation. My Christening I can explain only from a position “schools of a kitten”. It is possible to tell long, of course, how from full disbelief, from a family where there was no orthodox tradition, from chair of atheism I have come to seminary. Thus pronouns "I" also will use, "me". Actually it was a miracle. Not I have come to Church, and the Lord “took for шкирку”, has pulled out and has dragged, as I resisted to it. A miracle — any display of Bozhiej of will. And just because it is a miracle, it is not subject to the further analysis. It cannot be dismembered further. Here it is possible to stand simply... The Miracle is a miracle, and the miracle is God. If to search human сдвижек then many threads converged in one knot. In my reference to Church much meant children's hobby for a fantasy. It I have then understood that in philosophical language the fantasy is an inculcation to the person of skills of phenomenological thinking. The phenomenology is interested in sense, instead of truth. Matter is not in volume, so "actually" or not. Феноменолог analyzes the text, initially having refrained from judgement about its "validity". The internal logic of a plot, muster of senses is important. If you have accepted some conditions of the fantastic novel — further you follow these game rules. Here and having met the religion world, first so, phenomenologically, I also concerned it. For атеистически it was impossible to raise the question the brought up person at once: “Truth it or not, the Christ has revived or has not revived?” . But before to tell for itself "yes", he can try to understand: if "yes", … That is to start to understand the internal logic of Orthodoxy. And once the will speaks to reason (so: not to mind, and will allowed to solve — that is, and that is not present): “Everything, I want to live in such world where there is here it, I want, that it was seriously”. Game comes to an end, life begins. The first religious authors whom I read, were Frank and Poles. The first acquaintance to them has left me indifferent. I simply did not understand, about what they write. Their reasonings on God, on the Christ seemed me too far. But nevertheless positive of the first acquaintance to them I have taken out something. They have shown to me that it is possible to be the Christian and thus the person of the XX-th century. Then father Sergy Bulgakov has quite convinced me: the world of spiritual life is such world which it is impossible to judge outside. On a third year of the Moscow State University I seriously was ill with Dostoevsky. The book which has really ploughed up me, is “Brothers of Karamazovy”. I really was ill it. Two weeks while read, anything besides in a head was not. Besides, it having appeared on chair of scientific atheism, I in an educational order should prosecute religious subjects, read the literature — first of all, of course, atheistic, — but the samizdat came across also. It was possible to take books from acquaintances, and on chair the library was decent enough. Atheistic style of work which I have met, caused aversion and by that has in many respects helped me to be defined. How? First, comparing primary sources, the Gospel, books on stories of Church to how it was prepared in books on atheism, I have quickly enough noticed that in the last it is a lot of the lie, much is farfetched also a large quantity of simply elementary incompetence. When I have started to get used to cathedral life, I was amazed with one detail. There there was no special course on библеистике, on Church stories, even on religion stories; there there was no person who could conduct these special courses. There were many special courses on "modernism", but any acquaintance to tradition. Formation turned out strange mosaic. Besides, those years anybody from teachers of chair did not know neither Jewish, nor Greek languages. And thus they declared that are engaged in scientific criticism of the Bible. It has strongly disappointed me. And how you in general have appeared on so original chair? No, not because I was we will gain an itch of atheistic work. Generally I was going to specialise on chair of history of foreign philosophy. The Marxism was to me, to put it mildly, is uninteresting. And here something to-markistskoe, foreign … But at examination in this subject the episode which has turned all my life has happened. In the ticket which has got to me, the first question was on the Chinese philosophy, the second — on Aristotle. China to me was besides uninteresting, and lectures on this theme at us were the extremely boring. More shortly, I on this question of the ticket did not know anything. And on Aristotle has answered well. Experience of passing examinations at me was by then already considerable, therefore I understood: two on the first question and five on the second on the average give a three. What my surprise when professor Bogomolov has stretched to me зачетку with record "perfectly" was! But thus he has told: “Give best regards to your father!”. The Father at me too the philosopher, also worked it then in Presidium of Academy of Sciences … And then I have understood: or I all life will be only the carrier of the patronymic and all life I will drag home “greetings to the father”. Or I should search for the life. Complexity of a choice consisted that already during that time the official ideology did not cause in me sympathies. Therefore I just on the eve of examination have put in the statement for specialisation in chair of history of foreign philosophy: thought забуриться somewhere in former centuries and cultures, in problems on which, fortunately, there are no "adjusting" definitions of plenums of the Central Committee … But, it has appeared that on this chair too well know my father. Where at philosophical faculty it is possible to hide from ideology? — Certainly, on logic chair. Logically I loved employment … But, alas, my father on the scientific specialisation just the logician and consequently on this chair more than is known. So, and time my father the logician, and I want to get out the track that is far from logic? — Certainly, religion. And as a result I have put in the statement on atheism chair: as a matter of fact, studying of the same "foreign" or not Soviet philosophy, only with that narrower choice. So in a choice of this chair "is guilty" my teenage “протестантизм”. Anything ideological. And on the chair of atheism to belief you too went "by contradiction"? In many respects yes. Atmosphere of a society which has developed in the early eighties, helped to turn to Church. Atheistic attacks looked very dishonestly, and I have told to myself: “If you see that the native party says lies to you in each occasion, both in large, and on trifles, maybe, it is not right and in a question which itself named the basic question of philosophy: whether“ There is God? That initially: a matter or reason? ””. I have approached to the world of religious thought, have tried to understand Russian philosophers — naturally, at once it has not turned out. It was absolutely other Universe, absolutely another's for me, for my education, my environment. I did not have believing acquaintances: neither relatives, nor friends, classmates. That is it was necessary to go under books. And soon enough I have understood that it is the world which can be understood only from within. To the person to the non-believer to argue on religion is all the same that blind to argue on Rembrandt's features. And I have understood that I do not want to make an ass of myself; time I am professional it has appeared is connected with this speciality, all the same should try to enter inside. I have understood that is dishonest to be engaged in religion studying if you any have no belief. Beliefs in Marxism at me it was not exact. But also any another — too. Besides, me have touched and even have offended words of father Sergija Bulgakov that the faithless person who is engaged in studying of another's religion, is similar to the eunuch who guards a harem. It is insulting, but it is true. And I have decided to try to enter into this world. Reading books of Russian religious philosophers, I have noticed that they constantly say that the religion is the world of experience. And if at you this experience is not present, at least in the slightest degree, you, studying religion history, put itself in awkward position. Really, we not begin to trust opinion of the deaf person if he takes in head to write the dissertation about music. In the same position and the person who is not hearing music of heavenly spheres. What can he tell about religion? I have understood that if I want to respect myself should take the plunge. When you have realised for the first time, what trust in the Christ not simply as in the teacher of morals living 2000 years ago, and how in God on Whom all your life depends? For me it there were two different moments: the belief in the Christ as God (the Creator, the Savior approaching Sudiju), and already then — belief in the Christ as Almighty on Whom my life here and now depends at first has come. As to the first it has occurred when I was 18 years old. At that time I "was ill" “Brothers of Karamazovymi”: more all me was amazed with a legend about the Great inquisitor. In this legend for me all those philosophical problems of which I then thought have converged. Everything that then me the scarecrow in life, has concentrated in words of the Great inquisitor. I have suddenly understood that those temptations in desert which have been offered by a Satan to the Christ, is a limiting, exact and capacious choice. And consequently has agreed with that characteristic which Dostoevsky has given to this evangelical character: “spirit сверхчеловечески clever and spiteful”. So at first I recognised existence of a Satan, well and then the logic conclusion has followed: if the Christ could reject these temptations, means, It too сверхчеловечески is clever, but is kind. Comprehension of the Christ as Savior has come. The sensation of internal emptiness has passed, light in a window began to dawn. But while it was only philosophical acceptance of the Christ. Was much more difficult to start to pray, and it has occurred a bit later, and I was christened almost in a year after these events. And even being крещенным, I with great difficulty forced myself publicly to cross in a temple or to bow together with grandmothers who there stood. Moreover, after even year after the Christening at any Marxist lecture when the lecturer smashed idealists, I with horror have understood that he speaks, actually, about me. To realise that I became an idealist, it was very difficult, so deep roots were started up by Marxist ferment in my subconsciousness. And the relation to It as to the Almighty has come already later. An originality of youthful belief that it about what does not ask, she simply rejoices to that God is. Still there are no sores, there are no desperate reality situations and, hence, it is possible to come to God without bargaining, not выклянчивая “the humanitarian help”. Therefore for the first time I have started to concern the Christ not simply as to the Creator and the future Judge and as to the Almighty on Whom my life here and now, only depends when has started to pray for that the Lord has helped me to arrive in seminary. And why you have chosen Orthodoxy from all religions? In due time I have solved for myself: if once I nevertheless come to a conclusion that God is I will not invent any religion. To me already обрыдли all this infinite night sit-round gathering on kitchens and hostels when in the smoked room with a cognac glass (vodka, port, beer) in a hand discussions about the Absolute are conducted.“ So, Andrjusha, give we will agree. If you come to a conclusion once that God is, I very much ask you: do not invent anything the. You understand, if God is, it means that you not the first clear head who has guessed before. The history has begun not with you. You not the first person going on this way. Look narrowly at experience of people which went on it earlier and further you have promoted ”. Any attempts to invent something the, the religion, me seemed platitude top. Therefore I have from the very beginning imposed on myself such restriction that I have no right, should not пошлить, should not invent something the, and should enter into tradition. If Christianity — that traditional. And why Christianity? — So after all by then I already had representations about other religions and I already understood that higher way of religious life and thought anywhere is not present. Any other religion of the world does not put in the basis the formula God there is a love and does not speak in the creed: “us for the sake of the person and ours for the sake of rescue”. As to the first it has occurred when I was 18 years old. At that time I "was ill" “Brothers of Karamazovymi”: more all me was amazed with a legend about the Great inquisitor. In this legend for me all those philosophical problems of which I then thought have converged. Everything that then me the scarecrow in life, has concentrated in words of the Great inquisitor. I have suddenly understood that those temptations in desert which have been offered by a Satan to the Christ, is a limiting, exact and capacious choice. And consequently has agreed with that characteristic which Dostoevsky has given to this evangelical character: “spirit сверхчеловечески clever and spiteful”. So at first I recognised existence of a Satan, well and then the logic conclusion has followed: if the Christ could reject these temptations, means, It too сверхчеловечески is clever, but is kind. Comprehension of the Christ as Savior has come. The sensation of internal emptiness has passed, light in a window began to dawn. But while it was only philosophical acceptance of the Christ. Was much more difficult to start to pray, and it has occurred a bit later, and I was christened almost in a year after these events. And even being крещенным, I with great difficulty forced myself publicly to cross in a temple or to bow together with grandmothers who there stood. Moreover, after even year after the Christening at any Marxist lecture when the lecturer smashed idealists, I with horror have understood that he speaks, actually, about me. To realise that I became an idealist, it was very difficult, so deep roots were started up by Marxist ferment in my subconsciousness. And the relation to It as to the Almighty has come already later. An originality of youthful belief that it about what does not ask, she simply rejoices to that God is. Still there are no sores, there are no desperate reality situations and, hence, it is possible to come to God without bargaining, not выклянчивая “the humanitarian help”. Therefore for the first time I have started to concern the Christ not simply as to the Creator and the future Judge and as to the Almighty on Whom my life here and now, only depends when has started to pray for that the Lord has helped me to arrive in seminary. And how this decision has outgrown in action? I remember, I have accepted this decision under the influence of feeling … envy. My closest friend — the student истфака — nevertheless was christened (at conservatives). It was so happy that I have solved: “Will suffice to play about philosophy, to juggle with clever terms and citations, it is necessary to dare”. It was May, and I have solved: “And I or by the autumn am christened, or never”. At what here there was an autumn, to me and most till now is not clear. But those days for me Vladimir Vysotsky's song became significant: “My friend has left to Magadan … take off a hat”. Certainly, usual student's vanity has brought the dust that clear determination. And only in penultimate day of autumn — on November, 29th — I have been woken by thought: “You promised to make something!”. Also has run to search for a temple more not to postpone. In any sense I was frightened of myself, the indecision and have decided to finish it. Then in a head at me lines of Pasternak span: “Life ль would like me is more sweet? — Is not present, a lie: I wanted to escape only from a thicket of half-words and semiaffairs!” … After years I have heard the exact formula of this motivation from outside. I already was in postgraduate study. And here our sector of modern foreign philosophy celebrates a pancake week of the house at Tamara Kuzminoj's my scientific curator. We sit on kitchen and we conduct eternal Russian-intellectual discussion on a theme “That such narrow-mindedness”. And on a visit Tamara Andreevny that day had its old friend, the former classmate. Here only he upon termination of university has decided not to have in general anything the general with the Soviet ideology and all life and has worked to Kaluga the stoker. But it has not lost interest to the world of books. And that evening — while all have crowded on kitchen and argued, it went on apartment, trying to discover on novelty book shelves. And here, having selected something interesting to itself, with a pile of books it comes on kitchen. And the mistress straight off includes it in conversation: “Well, tell, what such the petty bourgeois?!”. The answer has been given without a second of meditations, to a meeting:“ How that? The petty bourgeois is a person at whom life defines consciousness! ”. I would like, that my consciousness has given me new experience of life … With this thirst I also have come by the Christening. Day of my Christening was unusual enough. I cannot tell that have believed and consequently have gone to be christened. Exactly on the contrary: I have gone to be christened to believe, that is I felt requirement to take a step which would pull out me from a habitual track of life; it was necessary to go to look, rush there, to Church. Perhaps, then I will understand something. To some extent it was the philosophical experiment put on, — but it has crowned absolutely improbable success. At God The plans about us: in day of the Christening the good fortune Christ's has concerned hearts — and from this day it became clear, about what of the Gospel word: the Kingdom of Bozhie in you. After that it became valid me from within clearly many from this that is told in the Scriptus, at sacred fathers. I have felt as all being that the miracle has occurred. This Sacrament, instead of is simple ablution in a font. When you were christened? It has occurred in 1982. I was the student of the fourth year. And where you were christened? In Moscow, in John Predtechi's temple. And searched for a temple which would be as much as possible far from my house and university, — so that no casual acquaintances existing, that nobody “настучал”. If learn at university — will expel, parents will have troubles because of me... And I сейчac very much reproach myself with it: in that temple where it was christened, now I and serve. An hour and a half in one party, ones and a half — in another … So I am frequent on road I speak to myself: “That you, the bastard, such coward were?!”. The first half a year I stood on service, looking back at each knock of an entrance door: suddenly who the acquaintance has entered … And shivered, while once not ears, and heart not yслышал on водосвятном молебне прокимен in which the line from a psalm was proclaimed: the Lord my education and спacитель mine of whom I will be frightened? And I have thought: “My God, of whom I am afraid?”. And after that fear it vanished as if by magic. And how occurred or what has occurred at the Christening? Far from the house I knew only one operating temple — on the Vagankovsky cemetery (was there on Vysotsky's funeral). Has gone there — but the temple has been closed. I have been simply deafened, the earth has left from under feet. In such lost condition I have simply gone aimlessly to wander on a city. And suddenly in the end of the Bolshevist lane has seen a temple. Has started wandering to it without any hope (for it was difficult to present that in one area of Moscow was two operating temples). To my joyful amazement, the temple has appeared operating and even has not been closed yet upon termination of morning service. I have had time to slip at a door. I address for a candle box: I want to be christened supposedly. The grandmother standing there, starts me to dissuade: “You is better tomorrow come, tomorrow the good father will serve!”. In own way this grandmother was right. The priest who should serve tomorrow, and really then became my spiritual instructor. But then I was indignant: “What difference, what priest! I not to the priest have come, and to God! And I need to be christened today!”. In general, money from me for christening did not take, this grandmother even has presented a dagger. There was an altar father Alexander Meshcherjakov and has led me in крестилку. It christened cheerfully, without edifications and explanatories, with humourous catchphrases. Accordingly, and I did not have any "meditative" spirit. And then it has entered me into an altar (it is called “a rank воцерковления”). The first my impression of an altar — a teapot. Even the thought has flashed: “Now I know, what for in church an iconostasis: that behind it to hide during service and teas to drive” (as our laboratorians on chair). In an altar, far from extraneous eyes, the priest has started me to ask — who, whence … Having learnt, where I study, and many having laughed, have told: “do not dare to throw study. You should graduate from the university”. So, at least, this, священнический council in my church life I have precisely executed the very first. And, by the way, it has much helped me, because then I repeatedly had a desire to throw university and “to escape in woods”. And as a whole all was quite usually and is ordinary. And only when I left a temple and have entered into the underground — there and there was that shift in a shower for the sake of which I and searched for Christenings … Then I has learnt that such happens quite often: to the person it is allowed to endure благодатность Sacraments not a minute of its fulfilment, and then. In my case wisdom of the Craft was that if this experience has come in a temple — it would be then easier for stealing. Then crazy мыслишка would prompt to an atheistic part me: “Well, same was in a temple — unusual conditions, your own spirit, as a result and this auto-suggestion” was born. But what for the Muscovite can be more habitual and it is ordinary, than the underground? And a spirit already searching was not. I simply came back in university … And “have been overtaken pleasure”. And what at university? At university I have got straight on the third pair — a special course “Incompatibility of modern natural sciences and religion”. The professor will boringly read to the lecture for small group — us the person seven was on this special course. And me holds apart with happiness — I should smile. It is mown on me and eventually asks: “Kuraev, what All of you time laugh?”. And I as will present that with it will be, if I to it tell, paternal I laugh today, — so I in general would like to laugh loudly … And the next months it even has entered into a saying on our course — “happy, as Kuraev”. Usually people come to belief, by the Christening after any vital revolution, tragedy, a grief or surprising event. At you, as far as I understand, was in another way? The matter is that I can describe the way to Church doubly. I can some hours is detailed tell that occurred, — and as a result the impression will turn out that it was the logical way which differently and could not come to the end. But heart I remember and I know that it not so. Because each new impulse: the opening, any meeting, a word — it was there and then muffled. And then again there were weeks and months of emptiness, usual student's parties after which again there was something. Will tell more truthfully so: the Lord took and has resulted. Well, and then there were uneasy years when it was necessary to drag by force itself in Church, to force themselves, to force to understanding of the Writing, to the consent with all doctrine church. And how parents — they unless to such were ready? Anybody was not ready. I was christened also half a year from native it hid. Said that I go on a disco, and itself went to a temple. I understood that truth for them will be too painful, because they had representations about what I should do career. When parents have learnt about your christening, impartial conversation has taken place, likely? Parents about all have learnt casually. Have returned from a summer residence home ahead of time. I was just on service, and have left not hidden молитвослов and icons at home. Tears were. The explanation has followed. But besides not world outlook: “We now will prove to you that God is not present”. And more likely to explain attempts to me that it is bad for my destiny, career. With what I in general agreed, but did not see in it an occasion to renunciation of the found belief. But I managed to convince parents that I am not going to escape “in woods” and to throw university. Already in couple of days the father has told to me: “you Know, and I nevertheless am glad that you were christened … now in your hands a key from all European culture …”. After a while the father even has told to me: “Time so, maybe, to you will be easier, if you arrive in postgraduate study and after university will not fulfil as the teacher of atheism”. The father has advised to me to enter in postgraduate study the institute philosophies and to change specialisation – for philosophy history. He has told: “you still will have some time – a reserve for reflexions, a choice”. It was really correct council. And so we together any time built my destiny. Well and still during this period I used such reception: tried to invite home as much as possible orthodox people. But thus did not advertise them православность. Any girl, say, the student or the post-graduate student the acquaintance comes to us. Parents are, of course, very glad that at last Andrjusha undertook mind, on girls has started to go. Mother, clearly, here both coffee will pour, and a cake will cut. We sit, we conduct secular conversation. And suddenly this, let us assume, Lenochka rises and speaks: “Oh, Andrjush, is time! And that we will be late for nightlong vigil”. Or the guy, the clever four-eyes comes on a visit. I explain: “Here my friend on university, the post-graduate student”. All is normal. And here he starts something such to say on a religious-philosophical theme that becomes clear: it orthodox. Some cases were even more remarkable when people who were respected by my parents, people of their generation, were suddenly deciphered at my presence. It appears, they too have a belief. It is important to show to adult people expensive to us that the Church world is not the world of fanatics, and it is not limited to us. Because to us they can have a relation, the allergy. There is no prophet in the fatherland. And let they will look at those whom consider quite worthy respect, imitation. Also will see: there are people who seriously concern Orthodoxy. Not those who before icons puts easier candles or so, by the way, remembers God. And those who seriously allows to influence to the belief the destiny. Here with such people acquaint more parents – at least through their interview and books. The most interesting was, when I after couple of years declared to parents that I leave in seminary. Tears and explanations have again begun. And here parents have thought: “It is necessary to find the person who for Andrjushi would be authoritative, time it us does not listen”. Also have remembered: when I was still the schoolboy, I had a good tutor under the literature – the senior lecturer of the Moscow State University Vyacheslav Andrianovich Grihin. Parents speak: “Give to it we will go, you appreciate it, love. Let it will set you”. Have arrived. Behind tea drinking we discuss home life news. And suddenly my mother passes to the main thing: “Vyacheslav Andrianovich, you know, at us a trouble. Андрюша here that has decided – in seminary to arrive!” Vyacheslav Andrianovich has kept silent minute, then has heavy sighed and speaks: “Well I can tell, Andrey? God grant, that at you of what I dreamt all life has turned out, but and has not dared to make!” Further – a mute scene in style of Gogol "Auditor". Such opening, it is necessary to tell, then it was necessary to me much. People about which belief and it was impossible to suspect, appeared believers. Somehow, already being the post-graduate student, I have got on congress of young scientists. Henry Batishchev — the known Soviet philosopher there shone in those days, it is a little диссидентствующий and consequently, in particular, honoured enough by youth. He well spoke, but one strangeness scratched hearing. I was not kept — and after lecture have approached to Batishchevu: “Know, Henry Stepanovich, I cannot simply understand your logic: why in each phrase at you space sounds“ waits "," space заповедует ”. It is impossible about space so to speak. If space to replace a word with a word God then it becomes clear... And simply from space there is nothing to wait — same any безличностное life”. Батищев suddenly began to look around, has then taken me aside: “Andrey, All of you have correctly understood. Only know, this blessing of my confessor that I in the speeches did not use a word“ God ””. Your parents have not suffered for the son? While I доучивался at university and in postgraduate study — was not present. But as soon as I have passed to work in seminary — my turns have concerned also destinies of the father. It just then had a prospect to go for work to Paris, in UNESCO. It was the reviewer of academician Fedoseyev — the leading ideologist of Soviet period; the fatherly post was called “the scientific secretary of section of social studies of Presidium of Academy of Sciences of the USSR”. But as soon as I have submitted documents to the seminary, at once the corresponding information has appeared in the Central Committee, therefrom — to Fedoseyev. And to the father have suggested “to leave in an amicable way” — most to write a resignation. And Paris was, of course, cancelled. And Fedoseyev still called in the Minister of Defence, demanding, that me have urgently called up for military service. Fortunately, there there were sane people. I after all upon termination of the Moscow State University was already the lieutenant, on a military speciality was registered замполитом … the Soviet army such замполиты were completely not necessary. The father strongly worried? Your relations because of it have not deteriorated? At me the good father who was детдомовец. In our family of careerists was not. And how – already through you – relations of parents with your God were under construction? I houses almost миссионерствовал. Certainly, conducted “corrupting ideological work” with the younger brother. The blessing, it was at teenage age when the person starts to search for the way, itself. And here our union (the union with the big brother) was psychologically more interesting to it, than with parents. It was our secret. In 4 years and too secretly from parents and it was christened. On how many years the brother is younger than you? On seven. It had quite church family, the girl it has found the orthodox. And already its small daughters миссионерствуют among my parents. And as to parents at them militant atheism and богоборчества never was. I think, the normal parental feeling has worked: time our son identifies itself with Church, and we identify ourselves with it it is our Church. To tell that business has reached the Participle, I cannot yet. But, at least, the apartment has been consecrated – and parents thus prayed. In their temple sometimes it is possible to drive, or mother herself goes. At me a problem that the father has gone blind for a long time. And, on the one hand, it cannot independently move. With another, at it access to the new information that for the humanitarian scientist, the philosopher very hard is limited. It has gone blind just when changes, streams of the new information have begun. And it turns out that they go by it. And at university did not guess at all change in your life? Fortunately, those years the technics of passing examinations in ideological subjects has been well fulfilled. The position could be masked type phrases: “Marx spoke about it so” or: “From the point of view диамата, business is so”. And that I think personally, teachers did not ask. I can not tell that change in me remained not noticed on chair, but teachers have shown sufficient tactfulness and did not bring up this question. Treated me kindly. On the fourth year I have not had time to write course — so to me have given the an excellent without looking at all in it — simply taking from me the promise that till the end of session I will bring it. It me растормозило (or расхолодило). And I wrote the thesis too more likely for myself, than counting on someone's extraneous sight. Also was mistaken — because diplomas just read. As a result every other day after I have handed over the thesis, I am called by my supervisor of studies and speaks: “That you have written? It is the charismatic treatise or the diploma in chair of scientific atheism?!”. It was necessary to alter urgently. And just comes Passionate седмица — it is necessary to be daily in a temple, and here this not darling to heart … the Head hurries the diploma, and I in a fit of temper speak to it: “Well, I am not in time! What processing if now Passionate goes!”. Брякнул — and gauging … the Answer has sounded more than easy: “And I at your age was in time all: and work to make, and in a temple to descend!”. It was unique only at protection of the diploma to me it is told by the chairman of the cathedral commission: “We make to you the recommendation in postgraduate study, but consider, Andrey Vjacheslavovich: at philosophy Institute too there are cleanings!”. And in one and a half month, for an hour before delivery of the diploma the supervisor of studies has taken away me away and has told: “we have an information that you happen in the Trinity-sergievoj to Laurels, communicate with teachers and seminarists and you there have a confessor. It, of course, your business, but at chair is the request to you: do not arrive in seminary!”. Visiting of Monastery and dialogue with teachers I recognised, having explained it is necessity of "field sociological researches”. About the confessor has fairly told: “No confessor there at me is present” (it was fair because the confessor at me was in Moscow). Also promised that I will not arrive now in seminary (in my plans it was to make only in a year). And on what theme there was your thesis in the Moscow State University? The diploma at me was on Frank and Heidegger's philosophy, well, with appropriate gadgets and "conclusions" that their constructions considerably Antimarxist and absolutely not materialistic. And how there was your further life? Clear business what remains the teacher at university I could not (though there was an offer — not from my chair, and from aesthetics chair) because it would mean to say lies: to say lies to students, to say lies on chair... It was necessary to leave university and to seek postgraduate study elsewhere. Contrary to hearings that dismiss about me рериховцы, I never taught “scientific atheism”, in general Marxism-Leninism. To eliminate from itself such necessity, I have refused teaching and from the introduction into the CPSU. On chair of atheism I learnt not to criticise religion, and to protect it from an atheistic pressure — for already at the very beginning of study for this chair have started to identify myself with that party which atheists attacked. Рериховцы in everyone the антикураевской publications repeat that Kuraev — the burnt careerist. He ostensibly has understood in time that the atheistic system falls, and consequently has fast started to do to itself career in Orthodoxy. But I in life did not read any atheistic lecture (witnesses of the opposite I ask to respond). Yes, in committee of Komsomol I was responsible for atheistic work. But fairly I admit that I have filled up this direction. The only thing “Komsomol business” which I have made is has organised for one TECHNICAL TRAINING COLLEGE of which the university was a patron, a concert of a rock group "Sunday" (today it seems to me already symbolical). Yes, and already for students of chair of atheism I have organised visitings of the Museum of Old Russian art (father Alexander Saltykov can tell about it) and иконописного a Tretyakov gallery hall. There the guide has frightened me, and my colleagues has made laugh with that, showing on an icon of prelate Nikolay Chudotvortsa, has told: “Look at this face. This icon is remarkable that in it we see for the first time the person of a typical hare, instead of the Greek. Here at this young man (it has shown on me) in an old age precisely such person will be!”. Stierlitz was on the verge of a failure … Again I will remind: I have come to Church in 1982. As "reorganisation" then did not smell. Today it from outside seems “an overflowing from one ideology in another where for it career prospects” have opened. However, рериховцы are brought up in such contempt for people that it to a head does not come that someone can be not agree with them from world outlook, moral, scientific, instead of from "korystno-career" promptings. This фантазма tells them about my careerism about рериховцах much. One of signs of totalitarianism of consciousness is an inability to understand that the person can sincerely change. No less than inability to understand that your opponent can be not agree with you on command of the reason and conscience. Рериховцы all time consider that their enemies either are bribed by someone, or are afflicted with dark spirits. And it is already dangerous. It is a sign of totalitarian thinking — when your position seems to you is unique the normal. If such people seize upon the serious power, a little will seem to nobody. And where there was your way after university? In Institute of philosophy of Academy of Sciences. In those days it was necessary to found a job somewhere necessarily after university, to work on a speciality — “diploma working off”. And to avoid teaching of "Marxist-Leninist philosophy”, I have arrived in postgraduate study of Institute of philosophy. In postgraduate study I have appeared according to the advice of the father. After all there ideological requirements, by and large, already any. Easy you study, look round, and then … The matter is that on the Moscow State University fourth year, in half a year after the Christening I very firmly felt that my way is a way to seminary. And in general about seminary I have heard for the first time at lectures on scientific atheism. In it there was something mystical. On chair (on a third year) there was a closed special course “Russian Orthodox Church today”. Varichev — the employee of Council about affairs of religions read. And it in more details, than it usually becomes, told about Patriarchy structure: what departments, how many all seminaries there exist. And simply gave statistics: how many students, how many teachers, how many from them in a rank of the senior lecturer, how many professors and so on. It gave dry figures but when he them named, I was suddenly pierced with the deepest sensation that I should be there. Strange: to me name number of professors in Academy, and I am a student-atheist from atheism chair! — suddenly I feel that should be among them. I was then absolutely faithless person. And at level rational (already on переменке) it отрефлексировалось so:“ Happy people! They can speak about that, in what they really trust, and they are not obliged to quote Lenin at each lecture ”. I such white envy then have envied them. It was such "deja vu" on the contrary: I see the present picture and accurately I understand that it will be in my future. At other lecture the teacher will read someone's мемуар about visiting of seminary and says: “On a ladder the flock of seminarists has run”. And I suddenly too distinctly feel: it from my life, it about me … Then this "deja vu" has started to clothe a flesh. I remember the first input in seminary. I have arrived with the letter of recommendation from калязинского fathers (nowadays father Leonid Chernjak, the confessor of the Minsk theological seminary) at which fasted before this Lent. The letter has been addressed the senior lecturer of Academy Vitaly Kirillovichu Antoniku (nowadays to the professor of the Minsk Spiritual Academy). We get acquainted. Asks on me. Having learnt, where I study, Vitaly Kirillovich suddenly speaks: “Here and well. Means, graduate from the university, come to us, instead of me“ the Basic divinity ”you will conduct. I on secular education the biologist, this philosophy not that that am very interesting to me!”. I was stupefied. Somehow it was difficult to present to itself that in secular high school the teacher has told to the student: “Study, and as soon as you will study up, I to you will leave the place” … It can seem today strange, but I went to seminary without dream of priesthood (it was represented too impudent for me — as it is possible to dare to such dream!). I did not have absolutely any plan that will be with me on that party of seminary as I will live further in Church. The mood was one: “Though хворостиной — yes in a church fencing to stick out!”. The seminary to me was expensive not as a way to priesthood, and as possibility to live in Monastery as possibility to pray, without hiding from anybody. The seminary and Church for me were then same: receipt in it meant simply hit under a fertile cover of Church. And all. More I should — be nothing only there … In the years previous receipt in seminary, each time the application from ектении “And all our stomach to the Christ to God we will betray” I so translated with Church Slavonic on the Russian: “My God, help me to arrive in seminary!”. It would be simply dishonest to stop midway. If I have come to belief and I can not be silent about it (and really was not silent: to the friends at university I am opened about it spoke) — that it is necessary to find the right to this conversation. As Alesha Karamazov has solved in due time: “It is told: distribute all and follow Me. And Alesha has thought: I instead of all cannot give five copecks, and instead of follow Me to go only to a mass”. Very much резанула me then Arseny Tarkovsky's line: “Perhaps, idiocy — wholly to pay in destiny for passport similarity of a line with itself”. But I sharply felt: to speak about the Gospel it is necessary “to pay for the right in destiny”, and it is not less. The payment for theological formation in Soviet period was that. In “house conditions” it was impossible to receive theological formation in the absence of books. Means, the young man came to seminary, yet without knowing quite belief of Church. But still unknown to it belief it was already ready to pay off for this with destiny. If such determination in it was not — the theological world remained for it closed. On a seminary threshold the determination, the consent with belief of Church, instead of its deep understanding was required. As a matter of fact any neophyte should answer one question: whether “you Believe, what глокие куздры штеко курдячат бокрят? — To It, fair отче, I believe and I profess, and анафематствую three times all those who believes differently!”. Now I can tell, paternal I do not like to tell about the arrival to belief journalists, in audiences. I speak about the most expensive to myself and as shows experiment, it, alas, is muddled and профанируется somehow. For example, the correspondent of "the Moscow truth” T.Suvorov has published on June, 16th, 1989 interview to me (likely, it was my first interview). In its transfer the motive of my transition in seminary looks so: “... There was then a desire to esteem the theological literature. After the termination of the Moscow State University I have submitted documents to a theological seminary”. Yes упаси the Lord our seminaries from the students going there from desire “to esteem the theological literature”! — instead of from desire as all life to serve God and Church. But right after university to leave in seminary to me it was not possible: in all questionnaires “the atheism chair” as last place of work, moreover “the red diploma” the Moscow State University flaunted. If I went to seminary directly from atheism chair a way to me would block at once. The seminary would be frightened of scandal. Another matter if me have expelled from postgraduate study … would turn out that I the loser, двоечник. Here the Soviet power already could reconcile to it. Therefore I have arrived in postgraduate study — with intention to study there only year, without dissertation protection. It was impossible to be protected. By then I already enough well knew the scheme of the tserkovno-state relations and perfectly understood what arrive in seminary I can only by miracle. Because people with higher education there not very much started up, Muscovites especially, and from atheism chair, and there is nothing to speak. And if I still manage to be protected... Nobody will start up the Candidate of ideological sciences. And in postgraduate study of Institute of philosophy I have not been connected any more with atheism, the name of my sector was: “sector of modern foreign philosophy”. And the authorities have already got used that who is engaged in modern foreign philosophy, that марксистом ceases to be. When has passed year and it was possible to write in questionnaires that I not from university, and from this postgraduate study then has gone to seminary. Already without problems? How to tell. The rector of Academy and seminary could not employ as the power the teacher, could not accept the power the student for study — all needed to be co-ordinated with Council about affairs of religions. However there was "nomenclature" of the rector of the Moscow Spiritual Academy, that is those posts to which it could appoint the power. It was a unique free niche in Church. It was possible to take watchmen, yard keepers, firemen of a temple — and it did not need to be co-ordinated with the authorities. That is why church watchmen those years were the most formed layer of Moscow. And the lord the rector — archbishop Alexander, present Saratov, — took me the watchman. It has However, planted me not on a checkpoint, and in the reception. As a matter of fact I for some months became its secretary. It was clear gesture: “Get used, this person already here, in seminary, we do not hide it, and I trust it!”. It was in November, 1985. Well, and in the summer 86th it was already possible to arrive for study. Different jokes about your receipt, about mysterious letters МДА go... It is truth, was such. And what exactly? At receipt in seminary the next slingshot consisted here in what. Naturally, I was a member of Komsomol because Komsomol enter fourteen years, and I was christened only in nineteen. And so, when the young man arrived in seminary in Soviet period, it turned out such апория. The matter is that the authorities played with Church cat and mouse. They did not say directly that “we want you to suppurate”, — in 70-80th years so any more did not speak. They pretended that all of them do in interests of Church. You smother, but for the sake of your health. And when, for example, the representative of Council about affairs of religions explains to the rector why he does not allow to accept this young man, it finds any plausible, almost pious pretext. He speaks: “See, this young man — the member of the Komsomol. You understand that Komsomol — the atheistic organisation. After all it is bad, if among seminarists there will be a person with double morals, the dishonest person?”. And if this young man leaves Komsomol before receipt in seminary the representative will tell: “the Komsomol is Soviet structure. It turns out, what it the antiadviser, yes? Antiadvisers are necessary to you? Troubles are necessary to you? It is not enough you one Yakunin?”. Therefore to write the application: “I Ask not to consider me as the member of the Komsomol because I have believed” — meant to leave dream of seminary. And I have decided to leave simply silently: to take away the registration form in a district committee, solemnly it to burn and thus to drop out of sight of Komsomol. Here, I come to a district committee, I speak: — You know, I leave postgraduate study of Institute of philosophy, it is necessary to be translated, therefore give me the registration form. To me speak: — And where you pass? I speak: — I in other city leave, — that was the cleanest truth, after all I to Zagorsk left Moscow. — But if in other city we cannot give to you because we have special couriers who special mail transport registration forms and other documents. I have asked something else, and регистраторша speaks: — Here if you passed in Moscow, from one district committee in another — then we would give documents to you on hands. Having learnt about it, I have decided to come next day when under the schedule other girl there should sit. I come and speak: — You know, I pass to other place of work. The registration form is necessary to me. She speaks: — Where? I say the first that has come to mind: — In the Tagansky district committee. She speaks: — Well, here to you your card, but me it is necessary to write down, where you go, on the account of what Komsomol organisation. I at all did not expect it, but have remembered that on Taganke there is a Central house of atheism. I think: “Time is Central, probably, there is also a Moscow house of atheism”. Also I speak: — The Moscow house of atheism. She under documents sees that I by a trade the ideologist-philosopher so all leaves logically. Also starts to write... In the questionnaire all is necessary shortly. And I speak: — Write in abbreviated form: МДА. And she writes: “МДА” … I think, the subsequent historians will be much surprised by that, agree райкомовским to documents, in the early eighties in МДА (the Moscow Spiritual Academy) there was a Komsomol organisation... And KGB disturbed you? Once (certainly, itself without knowing about it) even has helped. More precisely, not he, and a myth about its absolute power. I only have graduated from the university. Summer. Of Monastery I do not get out almost. And here to Monastery there has arrived group of teachers and post-graduate students from my chair — accompanying any foreign “религиоведов”. That then has occurred, I have learnt only after years. They have quickly noticed me. I them in an emphasis did not see — in the most literal sense of a word. Those years, entering into a temple, I removed points. Also became almost blind — that nothing distracted from a prayer. Silhouettes of people at mine “the minus of five” saw, and persons — are not present. Here and in that morning. At first I stand in the Uspensky cathedral on a liturgy, then I go to hallows of Saint Sergija to the Troitsk cathedral, then in надкладезную a chapel behind holy water … And university group all time has become stupid passed after me — being surprised and to that I do all “as it is necessary”, and to that I do not react in any way to their presence. And eventually they have solved:“ Knowingly it does not react to us; likely, it here under the special task, and we should not decipher it ”. So, having considered me for засланца KGB, they have silently left, without lifting scandal. |
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#65822011-12-22 15:45And you something KGB helped? There was one episode when I, likely, helped Committee, itself, however, too without knowing it. It was in the spring of 1982, for half a year till my christening. Us, the students specialising on atheism, has invited завкафедрой and has told that the Komsomol city town committee conducts sociological research of religiousness of youth. Therefore we are entrusted to conduct field sociological researches by a method of direct supervision. We should go on Sundays to the Moscow temples and then fill questionnaires. Temples have been defined nearby to the Moscow State University: Troitsk on mountains Vorobevyh, the New maiden monastery, Nikoly in Smiths, Nikoly in Hamovnikah and John Voina (by the way, then, remembering it and being afraid of new generations of "sociologists", I specially avoided these temples before the receipt in seminary). We should come to the sermon, learn a name of the preaching priest, to transfer its sermon to the questionnaire (on points: To whom addressed, whether there was a special reference to youth, whether quoted only the Bible and fathers of Church or both a secular press and the literature for what called). It was necessary to specify by eye number of parishioners, from them young, and if we can identify, — to note, whether we met there the persons familiar on university (names to name did not demand — differently it would become too frank a denunciation) … First I could not distinguish reading of the Gospel from the sermon. Tried to ask parishioners — when there will be a sermon and who says it — and was surprised unfriendly reaction of parishioners which preferred not to give any information to strange curious stranger. Sermons in any way have not impressed me: is smooth-roundish, they have not left any trace in memory (though, apparently, the first sermon heard alive could leave though any trace). Any "policy" was not, of course, in sermons, especially in my reports on them, but I godlessly forged figures. “To spite of the Soviet power” I exaggerated number of parishioners, especially young, and assured that priests absolutely easy combine knowledge of sacred fathers and secular culture (both classical, and modern). Here supposedly official propagation repeats religion crisis, about Church dying, that the belief is a destiny of pensioners, and I will write to you that in temples it is a lot of youth! Then it seemed to me that such way I though can help per-secuted Church a little, having denied hearings about its "backwardness" … After a year I have already understood that all was on the contrary: after all from the point of view of the power the message that in such temple is a lot of youth, was "signal". And a signal not to revision of ideology of the power, and putting the “influence measures” to immoderately active priest. But the fact is the fact: I have learnt first addresses of the Moscow operating temples, executing the commission of a city town committee of Komsomol … But after all not always KGB hid for figureheads and the organisations. The first call to my door has sounded in two days after I have submitted documents to seminary. On a threshold there was a person and stretched a red crust: “I the captain such”. In apartment I have not started up it, spoke on a ladder platform... Also has begun long-term ломание which (we then with friends have verified) usually went under quite certain scheme. Conversation, as a rule, began with flattery. “You such talented person. You and in the world have all possibilities. Where you go? I here to you will tell, there was in seminary a terrible case this spring: represent, one teacher, the monk-archimandrite, I will not name his name, has invited to myself in келию the seminarist ostensibly a name-day to celebrate, has accustomed to drinking cognac and has raped”. Thank God that I before receipt have worked a year in seminary the watchman, therefore knew that all this lies. And this story quite could make impression upon another. Even at meetings with the "experimental" KGB was engaged in slander distribution on Church and church people. Then in a course the following is started up. “Andrey Vjacheslavovich, — names the visitor me on a patronymic, — I to you should tell fairly: someone does not want, that you have arrived in seminary. In Zagorsk executive committee for some reason very much slantwise at it look. But, know, — the security officer continues, — we are ready to settle, help all to you. However we should have on that serious arguments that you not the antiadviser and the fair person; well, you will think, the believer to whom does not happen... Know that? Give still paз we will meet, we will talk, all we will discuss... You could not come to us in Zagorsk? — Also leaves the phone. — ask Alexander Nikolaevicha”. And I appear before a choice. To return to the world I cannot any more, there I have torn with all, for work me especially do not take. And the main thing — dream to serve Church to which I went some years. Or any noncommittal call... I pass examinations and I arrive, perfectly understanding that it depended at all on how I will hand over them. All arriving passed through a sieve of KGB and Council about affairs of religions. You have called it? Yes. Conversation like to what does not oblige. “As feel? All is normal? How feed? Be not tired? Well and thank God. All kind”. All. In what sense of such conversation? The person has called, and this main thing. It some kind of test on “советскость”, the test for definition: the dissident you or not. I was not the dissident, I was not seduced with this way. And fastidiousness from contact to authorities I did not test. Contact by contact. The main thing — not to cross line: "not to knock", not to give them the information which could help them with per-secution of other people. In 60-70th years and to such filtration almost all seminarists were exposed to such interviews. I have arrived in 1986. Then the filtration became already selective: paid attention only to those who promises who someone in Church it it becomes indispensable if not tomorrow the day after tomorrow. My class in seminary was elite, in it people with higher education studied only. With our class they also "worked". By the way, in our class we from each other did not hide these contacts, and moreover — warned each other: “Today me cause in a known place. If something happens, I there”. When came back from a meeting, told, about what there was a speech about whom asked, warned, over whom danger has hung. And where passed such meetings? The notice from mail about a parcel came, for example, follow it, and there the person in a grey raincoat. Sometimes in the most barefaced image watched at an exit from seminary: “Follow us”. Resulted in a secret place. Them was a little: in hotel, in a registry office, in the State museum which was in Monastery. The last intended only for conversations with monks which for monastery limits left seldom. Conversation began. Events were not forced, after all the system has been calculated forever, on all human life. They knew it, and we — too. At first offered nothing — simply "tamed". They already knew about all of us, even more than ourselves. It was clear that at them is and well developed techniques of psychological processing. The first phrases necessarily were "high": “We the same as also you, want the blessing of Orthodox Church”. A careful contact of a policy. And then — noncommittal chatter. Any trifles, But each time it is added on a grain of sand. For example, show a photo somebody from my fellow students on seminary and speak: “To us have just transferred a card, it is necessary to learn now a name, you cannot help us?”. Certainly, they and its name know, and especially a surname. Simply it became that though full nonsense though perfect "kickshaw", but the person has made under their request. Subscription demanded? In my case business is not has reached the requirement, but arrangements were. Type: “Well, regret me, on me my heads press. We meet a year, and any results, I should report something though something the heads to show. And you it in general to what will not oblige …”. I did not give a subscription to cooperation. Most serious "offer" which has been made, — to write the reasons how to improve... Fire-prevention safety of a building of seminary. It actually was next “наживка” — it was just necessary to accustom the person to that it something writes time to all of them. But where recruitment, there and blackmail … Yes, methods of barefaced blackmail were used also. For example, acquaintances in a city were got at the seminarist. Him invited, and it was specially equipped apartment. And further everything, as in a detective. Pour something in a liqueur glass, the person loses consciousness. And month through two it show different juicy photos. Reception, by the way, it is formal in bodies forbidden, but it used in work both with seminarists, and with secretaries обкомов. Anyway, once I had a suspicion that I am am involved in such scenario, — and it was necessary to escape hastily from one acquaintance … And simply to tell "is not present" to security officers it was impossible? Openly, in my opinion, very few people dared. But it was possible to resort to any dodges of type “I has lost your phone” or “I should consult to the confessor or with the rector”., By the way, such councils did not confuse the last. We is valid with them consulted, and it did not surprise anybody. One of us, truth, has arrived most witty: he has warned security officers that in the sleep talks. And, know, have lagged behind... But not nevertheless conversations were is formal-empty? Further security officers suggest to give any responses. At first — about foreigners. On it after all it is easier to agree: foreigners have arrived and have left, speak and write that you want, anybody will not suffer from it. But the report will make: “Such and such under our task met the citizen of such country. Shows that and that”... But day when it is necessary to "tie" the person definitively comes: to make the agent and to give it a nickname. My Alexander Nikolaevich to me so directly also has told: “Understand, I after all report to the heads, and I should name somehow you”. I have suggested to name all the same me on a surname and any nickname did not take. Others arrived differently. Sometimes gave nicknames and without permission. And often you met? Sometimes it was possible to avoid meetings for some months. But eventually I began to feel very strong pressure. All has begun with my performance in the Kolomna teacher's college in February of 1988. Then amazing rupture between moods in a society and that occurred in the tserkovno-state relations was formed. Everywhere — spring, but in the religious policy still a glacial age (changes have begun only in the summer 1988, during celebrating of a millenium of the Christening of Russia). At first on this backlash “ожегся” present patriarch Alex. In the end of 1985 he has written the letter to Gorbachev with the offer to change a partijno-state policy in relation to Church. As a result of it have removed from a post operating affairs of the Moscow Patriarchy (a key post at sick and aged patriarch Pimene) and have directed to a province — to Leningrad … At the level and in the measure it was necessary also to me to prick about the same imperceptible bend of a "reorganisation" policy. The hall in Kolomna has been overflowed, students hardly not on columns hung. Here and all professorate. Discussion was hot, but it became very quickly clear that its course develops in my advantage... Basically, everything that the Kolomna teachers knew, I knew also, only in fresher kind, as the recent graduate of chair of atheism. But they did not know much from this that I already knew as the person already ending seminary and simply living in Church. And, the main thing, on my party there was a conviction. Scandal has turned out. The unknown seminarist has out-argued party propagandists. Soon there was a decision Moscow обкома parties “About unsatisfactory statement of atheistic education in the Kolomna teacher's college”. And though during discussion I was not represented, a surname did not name, me "have calculated", and troubles have gone. And what troubles at the seminarist can be? In April, 1988 of the Central Committee of Komsomol of Belarus and the republican television suited one of youth "talk shows" first in the country in Grodno. Organizers would like, that on it young men from "the informal" organisations, including somebody from seminarists have been presented. In general — those who go “a wrong way” from the point of view of generation of fathers-communists. As even earlier at me communications with Belarus journalists were established — have addressed to me. I receive an official call (on the State Committee form on TV), confirmed with the telegramme of metropolitan Minsk Philaret, I go with it to the rector of Academy, he, of course, blesses my departure … When in some days I come back in seminary — I am am met there by news: to me reprimand “for autocratic оставление walls of spiritual school” is declared. I go to that pro-rector, whose signature decorated this document (reprimands at us were hung out publicly, on a bulletin board) and I speak: — Than I have sinned? What self-wolf? I went under the invitation of the metropolitan, a member of the Synod. My trip has been co-ordinated with the rector of Academy. In the answer to me say that mine in wines that I have not written the application addressed to this pro-rector … Again I disagree: — What application? I do not ask, and I execute obedience already given to me! Seeing that its arguments have not convinced me, the pro-rector has added: — Well, you understand, Andrey, after all goes the Lent. This time cannot do without temptations … Here since then me тошнит from преизобилия our church verbal “елея”. To it after all KGB ordered to take in hand me, and it has started pious tourist's moustaches to pile up on wheels … And whence you know, what it was KGB initiative? So after all after a month other pro-rector of Academy has hinted me that all my troubles (and by then except reprimand, me have still dismissed from иподиаконов, and to my schoolmates openly said that me just about will deduct from seminary) that “you on debates everyones go”. After all there was a 1988, a millenium of the Christening. As Moscow "cleaned" before the Olympic Games so now "cleaned" Monastery. After only two years in “the Moscow member of the Komsomol” archive fragments оперотряда the Moscow State University from which followed have been published that my meetings not only with Kolomna, but also with the Moscow students have not passed not noticed. And than all was resolved? Likely, eventually nevertheless have decided not to produce dissidents on the eve of celebrating of a millenium. After all many foreigners will arrive. And I already had by then a first theological publication — in самиздатском magazine "Choice". It published Victor Aksjuchits and Gleb Anishchenko. The open and known dissidents... And though my article was under a pseudonym (Andrey Prigorin), our contacts could be quite noticed whom it is necessary. So seminary to me have allowed to end. Then, in the summer — celebrations. And climate change. The first my open article in “the Moscow news” — in August, then — in “philosophy Questions”, the first publication in a church press … Eventually the rector has stood up for me — archbishop Alexander. Obviously, he could agree with bodies that me have not expelled, but have simply sent to study in spiritual academy to Romania. The compromise consisted in that, as the Soviet youth remained in safety, and I — in Church. Me nobody touched strange business, but in Romania. Only once one employee of the Soviet embassy has afforded a hint on the communication with bodies — he has mentioned such circumstance of my biography about which I to it precisely did not tell. Means — "enquired" … Last my meeting with them was already after returning, in August of 1991, days for ten before putsch. There was a carrying over of hallows of Saint Serafima Sarovsky. On the way back in the plane unfamiliar "companion" has sat down by me and has begun again same "song": “Father Andrey, we want to get acquainted for a long time with you. Whether will complicate you to call in Moscow here by this phone...”. Thank God, it was not necessary... Whether you consider, what your story about work of KGB among priests will undermine trust of people to Church? I have told all it because it is not assured yet that the similar will not repeat. Therefore I would like to ask all who had to take place through something similar (especially the people serving in Church), not to be silent, but to tell, with them security officers and as it is possible similar to resist how worked. And all the rest I would like because is now written about relations of the higher church hierarches from KGB, to tell the following: if you узн! аете, what members of board of a Ministry of Health were appointed in coordination with KGB, you after all will not cease to go to polyclinic and not begin to consider all doctors “as security officers in white dressing gowns”? But as and with Church: if there was a sin on conscience of hierarches is their care. The sin is not present on the Christ. Also is not present on priests who betrayed nobody. If you now turn away from Church is there will be a posthumous triumph of KGB. Well, we say that was behind seminary walls too much. And what study in it has given to you? It is a lot of. Beginning from experience of life in a hostel and finishing that the seminary has taught me to read. Do not laugh, it so. In secular university learn to read, glance over, run, pass … There you aspire to fast reading, you learn to read books “on a diagonal”, to catch “the main idea”. And those marvellous lectures on the Old testament that read to me in the first year of my study in seminary (the lecturer — archpriest Vladimir Ivanov, now serves in Berlin), were remarkable slowness of the plot. The bible understood a word behind a word, instead of head behind head. Besides, the Soviet school learnt for all former centuries and their creations to look down: “Gegel has understood, yes not допонял, Belinsky went, yes has not reached”. And here before you the book about which it is obviously known what exactly you should grow to its level, instead of it to subject the верхоглядной to censorship. Means — learn to understand. Learn to read. From your classmates, friends on seminary someone else became swept up in church life? Well, if to combine all three criteria named by you: the classmate, the friend and the subsequent service having more than the parish importance I would name four names: Ростислав, the archbishop Tomsk; Юстиниан, the bishop Tiraspol; Лонгин, the bishop Saratov; Mark, the bishop Egorevsky. And here professors-scribes from our circle it has turned out unexpectedly a little. On a scientific and pedagogical path goes, perhaps, only archimandrite Nikon (Лысенко) — it was some years managing chair of Russian church history in the St.-Petersburg Academy. And why is unexpected"? Because our course was unique. It is a set of 1985-1986. For some years before to accept at once some tens people with the higher secular education it was impossible: the Soviet power of the such would not admit. And already a year or two from now after that again it became impossible — as a layer of the people already having university diplomas and thus ready again to become students, has run low quickly enough. That is and now every year the person on such five "fanatics" comes to the Moscow seminary. But the whole class — thirty persons — to make of them it is already impossible. Therefore, by the way, nearly half of our course also have directed for study to foreign church institutes. It besides was the transitive epoch. It was impossible to go to the western educational centres still. But it was possible to co-operate with spiritual academies of the Eastern Europe already. So the rector of Academy, likely, had a hope that from us it will bring up the whole generation of new teachers. Our rector in general was very original person. It was not neither the seminary student, nor well formed person. But it had two gifts: judiciousness and fidelity of native Academy. Three its predecessors on a post of the rector left this post with sharp increase — receiving membership in the Synod. To me he has openly told that all life is going to serve Academy (and really when in 1992 of the rector have replaced, the lord Alexander some years simply lived in the house in Zagorsk near to Monastery and did not ask anywhere). And so, in one relation it there was an example normal Old Russian church простеца: itself without being the scribe, he respected knowledge and erudition in other people. He had a low opinion of scientific potential of the Academy entrusted to it and constantly spoke: “Varangians are necessary To us”. "Varangians" since then in Academy call the secular scientists, come to co-operate with church school. And I from the very first days heard from it: “Search for such people and result in me”. Well, and what Romania has given to you? Study has given a little. As a matter of fact it were years of self-education: from the Moscow Academy after vacation I brought a suitcase of books and on them passed examinations in Bucharest. But as experience of life it was important. First, experience of independent life (including in household sense). Secondly, I have seen non-russian Orthodoxy, have seen that Orthodoxy — universal, world religion. Besides, in Romania church national traditions have remained many. For example, in day of consecration of church access to an altar opens for all. And men and women can enter this day into an altar, kiss the Gospel and a throne. It seems to me it is wise: works and victims of these people also had been constructed this temple. And consequently the permission in day of a parish celebration to enter and be put by it to a relic created with their help, it seems to me quite pertinent form of expression of gratitude it. And as access to an altar opens upon termination of service which together with consecration lasts not less than four hours not church people nearby simply does not remain and consequently there will be no risk of not pious relation to a relic. One more custom completely not similar to ours is an end диаконской хиротонии. After the bishop has dressed the protege in sacred clothes, it deduces it from an altar and puts on амвон. At амвона the wife new devoted диакона waits and the bishop represents it the new church attendant. The novoispechenaja mother gives the диакону flowers; they kiss, and диакон comes back in an altar. At us at dedication in a dignity the bishop, on the contrary, removes a wedding ring from the married person meaning that henceforth it belongs any more to a family, and Church. In the Romanian Church it is underlined that communication with a family is not broken off. Probably, this custom was born as obvious противоположение униатству and to a Catholicism with their obligatory and a celibacy of clerics. But the main thing that I have seen in Romania is the live, many-sided and not destroyed monkhood. Our monasteries have been destroyed and closed, and in never closed Romanian monasteries what cannot learn under books remains. By the way, it and особножитные monasteries. In Russia such for a long time already is not present. Unlike общежитного a monastery, анахорет lives by the own labour only, for itself prepares, itself raises to itself food. Nuns earn to themselves on life church sewing. And the biggest monastery of the modern orthodox world – a monastery of Agapija – unites together both charters. The part from thousand his sisters lives the general economy. A part – individual. But service, the confessor and игуменья thus nevertheless at them the general. And here in a monastery the Bilberry I saw kind practice of a hostel. The monastery costs on two lake islands. On distant from coast and from tourists island – a brotherly cemetery, cells for aged monks and a cell for young novices. On near island – a temple, the brotherly case, a museum, the administrative case, трапезная. It means that at first the young man who has arrived in a monastery, should pass care test by sick and old monks. On a course of dialogue it can adopt both their vital and spiritual experience. And only then, already having matured, it can join the general life of a monastery. But the most important in Romania for me consists not that I there saw, and that there has occurred to me: me have imposed. And why there? First, study term came to an end. It was necessary to make the decision on how further to serve Church. Secondly, stay in Romania gave to me defined дистанцированность from contact with Soviet “аппаратчиками”. I imagined, чт! About those years meant to pass to the protege (to the candidate for priests) in Moscow. These are the repeated interviews, which sense in assuring all of the loyalty to соввласти. And it anyway signing in the Patriarchy of a paper with the obligation to observe canons of Church and secular laws. The first to me was on heart, and here to give the obligation in fidelity to the Soviet laws it would not be desirable. After all the Soviet legislation on a cult did not provide the right to the religious sermon. The constitution of the USSR said: “Citizens have the right to conduct atheistic propagation or to send religious cults”. Article obviously asymmetric: only for atheists the right to distribution of the belief admitted. Orthodox Universal Church one. On canons the person can accept рукоположение in any city at the initial orthodox bishop provided that the bishop of its native Church, that diocese from which he was connected, agree before it. Хиротония in Romania gave the chance to avoid undesirable interviews, contacts, obligations, words … On Christmas vacation of 1990 I have gone to father Cyril (Павлову) on ставленническую a confession. He has blest me on dignity acceptance. From it келии I have run in Academy — to the rector. That has started to persuade me to accept a monkhood. But the reference to blessing of aged man Cyril (and its prayers; in a minute when the rector already left, I in heart have begged: “My God, on prayers of father Cyril, teach it!”) has overcome — “All right, give your application!”. Students write the application in shape: “I Ask your Eminence to petition before the Most holy Patriarch for mine рукоположении in a dignity …”. Accordingly, the rector has written the reference to patriarch Pimenu. The patriarch has blest mine рукоположение. And then the chairman of Department of the external church intercourses (just on it the post was then archbishop Cyril is appointed) writes the letter to the Romanian patriarch Feoktistu in whom on blessing of patriarch Pimena asks patriarch Feoktista to impose the Russian student. And upon termination of an academic year — in Sunday on July, 8th, in day of sacred Peter and Fevronii, — in the Patriarchal cathedral of Bucharest there has passed my dedication in диакона. And why waited for the end of academic year? At first there was a usual red tape. And then already I have asked to wait a little — that from Moscow there could arrive after session my younger brother. It for the first time (then to it was 19) has left the USSR. By the way, I spoke nothing to parents about the accepted decision. Simply left to them in a cassock a train, already having arrived to Moscow … After service I month carried the brother on the Romanian monasteries. Wanted to show the Romanian monastic life to it, and it has turned out that said goodbye to it … Already on the way back has asked it: — Dim so and what to you was remembered most of all? Thought that he will tell something about the sea or about beauty of Carpathians … And he has reflected and has given out: — It appears, bishops can be thin. In general, I went to Moscow simply on vacation. Things remained in Bucharest. And in Moscow you were waited by acquaintance to the new patriarch? So. In May, 1990 patriarch Pimen has died. In June Alex has been selected. Neither with former, nor I was not familiar with the new patriarch before. So these changes in any way did not correlate to the destiny. I have simply come to native Academy, to the rector to be presented in a new dignity. The rector has accepted me well, the mood at it was complacent. And then I have decided to state it the дерзновенную dream: — Vladyko, much has already changed for these two years. Other political climate at us in the country, the new chairman of Committee on affairs of the religions, the new patriarch, the new chairman of Department … Perhaps I could return now to Academy and доучиваться here? He has thought minute: — Yes. Now it is possible. We will make so. We will restore you on a third year of Academy and thus we will allow to conduct any subject in seminary. Will combine teaching with study. I still will think, as it to make — come to me through a week! And a week later I have heard something absolutely for me unexpected. The rector has told to me that he spoke about me with the new patriarch. The most holy collects to itself(himself) "command", searches for assistants. — In general, today it serves in Monastery, and on a night service you should approach to it and be presented. So I have approached for the first time to the patriarch, and our first conversation has begun is remarkable enough. The patriarch has told that heard about me as about the person who has a charisma to writing. On what I have quickly answered: No". Generally, to patriarchs the such do not tell, but what has escaped … Pervoierarh has not taken offence? But I really considered that my calling not in writing, and in pedagogics, is written by me from laziness — that twenty times not to repeat same. And now, by the way, I write more likely “from a hopelessness”. I of low opinion on the publicistic talent, and furthermore the theological. I write on any theme only when I see: anybody more than it does not do. Then the patriarch has smiled. Normal work has then begun. Whether and you can remember your first task received from the patriarch? My first working day in the Patriarchy has coincided with reception of a mournful message about murder of father Alexander Menja. And the first obedience has been connected with preparation of the telegramme of the condolence. Working with the Patriarch of All Russia, you had to face any intrigues, intrachurch struggle? Whether there was it for you weight, whether has led to negative sensations? I think that is not present. I after all not from street have come, some years of seminar life too not always sugar were … Besides, I at all the intriguer at heart. Whether you can tell, you had which influence on this post what could make there? It seems, I have helped a city to return on Neva his name … on June, 12th, 1991 in Leningrad passed a referendum devoted to renaming of a city. Forecasts of sociologists were rather sour: the cradle of revolution did not wish to leave Lenin's name. “The most authoritative sociologists during the period previous poll, submitted data on some numerical advantage of opponents of renaming”. I have asked patriarch Alex to address to its recent flock (before election on chair of the Moscow patriarchs it was the metropolitan Leningrad) and to urge it to return sacred Peter's name. The patriarch, having thought, has decided that will do on its own behalf it to it is inappropriate, but has blest to me to make such reference, officially having subscribed not simply диаконом, but the employee of the Patriarchy. I have written the corresponding text, have sent by fax Sobchaku, and under its order it has been immediately published in four for the present the Leningrad newspapers. “There are words, names, the thoughts, expensive to our heart. And if they cannot be spoken safely and it is impossible to remember therefore them in vain, they do not disappear. On the contrary, they become even more secret, even more expensive. The name of our city on Neva became such name for all of us also. As Leningrad was called the case, an ideological skeleton in which was велено to go in to sacred Peter's hailstones. And in the hardest years when we would like with love and warmth to speak about our city, we remembered that name that to it has been given in it крещальной fonts. And really that the unique face of our northern capital — what in it is connected with Peter's name or with Lenin's name makes? However, as city relics — the Isaakievsky cathedral are naturally interfaced and Has rescued-on-blood, the Hermitage and Neva, Petropavlovka and Admiralty — with a word "St.-Petersburg", is so notable натужность a name of Sankt in those disctricts of the city which have been constructed during "the Leningrad" period. Really, what from St.-Petersburg, its spirit, harmony and history there is in new buildings Ozerkov? To it we also face a choice really: where our treasure, where our heart to what our love is turned? It also will find out poll of townsmen about his name. And we hope that returning to a name city St.-Petersburg will cause also life transformation in its new areas. The city should remember the founder of emperor Peter and bear a name of the prayer book — apostle Peter. On a plan of the founder, именование capitals of Russia Petersburg should testify also that Russia was included into community of the European states, and its capital — in commonwealth of capitals of northern seas. We, believers of Russia, земно bow to a feat блокадников and we understand that in their memory blockade was "Leningrad". Such it, probably, for ever remains in memory of all our people the same as also fight on Volga always will be "Stalingradsky". Stalingrad bore this name not in memory of fight, and in honour of Stalin just as Leningrad bears in itself memory not about the Leningrad blockade. We hope that in a city which will be called again as St.-Petersburg, will not forget about blokadnikah-leningradtsah, about their former feat and about their present needs. And we hope that inhabitants of hailstones of Petrov will support returning to a city of its historical and sacred name — St.-Petersburg ”. “On June, 10th it was already obvious that renunciation (on behalf of Peter. — And. К) it is almost inevitable. And though the day before with appeals have acted both academician Dmitry Lihachev, and chairman Lensoveta Anatoly Sobchak, sociologists have put end: even to half“ Petersburgers ”did not hold out. And the first secretary обкома the CPSU Boris Gidaspov could take a moral revenge: anything at you does not leave. And suddenly — in four city newspapers absolutely fantastic even at present the publication.“ A position of the Moscow Patriarchy ":" as Leningrad was called the case, an ideological skeleton in which was велено to go in to sacred Peter's hailstones ”. It has worked even on the Leningrad communists.“ The Leningrad truth ”has given the short message on it. Avaricious петитные the lines devoted to a position of the Moscow Patriarchy, became a signal to urgent ретираде. 54,86 % — for St.-Petersburg, 42,68 % — for Leningrad”. The opinion of the main Leningrad sociologist is same: “we Will remind, what exactly last week preceding on June, 12th, performances in support of returning to a city of the historical name of the most authoritative figures of Church, culture and the city power had. Therefore and it is no wonder that the majority of the fluctuating have made a choice in favour of St.-Petersburg”. And what you have made? I will better tell, that I did not do: I did not write speech of the Patriarch to rabbis (though in "a patriotic" press then it was repeatedly written that it ostensibly I have imposed this speech to the Patriarch). What your main acquisition for years of work near to the Patriarch? For me this work meant that I have had an opportunity from within to look at an image of acceptance of important decisions in sphere of a high policy. It was necessary to communicate not only with hierarches of Church, but also politicians of the country. For me the power has been removed a spell. I have understood that there is no automatic car of history that extremely depends on acts of concrete people much. Thus I never aspired to politicise — that activity perceived more likely as obedience. You worked some years with patriarch Alex. Can tell something about it? If I fairly tell that most of all amazed me and amazes in the patriarch Alexs it will be a word in my own accusation... Our belief is called as orthodox. The slavic people in Greek ортодоксии have caught not “правоверие”, and correctly to glorify "Right-slavie", ability Misters. Because criterion of "success" of a church ascension of the person — not its dignity and not academic statuses, and its relations with an own prayer. The prayer tyres the person or inspires. Selects “last forces” or gives the new. When I have got acquainted with patriarch Alex, he was 61 year old, me — 27 years. The patriarchal services, as it is known, are long. 3–4 hours. And the Patriarch conducts service so, it all time for a kind, cannot take cover anywhere. And so, I, the young man, after a celebratory patriarchal liturgy often had only one desire: very quietly to rest in bed somewhere an hour two. And the patriarch after a liturgy went at once to the Pure lane and till the late evening still worked. Means, the liturgy gives to it of force. Means, are not vain neither its prayer, nor a prayer of all Church about it. Perhaps, any priest does not serve so much, as the Patriarch. Number of temples in Moscow twice more than number of days in a year. So, and quantity престольных days all Moscow calendar paints in red colour. On the majority of patron saint's days the people wait for a meeting with the Patriarch, and the Most holy goes to people. During a week at it 4–5 liturgies. Whether it is a lot of that that parish fathers, but also monks, whose liturgical life so насыщенна? And again I will tell: for the Patriarch the served liturgy — the beginning only of day, only a support for acceptance of the subsequent critical decisions. The Lord on a boundary of millenia has given us right-glorifying Patriarch. He prays for Church. We pray for it. For me experience of dialogue with the Most holy has filled with very personal sense the habitual application: “Still we pray for the great mister and the father our Most holy Patriarch Alexs”. When personally you know the person, поминание about it goes with special pleasure. And here this our possibility to pray for the head of Russian Church as about the person (instead of as about faceless structure of times of the Most holy Synod) shades our grief that we cannot pray in the same way for the person, instead of about "power" at поминании the states. Today in Russia there is no monarchy. But it does not mean that in it there is no hierarchy. Absence of autocracy in Russia does not mean that the duty is removed from the orthodox person научения to obedience. Simply school of obedience is now in the Church. And the one who is insolent to the Patriarch, will be insolent also to the monarch. Here a statement the Patriarch of obvious norm of life in Church: “Decisions of cathedrals, the Sacred Synod, performance of the head of Church on church questions is an official position of Church which should be a reference point for the clergymen consisting in its jurisdiction. The persons having other opinions, are at least obliged to abstain from their public announcement”. Fairly I admit, it is difficult to me to remember years of work with the Most holy Patriarch Alex (I was its reviewer in the early nineties). Difficultly purely technically: the person well remembers that he has some times spoken aloud. I meaningly did not allow to save to myself "memoirs" for not I, and only Patriarch can define that from this that he has told to me routinely, can become property of publicity. But one moment was полупубличен and consequently, likely, it is possible to tell now about it openly. In 1991 the first visit to Russia Grand duke Vladimir Kirillovicha prepared. He has written to the Patriarch. In the reciprocal letter the Most holy the Lord has decided to mention a theme of relations with Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. I, of course, do not remember the exact text of that message, but its sense was clear: the relation to memory of new martyrs, including Regal страстотерпцев, cannot cause for mutual alienation. We on circumstances of our local life cannot publicly glorify the Imperial Family yet. But if between our Church and Church foreign it was established евхаристическое dialogue, this in itself would mean a recognition of all canonizations made in abroad. We simply would join the honouring of the Regal martyrs which have already developed in orthodox emigration. And thus the beginning of honouring of the Imperial Family in Russia would become a connection symbol, instead of a new coil of public and church discussions. Then rapprochement has not occurred to Russian foreign Church. We as early as needed to go ten years through these discussions to the Arhierejsky Cathedral of 2000. I can testify only that the patriarchal position and then already was benevolent and in a question on connection with foreign Church, and in a question on honouring Regal страстотерпцев. And one more memoirs published, but forgotten. Anatoly Sobchak who in the late eighties was rather popular People's Deputy, remembered, how at Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR the answer has been given academician Saharovu. The young veteran of the Afghani war, the deputy from Komsomol, angrily was indignant with absence of the Soviet patriotism in speeches of Saharova. Under the influence of its emotional speech of halls has risen and some minutes scanned: “Lenin! Party! Komsomol!”. There was no only metropolitan Alex. To manage to resist a wave thousand властьимущего a hall not simply difficultly. Instantly to make the decision and not to allow to involve itself in an applause and shouts in this situation who else long before it had a position can only. Not second courage, in целожизненная determination prove in such cases... You not for long worked with patriarch Alex II. Known your obstinacy became the reason of what you have left? With the Patriarch I worked two years after returning from Romania in 1990. It were key years of changes — the beginning of the ninetieth. Now, from distance a decade, it seems short. But then every day has been very sated. Every month changed very many and cost decades of stable stay. Why you have left the Patriarch? I have fairly told to the Patriarch that I see the calling in pedagogics. I had cases when I postponed conversation with the Patriarch for the sake of children. We will tell, at me the meeting at any school is appointed at 13 o'clock. By ten o'clock I come to the Patriarch in hope something with it to discuss. But here to the Patriarch there comes one metropolitan, another … Any VIP-visitor … Certainly, I pass them. And here there comes minute of a choice: or to sit in a reception further, or to run in school. In such cases I nevertheless have always run. And in 1992 the Russian orthodox university — my dream has been created. At the head of it has risen very close to me then the person — abbot John (Экономцев). There was a hope to create the best educational institution of Russia, to collect under its arches conceiving intelligency. I remember an episode of year through two after university creation: I lecture to the native course, which itself and typed, fostered … And, between times, something I quote from Aristotle. And students disagree — confuse, speak to me! Have a little bit argued, and they have proved to my the case. Certainly, it has annoyed me, it has not disappeared from students, and one хлопец the beginnings suddenly me to console: “Father Andrey, yes you so do not worry — we understand all! You had no place to get normal education”. For me it there was the higher praise — means, all of us managed to create normal university! After you have ceased to work directly with the Patriarch, at you any relations proceed with it? Know, I too respect time of the Patriarch to select it for off-duty affairs. But one episode has sincerely surprised me. In the end of August, 2003 I participated in a liturgy, for which Patriarch рукополагал new Saratov bishop Longina. In the end of service by tradition all serving clergy approaches to the Patriarch under blessing. The Patriarch has met me words: “Father Andrey, I congratulate you with an anniversary!”. Anniversary at me was already in February, and the Patriarch remembers my 40 anniversary after half a year — and such half a year which have been noted by a serious illness in its own life! But the Patriarch does to you any remarks — after your performances, say, in the press, the sharp statements which are distinct from standard in Church? Councils — gave. Remarks — did not do. On the contrary, and the next years there were cases when I helped with drawing up of the patriarchal texts or documents. And then — that means "standard"? Paradox of my life that in the majority disputable (disputable in the Church) questions I support and I give reason for an official position. And for it I manage the strongest punches from church gossips. In the Soviet years in seminaries it was not authorised to criticise Marxist atheism directly. And it was impossible to think of giving criticism of works of Marx or Lenin. But clever teachers did so: they took брошюрку any Uryupinsk senior lecturer Myshkin and criticised it:“ From the point of view of senior lecturer Myshkin, the religion is people opium … We in reply to it we will tell … ”. Here as my today's critics arrive also. Instead of entering polemic with the Patriarch, safely attack me. Yes, and the paradox consists that the church power does not ask me to stand up for it. Simply ours in! идение many problems coincides. You name the eternal deacon... Yes any deacon does not happen eternal. All of us we die sometime. And still why you have not gone upwards on a scale of ranks, well, say, to the protodeacon or иерея? No, well "proto-" is absolutely from me does not depend. However, I dream of one difference. Know, the higher award of the bishop is “the right of carrying of two панагий”; the higher difference of the priest is “the right of carrying of two crosses”... And so I dream of that me have awarded “with the right каждения two censers”! Represent, as beautifully it would look: leaves диакон on амвон, in each hand on a smoking censer, and it waves them, as the Chinese нунчаками! Simply супердиакон! But why you did not become the priest? I after all never especially planned the life. To me words of Ekzjuperi that calling you will find simply are expensive: to what not you choose it. I only in life also have made one choice — was christened. All the rest was selected and was me not so much, how many entered into my life, interfered. Sometimes — as external circumstances, sometimes — as sensation through which it is impossible to cross. And even with priesthood so was. Finished Academy, it would be necessary to accept priesthood … Now this desire it seems mad: know, dignity acceptance, as well as a marriage, are such madnesses which can be made only at young age, yet do not understand all measure of responsibility for the acts. But to end Academy and to remain “пиджачником” … In it to me any treachery, any artificial недовершенность seemed. So, I have written the application about рукоположении to the priest. And blessing of patriarch Pimena and aged man Cyril already was. It was supposed that on one Sunday will impose in диакона, in the following — in the priest. And already all has been appointed, and suddenly after диаконского dedication I had a sensation that it is necessary to stop. I did not understand what for, could not find reasonable explanations to this feeling, but it was too obvious. As a result I have simply escaped from the хиротонии in the priest, is more exact — have not gone to Suceava — that city where it and should be made. Now I already know the reason of that braking: priest Kuraev could not do that Kuraev does диакон. Than диаконское service is good? I — in church, in an altar, participate in service, in Sacrament, I eat it. For me that I can be of use at a liturgy is very important and joyful, take as much as possible close part in Sacrament... Besides, it is easier to me to build relations with priests because I consist in one estate with them. And with secular people to address easier: see that I in a cassock … And on the other hand, I — not the priest. Understand, I have made for a long time already a conscious choice: let it is better some church people will be tempted personally about me, rather than people not church will be tempted about Orthodoxy. I at times manage to reach those souls which the sermons sustained in traditions temple гомилетики do not reach. But just because the form of my sermons is unusual, — I prefer to remain in диаконском a rank. It means that at me is more right on an error. It is more than freedom in a choice of those or other images, arguments, in style of behaviour. Диакона it is more difficult to identify with Church, rather than the priest. Mine диаконский the dignity allows people safely with me to communicate: I do not jam it in spiritual heads and my councils easily can be neglected. And the main thing — people obviously cannot stick to me. The most serious temptation of the missionary is connected with the relation to it of other people. After all the missionary meets not only hatred and resistance. Its sermon will know also successes. It is clear that the person who has learnt about the Christ and has come to Church through efforts of the missionary, will transfer on the first familiar Christian that pleasure and even неофитский delight with which he will perceive first everything consecrated with an aura of Church. People can fall in love with bright preachers; they identify wisdom of the Gospel preached by it with human wisdom of the preacher; narrated by it святоотеческих experiences they identify spirituality with life of the story-teller … And here the missionary should learn to be transparent, to learn not to perceive seriously a praise to itself. The missionary should very rigidly, very distinctly explain to people that they should not identify its and that Church in which it conducts them. The missionary — a door in Church, church порожек, but not all Church. On a threshold it is impossible to jam; the doorway should not be accepted for premises. And than humanly more talently and more brightly the missionary, danger of is especially great that the human brightness it in consciousness of the pupils will eclipse spiritual light of Orthodoxy. For the missionary danger of is great that it of people will lead to itself(himself), instead of to Church. Features of its speech, gesticulation, the argument will seem to them is unique also originally Christian. The recent example of father Alexander Menja testifies to us to this temptation which many of its pupils have not resisted. Many people went to it as to the person, instead of through it — to completeness and a variety of church life … to avoid such identification of with Church, the missionary should underline constantly: I am not Church; Church more richly, than I, more spiritually, than I, more variously, than I. Here that such unnecessary identification did not occur, I prefer to be диаконом, the carrier of the smallest church dignity, obviously dependent … That I not the priest, clearly shows to people that I do not apply for a role of their spiritual head and the father. Have listened to me, have understood that it is possible to live in Orthodoxy, — so go, enter, search to itself for the spiritual instructor. And the more it will be unlike me — the better: you will understand that Orthodoxy world is various. If my word has convinced someone, has brought to belief the person knows in advance that further I its messages cannot. I will not be its instructor, the teacher of life. The Diakonsky dignity guarantees that the sect “кураевцев” around will not be created. There are no pupils, followers, spiritual children. In this sense I am a person free. And time cannot be sects кураевцев – that and at my my church critics is not present an occasion to speak, as if I create any "pseudo-church". I lead people not to myself, and in usual temples. And quite meaningly I suppose "not initial" expressions — that the neophytes, inclined to identify Orthodoxy with the preacher first met and fallen in love by him, did not perceive me too seriously and, having passed through me, by me and further me, have entered into Church. |
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#65832011-12-22 15:45This is vast knowledge for simple living and higher thinking. It would be a total loss to the Russian Community if this Book is Banned. |
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#65842011-12-22 15:45Besides, be I the priest, have the arrival, I could not go on the country. The priest is responsible for those people who already go to it to a temple, — and God grant that it had enough forces on the parishioners. I could not throw hundred the destinies entrusted to me, and somewhere to Magadan for a week to dash away. And now I can conduct a way of life roll-field. And, at last, I have a right to refuse to people. Often approach, even in the street — with the request to consecrate apartment, поисповедовать or to advise something. Now I speak: “It not to me, and to the priest, to the confessor”. Becoming itself иереем, I will lose this right to refusal. And it is time, which to me and so catastrophically does not suffice. Somehow I go to the underground. The thin car, but all sedentary places are occupied. I stand, the book I read. Suddenly hangs over me experienced and, to put it mildly, not quite т Quick человечище with a smoothfaced nape … the Golden chain on an oak volume … And it is loud, on all car, asks: “the Father, what to me to do? I seven persons killed”. I look — the small bench has become empty, it is possible to sit down and heart-to-heart to talk. For a confession he has chosen a good place. What have you advised to it? Has sent it. Where? In a temple, naturally. That in the street to you нe stuck, go in secular clothes? Some times tried. It seemed, me could accept for the free artist or hippie. But all the same distinguish and address — "father". To you approach behind autographs? Happens. And I prefer not to lose time for that an explanation that раздаяние autographs малополезно for my soul and consequently for me is not palatable. If it pleases the person, I is better to it will present this pleasure, and with the vanity I will understand then. It already “the task for the house”. But if to you constantly address with requests for autographs and interview, that, having so much occasions to vanity how you struggle with this passion? To begin with it is necessary to tell that all the same I, alas, тщеславлюсь. Anyway — I rejoice, when I see that people are interested in my work. However, the same author's feeling was at prelate Feofana of the Hermit: “Undertake to read my books. It is always pleasant to me to hear that someone reads my books. I think, esteems, and if will find that поклончик will put about pardon me multiguilty”. And that it did not accept any extreme forms... Know, my sin предо me is I will take out. You remember some own disgraces... It after all is frivolous: a role of the lecturer, the teacher, раздавателя autographs... There is another: a liturgy. Is диакон, absolutely sincerely naming unworthy in a minute of the Participle. There is at you a change? To go my way, too much необычностей should converge. Main from them: my church career went from top to down. I after all in Church have begun the work with the highest point. Yet without having ended Academy, I already in 27 years was the Press Secretary and the reviewer of the Patriarch. Then was the dean of theological faculty, then — managing chair, now — simply professor. Well to end life диаконом in rural arrival … Forgive that I interrupt. But, speaking about rural arrival, you do not pose? Well, what here a pose! It is simply boring and rational calculation. Any writer wishes to receive rest in the end of life to "be used up". Is better to write in silence, seeing round itself the Native land, instead of concrete “a certain residence”. But easy to live, write and serve in village, many money is necessary. Any constant source of the income (what cannot be today fees for books) is for this purpose necessary. The most reliable is to hand over the Moscow apartment. But for this purpose she needs to be bought at first. And “the small house in village” — if it within reach to Moscow and with the Internet — costs oh as недешево. So idea sober, good, but expensive. Where on it to take money — I do not know. But if I to myself allow to mark about something — so about this flight from Moscow, instead of about протоиерейском a cross or a solid official sinecure. So, coming back to my career. Its this strange direction — from top to down — means, first, that, it having appeared "above", I (hope) was not in time internally мутировать, to become the person of "system" who long and переживательно waits for advancement upwards and with corresponding calculation and care builds the words and acts. Secondly, that I have begun at once with the top step, has made my name at once known to all episcopate. That from the very beginning I was near to the Patriarch, has helped to get tserkovno-hierarchical support at the beginning of my missionary work. Bishops did not have a question: our person or not ours. I did not need to prove that I can protect our belief: time the Patriarch in Moscow has entrusted you such obedience — well, come and to us and work. Thirdly, and the Patriarch from the very beginning knew, in what I see the calling. Understand, if the usual young priest starts to go actively with lectures for limits of the arrival and the more so for limits of the diocese, the bishop will inevitably ask it: “At you that, on the arrival has put a little?”. I had a unique combination of freedom and trust. I was not the dissident. From the very beginning I was perceived (including by itself) as “the person of the Patriarch”. My freedom, in particular, is connected by that I for myself have defined area of the work and its methods (it I now so I can tell, looking back back: when all only began, no similar plans at me and in thoughts existing). Plus to it my dual status as secular journalist and university teacher, and not just as church attendant … In general, all it was easy in the beginning 90: when all raged and was created. By the way, for me it is very important: I never came to Churches on someone's place so, and my posts did not cause someone's envy. So did without “подсидок”. Simply each time my readiness for change of a place and requirement for any new service coincided. In 1985 for the first time rector МДА has created at an input in the office "waiting room" and has decided to plant in it the reviewer. In 1990 for the first time the Patriarch has decided to create a post of the Press Secretary. Has passed still time — and for the first time the theological faculty in frameworks created orthodox university has been created for the first time, and the dean was, of course, necessary to this faculty. In all these cases I had to replace nobody and by that — to "offend". And new missionaries should force the way through from below. It — it is heavier. I now try to put myself to the place of the young man who wants to begin church missionary service. It have imposed after seminary, it tries something to do out of a temple, and hardly probable not all its colleagues look at it, as on the outsider: “to You that, is necessary most? The Protestant any! You that, do not know, what whom it is necessary the Lord Himself will result?”. At such moods the beginning preacher will constantly generate round itself a condemnation field. If it falls outside the limits the arrival, eventually to it will tell: “Means, at you on arrival has put a little?”. Besides, the more time he will spend with children or youth, the it is less than money will earn требами in a temple. After all while it conducted a lesson at school, it could consecrate the car … And in due course the voice of the wife will start to remind it that it would be time “to live as all” … And then journalists will set any tricky question, and he will answer unsuccessfully (or and really so will answer, or journalists will muddle its answer). And already from top the terrible hail follows: “That you such ляпаешь! Sit on arrival, the young man, and the grandmothers on holidays teach, and on radio do not go!”. No, today, it seems to me, it is heavier to young priest to follow a missionary work way. And the more so I am surprised to how the Lord conducted me on this way! Means, you will be engaged not always in missionary work, you want to change something in your life? I do not want, and I know that change will be. Perhaps as early as a year two so it is possible to live ("so" is means: on wheels, giving in a year of lecture in 60 cities), and then simply forces will come to an end. But not I will make this decision, all will occur by itself; and I hope that then there will be time to settle in Moscow, to write books. And then and to leave Moscow … But if something such is the Lord Himself will result in it. And monastic postthreshing barns it is possible? Too I do not exclude. It will be a stone which should disturb a bog of my life if it absolutely is tightened by a duckweed “обвыкания” to a relic. And a family? I one. I initially built the life so that not to have anchors. And you sometime loved the woman? You know, to some extent it all the same there was not I because it was those old prehistoric years when I even still крещен was not. And after a christening the Lord, likely, conducted me to that way of life in which I and stay now. That is why did not send more love. Means, and it is not necessary. Again I will tell: my deep belief that you do not choose the present, it enters into your life. So even when my classmates-seminarists actively solved the marriage questions (who женихался who, on the contrary, on brotherly monastic молебнам ran), I have told: “My God, yes there will be Your will. If You consider that my way is a way family send to me such meeting with the girl that I have understood at once: it — it. If is not present, operate somehow differently”. Here there were no long internal "dismantlings". Too experiences from recently found belief were still sharp. Why you have chosen a way of refusal of a family if it is much deprives of the person? I do not think that it is refusal. It is possible to refuse that is. Nevertheless one business — to let out that at you already is, and another — to take simple not. If I have not given a hand, that any treasure to take, — hardly it is possible to name it refusal. As was and with a trade choice. And here there was no internal struggle. Those days like a choice (it was 1985) I accurately felt: to remain in postgraduate study and to continue secular career, I should break myself. And here to break all external system of the life and to come to seminary to me it was internally easier. Father Andrey, you have somehow told that fathers should not forget about the former wordly hobbies. You have kept the former hobbies? Yes, it would be good, if the priest could воцерковлять and the wordly trade, and former "hobbies". I know priests who were masters of martial arts before dignity acceptance, — so they and now teach these arts to boys, accompanying their statement of a Christian position. I in the childhood too had one hobby to which I on the sly come back. I loved books on stories, but have arrived then on philosophical faculty, as a matter of fact — antihistorical. And here last years on a drop I squeeze out from myself the philosopher. Details, details, historical complexity are interesting to me. And philosophical ease of generalisations when on two-three facts the global theory is under construction, it is necessary to get rid. I remember, when I was the student the first books on religious philosophy fell me into hands from the research assistant of Institute of philosophy Albert Vasilevicha Soboleva. Its apartment was for me treasure island: there there were pre-revolutionary editions and the Parisian books which were stored in the Soviet libraries for a family спецзамками. And here, bringing the next read book and taking new, I tried to fasten with it discussion read, but in the answer did not meet any enthusiasm. At first I have considered it for usual Soviet care. And then he has explained:“ Know, it is not very interesting to me any more. The world of ideas of Russian philosophy is foreseeable enough. I have studied it for a long time already. These philosophers are much more interesting to me as people. It is interesting to me, as they lived, as communicated. At times the old photo to me is more interesting than the new edition of the book Florensky ”. Then I have not understood it. It seemed to me that the Universe of Russian religious philosophy is inexhaustible. And now I feel something similar. The history is more interesting to me, than philosophy and divinity. And how you have a rest? How spend a free time? Perhaps you have any hobby? Here in this sense my way of life absolutely abnormal because the usual Muscovite when at it there comes holiday time, leaves somewhere Moscow, aspires to merge with any company, and at me all is equal on the contrary. All my life — on trips, therefore for me rest is if I can sit at home one. Happy time if I can be locked for two-three days of the house and not to leave in general anywhere, even in shop. As rest is a change of a way of life and activity for me — when I write rest. Because on trips I only read (or opposite: I only on trips) … read Hobbies? Yes one hobby at me — to have a sleep. And you were visited never by doubts, what you have made the wrong choice a course of life? I envy myself. Means, do not consider itself as the loser? Then both without a family, and without career it is possible to be successful? Well as I can consider myself as the loser if I do not have free time? I see that my work is necessary to people. In general the orthodox priest — the safe person. Not in material sense, and internally. He understands нужность the service, understands that people turn to it the most secret party, sees that helps people. He knows that what he lives, very important. But this internal well-being should not weaken the priest. To it it should be difficult. When you do not belong to yourself, when you all time should do that the Lord and people expect from you. Here, talking to you, I look for a window. I in a fine old city, at it fine cosy streets. But I understand that I on them and will not visit that I at all will not have time what to give you interview to me it is necessary at the expense of a tiny pause between lectures because still it is necessary to lie down for a minute (at me a sick back), and then to go for 360 kilometres, and already then, in hotel, behind the computer, to correct the next urgent interview... Yes, I am happy. And what has induced you to be engaged in church publicism and missionary activity? I never thought that I will become the missionary. There is a strange contradiction between my personal character and character of my life. I on character the homebody — and here it is necessary to live on the journey. On the warehouse I the introvert, the single, — and it is necessary to be constant with people … No, seriously, I the homebody. In days of study I had one way: the Moscow State University and a temple. I even did not go to other temples, to Petersburg on vacation I did not break … After a christening long time anywhere, except the temple, did not go. Into the Danilovsky monastery has entered year four later after its opening, and that after one father at whom on a visit was, has told: “At me business in the Danilovsky monastery, we go with me”. And so I knew only to the Trinity-sergievu Monastery and the temple, and it is more than anything. To the Patriarchal cathedral has got for the first time only when us, seminarists-first-graders, have carried there. And even today for me each exit from the house — small spiritual wounds. That I which year on the journey, am the situation more likely imposed to me, rather than selected me. And this influence of the Patriarch therefore as it, itself being the mobile person for whom travel — the natural way of life, has accustomed to that and all employees. As it is known, heart attack has happened with it not in the Moscow rooms, and during visiting of Astrakhan. The patriarch often took me with itself in trips, and it has allowed me to overcome certain fears (I in general avoided contacts to the Soviet power — even at level of the reference to the manager of hotel or to the railway cashier). And then, participation in Church has given me sensation сословности. I have very sharply felt as the seminarist that in my life something has sharply changed. If I the student of university and somewhere meal, I absolutely in itself and anywhere, in any city am necessary to nobody. But words “I the seminarist” are words wonderful. In any city, in any village where there is a temple, you come, you speak “I the seminarist”, and to you rejoice. It now is a lot of seminarists and many rascals and charlatans. And in Soviet period the seminarist is there was such rarity … You see, how people accept you, and understand that you should fulfil it then because we yet have not made anything for Church, for people, for God. Again I speak: I did not have a decision: “I Will begin to go with sermons!”. In Church there is such saying: “For выбирачку — receive a sore!”. That is if you have started to rush about, dart off without emergency, to search for a new temple or a new diocese simply “in search of the best” — that as a result the Lord can "teach a good lesson" you. And you will appear in such new conditions that with nostalgia will remember about former, seeming "intolerable". I without the desire, without any initiative have appeared at the Patriarch, then at orthodox university, without the special any initiative have started to be engaged in publicism. It seemed accidents: I see that any bosh about Church I am told, take up the pen to explain, in what here a lie. And then, when sects have appeared, already about it began to write. And absolutely it is unexpected there was for me an idea of the familiar church journalist when he has suggested to collect and publish the book my articles scattered under different editions. It was in 1994, whether also the book was called “All equally how to trust?”. I have been so dumbfounded, what even the question on the fee did not begin to discuss. It, likely, was the first book about the divinity, written by language of the journalist. From here and its success: 45 thousand have disper-sed for half a year … And then the same publisher speaks:“ Listen, still the paper remained with us, give still something yours we will publish ”. So there was already serious book“ Tradition, a doctrine, a ceremony ”, made on the basis of my university lectures. Well, and made twice already becomes a habit. How it has turned out, what at you — almost at the only thing today the active preacher — so romantic relation to Christianity? You, apparently, are ready to repeat for Chesterton: “Our belief — adventure, it is similar to a detective, where the main solution — in the end”. — And after all truth has told. Our belief and really is adventure. Here present (it is the real case, told to me in Vilnius): the son-student speaks to mother: — Well what at you in Church miracles? There are today no miracles! And that answers: — Well as, the sonny, is not present miracles? And with me here just — unless not the miracle was? The potato should to me be cleaned, because for the next day frosts promised. I Dig-dig, I look — the sun already at a decline, and at me hardly third is dug out. Here I also have begged: “My God, help to clean this potato, You after all know: to me winter without a potato not to live!”. And I again — a nose in beds. And, you represent, before dark really all has cleaned. Unless it not a miracle? Here this ability to address to God concerning a potato also is the greatest adventure. From the point of view of the bogoiskatelja-intellectual it simply scandal: to the Transcendental Absolute, Idea of Ideas, the Highest blessing — this peasant has addressed concerning any ordinary potato! Is not present to ask the Deity about утончении the aesthetic taste, about talent of tolerance, an open-mindedness and political correctness … And in many real religions such behaviour too seems unreasonable: reconcile, the proud person, pray to native spirit, but do not annoy the Sky. Present that I have rendered service to the President. It has given me number of the direct mobile phone. Has told: “the help will be necessary — call!”. But I understand that I have a right only on one call. Represent, as I will protect this lifesaver, from one crisis to another all postponing and postponing the unique appeal "to the very top". Certainly, I will not call to the President with the complaint to the neighbour which has again filled in my apartment. Here and to God the Creator in many pagan religions was authorised to address only as a last resort — not when “the crocodile is not caught, the coco” and when the destruction threatens all people … the Christian does not grow can address to the Creator of the worlds on trifles and in a family way, easily: Отче. You know, somehow in one Ukrainian newspaper I have read a prayer “our Otche” in the Ukrainian language. Russian word "father" on-ukrainski — "father". I at first was indignant: “It is necessary! What familiarity, roughness!”. I knew before only one "father" — Mahno. And then has reflected and delighted. It is good that the Lord of all worlds name in a family way: “батя”. I and most can "be capricious" sometimes before the Heavenly Father, to pray for real nonsense: last week I have spent to Romania. And when I left there so I would like that there it was warm! Before I was tired of this Moscow autumn slush! Snow already lay in Moscow. Snow has filled up Ukraine. Snow in Carpathians. Snow in the Romanian Moldova. In general, two days of a snow-covered way have almost killed my hope. But on an entrance to Bucharest it became suddenly surprisingly warm. And all the week long the temperature was plus 20 is in the middle of November! However, because of this sudden warming small flooding happens in the Central Europe, but it their problems … I did not pray For it. If to speak seriously, such adventurous, and at the same time our life is full of daily miracles. And as I have come to the belief in addition understood as adventure … To tell the truth, I and do not know that to you to answer. It is necessary to think out something, instead of it would be desirable. I will tell as is: I did not begin to mature. How Peter Pan? Not absolutely: first of all I did not begin to mature in church sense. In hierarchical, whether that. Диакон is not the priest. It is safe to people to communicate with me: I do not jam it in spiritual heads and my councils easily can be neglected. How in your temple concern your frequent absences? The prior suffers, thank God! In reports my trips as “missionary activity”, of course, join. From the very beginning of my "addition" to this temple the Patriarch has told to the prior that I will serve “during free time from theological employment”. When the Patriarch has offered me on a choice — I would wish to serve in what temple of Moscow, I named John Predtechi's temple on Red Presne. Also has noticed that at the Most holy a certain shade has run on the person. Then I have started to enquire in the Patriarchy, and it has appeared that this temple was considered there some kind of “штрафбатом”: in Soviet period in it appointed priests who were not on the best to the account in the Patriarchy. To it from the underground it is necessary to rise in a hill (and the rare grandmother will master this way), but nearby there is other operating temple — on the Vagankovsky cemetery. So our temple to the Moscow measures was considered as one of the poorest. And here I have asked in “штрафбат”... But for me here there was no choice: this temple was my native. And then our temple — not ideological, without claims. Fathers are not afflicted with ideas of author's interpretation of Orthodoxy. At us — normal служаки. And people to us go simply to pray, By the way, in the temple I do not preach. Because I want to have in life a place, where I not professor Kuraev, and the most usual диакон. Where I could keep silent and pray. After all in other places it is necessary to speak too much. As usual there is your working day? I do not have concept of the working day, is, more likely, concept of working week. Here years seven every Sunday I depart to any region. In a year not less than 50 cities. In total for last six years has visited 250 cities of the world … There three-four meetings-lectures in day. Usually on Friday I come back to Moscow and — lectures in the Moscow State University, at theological institute. Saturday morning — for dialogue with journalists, for domesticities, writing. In the evening — nightlong vigil in John Predtechi's temple on Red Presne, in the morning — a liturgy, and again — the plane. You are a person untwisted. Flash constantly on the screen, in a press. Colleagues are not jealous you? After all any closed communities — military men, officials — do not love upstarts from the numbers. And clergy? Clergy — very unusual community. It cannot be "closed" because people come to it from the most different social classes and with very different destinies. In Moscow every tenth priest — the graduate of the Moscow State University. At least therefore this environment there can not be an allergy to me. Happens, when you work much — you go to bed, and before eyes work. Also you start to remember: to that should, has not made, that to meet, it to execute … It is impossible to concentrate even on the most simple prayer. Whether there are at you ways with it to consult? Well, at bedtime I have forbidden for a long time transfer of the debts to myself is a right way to a sleeplessness and an ulcer. Here it is necessary to tell simply "stop" — and all. I will not begin to think, about what I would not like. As to a prayer — that it and helps with work. I the believing scribe. The scribe — but the believer. It means that when I take the book, I enter into personal contact to the author. If it is the person sacred, I pray to it: “to the Prelate отче Grigory Bogoslove, ask God about us”. If it is the person who has been not canonised by Church, — I pray: “Upokoj, My God, I smother your slave болярина Alexander” (it about Pushkin). If the author is live — that it is especially possible to pray for its health and (if it is necessary) about вразумлении. At the Christian the occasion to a prayer always will be. Your numerous trips inspire you more likely — or, on the contrary, take away forces? They exhaust, certainly. But I to them concern as usual work. It would be strange to search for easy work. Besides, “вдохновений” and "enlightenments" I do not search. And that so is short and to a mental hospital … Remember this marvellous aphorism: “If the person talks good luck it is a prayer and if God talks to the person it is a schizophrenia”? In general I do not put to myself global problems. For a long time already I have given myself pledge: in the life I will never be engaged in two things — I will not rescue Russia and I will not rescue Orthodoxy. To me ethics of small affairs are closer: rendering of the private help to private people. Something you are over-modest, in my opinion. Why it to you would not be desirable to rescue Russia and Orthodoxy? Because it is too frequent on my eyes people became crazy from self-conceit and statement to itself too major problems. If and in me suddenly will move similar messianic мыслишка — I rebuff it a simple question: “Andrey and who has appointed you the person on duty on April?”. So again I will tell: I work. Words of type "service" and "feat" I put outside the brackets the life — that not “звездило”. Therefore also I take fees for the lectures and books. Know, in Church sometimes speak: “Free of charge is there where the demon pays”. In sense — presents with "high" from consciousness own праведности. At such volume missionary and проповеднической activity which you conduct, — including at rock concerts, — whether difficultly to come back to a solitude, a prayer, private life of the Christian which faces God? Yes, even not in spiritual life, and in purely practical — it is difficult to come back to Moscow. In the most literal sense. When I go to any city — me there nearly on hands carry, meet … When I come back to Moscow — I here am necessary to nobody. Most it is necessary to drag a bag to the bus, then hour two most to be dragged from the airport to the house … It is the most interesting to you to carry on with what audience dialogue? With that which with me does not agree. My audience are people to whom the thought, complexity is interesting. People who are afraid of simple answers and propagation. People who rejoice, learning that any problems it is more difficult, than it seemed to them earlier. And how often you can meet such audiences? Audience of my debut in a city always not mine. It proves to be true almost in all dioceses where I have visited. It is the big problem for me as my books, records of performances extend only on church channels and do not reach those to whom they are addressed, — first of all to people not church. Almost everywhere, where I come, announcements hang only in temples. Therefore at lecture come прихожаночки, "professionally orthodox", in hope that it will tell about miracles and is blissful-foolishes aged men … Grandmothers soon understand that were mistaken, and easy doze till that time when it is possible to ask the questions. On the following lecture they already, as a rule, do not come. But some tens people from the university world which nevertheless have appeared at lecture, after it set loading to local telephone systems. On a city the telephone ringing (sensation begins: “not dull Orthodoxy!” ). The next evening number of listeners the same, but already qualitatively changes their structure. People secular for which it is the first possibility of serious dialogue with Church in their language already began to gather. And for the third evening already my audience — people who are afraid of simple answers gathers. And one more sign of "my" audience is a presence of my coevals, “средовеков”. The problem consists that in our arrivals there are only two age groups: it is youth and older persons. To me it is sad that in temples it is not visible people of middle age: from thirty till fifty years, and especially men. Why men of this age in our temples practically are absent? Probably, because it is people, whose outlook has developed in the Soviet years. And for the man, unlike the woman, it is much more difficult to break the outlook: the man is more egocentric, he above appreciates itself(himself), the life experience. In an old age the person feels approach of sufferings, death, and it is clear, why it becomes more religious. And the age of 30-50 years, age of career peak, is time of excessively overestimated self-estimation, and this age becomes малопроницаем for the orthodox sermon of a repentance. Therefore I very much rejoice, when I see that at my lectures there are many people of this age. And if earlier I considered that I will address first of all to youth recently I believe that, maybe, one of the main addressees of my books and lectures are people of middle age. And unpleasant opening in life at you was not? One of large disappointments of my life is connected all with the same my missionary work. I with some bitterness should admit that my books and lectures give the greatest return, alas, not in that direction on which I counted. I cannot consider myself as the teacher of Church at all. To learn to spiritual life, a prayer and a repentance as I consider, — not within my competence: human, диаконской. I was to be was valid the missionary, to lead to God of people from the country far. And still under responses and conversations with hundreds people, under letters which I receive, it appears that for many people my lectures carry out other problem. It appears that for many my lectures and books are faster a certain keeping factor, that is they, more likely, do not result in Church, and help to remain with it. Those who come, — come. But then passes it is time the first delights and the bitterness — doubts, difficulties, disappointments begins. Especially they are heavy, if there was no relation with the priest. If my books it is possible to such person to show get to this time to it that Orthodoxy can be other. Books show to it that the Church world — is various. And consequently it is possible to live in it. Church space — space of people, instead of a dusty book-depository. At times even it is necessary to speak: “that has been given out you for Orthodoxy or seemed to them, actually that is not”. That is that audience from which you work, it mostly already church people? Well, it, say, to my grief … would be desirable For me, that in it was more people not church. But, unfortunately, in last years five I observe a return tendency. If was approximately fifty-fifty, now at my lectures of secular people of percent, maybe, twenty earlier. Perhaps, a problem what secular people simply do not know about you? Yes, I it see very accurately. Because sometimes, happens, you come to small town — a packed house on one thousand places. And there is a big, million city, and a hall thin … it is obvious, it is connected with any failures in preparation of my arrival, in the notification. Whether normally for the church preacher to resort to advertising in mass media? To notify through mass-media it it is normal. Though here really there is a problem because advertising character of modern culture contradicts bases of orthodox ethics. And consequently we lose to sects. There comes, say, any mean preacher from California, and about it on all city posters hang: “the Outstanding Thinker: The one Who will answer all questions!”. I cannot so to speak. It is inappropriate for the orthodox person — so to speak. Be I the baptist, under me there would be any special fund which would be engaged both promotion, and the organisation of everything, and there would be a planning of meetings, trips, life in Moscow and on the country … At me is not present it. From the point of view of Church you can justify such situation? The justification only one: Промысл Divine it is that. For me, as for the detached onlooker, you hardly probable not the unique appreciable orthodox missionary. Whether there is in our Church a system approach to mission business? I do not know. I am not the employee of Missionary department or Department on work with youth. I do not know that there becomes. Paradox of my situation that behind my back anything is not present. I come to Ukraine, and there nationalist newspapers write that there has arrived “the agent of Moscow”. But, unfortunately, I not the agent of Moscow. Moscow anywhere did not send me. If I come, means, there is a local interest, here people call. In Ukraine speak: “we, unfortunately, do not have the Kuraev” You see the Church opposes clonings. Father Andrey, you were one of the first clerics who after 1991 has entered into walls of the Moscow university and began to give lectures about forbidden, about the spiritual. What reaction of your listeners was? Actually, in the Moscow State University father Artemy Vladimirov, in 1990 was the first. At first it were the single meetings, the overflowed halls. Father Artemy, then I read some times. Perhaps, I was the first who in general from Church has come to the Soviet university, but it was not in the Moscow State University — and in already mentioned Kolomna. And how there are your relations from the Moscow State University? I have begun the first regular course at journalism faculty — in 1991, in the autumn. I bring sincere condolences to students who have fallen victims of my experiment. I was brought by rather widespread illusion. Each undergraduate respecting and the post-graduate student, naturally, considers that he on the speciality knows already all. And I, when have started to give lectures in the Moscow State University, too considered that I know much enough: university, postgraduate study, seminary, Academy, Theological institute... But criteria with which the student approaches to knowledge of a subject, absolutely others, than at the teacher. When I as the student pass examination me important simply to find in the memory of a material for 10–15 minutes of conversation on a ticket theme. It even is a lot of … the Student, as a rule, reads a material, only when looks through questions to examination. And if at the sight of a question it in a head has two-three thoughts he considers: “Well, I already know it, and the rest I will imagine — have gone further”. Here with such luggage you graduate from the university, then seminary and Academy, where very similar situation in sense of intensity of study. And self-confidently you consider yourself as the person more or less formed. And lecture goes an hour and a half. And that it was serious and interesting, the teacher should state no more that to third that he on this theme can tell. Then there is any safety factor, there is a creative relation to lecture, it is possible to change, adapt its each time. When I have started to give lectures at university, I suddenly with horror have found out that all my knowledge has sufficed exactly on three lectures. That is twelve years послешкольной studies — at university, in postgraduate study, then in seminary, in Academy, at Theological institute in Bucharest — all it has sufficed me exactly on three lectures. After that I have understood: everything, is more I I know than nothing. I, of course, was horrified from the ignorance. But just during that time I had an original situation in life, there was a lot of free time so I presumed to myself on нескольку days to prepare for the one and only lecture. I have forced itself to study, as a matter of fact, for the sake of my students, to read those books which very long time ago should be read which are included into classical library of history of divinity, philosophies. It was necessary to re-read seriously all it — any more eyes of the student which wants to pass test. To systematise. Therefore the first course of lectures, first two semestre is there was a silent nightmare. As far as I understand, students were the same opinion. And now any new problems in connection with your lectures in the Moscow State University have appeared? Probably, yes. As I come back in the Moscow State University to each lecture from missionary trips, happens difficultly to be switched from a mode of popular lecture to lecture academic. But the main thing is the appeared stability. Know, after all 10 years it already there are more it is invariable: every Friday at half past three in the first line audience of the first humanitarian case there is my lecture. So somewhat I already became a part of a university interior. How you manage to hold audience in such pressure throughout enough long time and listeners still have desire still to listen and listen? In what a secret? Easier, before to start to give lectures, I have tried to realise, I love what lectures, what I heard good lectures at university, in seminary, in Academy. And here it appears that practically at all teachers who and me are expensive and interesting, and students love them, besides knowledge, speech, there is one interesting approach to a material statement. They make a start from some stereotypes: “Here you think that here business was so, and actually all is much more interesting, more original, in own way противоречивее, and can be, in general at all so”. And I from the very beginning built the lectures too by this principle. That is I start with those sample representations which can be in consciousness of my listeners, and I offer other, deeper perusal, understanding, nuances and details. And it creates sensation that the lecturer carries on dialogue not only with the listener, but also with itself. In the Moscow State University to me have charged to teach on the terms of rather original: my lectures for anybody are not obligatory, and to whom it is interesting — please, come. And here, me it is necessary, that students have not simply come to me on one-two time, having become interested in a cassock and that they all year after all lectures, on an empty stomach, without a dinner even two hours sat also me listened. It was possible to achieve it, only if to correspond МГУшным to standards of interesting lectures. And still I should admit that I after all professionally am not prepared for teaching work. I have not read any book on art of rhetoric and on гомилетике (to art of the church sermon). I do not take in hands of books on psychology. Did not read even Carnegie, not to mention every possible occult technicians of type нейролингвистического programming. I meaningly do not touch this world — because I consider that people cannot be manipulated. I simply try to think together with audience, to be with it in dialogue. Because with that big amazement and laughter I have met "acute" supervision рериховских the spies who have visited at my lectures: “Who could not keep up with flight of thought of the preacher, could observe of style of work диакона. Amazed its ability to own audience. How to overcome natural psychological barriers on a way to souls of diverse audience? It is possible to go by the way of the valid, benevolent relation to people and to hope that hearts of people will open for perception. But such approach is unacceptable initially. What respect can cause a bog? Here the special technics is necessary. Audiences the rhetorical question is asked, the small pause during which time people have time to think is maintained:"Certainly"."Master"gives the opposite answer:“ Is not present! ”. In a hall there comes death silence which testifies to hit in the apple — people appear in confusion, in shock, protective properties of mentality are paralysed, "filter" is removed, the road to consciousness is opened. Now it is possible to speak anything you like — the paralysed consciousness should take all in all good faith. In mind there are not less shocking questions: “That this such — lecture of the orthodox preacher or a session of mass hypnosis with application the technician нейролингвистического consciousness programming? Where it is possible to appear after such lecture — in herd Christ's or in a psychiatric institution? Unless use of such methods is not violence over the person? ”. Other example. In advance prepared questions on which nobody knows the answer are asked. For the erudite and the expert on traditions it is not difficult. Prolonged silence or unsuccessful answers are made comments harmless“ эх, you ”, and the mechanism of the underestimated self-estimation is put in action. Silent reaction of a hall is easy for counting:“ What we all the same impassable ignoramuses and numskulls ”. A direct insult and humiliation it you will not name. So on-iezuitski refined people are brought to self-belittling, loss of elementary human advantage so are dexterously exhausted in is obsequious-obedient herd”. I hope, my students will read this "examination". Why hope? So after all then I will not need for them to prove that рериховские preachers неумны and are dishonest. Understand, it is possible to tell about my listeners, likely, much (as they very different), but here one precisely it is impossible to tell — that they “is obsequious-obedient herd”. That is you always put yourselves to the place of those to whom lecture? Yes. Somewhat I even read books their eyes. That is when I read the book I notice not only that is interesting to me, and I mark and I try to remember that, perhaps, it would be necessary to tell to the person here such warehouse: here this fact is interesting to conversation on this theme, here this argument it is necessary to remember for the sake of such dispute and so on. And only when you understand that each information is functionally necessary, remember is easier. Whether atheistic formation helps you with missionary activity? Certainly, helps. It has given the chance to me to take a detached view of Church. Now I try to look in the conversations at a problem eyes of the person not concordant with me to understand it. So it is easier to me to build dialogue with people. The missionary should be a few schizophrenic: he should speak and thus there and then to listen to itself(himself), and not the ears, and ears of the interlocutor and the opponent — as from its position will apprehend that I now will tell. If this “шизофреничности” is not present, the monologue by a principle “with itself I will turn out I conduct conversation”. And how similar style of dialogue with secular audience became possible? Whether there were at you problems in the beginning of your activity? High level was always or it began a little in another way? With style of dialogue of problems was not, because at university I had to protect constantly belief in the face of the classmates, acquaintances, friends. Also there was a skill of apologetics and conversation in language, clear to students, scientists. Then, studying in seminary, I drove excursions on ЦАКу (to the academic museum) much; basically it there were people not church, for the first time met Church. And you are not confused with that fact, what you now teach from chair which was called until recently as religion and atheism chair? In my opinion, we now mutually are proud of it: the chair is proud of that has brought up me; I am proud of that in my biography there was such exotic fact. And where it is more interesting to you to teach — in theological institute or in the Moscow State University? More difficult and more interesting in the Moscow State University. First, I nevertheless first of all the missionary. Therefore to address to already believing audience to me it is less interesting. Secondly, work in the Moscow State University learns to be responsible for the words (and even to withdraw them). After all at my lecture students, post-graduate students, and at times and teachers from the most different faculties sit. And, means, I should be extremely careful. Because, if I inadvertently will come for an edge of my competence then there will be in a hall people, more me knowing physics, biology, history, philology which there and then will correct me. Such happens. It is very healthy and for me it is useful — that was not “шапкозакидательства” that there was no work in a genre “has come and I speak”. Each step should be proved. And, by the way, can be only thanking here to this school which I as the lecturer has taken place in the Moscow State University, I till now on freedom. After all tactics of sectarians is known: journalists and preachers who prevent to work as it, tell truth about shady sides of their doctrines and an expert, sectarians wear out on courts. Submit the claim behind the claim — us have supposedly slandered. Such attempts were and concerning me. I live in constant expectation of court. I remember it. And consequently I write and I say only that I can prove references to sources or another's researches. Besides — accurately I divide my estimated judgements from actual messages. And what purpose for you your lectures in the Moscow State University? I ask students to concern me as to the most usual teacher: “you have special courses about the Edging, about Platon, and, having heard to them, it is not obligatory to become neither кантианцем, nor платоником. As well the purpose of these my lectures not in that after their termination you were christened”. But I hope that, having taken a course on Orthodoxy, two things students all the same will feel: first, some taste, experience of reflexions on religious themes will be brought up; and then, having met sectarian preachers and books, they will notice, how all it is primitive. And the second — at them remains certain послевкусие: sensation of that Orthodoxy — difficult, serious, paradoxical religion. Perhaps, will pass decade before students will come to Church, but they will have at least a memory that the Church is a space of human life. That conclusion which I would like to embody in memory of people, is not those or other any concrete my words, arguments or citations. I would like, that there was any general sensation of that in religious area it is possible and it is necessary to think. It is important because the Soviet people have been brought up in belief that the religion and reason are incompatible. In Soviet period of this "incompatibility" did a conclusion: “I choose reason, and down with religion!”. And today the pendulum of public taste has shaken in the opposite side, but stereotypes all the same remained, therefore the modern mass consciousness again speaks: “Time the religion and reason are incompatible, I choose religion, and down with reason! Барабашки, fly!”. I hope that in university lectures I manage to abstain from agitatsionno-propovednicheskih intonations. You suppose cribs at the examinations? There was time, I doubted, whether it is possible to put bad estimations. At first there was a fear: the pier if I put the deserved two or a three, the person will leave from me with a bitter deposit, and, it will keep quite probably, this bitterness and in the relation to Church. So the low estimation can appear an antimissionary act. The pier, is more important, that the student still had kind impression of the student of dialogue with the orthodox missionary. Has then understood that it is dishonest. At examination I am a teacher, instead of the missionary. On the other hand, students will very quickly feel falseness. It will turn out that I try to bribe them marks as natives a beads, I entice them into Church “пятерками”. In general, I have decided to be the usual teacher. I do not put "automatic machine" of the five and I do not make advances to students At times at me and orthodox young men receive the two – if they hope to "come up" on the general theological erudition... My course nevertheless too author's. Therefore I allow to use both cribs and abstracts, and books. To students it is all helps a little. It is enough to set one-two question also it becomes clear: the person that speaks understands or not. Whether often you meet from audiences, which your lecture “to a bulb”? Almost always with it begins. But to draw to itself attention of students, I in ладоши do not clap. But I can strike on vanity. For example, to declare that in yours тьмутараканском university the Moscow professors not too often act. To remind that I the most spoilt lecturer of Russia, and at my lectures listeners quite often stand in passes and sit on steps. And in general consider my lecture by inspection from Moscow: “That such your university? It is a TECHNICAL TRAINING COLLEGE, bought a university signboard, or the educational institution of the higher class is valid? I am not going to spend force for forcing you me to listen. Kohl to you it is boring, all right to go out. But after that do not consider itself as people of a science”. After such introduction the attention always increases. But under a condition if has already taken place a part of lecture and at least an audience part has understood that here something other, than tediousness habitual by it or pressure authority. That is this argument works only when to it other arguments in favour of have been shown that our dialogue is worthy of it to be continued. By the way, I with surprise have learnt that at provincial universities the lecturer telling without a piece of paper, in general is perceived as a miracle. And the most interesting case was, perhaps, at historical faculty of the Brest university. It seems that teachers марксисты have adjusted in advance children to arrange to me obstruction and противостать “поповской to propagation”. And on a lecture course (and it was on quite secular theme about the reasons of scientific revolution of 17th century) remarks from a hall and interrupting questions constantly sounded. Eventually I have decided that I will not show an example of "the mild Christian”, have sharply replaced intonation and have told: “Means so, children. To learn me to that Marx wrote, it is not necessary. I have ended philosophical faculty of the Moscow State University with the red diploma, and I know Marx better, than you”. The sitting next dean Brest истфака suddenly changes in the person and asks: - Yes ive? And in what year you ended the Moscow State University? - IN 1984. - Who at you was завкафедрой? - Novikov Michael Petrovich. - And … Yes, I know it … He/she is the serious expert... Please, dear colleague, continue. All student's opposition it vanished as if by magic. About the secular university education, in the world of modern cultural and media elite it makes sense to mention acquaintances in order that in me have ceased to see блаженненького the alien who has hopelessly got lost in centuries. That you know, I know also. And the laptop at me is, both a mobile phone, and the site on the Internet. And I learn news of a rock music not from MuzTV and when in the studio Yury Shevchyuk puts to me the sketch of the new song …. But besides I know something большее and I can present to you it. Hearing about it, people understand that Orthodoxy is the world in which can live and the modern person. This world - for them, and not just for grandmothers. And, means, it is not necessary to postpone the occurrence in Church to a retirement on intellectual physical inability. Some people confuses that you in lectures by time pass on street сленг … It is a lie. “Street сленг” is a floor-mat, and that's it it you from me never will hear. I can use words not from street сленга, and from a universitetsko-student's lexicon. However, I can use a lexicon of different social groups — when and if I transfer another's speech, in the citation. And I always интонационно it underline that here now I "play", I transfer a train of thought and speech not the, and certain “the character from life”. From myself I can sound only the native, student's lexicon. There is, for example, the most complicated problem of mutual relations of the "small" and "big" people, in particular, a problem of the Russian-Jewish relations. And in attempt to explain to the Jewish oligarchs and journalists that safety of the Jewish diaspora in Russia depends on that, how much warmly, неоскорбленно, неограбленно Russian people in the country will feel, I can tell so: “When Gulliver“ колбасило ”, Liliputians“ flattened ””. But thus, if it is necessary, I warn listeners: “I have a right to speak so. At you — is not present. You at first seize literary Russian, classical norms of speech, and then it will be already possible for itself to allow dialecticisms. The tenth-grader has no right to“ an author's punctuation ”. Солженицын — has such right. Here and here. I know Russian in all variety of its styles — from Church Slavonic to student's. Therefore also I can recede for a minute aside from the MHATOVSKY standard. Here when you, my dear students, be able as to vary the language means then if necessary can go my way. For now — learn rules!”. My critics simply badly know Church history. Well, tell, whether the cleric “now кейфую” can tell? Whether To the person it is to the monk? And to the bishop? And sacred? And meanwhile, the Hermit has told so prelate Feofan. However if and really someone is confused by my lectures — I am sorry about such people. I am sorry, understanding, patience and prayers. If to touch claims to you among them there will be also that at times in your lectures frank enough sexual plots … get over Yes … I Am afraid, it is necessary to tell that at those who from my lectures takes out only it, at problems in this sphere. Actually the sexual subjects sound at me besides only in citations. If I retell pagan myths which actively use sexual language what for I will soften their sounding? The modern person is too deafened by neopagan propagation. He does not know original pagan myths, for a sign with them on the stopped audits of Kuna. And while to it you will not show the real I bend paganisms, he repeats all that the paganism is “affinity with the nature”, and here Christian tearing away from paganism is a fanaticism. That — it is necessary to allow to people to smell pagan портянки. About paganism I consider necessary to tell more truths. If this truth is disgusting and has gone is not my sin. Today “intelligent people” that there was supposedly the light paganism preaching affinity to the nature too like to sigh a little, and there was it such harmless and esoteric, and here there was then this terrible, fanatic and ascetic Christianity … Here very much even it is necessary to remind people pagan myths not in their retelling for children, and in their real appearance: with debauchery and masturbations, castrations and partitions of corpses, with содомией and каннибализмом … |
Guest |
#65862011-12-22 15:46Arriving so, I follow the lead of fathers (look at "Panary" of prelate Epifanija Cyprian and “About Grade Bozhiem” blissful Avgustina). Speaking about marriage life, “Avgustin does not avoid the details alien to customs of modern church chair and the press, but, obviously, not seeming strange at that time and to that population for which Avgustin” wrote. In pre-revolutionary editions of sacred fathers quite often transfer interrupted, and any part of the text was reproduced in a source language — in a Greek way or in Latin — without any transfer. So from a casual sight hid details of ancient mentions of human physiology. Today “customs of the press” have again changed. Therefore I consider that it is quite possible to return to language of fathers. And I will do it and henceforth — for to avert people from paganism to me it is represented to more important, rather than to observe pious virginity of hearing. If my critics transfer disgust for paganism on the one who convicts these pagan foulness, — means, something is abnormal with logic at critics. Also it is not necessary to me to show words of apostle Pavel that fornication and everyone нечистота and любостяжание should not even be called at you (Efes. 5, 3). The apostle writes about rules of Intrachristian life and speech (“at you”), and I should address to what by no means yet are not "ours". However, if “Russia Orthodox” really wishes, that ears of listeners “were not profaned by any muck” let will oppose distributions to church benches absolutely pathological брошюрок like “the Medicine for a sin”. And with time of church people confuses that in your books and lectures are plentifully quoted not only sacred fathers, but also absolutely secular authors... The fact that secular sources are quoted by me. The fact that it confuses someone. But fault here on those who is confused. They have too adjusted themselves on total suspiciousness and total condemnation. Spiritually sensible person would estimate it differently. For example, how martyr Ilarion (Troitsk): “In the composition of the author literally nearby there is Saint John Lestvichnik from V.V.Rozanovym, Saint Simeon a New Seminary student and blissful Avgustin with Merezhkovsky. It equally uses both lives sacred, and verses of poets, and fictional products, and even drawings of comic magazines. Before us strongly pronounced type of the spiritual person, always and everywhere unseparable with theological questions and interests. It is type — alas! — rare even at spiritual school and the more so, of course, valuable”. Father Andrey, the reputation of the missionary of new time was fixed to you — unusual style, boldness of thought, contacts with рокерами. This novelty irritates some part, so to say, conservative clergy. Sometimes you name “a pop-music of Russian Orthodoxy”, sometimes "rationalist", "revisionist" and "heretic" … "Heretic" I name newspapers like “the Russian bulletin” which editor worked in days of old in ideological department of the Central Committee, and now has for some reason decided to speak on behalf of Orthodox Church. Seriously it is not necessary to concern it. It is Enough to come into a book little shop at edition “Russian bulletin” to be convinced that cleanliness of Orthodoxy to these people: it is unknown, them does not worry. At them it is rubbed and the nationalist callosity itches. Between “Russian paganism” and “Russian Orthodoxy” for them there is no distinction. Advertising-pagan editions are presented at them in rather plentiful assortment. Are more plentiful in this shop unless newspapers and брошюрки with abuse to Russian Orthodox Church (on behalf of every possible independent “катакомбников”). Level of their acquaintance to Orthodoxy which they ostensibly protect from my "heresies", is well visible from article in “the Russian bulletin”, left in March, 2004: “Further the father диакон long speaks about disagreements orthodox and Catholics who, ostensibly, at all and are not present. And deification of its lecture the phrase has sounded:“ As a matter of fact, all of us with you we are orthodox Catholics ”(!!!). This phrase-slogan has sounded right at the end — means, both students, and listeners of" Radonezha ”will remember it very firmly. I leave this without the comment and the analysis”. And in vain pseudo-seminary students from “РВ” have refused the analysis. I have only reminded the official name of our Church in a XIX-th century: “the Russian Greek-Kafolichesky Orthodox Church”. The catechism of prelate Philaret Moskovsky which study at any tserkovno-parish school, is called “Vast Christian катихизис as Pravoslavnyja Kafolicheskija Vostochnyja Tserkve”. And there we read: “the Question. What important advantage the Kafolichesky Church has? The answer: to It actually belong high обетования that a gate адовы will not overcome it”. That means a word “кафолический” (in other transcription: "Catholic")? — Universal, universal, cathedral. Yes, we are Catholics. We — Universal Church, instead of Latin dissenters. Any of those attributes of Church that are listed in the Creed, we cannot concede to someone. Orthodox Church and uniform, both Sacred, and Kafolichesky, and Apostolic. And if any харизматы the circle name “apostolic church”, it yet an occasion to ourselves to shun this our nice name. So the analysis is useful, useful. The rationalist and the critic I only at the analysis of our modern church life. Everything that bears with itself the church orthodox Legend, — I accept both mind, and heart. Simply here to this voice of the Legend I trust more than to fashionable leaflets and visions. To compare certificates of the Legend to the new phenomena trying проторгнуться in church life, is already work rational. At first, however, all the same this matter of taste: at acquaintance to the next novelty the flavouring sensation — “not that”, well before is born, and then this sensation to the seminary student simply should be invested with arguments. "Revisionist" I in relation to the atheistic past. I have really reconsidered those sights. Yes, my experience of Orthodoxy differs from experience of traditionally church people. For me the belief is a finding, instead of a heritage. One business: the person from священнической families, hereditary, at it somewhere even eyes замылились, something has become boring to it, поскушнело. I the revisionist in the sense that am able to rejoice and open till now for myself depth of church tradition. Till now I find something new, unexpected and I rejoice. As to "pop-music" — in it too there is a truth. A pop-music — that is popular. And what — Orthodoxy should be elite, эзотерично? And unless the sermon of the parish father, something in the 100-th time chewing for grandmothers, — not "pop-music", not simplification? Why приспособлять to level of grandmothers it is considered the orthodox sermon normal, and attempt to conduct the same, as a matter of fact, in language of students is considered conversation reprehensible? It is necessary you to face any biases of orthodox believers? At everyone the biases. Someone, for example, considers that it is impossible to smile, when conversation goes on spiritual themes. You look at such person during lecture — and you see that in it there is a heavy struggle with itself because the part of its consciousness forbids to laugh and smile, but at the same time when he hears any interesting argument or a joke, the humanity rests try to escape outside through a pseudo-piety scab. If also it does not occur — well, with bitterness it is necessary to make the unfavourable diagnosis: “it is irreversible воцерковленный the person” … the Most unfortunate being: and it has not touched joyful depth of Orthodoxy, and pleasure of human dialogue has lost. Having accepted God (is more exact — “idea of God”), it then could not to return with this again found gift to the world of people. About "irreversibility". Vladimir Soloveva has a poem "Recognition": I was the adherent правоверия, Also the pig would eat me, But on hypocrisy border Поворотил shafts I. Sincere experience and history, Kohl you will not close eyes, You will teach that the theory Not so it is important, as life of people, That правоверие with unbelief Вспоило the same milk Also that with cold hypocrisy To broadcast an anathema easily. And still happens, you come somewhere and you feel: deafness, is not present at people of desire to listen, think and react. It seems that here someone from fathers has so unsuccessfully started to conduct Orthodoxy sermon that people had an impression, as if Orthodoxy — a synonym of the big boredom. It is necessary сламывать and this bias. It is said that earlier you were more independent in the judgements, and became now closer to the power. In such reproach immemorial conviction of Russian intelligency appears - the power always is not right. But the last century us has taught that there can be a wrongfulness big, than a power wrongfulness: a revolt lie. Where you have more than ill-wishers: among atheists, representatives of other belief or among orthodox churchmen? Most painfully to endure reproaches from the. Somehow in Tyumen the bearded man has approached to me in boots and speaks: “What for you to us have arrived? In the Gospel it is told: be not afraid, small herd. See, us, orthodox should be a little. What for you here preach?!”. So happens, my trips on dioceses come to an end with denunciations. From the church environment. In 1998 the newspaper “Russian bulletin” already suggested me to shoot. In number 46–47 they have reprinted a certain Nikolay Alekseeva's article "Deserters" (before left in the seventh release of the almanac “Antihrist in Moscow”; it is published by Committee “For moral revival of Fatherland”, окормляемый archpriest Alexander Shargunovym). Once (in the book “School divinity”) I have written that we are too frightened by alarms of the "adult" world and behind these alarms we do not see children. In Moscow there was already a little сборничков under the name “Antihrist in Moscow”. But with them after all to a school class you will not go. There it is necessary to go with a message that “the Christ in Moscow”, — for “the Christ in the middle of us!”. We will present that I have come to school and within three weeks talked to children. As a result one listener has wanted to be christened. Have gone. Christened. Next day, when I will come to a class, for me two variants of behaviour are possible. In the first case I will tell: “Zhidomasony you damned! I speak three weeks to you about Orthodoxy but only one of you has escaped from under influence of mean fate and a pornography!”, and in the second case: “Look, what physiognomy at this Vanki happy. It — because it was christened yesterday. By the way, this pleasure can be and yours”. I prefer the second way. Publishers “Antihrista in Moscow” — the first. “We are heroes of the Brest fortress, — they speak. — we were surrounded from different directions with hostile forces, from windows with gases poison, under us undermining conduct, from above bombs throw... In general to be orthodox it it is healthy, айда all to our casemate!”. And it must be said, what even in such sermon would be больший dynamism and there would be more truths, than in that what is conducted now from pages of orthodox editions and in teleplots. Nevertheless the military symbolics is that language that is close to heart of the boy. In this language he can understand that it is a question about something live and waiting from it a choice and participation. But also such sermon is seldom audible. Generally language of our sermon still анемичнее. “Store belief of ancestors” and “have destruction warm” — in these appeals so itself the young man a little can learn. Publishers of the almanac “in Moscow” sense of all трехсотстраничной books “School divinity” have reduced Antihrist to this one-page fragment and have declared that “deacon Andrey Kuraev has written the whole book“ School divinity ”ostensibly about Christian education of children — with that only to disavow a position of Committee and with sense of superiority (as at that security officer) carelessly to scarify attempts to protect children from corruption surrounding them”. At “комитетчика” too high opinion on the activity. Thus that to me "spiritually-sincere" atmosphere шаргуновского "Committee", its apocalyptic monomoral substance and a gloomy monoemotionality is remote, I and would not think to write the whole book “with that only, to disavow the Committee position”. I will disappoint "Committee". These lines have been written by me even before creation of its structure. "Committee" has been created in September, 1994, whether and my text has been published in the first collection of my articles “All equally how to trust?” (A wedge, 1994. With. 26–27) which has been sent for the press in March, 1994, and left in May. For the first time these lines were born in general in the middle of 1993. And only having seen that new created "Committee" is amazingly similar on for a long time me the drawn cartoon, I have inserted a mention of it into “School divinity”. But itself I have written “School divinity” at all for the sake of polemic with "Committee", and for the sake of elimination of those средостений that stand between children and Church. If rights there was N.Alekseev who has written that “the killed souls of children do not excite the deserter of deacon Andrey Kuraev” I would not began to undertake a writing of such book about children. But now I am convinced that from шаргуновского "Committee" of children really it is necessary to protect. First, because children should be protected from any hysterics and нетрезвости. Unless the perception of the world the person who in banal publicity boards (let even advertising a sin) sees magic and anything, except magic is normal: “These advertising have purely mystical value is a pure Satanism, occult magical reception … Here it is a question already of indulgence of black magic”. Well it is fine, has slipped out at performance on radio. But what for then these quick-tempered exaggerations to reprint? Really each sin is already “a pure Satanism” and “black magic”? Really everything coming on a confession for the story about the sins, should repent of “a pure Satanism” and “black magic”? If to the faithless teenagers who have been brought up on materialism-Darvinism-konsjumerizme, to teenagers who on переменках palm off each other pornomagazines to come and tell that they “pure Satanists” and “black magicians” it will be the best means for a long time to block it any way to truth... Secondly, children should be protected from "Committee" because it bears in itself(himself) such charge of hatred to which the most terrible Hollywood thrillers will not be compared. And what I can tell about people who, as a matter of fact, have called for my execution? Such conclusion article of Alekseeva comes to an end: “That it is possible to tell? Severely, but with deserters general Turkul” fairly arrived. And it arrived so: “the Security officer have shot without mercy”. I will remind — article "Deserters" is devoted me. By the way, in the same release “in Moscow” archpriest Alexander Shargunov shares Antihrista the intellectual experience: it at last has reached that understanding why it is necessary “to punish the death penalty for godlessness propagation” … Then fighters against an INN had a fashion at meetings to share with me the dream — as though they wanted to fry me in a cage (so was in corridor МДА during session of the Synod theological commission on an INN problem in February, 2001, and also at picketing иннэнистами diocesan meeting at a temple of the Christ of the Savior in December of the same year). And in 2004 on the Internet (and that is more important — on a holiday of Sretenija) the Magadan "orthodox" fascists have returned to day of my birth to a theme of my execution: “Kuraev in the role. Now this figure has told to all крещеному to the world about advantage“ day sacred Valentine ”. It appears, time tradition already is, so it is time and молебны to serve on February, 14th about health“ all enamoured ”. And that is not known by" the clever man ”that in a normal church calendar on February, 14th any“ Valentines ”отродясь did not happen. Fie! However, this … удак for a long time already in расстрельный the list has thrust”. Well, see, here again a bad word has quoted … Attempts to ponder, understand about what I speak, at my "superchurch" opponents are not present. The naked superraised irritation impregnates their texts. For an example — a response of "the Russian bulletin” on my lecture about "Matrix". “After acquaintance with lecture it became clear that further to delay the conversation beginning it is impossible: that Kuraev speaks диакон, is the uttermost, scandalous, extreme... Nonsense. I underline, nonsense is that the author of lecture, instead of about what he speaks speaks. And this nonsense, like Zhirinovsky's nonsense, is rather talented and flowed round. Sated with conformable data from area of history, divinity, culture, it rivets on herself attention, intrigues, starts to seem the world outlook concept, wins"supporters". I long could not understand, it is possible to be the supporter of what exactly, being the supporter of that Kuraev speaks диакон. After all if to take in hands a pencil and the paragraph behind the paragraph, a line behind a line, a word behind a word to analyse that Kuraev in the articles and lectures it will be found out speaks диакон that told as a whole has no the slightest sense. And such cumulative pointlessness develops of separate parts and the parts, which in itself can be both substantial, and actual, and testify to any separate aspects of true. But shovelled through a meat grinder of the inflamed consciousness диакона Kuraev, having been a part of it проповеднического "forcemeat", they cease to serve former ideals and start to serve populism of the concrete person. Also that is surprising, similar creativity finds the admirers! And their big part are so-called “new Russian” from among businessmen, bank clerks, figures of "show business". All is people far not silly, capable to independent getting, judgement and information use. And here, поди you, have got, as flies on липучку ”. And what of your books more all is criticised by your church opponents? With books to argue hard — theses are clearly registered in them. The argument is resulted. And to check up easily — whether truth I has written that nonsense which to me have attributed. Therefore the editions specialising on accusation “кураевщины”, prefer to build the a PR campaign on перевирании my lectures. It is easier to carp at lectures for quite objective reason. Lectures for the writing person is always draught copies. Here some themes, plots, arguments are run in, slandered". Then, on a measure начитки certain themes, they are made out at first in articles, and then and in books. Oral speech has other features, rather than speech written. Here it is more сиюминутности, it is less than reasonableness. Here there is more pedagogics (it is necessary“ to hold audience ”) and less logic and a source study correctness. But to people of certain abilities half made work do not show. At once I will explain: cartridges with my lectures extend against my will and without my permission. Fees, even author's copies to me do not transfer. Especially do not do necessary editing at duplicating of lectures. And editing is necessary — for in oral speech happen both inexact citations, and mess in dates. Happens also that that it was necessary to tell in that audience, absolutely to what on the cartridge or in the book. In my audiences (and I read the most part of the lectures “on departure” — out of Moscow) people or indifferent, or even hostile in relation to Orthodoxy prevail. About me they, as a rule, have heard for the first time in day of lecture. Besides, these lectures pass usually after the termination of the basic employment in university. Students have already enough exhausted for a day. To manage to keep even two hours their attention — business completely not simple. So to pull out audience it is necessary from "minus". (For them I the anonymous representative of "this melancholy Orthodoxy”) and to about what I speak, it is necessary to change the prejudiced relation to me within the first hour on at first sderzhanno-interested, and eventually and on the concordant. Absolutely other business — the cartridge. It is bought by the person who is already in advance interested in conversation on this theme. It, as a rule, not the student. Besides, as a rule, it is the person already orthodox. It is capable already to perception of firmer spiritual food. "Discharges" and “digressions aside” are not necessary to it. Therefore, if distribution of cartridges though was somehow co-ordinated with me, I would insist on their most serious editing. Alas, no coordination is present. And how much the person who has come on your lecture, can be assured what you state really the point of view of Orthodox Church? You understand that if I will consider that my sights are not sights of Orthodox Church, and I will pretend thus that I speak on behalf of Church I will be the rascal. To me it is very expensive that I in Church: I aspired to it, painfully went to enter into Church, therefore not in the least I do not wish itself Church to oppose. And, naturally, I accept all church dogma. Another matter that it is necessary to distinguish dogmatic вероопределения from private theological judgements, opinions. In the latter case there is a space for studying, acquaintance, understanding and — disputes. Here can be разноречия even between orthodox seminary students. They always were in the history, moreover, even between sacred fathers there were misunderstanding and discussions. So, beginning lecture, I always try to explain: so far as concerns a church position, and when about a question on which is not present общецерковного judgement. Then I speak:“ My position here such, but is my position, at other priests it can be on this question another ”. And consequently both journalists, and seminarists I ask: “Brothers, forgive, I understand that you have already got appeals to аскетике, to abstention and so on, but I attach the voice to a voice of your priests and I ask you: be воздержанны on language. Though I understand that it sounds partly ridiculously — диакон Kuraev calls to воздержанности, and at a loose tongue, — but nevertheless I piously ask you: братие, filter a market! And as seldom as possible in the speech dare to begin a phrase with a parenthetic clause“ as learns Church "," according to Church ””. I have the right to begin so a phrase only in the event that the citation from the Creed further will follow. Here then I have the right to tell: “Under the Church doctrine, there is Uniform God the Father, the Creator of the sky and the earth, all visible and invisible world”. In other cases it is better поосторожничать and not to give out the opinion for opinion of all Church. We will tell, when me ask: “That the Church thinks of Harry Potter?”, I can answer it only: “Yes it is a lot of honour for Harry Potter that the Church something thought of it”. On behalf of Church the Cathedral can tell only. But I somehow cannot imagine the Cathedral in which agenda under point 15 would appear: “Development of the relation to Harry Potter”. And still I do not think that the Church does not approve my work. It is possible to judge the relation of Church to me on destiny of my books. For 10 years the circulation of my books has already passed for 700 thousand. In this connection I have a feeling of some fault before my classmates on university among which there are people very bright, talented. But I look, how to them is and as is to me. To me, of course, is much better. I have that possibility of which any intellectual dreams. It is possibility to speak with people. That I write, will be claimed, published, extends. And those books that write at Institute of philosophy of Academy of Sciences and at philosophical faculty of the Moscow State University, either are not published, or published by scanty circulation in 500 copies so, as a matter of fact, the author and buys them, and then gives away. My advantage that behind my back there is a powerful system of dioceses, arrivals, monasteries with the network of book-trade. As a matter of fact, today only the religious organisations have the all-Russian network of distribution of the literature. Even the scientific literature on the country does not extend almost. And so, if the relation to me of Orthodox Church was bad, my books would not be published and did not extend. Here in general there are two extreme measures. One my critics consider that I any dissident in Church and my books do not represent a church position. Other my critics, on the contrary, believe, as if my work has "custom-made" character. They write that “books диакона Kuraev щедрейше are financed MT Russian Orthodox Church”. In practice both that and another is incorrect: I not the official journalist, but also not the dissident. Many publishing houses — both secular, and church — are ready to publish my books but first of all it makes for them profit. Books are interesting and necessary to people; they do not contain оппонирования the Patriarchy — therefore church structures and do not avoid from partnership in their edition and distribution. The second. Almost half of my life passes in trips. And generally invite arrivals and dioceses. For me just it is a source of joyful sensation — I in Church, I together with it and for the sake of it. And the third: I feel that from many and many troubles I am am stored by prayers of those people that across all Russia remember me. I live, not on my sins, it is good — and it on their prayers. I will not hide: not always all clergy approves my judgements. Happens both disagreement, and polemic. Moreover — sometimes (not on questions вероучительным, it it is natural) my position appears a distinct from position of the majority. It not too confuses me. I feel myself as the executor in the big symphonic orchestra. At me not the loudest and not the most important tool. But also it is necessary. Moreover — if my tool music would leave intolerable sounded only and the symphony would be ruined. And if my tool has become silent — the symphony would leave a little more poorly, deprived of a certain smack. And so — I know that there are editions and preachers who speak differently. Otherwise — not always means "incorrectly". Simply and there and there there is a vicarial, missionary truth or need. In general, I consider that our Church is strong enough and stable to dare to suffer on the periphery of such outcasts, as priest John Okhlobystin or диакон Andrey Kuraev. As an alarm signal occurrence “sects кураевцев” will serve. While I did not hear about occurrence кураевской sect, and it pleases me. Means, people through my lectures, my books come not to me, and to God. Why in the Svjatogorsky monastery of Donetsk area do not allow to sell your books? The Svjatogorsky monastery has opposed the position of a position of the Patriarch, the Synod of new passports, tax numbers and so on. As to books to forbid easily, and here to give reason — more difficultly. Somehow I had a possibility to see in business of the deputy of this monastery. This father who obviously has been not burdened by the academic formation, has suddenly risen and has declared: “Yes I have read all sacred fathers — there there is no that, you don't say so!”. I assure you, any professor of divinity has not read all sacred fathers. Further away from this purpose deputies of monasteries will defend. At least for the reason that the huge part of texts of sacred fathers is not translated into Russian... In general, the remark of this young erudite (he for five years is younger than me) has been met by an amicable laughter священнической audiences (it was at diocesan meeting of the Donetsk diocese). You pray before the beginning of your conversations? Yes, before an input in audience. Thus I say traditional prayers on молитвослову not so much, how many simply I speak: “My God, You know, what for You here have resulted me, help me”. And, really, I feel that the Lord helps me. Also helps not because I such good, and am simple because it is necessary for other people. And any priest will confirm that very often the Lord gives forces and words through the priest for the sake of the person who to it addresses. And even despite of sins of the preacher. Tell, by your personal experience to whom similar meetings it is more important: to Church or people? They are necessary for all. Churches — that in this dialogue to hear the interlocutor and most during conversation to specify the understanding of those or other problems. To believing people they help to realise and protect the belief. To faithless people such meetings help to resist to activity of sects. You often speak about beauty of Orthodoxy, love to which at you very deep and for which you so courageously stand. If nevertheless to open, for what you love it? I in Church not because have read clever books, that is why that have met people in whom Orthodoxy is live and from which light Christ's streams. I orthodox because am aged men. All book arguments in favour of Orthodoxy are absolutely insufficient to enter into Orthodoxy, to accept it, to live it. I would not remain of any day in Orthodoxy if I was kept in it only by any knowledge: theological, philosophical, istoriko-religious. But, favour of Bozhiej, I met Orthodoxy in life, met people (can be, no more than ten for all these twenty years of life in Church) with which it was possible not to speak about what. The aged man is a person with whom it is possible to be silent. Very often, it seems to me, people of it do not understand, accepting aged men for any oracles. Also go to the aged man that that has confirmed opinion which and so is at the person, — has confirmed my correctness. Or about any household questions it ask. And after all in the aged man important not that, чт! About it will tell about the future and even about me. In it that it is is important. Quality of its life is important. In aged men there is a sacred evidence, at their presence questions die. Therefore to dialogue with the original aged man cannot prevent and a language barrier. So, in Romania when I yet did not know the Romanian language, I have got acquainted with father Kleopoj, the person similar, probably, to father Cyril (Павлову), and outwardly, maybe, even more similar to father John (Крестьянкина). Near to it it was simple to fit well. Silence and the world inside. He professed and from time to time left to the people, talked, answered questions. Me has surprised that then, in 80th years, he spoke against sects. And then he even has written the special book against sects. The first my meeting with the aged man was surprising. It were very much unlucky days in my life when I studied in postgraduate study at philosophy Institute, some years dreaming of receipt in seminary. I have dared to tell about it to the confessor, and that began to explain me difficulty of church service from what I have understood that he does not bless me on it. Life for me has lost meaning … But once after a liturgy in Monastery one my friend-seminarist shows on the elderly person in a secular jacket and speaks: “Look, at this old man of an eye perspicacious”. I look: red as though bloodshot eyes, anything perspicacious I in them have not made out, and what I could then in it to understand? But then, hour through two, coming back to Moscow, I have seen the same old man in the electric train car. With us the tipsy children went, which steels to stick to the old man-pilgrim. And he began to laugh the matter off: — Oh, children, yes what, you young, seem to know better to you, and I somehow will live. You me do not touch. They ask: — And how call you, the grandfather? — Yes the Ear ring my name is, — answers. — children, you have a sleep, anything, I here will reach … And it is valid, minutes through ten they fall asleep. And here suddenly the old man turns to me, and instantly there is a change of the person, and asks: — And you as call? I speak: — Me Andrey call. He speaks: — And you, Andrjush, do not worry, in seminary you will arrive. In conversation it was found out that this old man — иеросхимонах Sergy, подвизавшийся in the Pochaevsky monastery disper-sed still many years ago. I have asked the father, whether for a long time it странничает. He speaks: “There are no, recently, 17 years”. And I then was only 22 years old. So it and странничал, from a temple to a temple, from монастырька to монастырьку. And at parting he has told to me: “do not worry. I for you will pray. Our monastic prayer strong, reaches God”. After that I as on wings treat to myself. Has addressed to the father with the story about all it. And my confessor has told: “Yes that you, I simply did not understand, how much it for you is serious, and so, certainly, arrive in seminary, good luck …”. One of criteria on which it is possible to define, true it is the aged man or it only thinks itself(himself) that (or people consider it as that), — one of such criteria is that the original confessor does not have in advance prepared answers, there are no schemes for all cases of life. I know on myself and on the friends, what even on the same questions — both theoretical, and absolutely concrete — (Pavel's) father Cyril tells to different people a miscellaneous. And it at all приспособленчество, not any policy when in each audience say that here wish to hear. It and not psychology, not всматривание in the person. The aged man peers at itself, in the prayer, and already therefrom scoops that it is necessary to tell to this person on its question. Answers to different people therefore happen different that a different plan at God about different people. If you see that a certain priest of all sends, say, to a monastery successively or, on the contrary, all persuades successively to marry, means, this person has a certain scheme which it imposes on people. Father Andrey, you simultaneously are the professional philosopher and the professional seminary student. Than your way the philosophy differs from theology, and what the general between them? Unlike the philosopher, the seminary student knows, Whom to ask. There, where the philosopher in private with the thoughts and riddles, to the seminary student is to Whom to pray and to question Whom. So there are questions on which and you do not know the answer? Certainly. Here only their small list: Where the boy whom I was, once has got to? Tell, a long old age — an award or payment? Where birds die? How many years to September? Whether understands the sea, what I speak? About what the young foliage sings to a spring breeze? Whence the death — from above or from below is? How many leaves to survive, trees pay to winter? And there are questions which are not pleasant to you? I do not love questions on me. It is better to talk about orthodox belief, than how I have come to it. By the way, I specially give this interview in order that the interested me personally to send to this book and by that to save time at lectures for conversation on more important subjects. I and further kept silent on this theme if round my biography the strangest myths and slander have not started to arise. So it is better, than each time to waste time on stories and the explanations, most nevertheless to tell about itself. I ask to consider misters of journalists that they will not wait from me answers to two is traditional-wild questions: “Tell about the purposes of your arrival to our city” (as though I come that local beer to drink!) and “that you will wish in the end our readers”. Still I do not like type questions “Tell about your impressions about our city”. First, this question is indecent, because it does not leave to the interlocutor of space for a choice; standards of politeness demand to give out the answer in style: “As here all is healthy!”. Secondly, this question gives out hopeless nonprofessionalism of the interviewer (for means that it any more does not know about what to ask, that is has come for work, being “not in a theme”). Thirdly, it bares also its so hopeless complex of the provincial considering with that — a pier, the person from Moscow (Paris, London …), and our Uryupinsk was pleasant to it! And the main thing — at me simply is not present forces and time to systematise the impressions. At my volume of work on departure I can work only “on an exit”; the entering information is not acquired almost. And that I see in other cities, except the same halls and “palaces of culture!”. Does not remain to time even to bow to local relics more often. But even more I do not love questions in style: “And what do you think of …”. Too often them set to write down only me in any party. It not a question, and interrogation. It some kind of “examination on loyalty” that party with which identified by the questioning. For an example: a certain newspaper receives the letter from the reader. The reader says that, wishing to enter Black one hundred, it “has followed blessing in a local temple and has heard from the confessor that at first-de it is necessary воцерковиться, to start to conduct a just way of life, and then already to rescue Russia and others to it to call”. Very much right words: before to bring up in yourself hatred to the one whom you will consider as "the foe of Russia”, it is necessary to impart yourself to love Christ's. But even if the confessor would tell to the spiritual son something not so obvious — has not put the newspaper to deny council of the confessor. One of principles of church ethics consists that it is impossible to criticise the confessor and its councils in the presence of its spiritual fumes. Absolutely “the Black one hundred” differently thinks. Questioning receives the answer:“ Our time vague, and among clergy meet from time to time обновленцы, экуменисты and other heretics. To distinguish the heretic from orthodox not always happens simply, but there is original "test" on which it is possible to distinguish with the big share of probability one from another. Give we will list questions from this "test". Ask the priest — as it concerns: to экуменизму, to Catholicism, протестантизму; to events of August, 1991 and October, 1993; to democratic mass media; to democratic elections; to Yeltsin and its mode; to the autocratic form of government; to обновленчеству and A.Menju; to transition to “new style”; to church service in Russian, instead of Church Slavonic language; to a Judaism and Jews; to patriotic movement in general and to Black one hundred in particular. Answers to these key ideological questions practically with absolute accuracy will give you the answer: the heretic before you or the orthodox priest ”. And the spiritual son incite asking similar questions to the confessor! Rudeness it, instead of struggle for Orthodoxy. The dissident modernism, and in any way традиционализм stands up for this "test". And though the author of this test — Alexander Shtilmark — the parishioner of a temple where I serve (both very good and light parishioner; the person with kind, instead of malicious or prickly, sad eyes), nevertheless at all my kind human relation to it I cannot consider its this "council" clever or even simply church. In the ancient time all was somehow clearer. “Orthodoxy limit — is purely to know two articles of belief — the Trinity and Dvoitsu: the Trinity неслиянную and unseparable to behold and know; Двоицу — two natures in the Christ in the uniform Person исповедать” (compare: Saint Grigory Sinait. Heads about precepts and doctrines, 26). Today criteria on which people are ready to distinguish Orthodoxy and heresy, were rather displaced. Question 707: If who tells, that I have damned Nestorija and heretics similar to it, whether to damn to me them or not? The answer. That Nestory and the heretics who were after it are under анафемою it it is obvious, but you do not dare to damn at all someone because considering the sinner should mourn over the sins and — more anything. But it is not necessary to condemn and damn someone … Question 708: And who from here will conclude, as I philosophise the same as heretics what to tell to that? The answer. Tell to it: though and it is obvious that heretics are worthy damnations, but I грешнее and am afraid of any person, as though, condemning other person, not to condemn myself … Question 709: If I do not know, whether is valid that heretic whom he asks me to curse how to arrive to me? The answer. Tell to it: “the Brother! I do not know, how about whom you speak philosophises; to damn the one whom I do not know, apparently, will serve me in condemnation. I say to you that other belief, except betrayed from 318 sacred отцев [the First Universal Cathedral], I do not know, and who philosophises differently, rather than it научает, that has anathematized itself(himself)”. Today if the missionary speaks only about the main thing — about the Christ "party" orthodox it is perceived as malicious evasion from party "alignment", as position masking “молчальника”. And this position for certain is absolutely not orthodox, "not our", time he does not speak about it, — after all this missionary, speaking about the Gospel, does not express on that theme that interests all is true-orthodox adherents. Present — when “sharply there is on the agenda a problem …”, he at all does not speak about it, and polemizes with any “witnesses of Iegovy” and proves them Divinity of the Christ instead of essentially demanding from the Patriarchy of canonization N!. The Internet server of publishers “Russia Orthodox” frankly warns: “We do not offer visitors of our server of materials on the Scriptus, lives sacred, to a catechism, Church history”. That it for “orthodox Russia”, forgotten about the Gospel and reducing Orthodoxy to infinite skirmishes! As with charming frankness and naivety the writer close to spirit “Russia Orthodox” was expressed, “mission of our Fatherland — to keep юлианский a calendar”. Whether “Russian idea” is small? Really it also is that unique contribution of Russia to world culture, history and religious life of which Slavophiles and Dostoevsky dreamt? But околоцерковные newsdealers consider the focus of interest standard for Orthodoxy. And those who is not limited to this circle, try вытолкать from Church. I could be present at your lectures. And both times at me such impression that at lectures I have learnt more than from your books. How many from the conceived books you have already published, and how many still wait for the hour? If to consider formally left at me 35 books and brochures. But as them to consider, I and itself do not know. Here in 1997 I had a book under the name “About our defeat”. In it there were 40 pages. In 1999 there was a book with the same name. That was for two years before whole брошюркой, here became only chapter 1. In total in the book there were 540 pages. In 2003 there was a new processing of the same book with the same name — “About our defeat. Christianity on a history limit”. Now in the book already 840 pages. And thus pages from the edition of 1999 have not entered into the edition of 2003 … How it to consider — three different books or one? Or a return example: in 1997 I had a book “If God is love”. In it there were 120 pages. It completely was a part of my book “Gifts and an anathema” (in last edition it is 540 pages). So two it is books or one? I therefore carefully say that I had 20 books. When you have time to write so many books and articles? And I also am not in time. Therefore also it is necessary to come back and alter all time to them. So it has turned out that I have started to write and be published earlier, than it assumed, and earlier, than was ready to it. Too sharp turn has occurred in religious life of Russia in the early nineties, and church editions and church writers too slowly reacted to occurring changes. On myself I was convinced of the validity of the supervision asserting that everyone writes that book which would like to read simply. Absence of modern apologetic publications on the one hand, and improbable quantity of lie about Orthodoxy, with another, have forced me to take up the pen. To usual, for a long time habitual and then yet стихнувшей to atheistic antiorthodox polemic those years new voices have increased: and supporters of "universal values”, believing as if orthodox monks prevent to become them bankers, and quickly gaining in strength occult propagandists, and the new Russian Protestants who suddenly have been brought up by foreign missionaries. From church publicists and seminary students of the senior generation it was not audible public answers to these attacks to Orthodoxy. And then I have remembered Anton Chekhov's words: “There are big dogs, and there are small dogs, but small should not be confused existence of the big: all are obliged to bark - and to bark that voice, what Lord has given”. My articles have started to appear in newspapers, then in magazines, at last they began to gather in books. Those responses which to me could be heard, showed that despite all imperfection of these books, all of them have benefited many people. Their circulations and допечатки have quickly disper-sed. But when offers on their reprinting again began to arrive, it has appeared that is simple so it is simply impossible to make it. They need to be changed too seriously. I refuse to recognise these books the, that is expressing my today's relation to problems discussed in them. In the Moscow Spiritual Academy professor Alexey Ilich Osipov was my favourite teacher. The person deeply orthodox and consequently allocated with surprising internal freedom, it непрочь ironically to concern камому to itself and the professorial advantage. Not to apply on it too obliging word “юродство” I will tell differently: at times he wishes to arrive how norms of orthodox etiquette do not allow to arrive. And so, once on change I have approached to Alexey Ilichu with a question concerning one of theses of its textbook “Basic divinity”. My question, however, has been met absolutely unexpectedly: “And why you with this question have addressed to me?” - “well as, - I speak, - Alexey Ilich, the same your textbook!”. - ”Pardon, yes from what you it took?”. Dizzily I show it the title page: “Yes here it is written!”. - “Well, no, excuse, here, it is just written that the author absolutely other person”. - “As so?” - “Read attentively: see, how it is written -"senior lecturer A.I.Osipov ”. And I who? - Professor A. I.Osipov. So it is not my textbook”. Here and I feel that my first books not quite mine. That is why from time to time I am engaged in destruction of the old draught copies, is more exact - processing before than the left books. In reprintings much is anew written on the same themes to which the first books have been devoted, but thus, naturally, those places of former books which in my opinion still looks as more or less comprehensible remain. And, of course, the abundance of lecture trips disturbs to literary work. Last eight years I have enough forces only to overwork one and a half ten already left books. In general it would be desirable 6–7 more books to write. The material for them is. You not so favour to a press, and meanwhile prefer to name yourself not the seminary student, not the professor and so on, and the church journalist. Here really there is some divergence between an official title and internal feeling. Well, what I really “the professor of divinity”! In дореволюционую spiritual Academy me and the student would not accept, not that that the professor! I first of all in languages would be filled up … But if there are today theological higher educational institutions — someone should be in them and the professor. “What time for a court yard — such is the Messiah”. However, here it is possible to note one uniqueness of our time: for the first time in history our Church missionary work is conducted by professors of divinity. Even in prerevolutionary years complaints of missionaries were audible that “professors of our spiritual academies absolutely ignore sacred business of our mission, the destruction of souls of the orthodox people for them is indifferent, why professorial works on сектоведению at us never was, no, and I do not know, whether soon will. Only occasionally, as though by the way, they criticise our missionary literary works, but concerning mission they have not given till now independent serious scientific works and missionaries do not give also are in this respect absolutely lonely”. Today the situation is really unique: there is a group of professors of divinity which are ready to come off the academic libraries and византологических studies and to go to people and the audiences rather far from is professional-theological traditions. Whether there is it on advantage or to the detriment of their actually scientific work? At least on myself I can скаазть that, of course, to the detriment. But to people the advantage is. Means, it is necessary to work so: knowing enough for teaching at spiritual school, nevertheless to go to school usual; having knowledge more than at the journalist to work nevertheless in journalism. I am valid — the church journalist. And as from within I see, how the journalism becomes, I have a number already order of the taken roots claims to a modern secular press. There is such old Jewish joke. The Jew sits and cries on the ashes of the house. The neighbour approaches to it and asks: — How affairs, Izja? — Yes itself you see — the house has burnt down, the wife has burnt down, children have burnt down. All has burnt down! — Yes, it is sad... And what brand new? This joke at me it is strong ассоциирован with journalism … This joke at me it is strong ассоциирован with journalism … And still, of course, in the world журналюг and officials to me обидна the settled hostility, нелюбопытство to the world of Russian thought, to the world of philosophy, divinity. Why at us as Russian culture are considered only “ложечники” and “матрешечники”? Why event in cultural life Bori Moiseyev's concert, instead of lecture of the seminary student is considered? It is insulting that in the journalism world tremendous illiteracy, нелюбопытство, bias reigns. Whence this desire of modern paparazzi all to befoul, изъесть, about all to write with ехидцей? Have passed celebrations in Diveevo (the 100 anniversary of glorification of Saint Serafima) — and liberally-dissidentstvujushchy the Internet site begins the reporting with a phrase: “Pilgrims have parted, having left after itself garbage heaps”. And after all even children's rhymes derided such репортерский style: - Where you were today, the cat? - At the queen at the English. - And what saw at court? - Saw a mouse on a carpet. Father Andrey, speak, you had a new book about a post? Yes прильпни language wash throats to mine, аще I will sometime write something about a post! It is enough to look at my waist to understand that it is a theme which is out of limits of my competence. At you the house an extensive record library, even records of modern music; on a book shelf at you Vysotsky's photo — as is all is combined with Christianity, belief in God? Well, this music — that remains from former and that it is a pity to erase as memoirs on youth. As to Vysotsky for me it there was very expensive person whom in my choice … I will not tell that it has led me to Orthodoxy, — but he has created that internal psychological atmosphere in which it became possible. Because its songs spoke about a choice, about the protest — in the beginning 80 this motive should be present at life of the young man which has come to orthodox tradition. I am grateful to Vysotsky for it. Its songs constantly sounded in our house. It still love and my father — they with Vysotsky coevals. For “red tags” — here it has made search of the way, a track, an exit for me psychologically possible to make the choice. I store those cartridges, but for a long time already I do not listen to its record. Human life полосата: probably, there are such days when I again could listen and would began to listen to Vysotsky. Rationally speaking, I would wish, that such days was less. And, on the other hand, that such days happen, it helps to remain the person. Well, this music — that remains from former and that it is a pity to erase as memoirs on youth. As to Vysotsky for me it there was very expensive person whom in my choice … I will not tell that it has led me to Orthodoxy, — but he has created that internal psychological atmosphere in which it became possible. Because its songs spoke about a choice, about the protest — in the beginning 80 this motive should be present at life of the young man which has come to orthodox tradition. I am grateful to Vysotsky for it. Its songs constantly sounded in our house. It still love and my father — they with Vysotsky coevals. For “red tags” — here it has made search of the way, a track, an exit for me psychologically possible to make the choice. I store those cartridges, but for a long time already I do not listen to its record. Human life полосата: probably, there are such days when I again could listen and would began to listen to Vysotsky. Rationally speaking, I would wish, that such days was less. And, on the other hand, that such days happen, it helps to remain the person. You have personal spiritual crises, you are visited by sensation богооставленности? In due time in seminary it is all it was well treated. There were also personal friction, there were boring lectures … But leave for territory of seminary and understand that all the rest — is worse. Since then my way of life on border of Church and the world helps to overcome internal crises more likely, rather than them generates. You mean the periods неспокойствия, spiritual crisis? Here we rest against other problem, a serious problem of internal church life. It consists here in what: people who come to a temple, address to the priest is frequently people with sick conscience, with sick soul. And the priest is, as a rule, the person, whose well-being above the average level (I speak about internal well-being). He/she is the person who has a meaning of the life — very realised, — the person who has an internal calling. He/she is the person who feels as all being нужность the service. He/she is the person at whom the main choice of life — already behind, is made. But private world situation has the double: here the world in the Christ, and here the double — a peace of mind. And it is very easy to accept one for another. Often so happens that people not church, — which frequently therefore and remain not church, — go to the priest with the pain, and meet the person who has not wished to be the interlocutor, has not wished to accept this pain. Has not wished to leave the habitual rhythm of life, to listen to the person, to understand it. The Lord, as it is known, treats for such illnesses: treats us the temptations, different everyday burdens. And consequently, on the one hand, maybe, also it would not be desirable, that these "heavy" days happened, but, on the other hand, absolutely it to leave is would mean loss. Sometimes there are such days when there is to relatives a sensation of pre-Christian youthful existentialism. “I want to live to think and suffer...”. But we will return to Vysotsky. In what relations it with Christianity? In the bad. I am, of course, strong христианизировал it in the perception and was very glad, when once have seen its photo with a dagger on a neck. I gave to this circumstance, likely, more values, rather than Vysotsky. But its destiny, seemingly, all the same has passed by the Gospel. And in it drugs are in many respects guilty. Alas, very many of that pain which is in its late songs, — not because that platitude of the Soviet validity caused suffering in a shower of the poet, and — simply pain from a drug. But is at Vysotsky and the present poetry. Very often in your lectures, in works you quote fragments from literary works and citations from Tsvetaeva or from Vysotsky illustrate many theological themes and arguments. What for you the poetry world means? Simply I do not love the press and television world, the pop-music world. Tsvetaeva has lines: “... Readers of newspapers — глотатели emptiness!”. And here the poetry becomes a refuge from this total “макдональдизации” the world of newspapers for me. Once it was the outlet from the world диамата. And I am very grateful to Tsvetaeva, Ahmatovoj, to Galich, Pasternak, Voloshin, Gumilev, Mayakovsky, Yesenin. I do not dare to judge them for those blasphemous attacks which meet in products of some of them. As the priest has no right to condemn the person who has come on a confession, and I do not judge the poet for its public confession on which it has taken out the sins, sufferings, doubts, passions. Whether there is at you time for reading of the similar literature? Use of similar citations is how much proved? And in general, what you prefer to read, what circle of your reading during the given period? I very much any more do not read for a long time fiction, something is simple since students in memory remains. I work with the istoriko-religious, theological literature. Almost I do not read even books on philosophy. Why? I said that for all life I regret that have arrived on philosophical faculty, instead of on the historical. In your books, lectures, conversations considerably Lewis, Chesterton's influence. What your relation to them? Lewis and Chesterton is a lot of for me meant. I read them in seminary, in a samizdat. I have understood that it is possible to speak with pleasure about Christianity, without tediousness. And that's it this intonation, a manner has laid down to me on heart, has helped to change style of the letter because to write I began on a monstrous "scientifically-postgraduate" slang. And for me there was joyful a thought that it is possible to write differently, not for an academic council, and for people. Whether something from the modern art is pleasant to you personally? In the most unexpected places where it is thought that on this bog can only поганки grow, suddenly there is something interesting. Who could think, what in the rock music world there can be something Christian, orthodox? For example, Yury Shevchyuk's songs — there a lot of evangelical light, there remind the person of his soul. The video film “Zone of Ljube” — there very human, Christian sight at the person was very kind. However in modern creativity for certain a lot of not orthodox. How it can be "filtered"? It is really difficult. But, understand, I have been brought up in the Soviet years and learnt to be grateful for small. I knew one seminarist who has gone to seminary such strange way: it could not get the Gospel anywhere and bought atheistic books and therefrom wrote out citations from it. And so has made full enough mosaic of evangelical citations. And in the Soviet years I learnt to be grateful at least for one kind word about Church. Therefore also has got used to that I can appreciate any author, thus without incurring the obligation to agree with everything that it has made, spoke. So it is necessary to tell only after Anna Ahmatovoj: “When you would know, from what rubbish flowers grow, without knowing shame”. Listening to your lectures, you are surprised to your knowledge, and they, should be, all replenish and replenish. How you feel with them? After all it is told: from much wisdom a lot of grief. Yes, so it is told by Solomonom (if it to consider as the author "Ekklesiasta"). But at wise Solomona it was a question of knowledge completely not scientific, philosophical, and about knowledge of the world of people. My book knowledge, more likely, strengthen my belief. Blow on belief is put usually by “news of church life”. But medicines for present pricks — in knowledge of history. When I узна! ю any pitiable things about us, modern orthodox I think: “My God, people have not learnt to sin in a new fashion for thousand years. And nevertheless the Lord suffers us”. And that the Lord suffers us, gives hope that our generation — not is generation limiting, last. Number of rascals in cassocks always stable, evangelical — everyone the twelfth. In general, here at me the same consolation, as at Ekklesiasta: There is something about what speak: “Look, here, it is new!” — but it was in the centuries which were before of us! (Compare: Еккл. 1, 10). You somehow said that in a terrestrial history all of us are equally doomed to defeat. But unless optimism — not quality of the orthodox Christian? There is a known formula: “My knowledge is pessimistic, my belief is optimistical”. Each of us will endure destruction not only Russia, but also all our Galaxy. We are immortal. Unfortunately or to pleasure — to solve to everyone most. And what you in church life pleases? About, in Church I am am pleased, first of all, with that It suffers me. And in the end, what you would want to tell? I have one request growing from one my disappointment. To me it |
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#65872011-12-22 15:50As God (Lord Krishna) said in Bhagavad Gita There is no servant in this world more dear to Me than he, nor will there ever be one more dear.(18.69) And I declare that he who studies this sacred conversation of ours worships Me by his intelligence.(18.70) And one who listens with faith and without envy becomes free from sinful reactions and attains to the auspicious planets where the pious dwell.(18.71) |
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#6588 Re: URGENT!!! The Orthodox priest blasphemes Shrila Prabhupad!2011-12-22 15:52#6560: - URGENT!!! The Orthodox priest blasphemes Shrila Prabhupad! Svami Prabhupada - the big crafty dragon! (Adzhagar-guru)
"The dragon was most artful than animals field which were created by the Lord. The dragon to the wife also has told: whether God has originally told: do not eat from any tree in paradise? The wife to a snake also has told: with дерев we can eat fruits, only fruits of a tree which among paradise, God has told, do not eat them and do not touch them not to die. The dragon to the wife also has told: no, will not die, but God knows that in day in which you taste them, your eyes will open, and you will be, as gods knowing good and harm" (Life, 3:1-5).
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#65902011-12-22 15:58"The international society of consciousness of Krishna" (кришнаиты) - неоиндуистская pagan sect. Sects / "the International society of consciousness of Krishna" "Yes there will be no at you other god, and Do not worship to god foreign" Пс.80:10 "For all gods of the people - idols, And the Lord has created heavens" Пс. 95:5 "... Pagans, making a sacrifice, Bring to demons, instead of God" 1Кор. 10:20 The doctrine and sect practice кришнаитов The news information about кришнаитах Publications in mass-media about кришнаитах Destructive darkness кришнаизма: "A society of consciousness of Krishna" (МОСК, кришнаиты) - professor Alexander Dvorkin The expert judgement on activity of the Minsk community of "the International society of consciousness of Krishna" - the Enlightenment № 1, 1998. The founder book "Society of consciousness of Krishna" Abhaj Charan De "Bhagavad-gita as it is" – all, who not кришнаиты – demons, the fallen sinners, fools and ignoramuses - Maxim Stepanenko As the birdie has grown to god of the whole world (about god кришнаитов) - On topic of the day - Maxim Stepanenko The more I learn paganism, the I am more terrified or a Vedic damnation on an impotence - On topic of the day - Maxim Stepanenko Monkey on a pole - murders, madness and кришнаиты - John Hubner, Lindsey Gruson Кришнаиты - as they are... Actually (certificates очевидицы) - Julia Gilzitdinova Кришнаиты - who they? - Archpriest Oleg Stenjaev The Christ and Krishna. Light and darkness - Alexander Novopashin, an archpriest Кришнаизм, as tradition of worship a deceit and death - Vitaly Pitanov Small lie of "the Great teacher" Prabhupadas (to a question on an admissibility of the use of meat of animals) - диакон Andrey Belous From Krishna to the Christ (history of returning from an idol to Son Bozhiemu) - Anastas Ivanov Eat manure, drink urine and glorify Krishna (about use practice кришнаитами a sewage of animals) - Vitaly Pitanov World order on-krishnaitski - professor Alexander Dvorkin The Christ and Krishna, whether one this and the same? - Pavel Stoljarov Jesus Christ in кришнаитском dogma - иерей Pavel Feoktistov Disposal of divinity - Eric Pement The reference of the Yaroslavl antisectarian centre apropos "Festival of India", organised by adherents of sect МОСК (кришнаиты) The charitable action of firm UMRTS "Адели" or trade in souls of children? - Professor Alexander Dvorkin, иерей Lev Semenov About idols, pies and axes... - Evgenie Muhtarov The sect кришнаитов has cut itself in Khabarovsk - the Center свщмч. Иринея Lyons Loud fiasco сектомафии in Khabarovsk - professor Alexander Dvorkin, иерей Lev Semenov The judgement about a recognition антикришнаитской leaflets by an extremist material - Interfax-religion is cancelled Corruption sectarian abscess in Khabarovsk territory or Give only the power to sectarians - РАЦИРС Krishnaitsky Khabarovsk business – especial business - Igor Ivanishko Who should answer before the Law: sect or antisectarians? - Igor Ivanishko Кришнаиты collect a dust from footwear of the gurus - Vitaly Pitanov Destiny of my mother in darkness кришнаизма (the certificate of the son) - Alexander Krishna and Army - Albert Bitjutsky To court in Tomsk about a recognition of the book of Hindu Abhaj Charan De "Bhagavad-gita as it is" the extremist The Office of Public Prosecutor of a city of Tomsk demands to recognise the book of Hindu Abhaj Charan De "as Bhagavad-gita as it is" экстремисткой - Maxim Stepanenko The founder book "Society of consciousness of Krishna" Abhaj Charan De "Bhagavad-gita as it is" – all, who not кришнаиты – demons, the fallen sinners, fools and ignoramuses - Maxim Stepanenko The Indian authorities are misinformed concerning court in Tomsk against the book "by Bhagavad-gita as it is" - Roman Silantev As me кришнаит has convicted of lie - On topic of the day Svami Prabhupada - the big crafty dragon! (Adzhagar-guru) - On topic of the day The lie is amazed how many have splashed out кришнаиты with begun litigation in Tomsk! - Maxim Stepanenko I congratulate, again соврамши … the Review of Boris Falikova's article "Gita and a bat" - professor Alexander Dvorkin Кришнаитов in Tomsk the former employee of Office of Public Prosecutor of Khabarovsk, convicted of corruption - a selection of materials protects Кришнаиты are ready to distribute 1 million roubles of bribes to "experts" to buy their opinion that "Bhagavad-gita as it is" - "warm and fuzzy" - On topic of the day Nelli Krechetova - or absolutely incompetent legal expert, or lies, or that and another or who actually was dishonoured? - Comments to performance authorised under human rights in the Tomsk region Nelli Stepanovny Krechetovoj on radio "Echo Moscow" in Tomsk The representative under human rights across the Tomsk region Nelli Krechetova opposes itself to citizens of Russia - the Press release of Legal committee of protection of the rights and advantage of the person at the Russian association of the centres of research of religions and sects "... If also the Satan is divided in itself as its kingdom will resist?" (Лк.11:18) - about кришнаитах and their defenders - On topic of the day Society of consciousness of Krishna in Russia - the dwarf with huge ambitions - On topic of the day As the birdie has grown to god of the whole world (about god кришнаитов) - On topic of the day - Maxim Stepanenko Tomsk кришнаиты regularly and maliciously break the law "About a freedom of worship" - we continue to inform the representative under human rights in the Tomsk region Nelli Krechetovu - On topic of the day The more I learn paganism, the I am more terrified or a Vedic damnation on an impotence - On topic of the day - Maxim Stepanenko Is not present кришнаитскому ашраму in the Tomsk region! It is impossible to begin good business, having put in its basis law brazen violation - the Answer of Missionary department of the Tomsk diocese of Russian Orthodox Church to the statement of the Tomsk society of consciousness of Krishna Falsity in "кандинском the conflict" Enver Izmaylov has deserved from Krishna a rank санньяси - On topic of the day - On topic of the day The court has demanded from кришнаитов to take down illegally under construction settlement in Kandinke - Interfax-religion The court has refused кришнаитам excitation of criminal case concerning the head of missionary department of the Tomsk diocese - the Missionersko-apologetic project "To True" Tomsk кришнаитов ask рекультивировать the earth on which they suited a self-system - Interfax-religion The Office of Public Prosecutor has demanded to take down settlement кришнаитов in vicinities of Tomsk - Interfax-religion Krishnaitsky inquisition against orthodox in Tomsk has failed - Interfax-religion Statement РАЦИРС concerning the reference in Tomsk groups of sectarians-krishnaitov - professor Alexander Dvorkin, иерей Lev Semenov Tomsk кришнаиты: from under blocks of 90th years - диакон Michael Plotnikov Tomsk кришнаиты: lie, slyness, infringement of the Russian laws and aggression to opponents - Maxim Stepanenko Кандинка has told кришнаитским to missionary "summer residences": "Is not present!" If we show spiritual indifference Tomsk can become not only university, but the sectarian centre of Siberia - the Archbishop Tomsk and Asinovsky Rostislav Management of Rosselhoznadzora across the Tomsk region has written out кришнаитам the instruction to eliminate illegal building nearby д. Кандинка, and local continue to protest against them ашрама Inhabitants of Kaltajsky rural settlement of Tomsk area oppose illegal building кришнаитского ашрама Is not present devilish капищу in Moscow! Counteraction to building in Moscow кришнаитского капища - discussion in mass-media The letter of the Archbishop of Ufa and Sterlitamaksky Nikona to the mayor of Moscow JU.M.Luzhkov concerning building pagan капища sects "International society of consciousness of Krishna" from 2/25/2005. The answer of the Mayoralty of Moscow to the letter of the Archbishop of Ufa and Sterlitamaksky Nikona The second letter of the Archbishop of Ufa and Sterlitamaksky Nikona to the mayor of Moscow JU.M.Luzhkov concerning building pagan капища sects "International society of consciousness of Krishna" from 11/29/2005. The embittered reaction кришнаитов on the given letter from 12/1/2005. The answer of the archbishop of Ufa and Sterlitamaksky Nikona on "Explanation ЦОСКР in connection with the reference of the archbishop of Ufa and Sterlitamaksky Nikona to the mayor of Moscow JU.M.Luzhkov concerning building of a temple of Krishna in Moscow" and the statement of the President of Association of Indians to Russia (ACORUS) of Sandzhit K. Dzhha The statement of the Moscow branch of the Union of orthodox citizens concerning the decision of authorities of the capital to give кришнаитам a ground - Interfax-religion from 2/14/2009. Support of orthodox Christians of Russia positions of the Ufa diocese in polemic with кришнаитами: The Center Press release религиоведческих researches for the sake of St. Irineja Lyons The reference of diocesan meeting of the Tver diocese to the Russian public in connection with question discussion about кришнаитском капище in Moscow Who inflates scandal – "orthodox radicals" or the liberal journalist? - The comment of the information-analytical centre свт. Mark Efessky concerning Michael Pozdnjaeva's article "Children of not main god" Photo - "Its Divine favour" Shri Shrimad Svami Bhaktivedanta Shrila Prabhupada - www.eparhia-saratov.ru and object of worship of sectarians - a demon Krishna with a collar from reptiles - how here not to remember a bible image ancient змия in эдемском to a garden! "... There are at them eyes, but do not see" (Пс.113:13) кришнаиты and other fans of the Indian pagan religious exotic a true essence синекожих (!) "deities". It is necessary to notice that the orthodox monks possessing vision of demons ripened them in a similar black kind. |
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#65912011-12-22 16:04http://www.k-istine.ru/sects/mosk/mosk_bhagavat-gita.htm Maxim Stepanenko, the head Missionary department Tomsk diocese of Russian Orthodox Church The missionersko-apologetic project "To True" - 6/29/2011. The founder book "Society of consciousness of Krishna" Abhaj Charan De "Bhagavad-gita as it is" – everyone, who not HareKrishnas – are demons, the fallen sinners, fools and ignoramuses That believers consider for themselves as "divine revelation", "Holy Writ" and conclusive authority defines their morals, a mental condition, behaviour and so forth Christians possess unique moral-behavioural features thanks to the New testament, Moslems differ from Christians, and their moral-behavioural uniqueness is caused by the Koran etc. I think that it is obvious to all. Therefore, if we want to understand partly "internally filling", psychology betrayed кришнаита, it is necessary to consider that writing as which he considers богооткровенным and sacred. In our case, it "Bhagavad-gita as it is". That is object of consideration It is necessary to distinguish really ancient text "Bhagavad-gity" which are a monument of the ancient Indian religious literature, and actually modern work (XX-th century) "Bhagavad-gita as it is", written by Hindu Abhaj Charan De (1896-1977), consisting of own original transfer of ancient Bhagavad-gity (it is often essential different from known traditional transfers (both Indian, and the academic transfers, as in Russia, and abroad) and own comments to transfer of this text. Its own comments also make the basic part of book contents "Bhagavad-gita as it is", Comments of Abhaj Charan De (a name in the Society of consciousness of Krishna (ISKCON) – further ОСК - "Its Divine favour Shri Shrimad Svami Bhaktivedanta Shrila Prabhupada") are a subject of our consideration, and these comments of founder ОСК, are filled: - Ideas - the exclusive religious, social, moral and intellectual superiority which, in its opinion, its followers possess; - Offensive, humiliating definitions all who are not followers of its doctrine about Krishna, and in general non-believers to Krishna as "the Supreme god". Abundance of citations which will be more low resulted and which confirm the above-stated conclusions, allow to assert unequivocally that a direct and indirect insult, уничижение all некришнаитов as intellectual, psychological and religious недочеловеков, cultivation to некришнаитам negative attitude - is strongly pronounced and system line "Bhagavad-gita as it is which forms асоциальное behaviour of adherents ОСК. Further references to the book original "Bhagavad-gita as it is"//A.C.Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada: the lane with English - 3 edition corrected. – The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Internation, Inc, 2007.-816 with. Will be specified in a kind "БГ 16:3, with. 675" where B. Г – the reduced name of the book, 16:3 is a designation of head (the first figure) and further through a colon verse number, with. 675 – page of the specified book). Authoritativeness "Bhagavad-gita as it is" and its author for its followers from "the Society of consciousness of Krishna" (ISKCON) The book of Abhaj Charan De "Bhagavad-gita as it is" is main вероучительной the book "Society of consciousness of Krishna" (ISKCON), it defines religious outlook, behaviour and the relation to некришнаитам adherents ОСК. Its authority is absolute, indisputable, and is subject to literal (literal) understanding. Abhaj Charan De also is esteemed as named authority, its person in ОСК idolised, its words are not subject to doubt. "The most simple way of comprehension of a science about a shower is to accept manuals of" Bhagavad-gity "who was told by the greatest spiritual teacher, Lord Shri Krishna, and on an iota not to deviate them" (БГ 2:29, with. 118). Important that Abhaj Charan De specifies in literal understanding of Bhagavad-gity, is more exact than its transfer of Bhagavad-gity, thus its each word stands out as conclusive true: "Words" of Bhavagat-gity "– authoritative instructions for those who trusts in Krshnu. All that tells Krshna in" Bahagavat-gite "it is necessary to accept literally, without giving Its words of own interpretation … Ardzhuna I have told … About Krishna, each Your word I accept as conclusive true" (Nectar of Manuals, A.C.Bhaktivedanta Svami. Transfer from English Shri Upadeshamtry Shrily Rupy Gosvami. – The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Internation, reg, 1991, - with. 53). Here still acknowledgement of absolute authority of its "Bhagavad-gity" ostensibly a divine origin and which can it is correctly commented and understood only betrayed Krishna, i.e. кришнаитами: "Bhagavad-gita", told By the Supreme Lord, it is not distinct from Ved therefore concluded in it knowledge is апаурушеей, "superhuman". Веды it is necessary to accept such what they are, without trying to interpret them in own way, and in the same way it is necessary to accept "Bhagavad-gitu". Wordly idle talkers переиначивают everyone after the own fashion, but their interpretations it is impossible to consider "Gitu" as original "Gitoj". The knowledge concluded in "Bhagavad-gite", should be received us in its primary kind, such to what it is transferred on a chain of spiritual teachers "(БГ 4:1, with. 209). Further the author already directly declares, what exactly its comments are is unique correct, even divine, and only he should be trusted, as to the representative of "a chain of spiritual teachers". In passing, "Bhagavad-gity" all other commentators it уничижает, naming demons. Thus, the author proclaims the absolute validity of the comments which need to be accepted completely and некритически to follow them: "Certainly,"Bhagavad-gita"never intended for demonic people who simply would depreciate it and would began to interpret it as it will take in head, bringing nobody the blessings. When it all the same has occurred, when the primary plan of"Gity"has been deformed by the unfair commentators pursuing the mercenary aims, there was a necessity to restore a chain of spiritual teachers. Five thousand years ago The Lord has found out that this chain has interrupted, and has proclaimed that people have forgotten about true appointment of"Bhagavad-gity". Presently there was a similar situation: now there is a set of editions of"Bhagavad-gity", especially in English, but almost all of them disperse from that version of"Gity"which is transferred on a chain of spiritual teachers. Wordly scientists have written huge number of comments to"Gite", but practically anybody from them does not recognise Krishna as the Supreme Person of God though words of Shri of Krishna bring in their the considerable income. To arrive so demons which do not believe in God can only, but thus impudently use Its property. And as there is an imperative need in the English edition "Gity", which would represent it in that kind, in what it is transferred on парампаре (chains of spiritual teachers), we have tried to meet this lack. The people accepting "Bhagavad-gitu" such, what it is, receive the huge blessing, the same who looks at it as on the usual philosophical composition, only in vain waste time, studying it "(БГ 4:2, with. 210). On an official site Russian кришнаитов this chain of spiritual teachers "http://www.krishna.ru/content/view/773/947/ is resulted: "Evam parampara-praptam (B. - 4.2)." Bhagavad-gita as it is "has come to us on a chain of spiritual teachers into which enter: 1. Krishna. 2. Брахма. 3. Нарада. 4. Вьяса. 5. Мадхва. 6. Падманабха. 7. Нрихари. 8. Мадхава. 9. Aкшобхья. 10. Dzhaja Tirtha. 11. Гьянасиндху. 12. Даянидхи. 13. Видьянидхи. 14. Раджендра. 15. Джаядхарма. 16. Пурушоттама. 17. Brahmanja Tirtha. 18. Vjasa Tirtha. 19. Лакшмипати. 20. Madhavendra Puri. 21. Ishvara Puri (Nitjananda, Aдвайта). 22. Lord Chajtanja. 23. Рупа (Svarupa, Sanatana). 24. Рагхунатха, Dzhiva. 25. Кришнадас. 26. Нароттама. 27. Вишванатха. 28. (Баладева), Dzhagannatha. 29. Бхактивинода. 30. Гауракишора. 31. Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati. 32. A.Ч. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada "To learn true, hand over itself to the spiritual teacher. Question it submissively and serve it. The souls which have realised can give you knowledge for they have beheld true. The comment:" … the Lord advises to us to find the true spiritual teacher belonging to a chain of instructors which starts from The Lord. The one who does not belong to such chain, it is impossible to consider as the true spiritual teacher. The first spiritual teacher is The Lord, and the person who has received this knowledge on a chain of spiritual teachers, is capable to transfer to the pupil of a word of the Lord in not deformed kind. The spirit nature cannot be comprehended, having invented for this purpose own method as it is done by ignorant charlatans … to receive knowledge, it is necessary to find the true spiritual teacher. The pupil should follow implicitly all instructions of the spiritual teacher and, having rejected arrogance, to serve it, without shunning even manual labour …. Until then while we do not become obedient servants of the true spiritual teacher, our questions to it will not bring desirable result "(БГ 4:34, with. 250). "Bhagavad-gita", told By the Supreme Lord, неотлична Ved therefore concluded in it knowledge is апаурушеей, "superhuman". Веды it is necessary to accept such what they are, without trying to interpret them in own way, and in the same way it is necessary to accept "Bhagavad-gitu". Wordly idle talkers переиначивают everyone after the own fashion, but their interpretations it is impossible to consider "Gitu" as original "Gitoj". The knowledge concluded in "Bhagavad-gite", should be received us in its primary kind, such to what it is transferred on a chain of spiritual teachers. Only кришнаиты possess to perfect knowledge, only manuals кришнаитских instructors are true, everything that contradicts their words – запретно and is sinful – the higher degree of imposing to the reader of exclusiveness кришнаитов: "Differently, the person possessing perfect knowledge, understands that each live being is the eternal servant of the Lord and consequently the debt of everyone - to operate in consciousness of Krishna. All" Bhagavad-gita "brings us to this conclusion. Any other conclusions contradicting it, and the actions based on them concern a category викармы, forbidden activity. To understand all it it is possible only in dialogue with the authoritative instructors possessing consciousness of Krishna which are capable to devote us in secrets of activity. To receive this knowledge from them - all the same what to receive it from The Lord" (БГ 4:17, with. 233). "Be released from пут karmic activity the one who possesses consciousness of Krishna can only and devotes to Krishna all actions. The person in consciousness of Krishna operates, movable by pure love to the Supreme Person of God and consequently it is not adhered to fruits of the work. It is not adhered even to maintenance of the body for in all it is necessary to Krishna. Such person does not aspire to get a thing or to keep that already has. He tries as it is possible to do the duty is better, and in all the rest it is necessary to Krishna. Activity of such person, free from wordly attachments, has no consequences, neither good, nor bad as though it at all does not make actions. Such activity is called акармой, as not involving karmic consequences. On the other hand, any action made not in consciousness of Krishna, enthrals the person and as already was told, concerns a category викармы" (БГ 4:20, with. 235-236). "However the method of consciousness of Krishna is unique, for it gives the chance to the person to serve the Supreme Lord directly. Any of listed above sacrifices will not help the person to find consciousness of Krishna it is possible only on favour of the Lord and Its pure betrayed. Hence, a method of consciousness of Krishna above all other methods of consciousness" (БГ 4:28, with. 244). "Therefore consciousness of Krishna - a key to the decision of all problems of material life" (БГ 4:31, with. 248). "But ignorant and faithless people who doubt words богооткровенных the writing, are not capable to find consciousness of God. They fall all more low and more low. The doubting soul does not know happiness neither in this world, nor in the world other. The comment: From set of the authoritative sacred writing the best is"Bhagavad-gita". Only people, in all assimilated to animals, do not know, about what is told in the sacred writing, and do not trust in them. Is also such who, even knowing the maintenance богооткровенных the writing and quoting them, actually do not believe that is written to them. A among those who trusts in words of such writing as"Bhagavad-gita", is a lot of people who do not trust in existence of the Supreme Lord, Shri of Krishna, and do not worship to It. Such people are not capable even to come nearer to consciousness of Krishna, they are waited inevitably by falling. From all categories of people faithless sceptics are deprived possibility to develop spiritually. The people who are not believing in God and Its word, will not find anything good neither in this world, nor in other. They do not know happiness. Therefore it is necessary to follow with belief to instructions of sacred books, aspiring to find spiritual knowledge. Only then we can fall outside the limits a matter and comprehend the soul nature. So, people who overcome doubts, are not capable to reach spiritual perfection. Therefore we should go in the footsteps of great ачарьев, spiritual teachers belonging to a chain and then our life will crown success "(БГ 4:40, with. 255). "The one who follows instructions which The Supreme Lord has given in" Bhagavad-gite ", finds divine knowledge and thanks to it gets rid of all doubts. Such person has already comprehended true" I ": he understands itself(himself) the integral particle of the Lord to the full possessing consciousness of Krishna. Therefore it never happens is connected by consequences of the actions" (БГ 4:41, with. 256). "If, having listened to these manuals, the person and has not managed to understand true nature of the Lord - eternal, executed pleasure and the omniscient Person of God, means, it a hopeless fool. To get rid of ignorance, it is necessary to acquire principles of consciousness of Krishna gradually. To awakening in the person of consciousness of Krishna promote a victim, brought to demigods and Supreme Brahmanu, a victim which are brought by those who stores a vow of chastity or conducts home life, those who bridles feelings, is engaged in mystical yoga and makes аскезу, and also a victim of those who refuses the material property, studies Vedy and carries out the duties in varnashrama-Dharma system. All is various kinds of sacrifices, and all of them are based on instructions шастр …. Therefore the Lord recommends to us to study"Bhagavad-gitu"or any other Holy Writ under the direction of the true spiritual teacher, serving it with humility and humility. The true spiritual teacher belongs to the chain of instructors existing from time immemorial, and on an iota does not recede from the manuals of the Supreme Lord many millions years ago opened by It to god of the Sun which has in turn transferred knowledge of "Bhagavad-gity" to people of the Earth … (БГ 4:42, with. 257). "Mind of such person is always concentrated to Krishna, therefore he never forgets Krishna and is not engaged in anything, except service to the Lord. He never begins to listen to that does not concern Krishna, or is the food which has been not offered Krishna, and never will go somewhere if it is not connected with service to Krishna" (БГ 5:7, with. 267). "Krishna - the Supreme Absolute True, the Person of God" (БГ 5:10, with. 271). "The best for it - to get out of abyss by means of a transcendental method of consciousness of Krishna. It is a unique way to rescue" (БГ 5:14, with. 273). Here apogee of insults of other commentators of Bhagavad-gity, and also people not considering this book divine, and Krishna true god: "There are two types of people: betrayed and demons. The Lord has selected Aрджуну to tell it this great science because Aрджуна was Its betrayed. Demonic people are not capable to comprehend secret sense of"Bhagavad-gity". There are many editions of this great book. To one of them have written comments betrayed, and to another - demons. Comments of the devoted retell the true matter of"Bhagavad-gity"whereas comments of demons are false and useless. Aрджуна recognises Shri Krishna the Supreme Person of God, and the commentators of"Bhagavad-gity"who are following the lead Aрджуны, serve this great science with the present fidelity. Demons refuse to accept Krishna such what It is. Instead they fill the comments with fabrications about Krishna and prevent to follow the reader to Its manuals. This verse Krishna warns us that it is necessary to be careful of similar commentators. We should try to go by the instructors belonging to a chain of spiritual teachers which starts from Aрджуны, - only then the great science of "Shrimad Bhagavad-gity" will bring to us the blessing "(БГ 4:3, with. 211). Division of people on pure betrayed and demons – a vivid example of religious discrimination, is more exact than religious racism of the author. Here still an insult not кришнаитов, not considering Krishna personal god, and also the statement of the monopoly and authoritativeness of interpretation оргинальной Bahagavat-gity: "Therefore people with demonic mentality are not capable to understand sense of it and other similar verses" Bhagavad-gity …. Demons not in a condition to comprehend the divine nature of the Lord about which He tells in a following verse "(БГ 4:5, with. 214). Here still the fragment where the author declares that "Bhagavad-gita" (read "Bhagavad-gita as it is") intends only for "betrayed": "In the sixty seventh verse of this chapter the Lord has strictly forbidden to tell"Gitu"that who envies the Lord. Differently,"Bhagavad-gita"is intended only for betrayed (БГ 18:71, with. 774), also it is obviously artificial conclusion even from transfer of the original text of the author:" The one who listens to our conversation with belief and without envy, is released from consequences of the sins and reaches good planets on which there live righteous persons ". Acknowledgement of that definition "demon" is understood as people: "Instructions of Ved induce the person undividedly to indulge in the Lord, and when demons break them, the Lord Himself comes to a material world" (БГ 4:8, with. 218). The author declares: "Usually those who is free from sins, people just, with ease accept consciousness of Krishna" (БГ 18:71, with. 774), thus, all who heard and does not accept consciousness of Krishna people enthralled by a sin, injust do not accept consciousness of Krishna. "The reasonable person is the one who possesses consciousness of Krishna" (БГ 4:12, with. 227), the conclusion is unequivocal - the one who does not possess consciousness of Krishna - is unreasonable, silly, the near person, the ignoramus – all these epithets е некришнаитам the author repeatedly states in the comments, hardly Such fools are more scarlet under the text "do not show interest to consciousness of Krishna" (БГ 4:12, with. 227). The author puts everything out of the law that contradicts its doctrine, doctrine ОСК: "Differently, the person possessing perfect knowledge, understands that each live being is the eternal servant of the Lord and consequently the debt of everyone - to operate in consciousness of Krishna. All"Bhagavad-gita"brings us to this conclusion. Any other conclusions contradicting it, and the actions based on them concern a category викармы, forbidden activity" (БГ 4:12, with. 227), thus кришнаитские instructors possess absolute authority: "to Understand all it it is possible only in dialogue with the authoritative instructors possessing consciousness of Krishna which are capable to devote us in secrets of activity. To receive this knowledge from them - all the same what to receive it from The Lord. Otherwise even the most reasonable person will inevitably be at a deadlock" (БГ 4:12, with. 227), it is similarly told in this comment:" To serve Krishna is better under a skilled management of the spiritual teacher, the true representative of the Lord which knows bents and abilities of the pupil and can always prompt how correctly to operate in consciousness of Krishna. Therefore, to seize a science of consciousness of Krishna, it is necessary to operate with determination and implicitly to submit to the representative of Krishna, the spiritual teacher, including its instructions mission of the life. In the well-known prayers turned to the spiritual teacher, Shrila Vishvanatha Chakravarti Thakur gives us following manuals: "Satisfying the spiritual teacher, we thereby satisfy the Supreme Lord. Without having satisfied the spiritual teacher, it is impossible to find consciousness of Krishna. Therefore it is necessary to plunge three times a day into thoughts on the spiritual teacher, to ask him about favour and in respect to tend it лотосным to stops" (БГ 2:41, with. 130-131). "Any action made contrary to Vedic instructions, concerns a category викармы, forbidden, or sinful, activity" (БГ 3:15, with. 177) – as almost all Russians do not follow instructions вед, all of them, according to the author, live in sins, and do the forbidden. Only кришнаиты possess to perfect knowledge, only manuals кришнаитских instructors are true, everything that contradicts their words – запретно and is sinful – the higher degree of imposing to the reader of exclusiveness кришнаитов: "Differently, the person possessing perfect knowledge, understands that each live being is the eternal servant of the Lord and consequently the debt of everyone - to operate in consciousness of Krishna. All" Bhagavad-gita "brings us to this conclusion. Any other conclusions contradicting it, and the actions based on them concern a category викармы, forbidden activity. To understand all it it is possible only in dialogue with the authoritative instructors possessing consciousness of Krishna which are capable to devote us in secrets of activity. To receive this knowledge from them - all the same what to receive it from The Lord" (БГ 4:17, with. 233). "On the other hand, any action made not in consciousness of Krishna, enthrals the person and as already was told, concerns a category викармы" (БГ 4:20, with. 236). Kindling of religious hatred, уничижение advantages of the person to signs of a floor, race, a nationality, language, an origin, the relation to religion, and is equal to an accessory to any social group Article 282 of the criminal code of Russian Federation "hatred or enmity Excitation, and is equal humiliation of human advantage", considers as that "the Actions directed on excitation of hatred or enmity, and also on humiliation of advantage of the person or a group of persons to signs of a floor, race, a nationality, language, an origin, the relation to religion, and is equal to an accessory to any social group". The author specifies in necessity of a social inequality of women (not to give them the will, social and other rights on a level with men) that is direct infringement of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: "In the same" Manu-samhite "is clearly told that women never should give freedom. It does not mean that they need to be transformed into slaves; no, it is necessary to concern them, as to children. To children do not give will, but it at all does not mean that of them do slaves. Present demons neglect these instructions and declare that to women the equal rights with men" should be granted. (БГ 16:7, with. 683). Last statement is offensive for a modern Russian constitutional system and the power supporting this constitutional system, gets under article 319. The criminal code of Russian Federation "the Insult of the representative of the power": "the Public insult of the representative of the power at execution of the functions by it or in connection with their execution". Head who is most filled уничижением religious and social advantage is Chapter 16. "Divine and demonic natures". "… to conceive the child possessing divine qualities, it is necessary to spend a Vedic ceremony garbhadhana-samskara", i.e. "ten cleaning ceremonies … Sexual relations непредосудительны, if their purpose – service of Krishna" (БГ 16:3, with. 675). Thus, all children conceived without the specified ceremony, do not possess divine qualities, and all people even entering in lawful from the point of view of the state and other religious organisations, without the purpose of service to Krishna – make reprehensible sexual relations, from the point of view of the author conceive people "as cats and dogs" (БГ 16:3, with. 675). The people conceived out of service to Krishna, are natures with demonic qualities: "These demonic qualities are inherent in them by nature - they receive them in a womb of mother and, growing, show them to the full" (БГ 16:4, with. 681). This thought proceeds and supported in comments to the text of 15 chapters 7: "To the following category душкрити, or sinners, lowest of people concern нарадхамы. Нара" the person ", and адхама -" the worst, the lowest "means. From 8 400 000 forms of life of human forms is 400 000. Among them many the lowest human forms, from which majority - not civilised. Civilised name people, whose social, political and religious life is under construction on instructions шастр. The people living in a society with developed social and political structure, but doing not follow religion laws, name нарадхамами … the Debt of those who brings up children, - to revive divine consciousness dozing in them." Manu-smriti ", the arch of religious laws, orders ten cleaning ceremonies, intended to help people to develop in itself consciousness of God, operating within the limits of system варнашрамы. But, unfortunately, presently anywhere in the world these ceremonies are not made properly and consequently 99,9 percent of the population of the earth are made by the people concerning a category нарадхама" (БГ 7:15, with. 361-362). Thus, all people, whose parents have not spent before conception указные ceremonies, receive epithets not only demons, but also sinners, and sinners, lowest of people. "To give money it is necessary only on the sermon of consciousness of Krishna worldwide. It is charity with гуне clemencies" (БГ 16:3, with. 677). Thus, any other charity and the mercy, directed not on members ОСК and the organisation - is inadmissible. It is necessary to underline - these conclusions directly do not follow from text translation of ancient Bhagavad-gity. Actually text translation 6, chapters 16 is pejorative: "About son Prithi, the created live beings in this world happen two kinds. One name righteous persons, and others demons. I have already in detail told to you about divine qualities, and now listen about qualities by which demons" are allocated. Comments which even more open sense of this transfer Further follow: "the Same who does not follow precepts of the sacred writing and operates on own whim, name demons, or асурами. Criterion only one - performance of instructions of the sacred writing" (БГ 16:6, with. 682). Thus, demons are everything which are not executing "instructions шастр and instructions of authorities" (БГ 16:6, with. 682), that is all people who are not followers ОСК, that this division into righteous persons and people concerns people, and demons are those who treats Bhavagad-gitu is distinct from кришнаитов, confirms the following text: "There are two types of people: betrayed and demons. The Lord has selected Aрджуну to tell it this great science because Aрджуна was Its betrayed. Demonic people are not capable to comprehend secret sense of"Bhagavad-gity". There are many editions of this great book. To one of them have written comments betrayed, and to another - demons. Comments of the devoted retell the true matter of"Bhagavad-gity"whereas comments of demons are false and useless. Aрджуна recognises Shri Krishna the Supreme Person of God, and the commentators of"Bhagavad-gity"who are following the lead Aрджуны, serve this great science with the present fidelity. Demons refuse to accept Krishna such what It is. Instead they fill the comments with fabrications about Krishna and prevent to follow the reader to Its manuals. This verse Krishna warns us that it is necessary to be careful of similar commentators. We should try to go by the instructors belonging to a chain of spiritual teachers which starts from Aрджуны, - only then the great science of "Shrimad Bhagavad-gity" will bring to us the blessing "(БГ 4:3, with. 211). Here one more text according to which it is obvious that all people, according to the author, not recognising Krishna god, "the higher authority" are demons:" The whole world, without considering only demons, from time immemorial recognises Krishna as the higher authority and consequently Ardzhuna has asked It this question that Krishna could tell Itself about Itself, without waiting, while it will be made by demons which always try to deform Its image, adjusting it to own representations and representations of the followers … to Demons of a word of Krishna can seem strange as they approach to Krishna with the measures, but betrayed with pleasure accept everything that Krishna speaks. Betrayed always with awe listen to manuals of Krishna because always aspire to learn about Krishna as much as possible … Betrayed Krishna, such as Ardzhuna, never doubt the divine nature of Krishna "(БГ 3:4, with. 212). Thus, all people, according to the author, not recognising Krishna god," the higher authority "are demons. So, according to the Explanatory dictionary of live great Russian language of Vladimir Dalja, a word "demon" bears ярковыраженное negative value "the Demon - m. греч. An evil ghost, a devil, a Satan, a demon, lines, dirty, crafty. A Satan, who in lie, on haughtiness of spirit; a devil, who in harm, on самотности; a demon, who in lusts of harm, on love to the wordly. Demons, to it belonging; демонский, to it peculiar, to it carried. Демониться, церк. демонствоватися to rage, be одержиму a demon. Демоноговение compare церк. Idolatry; демоночтец m. the idolater. Демонострашие compare the fear directed by demons. Демонология. The doctrine about spirits, about aeriform beings. Демономания. Insanity in which the person considers itself frenzied, afflicted". According to the Explanatory dictionary of Russian of Ushakov "demonic, ая, ое; in quality кратк. Forms употр. демони́чен, чна, чно (книжн.). Peculiar to a demon. || unusual, different strong character, artful, spiteful. Demonic nature. The demonic woman". All it is aggravated also with that Abhaj Charan De specifies on literal and not subject to doubt, contest understanding of Bhagavad-gity, is more exact than its transfer of Bhagavad-gity: "Words" of Bhavagat-gity "– authoritative instructions for those who trusts in Krshnu. All that tells Krshna in" Bahagavat-gite "it is necessary to accept literally, without giving Its words of own interpretation … Ardzhuna I have told … About Krishna, each Your word I accept as conclusive true" (Nectar of Manuals, A.C.Bhaktivedanta Svami. Transfer from English Shri Upadeshamtry Shrily Rupy Gosvami. – The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Internation, reg, 1991, - with. 53). Thus, not concordant with doctrine ОСК and doing not follow it, all members ОСК it is necessary to take all LITERALLY demons, demonic, negative natures, persons, the author even more strengthens уничижение кришнаитов: "Though demons are the most disgusting beings on light … They go straight to a hell, and it seems to them that they движутся by the way of progress" (БГ 16:10, with. 687). "In a society ариев, followers of Ved, representatives of the most developed civilisation, a rule so are strict that all who neglects religion precepts are considered as demons. Therefore in the given verse it is said that demons do not know instructions шастр and have no the slightest desire to follow them. Precepts of the writing, but even those who knows about them are unknown to the Majority of them, are not inclined to carry out them. At them is not present either beliefs, or desires to operate according to instructions of Ved. Both internal, and external cleanliness too is not peculiar to demons. The body needs to be supported always in cleanliness: every day to make ablution, to brush teeth, have a shave, change clothes etc. As to internal cleanliness for its maintenance it is necessary to remember always sacred names of God and to repeat to Jara Krishna, Jara Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Jara Jara / to Jara Rama, Jara Rama, the Frame the Frame, Jara Jara. All these rules are not pleasant to demons, and they never follow them" (БГ 16:7, with. 683). I.e. demonic persons are all who do not follow Vedic instructions, hygienic instructions and not repeating кришнаитскую a mantra "to Jara Krishna …" The author specifies in necessity of a social inequality of women (not to give them the will, social and other rights on a level with men) that is direct infringement of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: "In the same" Manu-samhite "is clearly told that women never should give freedom. It does not mean that they need to be transformed into slaves; no, it is necessary to concern them, as to children. To children do not give will, but it at all does not mean that of them do slaves. Present demons neglect these instructions and declare that to women the equal rights with men" should be granted. (БГ 16:7, with. 683). Last statement is offensive for a modern Russian constitutional system and the power supporting this constitutional system, gets under article 319. The criminal code of Russian Federation "the Insult of the representative of the power": "the Public insult of the representative of the power at execution of the functions by it or in connection with their execution". Though it and ostensibly should do all, according to the author, for protection of the woman, but restriction of will of the woman and its social rights declared in the mentioned text, even for this purpose is inadmissible The people having other concept about the world and religion, are, according to the author, demons, it follows from the comment to the text 8. Chapters 16 where the author uneasy falls criticism upon opponents, but names their demons: "Demons come to a conclusion that the whole world - phantasmagoria … Differently, at demons is not present true representation how there was a material world; each of them thinks out own theory" (БГ 16:8, with. 684-685). Not members ОСК which is not dividing of their religious outlooks not only are demons, demonic natures, but also are deprived reason, near their activity is dangerous to the whole world: "Demons are engaged in the activity which is bringing destruction to the world. Therefore the Lord names them here deprived of reason. Not having the slightest representation about God materialists consider themselves very progressive. However" Bhagavad-gita "names their near and deprived of mind" (БГ 16:9, with. 685-686). "In a demonic society murder of animals prospers. Such people name enemies of the world because, eventually, they will invent or will create something such that will bring destruction to all live" (БГ 16:9, with. 686). As secular and traditional religious culture of the people of Russia (Orthodoxy, Islam, a Judaism and the Buddhism) do not deny the use of meat of animals, a bird and fish, that, leaves, according to the author, all our society and the religions which are not condemning the uses of meat, are demonic. Apogee уничижения and insults not followers ОСК, all using wine and the meat, playing gamblings, is the comment to the text 12, chapters 16: "Here demonic mentality is described. Desire of demons is insatiable. Their unsatiable desire to enjoy a material world with each minute begins all more strongly and more strongly. In spite of the fact that attachment to illusive, passing things is for them the reason of constant anxieties, they in the illusion obstinately continue to be engaged in material activity. The deprived knowledge, they do not understand that go on a false way. Fascinated passing, demons create own God and glorify it in hymns of own composition. As a result they only become attached to two things more strongly: to sexual pleasures and accumulation of material riches. In this connection special value has the word used here an ashuchi-gate," dirty vows ". Such people women, gamblings and meat involve only wine; all it concerns a category ашучи, dirty habits. Movable by pride and self-conceit, they create own religious systems contradicting principles of Ved. Though demons are the most disgusting beings on light, they suit all so that others worship to them and surround with their not deserved honours. They go straight to a hell, and it seems to them that they движутся by the way of progress "(БГ 16:10, with. 687). The author repeatedly in the comments offends the people who are not trusting to Krishna, not being followers ОСК, not dividing their doctrine and experts: "these fools do not understand …" (БГ 16:16, with. 688) Here still an insult of all not trusting to Krishna and not dividing their doctrine: "the Demons not believing in God and denying existence of Supersoul in heart, impetuously sin to satisfy the feelings only. … however demons do not know Ved and do not trust in them, therefore they consider themselves have the right to do everything, everything if only to enjoy, and do not think of consequences" (БГ 16:11-12, with. 688), and to the people who are not trusting to Krishna and ведам, it is attributed absolute sinfulness - "… impetuously sin". All некришнаитам unreasonably attributes negative qualities: "Everyone демоничный the person considers that for the sake of itself it is possible to offer all the others" (БГ 16:17, with. 691). By the author the people trusting differently, than кришнаиты (in this case atheists and representatives индуизма trusting in impersonal Brahman (Spirit)) are again offended: "As a rule, all demons consider themselves as God. Therefore, when the demon becomes the preacher, it convinces the followers:" What for to you somewhere to search for God? Each of you God! Can do everything that want. Do not believe in God. Throw out God. God is dead ". So preach demons" (БГ 16:17, with. 691). Following comments once again specify that by the author the people trusting differently, than кришнаиты are offended: "Including itself the centre of the Universe and without recognising over itself any authorities and the power of the sacred writing, demons sometimes make so-called religious practices and sacrifices. And as for them there are no authorities, they behave very defiantly …. Sometimes such demons рядятся in clothes of preachers also confuse unsophisticated people, giving out itself for religious reformers or embodiments of God. They or arrange ostentatious sacrifices, either worship to demigods, or think out own God. Ordinary people start to esteem them for God and to worship to them, and fools consider as their great experts on a spiritual science. They dress clothes of monks and in this dress are engaged in every possible nonsenses. Actually the one who has vowed renunciation of the world, should adhere to very strict rules. However demons do not pay to them any attention. They consider that each person can lay the way of spiritual development and that the uniform way simply does not exist. In this connection Krishna underlines a word avidhi-purvakam that negation of rules and instructions "means". Similar views always are a consequence of ignorance and errors "(БГ 16:17, with. 691). The bright insult of non-believers to Krishna, not accepting the religious books which are for кришнаитов sacred, is drawn an image of the enemy with brightly negative qualities: "The demons always opposing to the Supreme power of God (i.e. Krishna – a bus comment), do not trust words of the sacred writing. The Scriptuses and the fact of existence of the Supreme Person of God cause in them feeling of jealousy. … They make violence over bodies of other people and over own body. The deprived knowledge, demons do not want to reckon with the Supreme power of the Person of God. Their hostility to the sacred writing and the Supreme Person of God is shown that they put forward false arguments against existence of God and deny authority богооткровенных the writing. … If it has an enemy, threatening to prevent its pleasures, he keeps mind how to finish with it (БГ 16:18, with. 692). Example of a bright insult некришнаитов and frank racism: "it is Here again clearly told that demons again and again place in wombs of demonic women and they remain spiteful, most contemptible people. People of demonic breed are constantly overwhelmed by desire, are always ready to apply violence, they hate others and have dirty habits. The numerous tribes of hunters living in jungle concern number of demonic forms of life" (БГ 16:19, for example, with. 693). Example уничижения некришнаитов: "…. From this verse we learn that It never shows The favour to demons. Here it is clearly told that demons again and again get to wombs of demonic women and, the deprived favour of the Supreme Lord, fall all more low and more low while eventually do not appear in bodies of cats, dogs and pigs. Demons are almost deprived possibility to receive favour of the Lord even in the future. In Vedah it is said that, degrading, such souls appear in due course in bodies of dogs and pigs. Someone can doubt mercy of God, having heard about Its disgrace. In reply to it" Vedanta-sutra "says that the Supreme Lord for anybody does not feed enmity or hatred. When асуры, demons, get to the lowest forms of life, is too display of Its favour in relation to them" (БГ 16:20, with. 693-694). As it разниться with wisdom and favour of God of the Bible: "And I speak to you: love your enemies, bless damning you, благотворите hating you and pray for offending you and driving you, yes will be sons of the Father your Heavenly for It rules to ascend To the sun over malicious and kind and sends a rain on just and injust" (Мф.5:44-45). The dictionary "Religion" makes such definition "асура": "АСУРЫ (санскр." Possessing vital force ") - in mythology индуизма - the heavenly characters possessing magical force of the Maya. At early stages of formation of representations about А, - e.g., in Threshing barns-Vede - they could act both as deities, and as heavenly demons (opponents of the last). Later А began to be treated exclusively as demons - opponents of deities - and quite often resisting to people". Application of this term to people basically is not competent, but if it is used, I the obvious purpose уничижения and insults. In other transfers of "Bhagavad-gity" in this chapter people share on believers and atheists (асуров), the last - the people who have betrayed of lust and wordly pleasures, pride, lie, злобою, to dirty customs, accumulation of injust riches, murders for the sake of the riches, bringing hypocritical a victim. The criterion of correct behaviour in the conclusion specifies шастры. A context of this chapter - people-atheists – conducting immoral life, people (for example, БГ 16:21 – "Trojaki a gate of this underworld ruining the person: lust, anger and greed; therefore it is necessary to be released from these three". Direct reckoning of representatives of others of religion to godless people is not present. Additional examples of manuals about the religious superiority and уничижении иноверцев: "In" Bhagavadam "it is said that the one who has to the full developed in itself(himself) consciousness of Krishna and faithfully serves the Lord, possesses all advantages of great wise men whereas at the person who has not reached spiritual level, is not present and there can be no advantages as it in all is guided by whims of the mind …" (БГ 2:55, with. 144) – the last уничижения in the original text is not present, even in transfer of the author: "the Supreme Lord has told: About Partha, about the person who has cleared the mind of all desires originating in feelings, and scoops satisfaction only in true" I ", say that it possesses pure, divine consciousness". "The same who does not possess consciousness of Krishna, whatever powerful it was and however many tried to suppress activity of the feelings, finally is all the same doomed to failure for the slightest thought on sensual pleasure will raise its mind and will force to try to meet the desires" (БГ 2:62, with. 152). "The one who is deprived consciousness of Krishna, does not know a pacification. In the fifth chapter" Bhagavad-gity "(a verse 29) it is told that the person will find an original pacification only when will understand that Krishna enjoys all sacrifices and fruits of all asceticism that He is the Supreme master of all planets in the Universe and the true friend of all live beings. If the person does not possess consciousness of Krishna, its mind will aimlessly wander, without coming to any conclusion. All anxieties of mind are caused by absence of the prime target, and when the person at last understands that Krishna - Supreme enjoying, the lord of all real and the friend of everyone, its mind calms down also it finds a pacification. That is why what activity is not connected with Krishna, by something is always concerned, than he was engaged and how tried to create visibility of tranquility and spirituality. The consciousness of Krishna is a natural pacification, to find which it is possible only in dialogue with Krishna" (БГ 2:64, with. 155). "To overcome bent for to sensual pleasures it is possible only by means of practice of consciousness of Krishna - having occupied all feelings with transcendental love service to the Lord" (БГ 2:68, with. 156). Here the comment, full insults and humiliations to некришнаитам, it shows that all these уничижения concern to not simple people of bad customs, the sinners, creating malicious, namely to некришнаитам, to people the Supreme god not considering Krishna. Though transfer of the author of the original text "Bhagavad-gity" specifies in punishment if it is possible to tell, socially dangerous, socially destructive people – i.e. villains (душкрити – transfer – the one who arrives badly). БГ the Text 8, chapters 4, with. 219: Transfer: "to release righteous persons and to destroy villains, and also to restore religion foundations, I come here from century to century". The comment:" According to "Bhagavad-gite", садху (sacred) is the person possessing consciousness of Krishna. The one who to the full possesses consciousness of Krishna, it is necessary to consider садху even if it not seems very devout. A the word душкритам concerns those who neglects consciousness of Krishna. Even if such нечестивцы very much образованны, all of them equally remain fools and lowest of people whereas the person absorbed by activity in consciousness of Krishna, is садху though can and not differ high erudition and culture. As to atheists, to destroy them, the Supreme Lord does not have necessity to come Most as it was in a case with demons Ravanoj and Kamsoj. It has many assistants, quite capable to cope with this problem. The Lord comes to material world first of all to help pure betrayed to which do not give rest demons. Demons pursue betrayed even if those have it relatives "(БГ 4:8, with. 219) Thus, in comments of the author villains (душкрити), нечестивцами, fools both lowest of people and demons are all who rejects the doctrine of the author about consciousness of Krishna. Worse that некришнаиты are represented by the enemies pursuing "betrayed". "The Supreme master only one - Krishna. The one who, thus has comprehended Krishna, following instructions of the true spiritual teacher and leaning against the Vedic writing, uses all energy in consciousness of Krishna and becomes rather wise. In comparison with it all the others, those who does not know Krishna, - is simple fools. Only the fool can consider Krishna as the ordinary person. The one who possesses consciousness of Krishna, should not allow fools and ignoramuses to confuse itself; avoiding unauthoritative comments and editions of"Bhagavad-gity", it should go steadily by the way of consciousness of Krishna (БГ 10:8, with. 474). Bright opposition кришнаит – wise, all the others" is simple fools "and" ignoramuses ". If to accept the statement of the author: "In a century of Cali all reasonable people will make sankirtana-jagju, worshipping to the Lord who is on the earth accompanied by The companions" (БГ 3:11, with. 171) those who does not spend "donation" in the form of singing матры "to Jara Krishna …" - it is not reasonable, silly. "With all it we are supplied with representatives of the Lord that, correctly using their gifts, we were healthy and could realise the spiritual nature, and then reach the life prime target - to put an end to our struggle for existence in a material world. To reach this purpose it is possible, making ягьи. If we forget, in what the purpose of human life, and simply we enjoy gifts of demigods, getting confused in networks of material life (that contradicts the purpose of creation of this world) more and more, means, we are thieves and consequently nature laws severely punish us. In a society consisting of thieves, never will be happiness for the thief does not know for the sake of what it is necessary to live. Inveterate thieves-materialists have no life prime target. They aspire only to sensual pleasures and do not know how to make ягьи (БГ 3:12, with. 174). As Russians do not trust in existence of demigods as representatives of Krishna, and do not bring it a victim (ягьи) it turns out that our society is a society of the thieves aspiring only to sensual pleasures, and not knowing for the sake of what it is necessary to live. "So, the person possessing consciousness of Krishna and accepting only food which has been offered Krishna, can be cleared completely from material are nasty, which grows out of its last sins and disturbs to its spiritual development. The same who does not follow this principle, continues to sin, and it should pay off for it: in the following life he will be born in a body of a dog or a pig and will reap the fruits of the sins. The material world is full are nasty, but the one who accepts прасад (the food offered by Vishnu), becomes неподвержен to defilement. It is reliably protected from a material infection whereas the person who eats sinful food, is inevitably profaned (БГ 3:15, with. 176). Thus, not betrayed, not кришнаиты, not accepting прасад, are profaned скверною this world, sin, it promises regeneration in a body of a dog or a pig (dogs and pigs - not pure animals to name them the person – the big insult). "The ignorant and confused people need to give possibility to follow simple moral principles, such as nonviolence, or to be engaged in various kinds of wordly charity. Ignoramuses are not capable to estimate on advantage activity in consciousness of Krishna, therefore the Lord Krishna advises to us not to disturb them and not to waste in vain the precious time. But devoted Misters are more merciful, than The Lord. For it Its plan is known, therefore they go on any risk and enter dialogue with ignoramuses anyhow to occupy with their activity in consciousness of Krishna which is absolutely necessary for each person" (БГ 3:29, with. 190-191). Here the author assimilates all people who does not recognise as spiritually authoritative book of Bhagavad-gitu, the animal, fallen people who are not knowing happiness: "From set of the authoritative sacred writing the best is"Bhagavad-gita". Only people, in all assimilated to animals, do not know, about what is told in the sacred writing, and do not trust in them. Is also such who, even knowing the maintenance богооткровенных the writing and quoting them, actually do not believe that is written to them. A among those who trusts in words of such writing as"Bhagavad-gita", is a lot of people who do not trust in existence of the Supreme Lord, Shri of Krishna, and do not worship to It. Such people are not capable even to come nearer to consciousness of Krishna, they are waited inevitably by falling. From all categories of people faithless sceptics are deprived possibility to develop spiritually. The people who are not believing in God and Its word, will not find anything good neither in this world, nor in other. They do not know happiness. Therefore it is necessary to follow with belief to instructions of sacred books, aspiring to find spiritual knowledge. Only then we can fall outside the limits a matter and comprehend the soul nature. So, people who overcome doubts, are not capable to reach spiritual perfection. Therefore we should go in the footsteps of great ачарьев, spiritual teachers belonging to a chain and then our life will crown success "(БГ 4:40, 255). "In prison of prisoners chain in shackles, and, like it, the criminals breaking laws of God, are chained in sex shackles. The progress of a material civilisation based on aspiration to sensual pleasures, dooms a live being to the further vegetation in a captivity of material life. Therefore desire is a symbol of ignorance which keeps us in a material world. Tasting sensual pleasures, we test a certain similarity of happiness, but actually this imaginary sensation of happiness - the worst enemy live beings" (БГ 3:39, with. 200). Thus according to the author, people entering sexual relations for pleasure, ignoramuses and criminals. "On the other hand, any action made not in consciousness of Krishna, enthrals the person and as already was told, concerns a category викармы" (БГ4:20, with. 236). The sermon of religious, social, moral and intellectual exclusiveness кришнаитов Actually already in the above-stated citations from the book contains in преизбытке the sermon of religious, social, moral and intellectual exclusiveness кришнаитов, here still this sort of citations. "In many verses of"Gity"it is clearly told what comprehend spiritual individuality devoted Misters can only, the same who concern Krishna with hostility and envy Its position of the Supreme Person of God, are not capable to understand true sense of this great product. Not betrayed, trying to comprehend philosophy of"Gity", it is possible to compare to a bee who creeps after bank with honey. To learn taste of honey, it is necessary to open jar. Aналогично to it, the betrayed can comprehend the secret doctrine of"Bhagavad-gity"only. Anybody another as it is told in the fourth chapter of this book, is not capable to feel its taste. Those who denies existence of the Lord, should not concern "Bhagavad-gity". Therefore comments to "Bhagavad-gite", written by philosophers-majjavadi, disguise the true concluded in it to unrecognizability. Lord Chajtanja has forbidden us to read comments of philosophers-majjavadi and, warning us, said that the one who accepts philosophy майявады, loses possibility to get into secret sense of "Gity" (БГ 2:12, with. 96-97). "Therefore any person, at whatever stage of life it was, should not reject consciousness of Krishna" (БГ 3:34, with. 195). "Not own pleasure, and satisfaction of Krishna should be the purpose of any our activity. Such line of action not only will protect us from karmic consequences, but also will help to tower gradually before transcendental love service to the Lord which is the unique way conducting in a kingdom of God" (БГ 3:9, with. 170). "Skilled betrayed, possessing consciousness of Krishna, always know how to arrive, to conduct behind itself others" (БГ 3:20, with. 182). "Nevertheless the method of consciousness of Krishna is so powerful that, even having begun with delay, the person can find love for God if will conform to the rules devoted service" (БГ 3:41, with. 202). "It is necessary, using the higher reason, to develop in itself consciousness of Krishna" (БГ 3:43, with. 205). Thus, кришнаиты possess the higher reason, in difference not кришнаитов, being out of consciousness of Krishna" "But completely to comprehend Krishna are capable only Its pure betrayed" (БГ 4:10, with. 224). "The reasonable person is the one who possesses consciousness of Krishna" (БГ 4:12, with. 227), the conclusion is unequivocal - the one who does not possess consciousness of Krishna - is unreasonable, silly, the near person, the ignoramus – all these epithets е некришнаитам the author repeatedly states in the comments, hardly Such fools are more scarlet under the text "do not show interest to consciousness of Krishna" (БГ 4:12, with. 227). "… From this verse clearly that only very rare souls show interest to consciousness of Krishna …" (БГ4:12, with. 226-227). "And like to Krishna, the person possessing consciousness of Krishna, costs above all estates and social groups, whether it be the nation, a community or race" (БГ 4:13, with. 228). "Any action made contrary to Vedic instructions, concerns a category викармы, forbidden, or sinful, activity" (БГ 3:15, with. 177). Only кришнаиты possess to perfect knowledge, only manuals кришнаитских instructors are true, everything that contradicts from words – запретно and is sinful – the higher degree of imposing to the reader of exclusiveness кришнаитов: "Differently, the person possessing perfect knowledge, understands that each live being is the eternal servant of the Lord and consequently the debt of everyone - to operate in consciousness of Krishna. All" Bhagavad-gita "brings us to this conclusion. Any other conclusions contradicting it, and the actions based on them concern a category викармы, forbidden activity. To understand all it it is possible only in dialogue with the authoritative instructors possessing consciousness of Krishna which are capable to devote us in secrets of activity. To receive this knowledge from them - all the same what to receive it from The Lord" (БГ 4:17, with. 233). "Hence, a method of consciousness of Krishna above all other methods of consciousness" (БГ 4:28, with. 244). "Therefore consciousness of Krishna - a key to the decision of all problems of material life" (БГ 4:31, with. 248). "Top of true knowledge is the consciousness of Krishna - the higher form of spiritual knowledge" (БГ 4:33, with. 349). "The perfect knowledge received from the Supreme Person of God, - here a way to rescue. To float by the ship of consciousness of Krishna very simply, and at the same time it is very raised method" (БГ 4:37, with. 253). Here instructions on perfect асоциальное behaviour, possibility of insubordination of the power, and in general некришнаитам as that: "Mind of such person is always concentrated to Krishna, therefore he never forgets Krishna and is not engaged in anything, except service to the Lord. He never begins to listen to that does not concern Krishna, or is the food which has been not offered Krishna, and never will go somewhere if it is not connected with service to Krishna" (БГ 5:7, with. 267). "Krishna - the Supreme Absolute True, the Person of God" (БГ 5:10, with. 271). The best for it - to get out of abyss by means of a transcendental method of consciousness of Krishna. It is a unique way to rescue (БГ 5:14, with. 273). Insult of the people who are not trusting to Krishna, not being followers ОСК both not dividing their doctrine and experts "Between Krishna outside and from within there is no difference, and the one who does not understand it, but at the same time tries to get into sense" Bhagavad-gity ", - the greatest fool" (БГ 2:7, with. 90). Certainly, atheistic санкхья has not something in common with bhakti-yoga, and nevertheless fools declare, as if in "Bhagavad-gite" it is a question of sankhja-yoga of atheist Kapily (БГ 2:39, with. 128). "The majority of people are not too reasonable and on ignorance are seduced with the karmic activity ordered in section of Ved which the karma-kanda … is called and ignoramuses think that similar instructions make an essence of Vedic wisdom. It is very difficult to such near people to find the determination necessary to operate in consciousness of Krishna. Just as fools break цветки poisonous trees, without suspecting, than it is fraught, those who does not possess knowledge, are seduced with luxury of paradise planets and sensual pleasures accessible there (БГ 2:42-43, with. 132). "In a century of Cali the majority of people are too silly and ignorant to be capable to understand philosophy of"Vedanty"(БГ 2:46, with. 136). "… it is obvious that to the one who does not possess consciousness of Krishna, it is extremely difficult to master mind and feelings. If mind is not concentrated to Krishna, it cannot be kept from material thoughts. It confirms Shri Jamunacharja, great sacred and betrayed the Lord:" Since my mind has plunged into service лотосным to stops of the Lord of Krishna, I test escalating spiritual pleasure, and at one thought on affinity with the woman my person is deformed in disgust and I spit out "(БГ 2:59, with. 149). "The one who is deprived consciousness of Krishna, does not know a pacification …. If the person does not possess consciousness of Krishna, its mind will aimlessly wander, without coming to any conclusion … That is why what activity is not connected with Krishna, by something is always concerned, than he was engaged and how tried to create visibility of tranquility and spirituality. The consciousness of Krishna is a natural pacification, to find which it is possible only in dialogue with Krishna" (БГ 2:64, with. 155). "With all it we are supplied with representatives of the Lord that, correctly using their gifts, we were healthy and could realise the spiritual nature, and then reach the life prime target - to put an e |
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#65922011-12-22 16:12The Christ and Krishna. Light and darkness Is bright-colourful clothes, tambourine sounds, приплясывание with exclamations: "to Jara Krishna!" - the sketch which has become already habitual for streets of many Russian cities. Why in the country with century Christian traditions mystical east doctrine - кришнаизм was fixed and extends? Certainly, that spiritual vacuum which was formed in our country throughout seven tens years, but a principal cause in application кришнаитами the tested tactics has served its purpose: if they find the people which worships to any deity say that this deity - an avatar (one of embodiments) Vishnu (Krishna) and, thus, introduce the doctrine in one people. Here and at us in Russia провозвестники to "new" religion learn that all people worship to one god, and the Christ not who other, as itself Krishna in the next embodiment (on other interpretation - the son of Krishna). That supposedly and their names are very similar on sounding. But to confirm such it is possible only on ignorance. The word "Christ" - Greek translation with Jewish "машиах" that is meant by "anointed sovereign". And if about the Christ, in the Gospel it is said that It "was Light true" (the Gospel from John, гл. 1, a verse 9) the word "кришна" on a Sanskrit means "black", specifying in colour of the owner which "was similar to a thundercloud" (Bhagavad-Gita further - BhG. с.419). What impression makes true shape of Krishna on the person is in detail described in Bhagavad-Gite: "Many faces, eyes, hands, hips, feet, bellies and many frightening teeth... I cannot keep balance at the sight of your burning killing faces and frightening teeth... All people will direct in your pharynxes like the moths flying on fire to be lost in it... I see, how you absorb people from different directions the flaring mouths..." (BhG. гл. 11, the text 21-33). Completes this awful show a bed from snakes on which Krishna sits. (Svami Prabhapuda "Bhagavad-Gita as it is", гл. 11, the text 15). It is no wonder that soldier Ardzhuna to whom was Krishna in the original appearance, shaken and spiritually broken agrees to fulfil its requirement and destroys all family of note. It is enough of one it to be convinced of devil essence of imaginary "god". And unless it is possible to compare the resulted fragments from Bhagavad-Gity to the text of the Sacred Gospel describing a shock of sacred apostles during Transformation Misters of our Jesus Hrjasta? The natural awe at the sight of the Christ in an environment departed in the world other of antiquated prophets has mixed up for a long time with feeling of delight: "Ravvi! To be good to us here" (the Gospel from Mark, гл. 9, a verse 5). The sacred Legend has informed to us the description of a surprising case when the messenger эдесского tsar Avgarja could not write Jesus Christ portrait, Its Divine image so shone. So can be the general between light and darkness? Confirming to the validity of the doctrine, кришнаиты specify in its antiquity, to which, according to the legend, five thousand years. But whether all is valid that truly, what the ancient? In an extreme antiquity almost all mankind has been shipped in an idolatry gloom. True concepts about God have remained among few righteous persons while, at last, God through prophet Moiseja to the Judaic people has not been give the Law which has prepared coming in the world of Son Bozhija who has opened completeness of Divine true. If the Law brands idolatry as service to demons (1 message to Korinfjanam, гл. 10, a verse 20) Krishna at all does not object to worship other deities. On the contrary, he speaks:" The one who serves other gods and worships to them with верою, actually worships to me (BhG as it is, 10 гл. The text 23) but if someone tastes the food which has been not offered idols in a victim he considers such food sinful. Taste идоложертвенной peep, in its opinion, "clears and rescues" people, leading to their rescue from "a material" captivity (in the same place, с.176). To the doctrine about taste of food at a society of "consciousness of Krishna" the big place in rescue business in general is taken away. The person "is profaned", when tastes food of an animal origin. The consciousness of such person never can become pure. Кришнаиты confirm, as the Bible learns to the same, only here Christians have not ripened yet for its correct understanding. That the precept "not убий" has been given not only in relation to people, but also to animals. But these references to the Bible are calculated on the people not familiar with the Scriptus in which it is told: "All animals terrestrial, and all birds heavenly, everything that moves on the earth, and all fishes sea... All moving that lives, will be to you in food" (Life, гл. 9, verses 2-3). God has blest with these words Aching, and together with it and all mankind. The Christ learns that without peeping at all profanes the person:" Whether still understand, what everything entering into lips, passes in a belly and is thrown up? And starting with lips - from heart proceeds: this profanes the person; for malicious thoughts proceed from heart "(the Gospel from Matfeja, гл. 15, verses 17-19). The most paradoxical in the doctrine кришнаитов that, considering as a sin taste of animal food (as precept infringement "not убий"), they quite suppose any murder, including murder of the person if it orders "god" Krishna. About it in detail enough writes one of movement founders кришнаитов Svami Prabhupada: "Being in consciousness of Krishna," betrayed "directly communicates with it and can understand its instructions (BhG as it is, с.146) if Krishna wants -" betrayed "can make any action even undesirable from the usual point of view (in the same place, с.158), and if there is an unwillingness to execute the strict order, this unwillingness should be suppressed (in the same place. с.196), as the natural and primary condition live beings consists that it executes the orders going from above" (in the same place. с.303). "The consciousness of Krishna", apparently, pays off on transforming the person into the tool of someone's will and, obviously, will malicious. Not casually as an instructive example of Svami results soldier Ardzhunu: that "does not want to kill members of the family, but when he has understood that they were an obstacle in a way to consciousness of Krishna, has followed to its instructions (BhG as it is, с.616), on-skolku betrayed it is not so responsible for the actions (in the same place, с.761) and to it does not have necessity to think of the last sinful acts as Krishna completely incurs care of them (in the same place, с.588)". Кришнаит can make everything that it is necessary for it. Even, having deprived of somebody life, it does not bear for it any moral responsibility because followed instructions of Krishna. "Yes!" - Prabhupada learns - all of us are intended to satisfy Krishna which do not disturb neither just, nor sinful actions, it needs only love service and anything else because the introduction into the higher monasteries is provided with devoted service ". Then that on Bhagavad-Gite any crime in exchange for fidelity of Krishna is authorised, to it кришнаиты in some countries are forbidden as dangerous sect. Jesus Christ speaks about crafty teachers: "On fruits them learn them" (the Gospel from Matfeja, гл. 7, a verse 16). What fruits of life in кришнаизме? What should become the person who has executed all instructions of Bhagavad-Gity? "Only the one who equally looks fortunately and misfortune (BhG, гл. 2, the text 15) who does not rejoice, does not hate, left all good and bad (in the same place, гл. 12, the text 17) who does not test pleasure from a society of people (in the same place, гл. 13, the text 8-10) who remains indifferent aside and does not move, who has left ' all understanding (in the same place, гл. 14, the text 21-25) whom such incidents, as illness, need and even death of near relations (a little excite BhG. As it is, с.330), only that is worthy immortality (BhG, гл. 2, the text 15), only that enters into my life (in the same place, гл. 4, the text 10)". Thus, the person should become absolutely indifferent to near and to itself. Sometimes, as counterargument, кришнаиты result the Evangelical text: "And enemies to the person - house it. Who loves the father or mother more, rather than Me, is not worthy Me: and who loves the son or the daughter more, rather than Me, is not worthy Me" (the Gospel from Matfeja, гл. 10, verses 36-37). Correctly to understand these words, it is necessary to know the Scriptus, which in the previous and subsequent texts, and also in parallel places of the Gospel from Onions. Opens their sense. Words of the Christ are turned to enthusiastic from творимых by It of miracles to the people surrounding It at that time. These are words of the prevention about difficulties of a feat of Christian belief which can lead even to division of a family, the family. The relatives, doing not wish to perceive belief of relatives-Christians. Can even become their enemies. That advises the doctrine of Krishna in such cases. It is very indicative it is visible on an example of soldier Ardzhuny which by order of Krishna has destroyed all relatives. The Christ not only learns:" Love your enemies... Pray for offending you and driving you "(the Gospel from Matfeja, гл. 5. The verse 44), but also has set an example true love, addressing to God-father with the request for a pardon crucifying It:" Otche! Forgive to them for do not know that do "(the Gospel from Onions. гл. 23. A verse 34). The Christian doctrine is literally penetrated by love to the near. Apostles Christ's edify:" who about the and especially about the house is not baked, that has renounced belief and is worse incorrect "(1 message to Timothy, гл. 5. A verse 8)," Who has a prosperity in the world, but, seeing the brother in need, shuts from it the heart, - as the love of Bozhija stays in that?" (John's 1 message, гл. 3, a verse 17), "Beloved! We will love each other, because love from God... Who does not love, that has not known God. Because God is love" (John's 1 message, гл. 4. Verses 7-8). In these words the contrast of the relation of Christians, unlike кришнаитов, to close and house, let even not accepted the validity of Christ's belief is obvious. The gospel learns that the person reaches spiritual perfection in connection good luck and near. Кришнаитство is a way of self-confidence and cold бессердечья, transforming the person in the insensible conceiving device, a way of spiritual and moral suicide: "Only become the tool" - Krishna tells Ardzhune (to BhG as it is, гл. 11, the text 33). Not itself Krishna recognises that its doctrine makes on the person poison action (BhG as it is, гл. 18, the text 37) and consequently advises not to open at once all truth of the doctrine to the person, "still got used to put before itself the terrestrial purposes" and gradually to lead to its "consciousness". Love for the neighbour as not saving element, should be excluded from practice made, but at the same time it is possible to speak about compassion to the beginners who yet are not knowing all. That is why for кришнаитов the same fact at different levels of "consciousness" can be both a sacred duty and a heavy sin. The lovely young men extending кришнаитскую the literature, as a rule, beginners, therefore so искренни they in the aspiration to general unity and love, fondly believing that, thereby, carry out will of "god" of Krishna, to which it costs nothing to cover before beginners the true shape since, by words Svami Prabhupada Krishna when it is necessary, can be more perfidious, than any simple person, and if he wants to deceive the person, nobody can surpass it in insidiousness (BhG as it is, гл. 10, the text 36). Krishna will open a true devil appearance to the followers while under the influence of the poison gradually filling them of heart, will not resist at them neither desire, nor forces. The metamorphosis кришнаитского doctrines in a question of mutual relation of floors is interesting. If former followers of the doctrine during the orgies reproduced among themselves dissolute scenes of love games of Krishna with shepherdesses who are described in Bhagavad-Gite modern кришнаиты, understanding that it is difficult to connect the standard human morals with worship a dissolute and voluptuous deity, have developed the new concept. Modern interpreters treat repeated copulation of Krishna with shepherdesses, as the allegoric description of spiritual affinity, and actually communication between the man and the woman as one of terrestrial attachments, as they said, is sinful. The Scriptus, condemning прелюбодейство, any dirty communication and debauchery, at the same time encourages matrimonial love. The Lord has told: "it is bad to be to the person to one" (Life, гл. 2, a verse 18). The love to the lawful spouse is sung in many places of the Bible:" By its love be charmed constantly "(Parables, гл. 5, a verse 19). Apostle Pavel recommends to spouses:" do not evade from each other, unless under the consent, for a while, for exercise in a post and a prayer, and then again be together that the Satan невоздержанием with yours "(1 message to Korinfjanam, гл did not tempt you. 7, a verse 5). Кришнаиты, including marriage in the standard concept a sin, suppose communication between the man and the woman only in exceptional cases for the purpose of a continuation of the family. If to add to it an interdiction is animal food truly the prophetical perceive words of apostle Pavel:" The spirit clearly says that during last times some will recede from belief, listening to spirits to seducers and doctrines devilish, through hypocrisy лжесловников, burnt in the conscience, forbidding to marry and use in food that God has created... For any creation of Bozhie is good, and nothing is reprehensible, if is accepted with gratitude because it is consecrated with a word of Bozhiim and молитвою "(1 message to Timothy, гл. 4, verses 1-5). Morals кришнаитов as however and many other Antichristian doctrines, such as theosophy, антропософия, рериховское the doctrine "Live Ethics" (Agni-Iogi), is based on the doctrine about transformation of souls. Often refer thus to Jesus Christ words in relation to John Krestitelju:" If want to accept, it is Ilija to whom should come "(the Gospel from Matfeja, гл. 11, a verse 14)," But I say to you that Ilija has already come, and have not learnt it "(in the same place, гл. 17, a verse 12). It is a unique case in all Bible which on ignorance can be accepted as a hint on resettlement of souls. On ignorance since about John Krestitele in the Gospel from Onions it is said that it will come" in the spirit of and force of Ilii "(гл. 1, the verse 17), instead of as its new embodiment, And is valid to reincarnate to sacred Ilii, its soul should leave the body, but everyone who at least time read the Bible, knows that prophet Ilija did not leave the body, being directly with it is uplifted on the sky (4 Kingdoms., гл. 2, verses 11, 17). Where the body of Ilii when its spirit was embodied in John Krestitelja stayed? And why during Preobrazhenija Gospodnja (the Gospel from Matfeja, гл. 17, the Gospel from Mark, гл. 9) Ilija was not in last form, what under the theory of transformation it would be more logical? But the shortest and clear answer to a question, whether was John Iliej, John Krestitel gives: "That? You Ilija? He has told: is not present" (the Gospel from John, гл. 1, a verse 21). Supporters of the theory of transformation assert that this the Christ bequeathed secret to the "devoted" pupils that those in turn transferred it through others "devoted", without revealing mankind secret until it for this purpose will not ripen. Also that ostensibly at the time of medieval religious wars the majority of "devoted" was lost, and the continuity has interrupted. But now the mankind has reached such spiritual development that the spirit reveals this secret through new "teachers". The church never accepted this doctrine which was taking place among gnostics and pagan philosophers. (To this question it is devoted books диакона Andrey Kuraev "the Satanism for intelligency. A part the second. Christianity without an occultism" (1997) and "Early Christianity and resettlement of souls" (2001) where the myth extended by sectarians, in particular, теософами is very in details exposed, and occultists that reincarnation was an integral part раннехристианского doctrines – comment МС) In the Scriptus it is told nothing about transformation. On the contrary, it is clearly said that on death there will be no transformations: "Chelovekam it is necessary to die once, and then court" (the Message to Jews, гл. 9, a verse 27). Everyone will receive requital "according to that it did, living in a body, kind or thin" (2 message to Korinfjanam, гл. 5, a verse 10). And the requital it will be eternal (the Gospel from Matfeja, гл. 3, a verse 12, etc.) . The idea of immortality of soul as constant transformation from one body in another and is even not obligatory in a body of the person, contradicts Christian idea of the person as image and similarity of Bozhija. This idea justifies harm as karmic inevitability (the karma-set of the consequences made in the previous lives, defining destiny in new transformation), completely denies the Christian doctrine about the free will granted by God to the person, about expiation of sins of mankind by blood of Christ's and Divine good fortune - thanks to what the person himself defines the destiny. As it can occur, it is clearly visible on the Evangelical example of the crucified robber which in a flash the reference to the Christ inherited the Kingdom of heaven. Immortality of soul under the transformation theory is negation of the death, negation of its tragic element that is a substantiation for ritual murders in many индуистских sects. And кришнаиты also make light of death. Death, on a trope of one of кришнаитских preachers, "only change of the old worn out jersey". Besides at detection of signs "демонизма" in close relatives not a sin, and even the blessing, ahead of schedule to liquidate their present corporal cover, as soldier Ardzhuna which mutual relations with Krishna undertake кришнаитами for the sample has made in due time. Thus, here again it is necessary to recognise that between Christianity and кришнаизмом there is nothing the general. For God Christian мерзок everyone bowing to It with dirty heart and hands. Reconcile good luck such person one can only - a complete sincere repentance, repentance of a criminal conduct harm. But the word "repentance" is not present in Bhagavad-Gite. It is surprising that at such distinction of doctrines кришнаиты assert that the Bible and Bhagavad-Gita learn same. Itself Krishna says that it god artful and perfidious, however from the Christian point of view such statement is an abuse on God because "the Lord is just... Also there is no lie in It" (Psaltir, пс. 91, a verse 16). Whether Krishna deceives, without demanding from people праведности, but promising to pleasure and knowledge in exchange for fidelity? How here not to remember that too most the devil in paradise promised once to primogenitors. When the whole world was already educated for a long time by Gospel light, followers of "consciousness of Krishna" still are at level of "consciousness" of ancient idolaters. But on that and "the Son Divine was to destroy affairs of a devil" (John's 1 message, гл. 3, a verse 8) and to base The Sacred Church in which saving trues about God contain. Light of Christ's belief has dispersed deep darkness of the idolatry, however not all people have wished to respond to the Acceptable appeal. Nowadays servants of "princes of this world" finance various bred worldwide and at us in Russia pagan schools and sects. To us, Christians, it is necessary to be careful and vigilant in this difficult and the time of troubles not to be caught in a net disastrous as a hobby doctrines since having a presentiment of approach of the end of time, spirits of rage celestial strain all forces, "to seduce, if it is possible, and the elite" (the Gospel from Matfeja, гл. 24, a verse 24). The bible About divine worship and idolatry: "I the Lord, your God... Yes there will be no at you other gods before лицем Mine" (the Outcome, гл. 20, verses 2-3). "So. My beloved, escape идолослужения" (1 message to Korinfjanam, гл. 10, a verse 14). About the relation to relatives: "If who about the and especially about the house is not baked, that has renounced belief and is worse incorrect (1 message to Timothy, гл. 5, a verse 8)." Who has a prosperity in the world, but, seeing the brother in need, shuts from it the heart, - as the love of Bozhija stays in that? "(John's 1 message, гл. 3, a verse 17). About food: "All animals terrestrial and all birds heavenly, everything that moves on the earth, and all fishes sea... All moving that lives, will be to you in food" (Life, гл. 9. Verses 2-3). Whether "Still understand, what everything entering into lips, passes in a belly and is thrown up? And starting with lips - from heart proceeds: this profanes the person for malicious thoughts proceed from heart" (the Gospel from Matfeja, гл. 15, verses 17-19) About a matrimony: "it is bad to be to the person to one" (Life, гл. 2, a verse 18). "Therefore the person of the father and the mother will leave and will be stuck to the wife: also will be one flesh" (Life, гл. 2, a verse 24). "Do not evade from each other, unless under the consent, for a while, for exercise in a post and a prayer, and then again be together that the Satan невоздержанием with yours" (1 message to Korinfjanam, гл did not tempt you. 7, a verse 5). About uniqueness of human life: "Chelovekam it is necessary to die once, and then court" (the Message to Jews, гл. 9. A verse 27). "For to all of us should be before a court Christ's that everyone to receive according to that. That it did, living in a body, kind or thin" (2 message to Korinfjanam, гл. 5, a verse 10). About lying prophets: "the Spirit clearly says that during last times some will recede from belief, listening to spirits to seducers and doctrines devilish. Through hypocrisy лжесловников, burnt in the conscience, forbidding to marry and use in food that God has created... For any creation of Bozhie is good, and nothing is reprehensible, if is accepted with gratitude because it is consecrated with a word of Bozhiim and молитвою (1 message to Timothy, гл. 4, verses 1-5)." For will rise лжехристы and lying prophets... To seduce. If it is possible, and the elite "(the Gospel from Matfeja, гл. 24, a verse 24)." Be protected lying prophets who come to you in the sheep clothes, and inside an essence wolves predatory. On fruits them learn them "(the Gospel from Matfeja, гл. 7, verses 15-16). "Beloved! Not to any spirit trust, but test spirits, whether from God they because many lying prophets have appeared in the world. Spirit of Bozhija (and spirit of error) learn so: any spirit which professes Jesus Christ who has come to fleshes, is from God; and any spirit which does not profess Jesus Christ who has come to fleshes, not is from God, but it is spirit антихриста" (John's 1 message, гл. 4, verses 1-3). Alexander Novopashin, archpriest Valery Melnikov The antisectarian centre Novosibirsk cathedral for the sake of St. кн. Alexander Nevsky: www.nevskiy.orthodoxy.ru http://www.k-istine.ru/sects/mosk/mosk_novopashin.htm |
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#65932011-12-22 16:18http://www.k-istine.ru/sects/mosk/mosk_tomsk_krechetova.htm The representative under human rights across the Tomsk region Nelli Krechetova opposes itself to citizens of Russia The Press release of Legal committee of protection of the rights and advantage of the person at the Russian association of the centres of research of religions and sects In manufacture of Lenin district court of Tomsk there is a civil case under the statement of Office of Public Prosecutor of Tomsk for a book recognition "Bhagavad-gita as it is" an extremist material. During a legal investigation the Representative under human rights in the Tomsk region Krechetova N.S. has acted in mass media with condemnation of the fact of a legal investigation in court. And it is made before judgement removal in essence that is actually pressure upon justice. Mass media result following statements of the official: "First, I consider absurd statement of a question. This book consider sacred almost billion person worldwide. In Russia" Bhagavad-gita as it is "freely 20 years extend. Thus it is published more than in 60 languages of the world. And those explanations that all text but only comments - are insolvent as comments are a book integral part is extremist. Secondly, the possible interdiction of the book, and, so, and an interdiction of religious activity of its admirers, will break constitutional laws of citizens on a freedom of worship, a freedom of worship and a freedom of speech. A society of consciousness of Krishna — officially registered organisation. Besides there are no established cases of display of extremism in connection with distribution within more than 20 years of the book "Bhagavad-gita as it is" in territory of Russia. Thirdly, it is especially unpleasant that the Tomsk public acts as "pioneer" in such doubtful undertakings. After all the diagnosis that the book "Bhagavad-gita as it is" extremist, has been put by Tomsk expert community, namely teachers of philosophical and philological faculties TGU. Such way we can "glorify" Tomsk not only within Russia, but also the whole world. We should choose: or we the most innovative and tolerant, or remained in last time. The Tomsk region "has already caused a stir" when the barbarous decision on a pulling down constructed кришнаитами houses in village Kandinka "" was accepted. It is necessary to notice that recently in Russia activization of actions of sect "кришнаитов", plural attempts to interfere with state and society activity is marked, to introduce the people in the state structures, including law enforcement bodies, to put under the control questions of education of children, morally-ethical formation of outlook of citizens of Russia. Activity various кришнаитских the organisations to Russia constantly enters the conflict to the law and public morals. The most part of the population of the Russian Federation including the Tomsk region, now if does not concern to orthodox from the initial point of view, anyway, considers itself as those. It is considerable a part and representatives of other traditional faiths. All traditional faiths, whether it be Christianity or Islam, the respect for the traditional values of our people including love to the country, its people, history, family values makes related among themselves. Operating, including it is illegal, in territory of the Russian Federation of the organisation кришнаитов position itself as a direction индуизма, forgetting known религиоведческую true that индуистом there can be only a child индуистов. The religious concept operating in territory of the Tomsk region кришнаитов is filosofsko-doctrinaire compilation with use индуистской terminology. As shows life, the unique purpose of heads of the given newly appeared religious cult is creation of an ideological basis for concentration in the hands of material benefits and a personal authority, as consequence of a management of "flock". Planting of ethical sights alien to our country leads to psychological and social isolation of a part of its citizens from a society. As consequence, it causes a damage to their health, property interests, essentially complicates integration into a society of members of such religious organisation. What allocation of members or sectarian current against a social picture of a society in itself creates additional preconditions for growth of social intensity. To the Russian justice, including in the Tomsk region, "кришнаиты" for a long time are known in connection with the various illegal and immoral actions including deceptive actions at recruitment of new members, infringement of the various property and non-property rights of citizens. By definition of the Arhierejsky cathedral of Russian Orthodox Church of 1994 of the organisation "International society of consciousness of Krishna" are named by sectarian. In connection with the above-stated, the position of the Representative under human rights in the Tomsk region causes bewilderment as it is not directed on protection of public interests, and also contradicts requirements of item 2 of the Law of the Tomsk region "About the representative under human rights in the Tomsk region". According to the norm of the law resulted above: The primary goals of the Representative are: 1) the organisation and control of observance of the rights and freedom of the person and the citizen public authorities, local governments of the Tomsk region, their officials; 2) assistance to restoration of the broken rights of citizens; 3) assistance to perfection of the legislation of the Tomsk region regarding observance of human rights; 4) informing of inhabitants of the Tomsk region on position in sphere of maintenance and protection of the rights and freedom of the person; 5) assistance to perfection of mechanisms of maintenance and protection of the rights and freedom of the person and the citizen; 6) assistance of coordination of activity of public authorities and local governments of the Tomsk region in maintenance and protection of the rights and freedom of the person and the citizen in the Tomsk region. The legal committee at РАЦИРС believes that the specified actions of the given official testify to abusing it the powers, and also about opposition of interests of the Representative under human rights across the Tomsk region to interests of persons of orthodox, Muslim, Judaic and Buddhist religion, and also other persons, whose religious feelings are offended in the book "by Bhagavad-gita as it is". Besides, Krechetovoj N.S.'s position has offensive character in relation to the numerous persons who have suffered from activity of sect "кришнаитов". There is quite natural question: and who in territory of the Tomsk region protects the rights of persons of the orthodox religion, after all any orthodox for moral reasons cannot address for protection to the Representative under the human rights, actively defending interests of sect? It is thought that the orthodox population of the Tomsk region has the right to expect from the authorised bodies of this region of Russia of resignation of the gone too far Representative, the illegal and impudent position opposed to the majority of the population of our country. On the given fact the statement for acceptance of measures of public prosecutor's reaction is sent to Office of Public Prosecutor of the Tomsk region concerning gone too far "правозащитницы". The chairman of Legal committee of protection The rights and advantage of the person at The Russian association of the centres of research of religions and sects The lawyer of Lawyer chamber of Moscow Region Alexander Korelov The missionersko-apologetic project "To True" - 10/14/2011 |
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#65942011-12-22 16:20The most. Foolish step, a scripture which teaches peace is banned for preaching hatered,absurd. |
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#65952011-12-22 16:20http://www.k-istine.ru/head/daily_reflection/daily_reflection-069.htm "... If also the Satan is divided in itself as its kingdom will resist?" (Лк.11:18) - about Harekrishnas and their defenders Performance authorised under human rights in the Tomsk region Nelli Stepanovny Krechetovoj on radio "Echo Moscow" from September, 30th in the program "Tomsk ombudsman" with Nikolay Pogodaevym, has given me serious argument, about that of which spirit Krishna, its admirers - кришнаиты and their defenders. Improbably, but the conscious ideological atheist (the secretary of a Tomsk city town committee of the CPSU) sincerely rushes even to protect sect for which atheists are most most malicious demons by lie. I will allow some citations: "The whole world, without considering only demons, from time immemorial recognises Krishna as the higher authority …" (БГ 3:4, with. 212). "Certainly," Bhagavad-gita "never intended for demonic people who simply would depreciate it and would began to interpret it as it will take in head, bringing nobody the blessings … Wordly scientists have written huge number of comments to" Gite ", but practically anybody from them does not recognise Krishna as the Supreme Person of God though words of Shri of Krishna bring in their the considerable income. To arrive so demons which do not believe in God can only, but thus impudently use Its property" (БГ 4:2, with. 210). "But ignorant and faithless people who doubt words богооткровенных the writing, are not capable to find consciousness of God. They fall all more low and more low. The doubting soul does not know happiness neither in this world, nor in the world other. The comment: From set of the authoritative sacred writing the best is" Bhagavad-gita ". Only people, in all assimilated to animals, do not know, about what is told in the sacred writing, and do not trust in them... The People who are not believing in God and Its word, will not find anything good neither in this world, nor in other. They do not know happiness" (БГ 4:40, with. 255). "If, having listened to these manuals, the person and has not managed to understand true nature of the Lord - eternal, executed pleasure and the omniscient Person of God, means, it a hopeless fool. To get rid of ignorance, it is necessary to acquire gradually principles of consciousness of Krishna" (БГ 4:42, with. 257). "There are two types of people: betrayed and demons … Demons refuse to accept Krishna such what It is. Instead they fill the comments with fabrications about Krishna and prevent to follow the reader to Its manuals …" (БГ 4:3, with. 211). And such citations humiliating all инаковерующих many. It is possible to familiarise With them: "the founder Book" Societies of consciousness of Krishna "Abhaj Charan De" of Bhagavad-gita as it is "– all, who not кришнаиты – demons, the fallen sinners, fools and ignoramuses" http://www.k-istine.ru/sects/mosk/mosk_bhagavat-gita.htm where I write out all offensive statements of Abhaj Charan De concerning those who does not divide its doctrine. So, "the demonic person" namely so кришнаиты designate atheists, sincerely rushes to protect "sacred" "Bhagavad-gita as it is" which furiously convicts, names "demons", "assimilated to animals", to "fools" and "ignoramuses" first of all atheists, atheists. Thus кришнаиты on the sites, forums, social networks with the greatest pleasure and потрясанием have placed an audio record of interview of Nelli Stepanovny Krechetovoj. In the history of Church there were cases demons "благовествовали", but the Church reacted to it so: "Happens that when we went to a house of worship, there was to us one servant afflicted with spirit прорицательным who through a prediction delivered the big income to the misters. Following Pavel and for us, she shouted, speaking: these человеки - slaves to God Supreme which announce to us a rescue way. It did it many days. Pavel, having become indignant, has addressed and has told to spirit: Jesus Christ name I rule to leave to you it. And the spirit left at the same o'clock. Then the Lord it, seeing that the hope of their income has disappeared, have seized Pavel and Force and have entailed on the area to chiefs" (Dejan. 16:16-19). At кришнаитов we did not observe similar reaction … And it not the first attempt of "demonic" atheists to rise on protection кришнаитов! Some time ago the Tomsk journalist, the ardent atheist and хулительница Olga Iovleva has written to Orthodox Church article "Court over the Indian book has dishonoured Tomsk for the whole world". Then also кришнаиты with pleasure duplicated protection of this "demon". One more Tomsk atheist - Savely Volfson, the doctor of historical sciences, the head of branch of the international relations of historical faculty of Tomsk state university, the head of the Center of the countries of the East has stood up for кришнаитов also. He even has written the letter to Lenin court and acted on one of sectarian concourses. Lord Jesus Christ specified: "… if also the Satan will be divided in itself as its kingdom will resist?" (Лк.11:18), and also "If you were from the world the world would love the; and as you not from the world, but I have selected you from the world therefore hates you the world" (Ин.15:19) Whether can protect a demon true belief in true God? Whether can love the fallen world the doctrine about rescue from true God? No! No! Also is not present! Therefore it is absolutely not difficult to draw a conclusion and кришнаизм, and the atheism has one spirit-patron. Look also on this question: "As the birdie has grown to god of the whole world (about god кришнаитов)" P.S. By the way, in last, rather primitive both religious, and literary aspect an opus "Lessons from Krishna or Why us have taken down" the PRESIDENT of the Tomsk society of consciousness of Krishna Enver Izmaylov (recently it became the third санньяси, the teacher of teachers, among Russian кришнаитов) has entered for инаковерующих (in our case for orthodox Christians) the new term "religious atheists". Maxim Stepanenko, the head Missionary department of the Tomsk diocese Russian Orthodox Church "On topic of the day" - 10/13/2011. P.S. For last two months at кришнаитов has increased defenders. Who they? - Homosexuals (it is certain Rinas With and "it", apparently, lesbians), look article - Ups... Томичей on meeting "for fair elections" deduce... Homosexuals? - On topic of the day; - Oppositionists and the provokers, living treachery of the country at the expense of grants from the USA (mentioned Rinat С - one of active workers of West selling organisation "Voice"); - Fans of meat (days before on a site "the City. Томск.Ru" прокришнаиткий the post was published by the certain "Natka", which else earlier has published also a post on preparation pork рульки, having put a photo of the hungry spouse which with greed devoured it; - Fans and judges of alcohol (for кришнаитов the City has actively stood up in discussions ". Томск.Ru" under articles in certain townspeople who has published earlier the whole series article about fault and winemaking); - Not legislative citizens (in discussions "the City. Томск.Ru" already some persons wrote supposedly all so do - illegally build, and then try to legalise, what for this Stepanenko has not allowed to make узаконивание lawlessness). - Haters of Orthodox Church (it is absolutely expected, and me does not surprise). Unless it is not strange that at кришнаитов there are the people doing what Abhaj Charan De in "is categorically condemned by Bhagavad-gita how it is", namely - the meat and alcohol use?! It is not strange if to look it in a context of these words: "… if also the Satan will be divided in itself as its kingdom will resist?" (Лк.11:18), and "If you were from the world the world would love the; and as you not from the world, but I have selected you from the world therefore hates you the world" (Ин.15:19). So, мiр so hating Jesus Christ and Its Church - Orthodox Church, loves кришнаитов... And how differently?! Krishna has a second name - a devil, and here its "paradise" hot Vrindavan: Look also - As the birdie has grown to god of the whole world (about god кришнаитов) - On topic of the day |
Hare Krsna |
#6596 Re:2011-12-22 16:21What is wrong with u? The most compassionate soul that walked the earth was Jesus. We Hare Krsna's believe this statement , we have done nothing and will do nothing to harm or prejudice against any religion. Just leave us to continue to believe in our faith. We do not blaspheme the Bible or any religious work. Please stop your critiscisms and take shelter of your God Christ and Jehovah and be at peace, stop your harsh words and be tolerant and humble and stop damning others , Let The Lord be the judge of our character and let he who is not a sinner cast the first stone. Its Christmas Time , a time for giving and sharing. Believe in your scriptures , follow your commandments and be a better person. |
Guest |
#65972011-12-22 16:25http://www.k-istine.ru/sects/sects_rostislav.htm Sects / Sektovedenie - the general questions The archbishop Tomsk and Asinovsky Rostislav: If we show spiritual indifference Tomsk can become not only university, but the sectarian centre of Siberia Already after end of an official part of press conference in "Interfax-Siberia" (on January, 16th) the archbishop of Tomsk and Asinovsky Rostislava in a corridor was surrounded with journalists and have set considerable quantity of the questions devoted to one more burning topic – to last apologetic performances of the Tomsk diocese against activity of various sects. Questions correspondents of news agency "Interfax-Siberia" set, RIA Novosti news agency, radio stations "Echo Moscow in Tomsk". Some questions of journalists were answered also with the head of Missionary department of the Tomsk diocese Maxim Stepanenko. - That you can tell about Maxim Stepanenko's position on the Karma-kagju: it any time gave out the opinion as opinion of Russian Orthodox Church? - Maxim Stepanenko is the head of Missionary department of the Tomsk diocese, and he expressed not the personal opinion - it sounded a position of Russian Orthodox Church and not only in the Tomsk diocese, but a Russian Orthodox Church position as a whole. Sometimes in local mass-media our position incorrectly consecrate. Ostensibly the Russian Orthodox Church opposes traditional religions, in particular against the Buddhism. The religious organisation about which there is a speech has no relation to the traditional Buddhism, Karma Kagju school of Dane Ole Nidala is Neobuddhist sect. - On Karma Kagju what basis it is carried to sects? Is not only our personal position concerning the organisation created by Ole Nidalom. There are in this respect researches of some experts-religiovedov including orthodox, and they are published in the press, including the Internet (for example, www.sektoved.ru) for a long time already. And the Association of the Buddhism of the Diamond way of school the Karma-kagju (the official name of sect of Ole Nidala) in polemic on these materials did not enter Russia. - Then why they here are registered as the official traditional Buddhist centre? - The matter is that the present legislation in Russia is that that if you will gather tomorrow, and will create "Not a message what Church" it will necessarily register under condition of observance by this "church" of the Russian legislation. Therefore at us it is much registered religious the organisations which are sects … dangerous totalitarian sects. Far it is not necessary to go. In Krasnoyarsk region, near Minusinsk, there is a totalitarian sect лжехриста Vissariona, which real name Sergey Torop. He has created huge settlement where from all country there have arrived people in a taiga, deserting the families, children, selling apartments and property. He/she is the person, богохульно got a false idea second "embodiment" of Lord Jesus Christ learnt душегубительной to spirituality, with activity of its dangerous sect coherently many by human tragedies, however for some reason the state to it has no official claims. Alas, many religious organisations to which categorically refuse registration abroad, at us sometimes they find the state goodwill and devoted adherents. Why the such occurs? It is possible to speak about it much. I consider that ours the legislation has appeared in it the relation too liberal. It has got to us by right of succession from times of the ninetieth years when at the head of our state there was Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin who under pressure of the USA in every possible way braked adoption of law about a freedom of worship. Eventually, when it has been accepted with the big delay, the country have already captivated and destructive sects have taken root. - How you consider, whether it is necessary to toughen existing norm of the law, regulating activity of the religious organisations? - There is a necessity of acceptance of the certain amendments complicating activity of "new religions", i.e. foreign and domestic destructive sects. Though now it to make more difficult, than earlier since sects had local defenders. - The Tomsk diocese will initiate any amendments to the Law "About the Freedom of worship" and in other laws through the Moscow Patriarchy in the State Duma because in the Tomsk region sects actively operate? - While is not present. However, the Moscow Patriarchy in diocesan reports from places receives every year data on activity in regions of sects and developed межконфессиональных relations. We always shine in the annual report submitted addressed to the Most holy Patriarch, all problem points in this question and we give the vision of the arising situations connected about activity of sects in the Tomsk region. Usually, and if any problem such is beyond one region and to become scale it gives the grounds of the Moscow Patriarchy to address in corresponding state and legislative institutes. - Will write now something following the results of the past year? About a situation, for example, with кришнаитами? - Yes, it will be reflected in the annual diocesan report for last year. If we now do not occupy concerning illegal building of religious settlement of this sect in village Kandinka of a position of principle we will receive that now takes place near Minusinsk, where as it is already mentioned, adherents лжехриста Vissariona have constructed considerable settlement. We will already have at ourselves huge кришнаиткий the missionary centre, and Tomsk becomes not only university, but the sectarian centre of Siberia. The Tomsk region one of rare regions where кришнаиты are very active, and is worse than that their activity finds support at some city and regional officials. In many regions, for example in Moscow, in Kazakhstan where кришнаиты tried to build up thoroughly (a huge temple, religious settlement, etc.) The authorities and the public let them go whistle. And if we in it the relation of this неоиндуистской sects show spiritual indifference and liberal views, that, in my opinion, обретем not a good reputation. - True Buddhists in Tomsk are not present, how religious organisation so leaves? Maxim Stepanenko: - The organisations concerning the present traditional for Russia буддистскому to a current of the Tibetan Lamaism of the Gelug-pas, in the Tomsk region are not present. I will specify, this current of the Buddhism is professed by the people of Kalmykia, Buryatiya and Tuva. It is remarkable that during the January missionary tour across Russia Ole Nidal in these regions for some reason does not call in. Though declares that marginal тантрическое a current of the Buddhism the Karma-kagju which it preaches, have ostensibly appeared in Kalmykia in XII century. All testifies that relations of Ole Nidala with traditional Buddhists in Russia far not iridescent, despite its return statements for full mutual understanding. - Concerning counteraction to destructive sects the Tomsk diocese has any interactions with authorities. You with the power in this question allies or opponents? - While, unfortunately, in this respect at us interaction is poorly adjusted. Not always the power understands the importance of a problem of sectarian expansion to Russia. Many consider it as exclusively private affair of people where the state should not interfere. I have faced a similar problem on the former Magadan chair. When I there have arrived, it was the beginning of 90th years and from everywhere from abroad in region leaders of various sects among whom there were also representatives of very dangerous sects simply flocked. Then I have come to administration of the Magadan area with the offer of certain joint actions against destructive sects. But me it has been told that you, probably, pursue the mercantile interests, you are afraid to lose flock, so also incomes, instead of that you are ostensibly baked about Russia and the people. It is necessary to you – preach the, and they the. Has passed two years … And already then to me representatives of different branches of local authorities have started to come from different directions, including And law enforcement bodies because activity of a number the sect has appeared dangerous already for the state. And, at last, steels appears the first sobering criminal cases against those or other leaders of sects. But time is missed and many souls have been crippled because of primary short-sightedness of government officials. And, despite all aforementioned, we from its part always try to inform all interested persons in the Tomsk region. Interaction of Church with the state on this problem should be. - Express opinion that actions of Russian Orthodox Church against sects is kindling of religious hatred. - First, religious break a set kindles nobody. We do not try to result violently the follower of any sect in Orthodoxy. We do not call for fulfilment of any illegal actions against sects. We pay attention that Russia is the state not without an own history, culture and religion. It not we, but they have come on our earth and preach among our people which in the overwhelming majority истерически consisted and now consists of orthodox Christians. We are engaged within the limits of the law in apologetics - protection of the belief and culture, from absolutely alien doctrines and traditions, we defend the originality. And this right is given to us by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the same law "About a freedom of worship". Our Church, being Church of God живаго, a pillar and the true statement (1Тим.3:15), possesses possibility of recognition of lie, our correctness was proved time and again by history, both last, and modern. In due time radio and a teleether has been filled all day long by propagation of sect "Aum Sinrike" And it besides that possibility to get there was not orthodox. Officials played democracy, and representatives of mass-media earned money for sectarian sermons. And here adherents of this sect on an order of its leader Seko Asahary have made monstrous acts of terrorism in the Tokyo underground in March, 1995. Soon the sect has been forbidden in Russia. To same the voice of the Orthodox Church condemning activity of this dangerous destructive sect, has not been heard. Well should not be such in Russia with its thousand-year Christian history! The rights государствообразующего the orthodox Russian people should to be observed first of all. Certainly, everyone is free to profess this or that belief, but meaningly to tolerate destruction of spiritual unity of the people, through indulgence of activity of sects, is inadmissible! It is a dangerous way. By the way, under action of the criticism stated by Orthodox Church, many sects gradually refuse in due course a number of former really wild lectures and ceremonies … Sensible, constructive criticism yet did not harm to anybody! - Whether the Tomsk diocese with official protest letters in Office of Public Prosecutor, bodies of local sense of duty in connection with activity кришнаитов or activity of Ole Nidala addressed? - We have very not indifferent public sensitively tracing activity of sects in Tomsk. In the relation кришнаитов the active position was occupied with inhabitants of Kaltajsky rural settlement. They have found out and have given the alarm on illegal building кришнаитами the religious settlement about village Kandinka. Local residents have addressed in regional Office of Public Prosecutor with the request to stop this illegal building, and also in the Tomsk diocese behind spiritual support. The Office of Public Prosecutor and other supervising state structures have confirmed the fact of illegal building. Sectarians have been fined also them have obliged to take down the illegal constructions by June of this year. However, as we know, кришнаиты continue active building, showing to that how much they are "legislative" citizens, and that it will be for the settlement which inhabitants will devil-may-carely concern and opinion local, inhabitants, and to the Russian laws, and to the power. The Tomsk diocese supports protests of inhabitants of Kaltajsky rural settlement against illegal building destructive неоиндуистской sects "Society of consciousness of Krishna" of religious and missionary settlement. - And concerning Ole Nidala? - Here nearby there is a head of Missionary department of the Tomsk diocese Maxim Stepanenko who repeatedly sounded an official position of our diocese which has been quite widely consecrated in a press. We also stated the a position concerning this Neobuddhist sect and before representatives of local authorities. Maxim Stepanenko: - The karma-kagju is marginal and малораспространенная even in the Buddhism тантрическая tradition. What is it? the Tantrichesky Buddhism is, first of all, мирянский, not monastic Buddhism which assumes possibility achievement of certain spiritual perfection by means of sexual an expert, i.e. in our understanding – by means of fornication and прелюбодеяния. At recent press conference of Ole Nidala in Tomsk I not casually specified in an official site the Karma-kagju in Russia where interview of Ole Nidala "About love and sex" where it actually propagandised fornication and прелюбодеяние is published and approvingly responded about prostitution under certain conditions. And as it regularly comes to the Tomsk diocese and preaches here not among Kalmyks and Buryats, and among the Russian-speaking, Christian population the version of the Buddhism which is not excluding an immoral way of life we have a just cause on the indignation of its mission. We cannot be tolerant to the sermon of the fornication proceeding from the leader of sect of Ole Nidala to which all its numerous enough pupils tremblingly listen. Besides organised in October – November of last year adherents the Karma-kagju ostensibly the cultural exhibition passed in "Year of a family". To us it is not comprehensible that to the sect preaching an immoral way of life, have given for a month all significant cultural platforms of Tomsk, moreover in a year when the state has officially designated necessity family and child-bearing strengthening. It look as mockery! Besides the sect the Karma-kagju, as well as all Buddhism as a whole preaches godlessness since denies existence of personal God that is not comprehensible to all Christians. Our belief of Ole Nidal considers as "fetters", restriction of its "freedom". - Maxim Valerievich, you have transferred Ole Nidalu of listing of its lectures whom it has actually renounced in Tomsk, any official reaction from the Russian association of the Buddhism of the Diamond way of school the Karma-kagju has followed? - After a while I came on a site the Karma-kagju, and the mentioned interview of Ole Nidala "About Love and sex" still there was. Though Ole Nidal has actually renounced at press conference in Tomsk the words stated by it in 1993 in Russia. The note. Now this bludo-propaganda file nevertheless has been removed from a site the Karma-kagju. But it only is partly pleasant – a material продублирован already on a number of other Internet resources and there it hardly will remove. Whether it is possible to speak about moral progress at Ole Nidala for 15 years or it is made for the sake of kind public opinion and only for the sake of it? Orthodoxy in Tomsk - 1/24/2009. Photo - the Archbishop Tomsk and Asinovsky Rostislav at press conference in Interfax-Siberia on January, 16th, 2009 - Maxim Stepanenko P.S. "... Today it is possible to tell safely that our people have successfully stood against the strongest прозелитического an impact from the outside. It has occurred thanks to hardness in orthodox belief of millions simple people, and also to an unshakable position and resolute actions of Svjashchennonachalija of the Moscow Patriarchy. Problems in this sphere though also became less sharp, have not disappeared at all, and we still should watch steadfastly an event both in case of need quickly and resolutely to react to any attempts to weaken Orthodoxy position". Endurances from the report of Mestobljustitelja of the Patriarchal Throne of the metropolitan Smolensk and Kaliningrad Cyril on Pomestnom the Cathedral of Russian Orthodox Church (1/27/2009). |
Guest |
#65982011-12-22 16:28http://www.k-istine.ru/sects/mosk/mosk_tomsk-02.htm Sects / "the International society of consciousness of Krishna" Management of Rosselhoznadzora across the Tomsk region has written out to harekrishnas the instruction to eliminate illegal building nearby village Kandinka, and local people continue to protest against their ashrama As we knew, Management of Federal Agency of veterinary and fytosanitory supervision across the Tomsk region (Upravlenie Rosselhoznadzora) has written out on December, 19th the instruction "about elimination of infringements of rules and norms" to Country noncommercial partnership "Kandinsky" - so the Tomsk society of consciousness of Krishna has decided to register the religious settlement crafty. In the decision it is said that members ДНП "Kandinsky" on the earths of agricultural purpose the area of 4,3 hectares "deliberately in current legislation infringement autocratically were capital structures" are erected. It was offered to krishnaitam-summer residents to eliminate the specified infringements till June, 01st, 2009. It is meanwhile already collected and directed to Office of Public Prosecutor of the Tomsk region and to the governor of the Tomsk region more than five hundred signatures of local residents against building кришнаитского religious settlement, and petition proceeds. Thus the indignation is stated by inhabitants already all district Zarechnogo where such large settlements, as Kaftanchikovo, Black Small river, Kurlek etc. enter besides Kandinki and Kaltaja That is absolutely unanimous unwillingness of inhabitants to see on the earth кришнаитское religious settlement in which they absolutely fairly see the future missionary centre of the destructive sect absolutely alien and антагонистически adjusted to local traditional culture takes place. So, in our disposal there is an Internet mailing made still in June, 2007 the head of Tomsk consciousness of Krishna by Enverom Izmaylov in which he invited all кришнаитов Russia, to take part in share land buying and settlement building under village Kandinka. And it is valid, about 1/3 participants who have got a share in specified country noncommercial partnership, are not inhabitants of the Tomsk region. Whether strange to build a summer residence at us, for example, to inhabitants of the Irkutsk region? Whether дороговаты there will be trips and cost of the grown up potato and cucumbers?! In this mailing in particular to be told: "The Tomsk community вайшнавов begins building of own settlement in 18 km from Tomsk, in a place under the name of Kandinka, near to picturesque lake in the size of 4,5 km …. Here some of the purposes, which devoted put before themselves, creating the settlement: 1. To create conditions for high-grade dialogue in spiritual atmosphere. 2. To provide possibility of an earning of means of subsistence and business dealing, depending thus to a lesser degree on economic system карми, focused on operation. Thus that betrayed which not are ready to it will have a possibility to go in a city for work. Students can go for study. 3. REPEATEDLY to STRENGTHEN the SERMON to the SOCIETY, having social alternative and a real example of application of spiritual knowledge in practice. Now the sermon is ineffective, as people do not understand, how they will live with this knowledge in a materialistic environment. 4. To strengthen family foundations and to protect children from corrupting influence of Cali-jugi, to give the chance to children to grow in happy atmosphere of a community and to become high-grade persons ". That is, under own plans кришнаитов, religious settlement essentially closed for external influence with expressed commercial and прозелитической an orientation and that guards – with the planned isolated education of children is created. That Enver Izmaylov perceives the sect as unique светоч "spirituality" on the Tomsk earth pays attention also. In this letter Mr. Izmaylov has not dropped a word that all it is the social project intended for maintenance by habitation "needy" кришнаитов. But so he now crafty tries to move to pity the public in the justification of illegality of building поседения about Kandinki. And why "the social settlement" for "needy" кришнаитов to which "have no place to live", is registered as country partnership? Also on one of sites Tomsk кришнаиты were praised by the plans this summer: "… Tomsk betrayed again are full of enthusiasm and plan to spend Kuli Melu-2010 in an under construction community near Tomsk". "Kuli of a chalk" who does not know, is international youth кришнаитский festival on which sectarians from all the CIS … gather We know, the inhabitants who have written the letter with the protest against building of religious settlement of the Tomsk society of consciousness of Krishna, are deeply revolted by the answer of the chief of Department of culture of the Tomsk region of Andrey Kuzichkina. In it instead of support of the people to which is obliged to serve, it to please "the marginal destructive foreign sect which have appeared in the USA", began to intimidate and threaten with criminal punishment to authors of the letter ostensibly "for kindling of religious hatred". So, the official has written: "I Warn you that we will ask the public prosecutor of the Tomsk region to study attentively the test of the letter for the purpose of revealing of the moments of kindling social and religious break a set, and also to promote a non-admission of occurrence of similar letters". According to inhabitants of Kandinki, "Andrey Kuzichkin has lost adequate understanding and an event, and the antinational actions, and there is a sense to raise the question before the governor about its professional suitability. This madness when" people's power ", instead of understanding and support threatens the people with punishment!". Maxim Stepanenko, the head Missionary department of the Tomsk diocese Russian Orthodox Church The missionersko-apologetic project "To True" - 12/25/2008 |
Guest |
#65992011-12-22 16:30Pl. donot enact to ban secred Bhagwat Geeta. It hearts crores of Hindus. |
Guest |
#66002011-12-22 16:30http://www.k-istine.ru/sects/mosk/mosk_tomsk-01.htm Inhabitants of Kaltajsky rural settlement of Tomsk area oppose illegal building кришнаитского ашрама The initiative group of inhabitants of Municipal union "Kaltajsky rural settlement" of Tomsk area of the Tomsk region has addressed to the governor of the Tomsk region V.M.Kressu and the public prosecutor of the Tomsk region V.S.Vojkinu with the request to stop illegal building by adherents of sect Tomsk a society of consciousness of Krishna of the ашрама (settlements) near to village Kandinka. Also inhabitants have addressed for support to the archbishop to Tomsk and Asinovsky Rostislavu, the imam-hatybu of the White cathedral mosque of Nurulle Kalykahunovu and the imam-hatybu of the Red cathedral mosque of Nizamutdinu Zhumaevu that is quite natural since on these earths Moslems and orthodox Christians primordially live in the world. For today in Kaltajsky rural settlement active petition among local residents with the requirement immediately is conducted to take down illegal constructions from farmlands, and almost all peasants unanimously support this requirement. As we knew, Tomsk кришнаиты as private persons have received in rent of the earth of agricultural purpose near to village Kandinka, and it is absolutely illegal without the coordination and reception of the permission of administration MO "Kaltajsky rural settlement" and without the consent of aboriginals of settlement have started to erect inhabited capital constructions. So they had time to construct the wooden house in which without registration the family with small children already lives, the two-storeyed house from concrete blocks, garage, a bath, and a huge two-storeyed skeleton from a bar. The two-storeyed house from concrete blocks, possibly, will be an administrative and cult building in which it will be located капище to Krishna, and a huge building from a bar, possibly, will be a hostel for sectarians in which, judging by the sizes, can live not less than hundred persons. As they have declared кришнаиты here this two-storeyed cottage with a balcony ostensibly were going to adapt... For storage of a potato and shop on processing of vegetables. Most likely, it should become an administrative and cult building in ашраме This two-storeyed skeleton from a bar, it is probable everything, it was planned to make a hostel for sectarians in it ашраме. In nearby the standing uncomfortable wooden house already there lives without registration a family with малолетники children Scale of this illegal building and small number of a Tomsk community кришнаитов allows to assume what actually to be under construction кришнаитское religious settlement (ашрам) regional value, that is there on residing adherents of this totalitarian and destructive sect from all Siberia will be flown down. It is necessary to tell that behind the International society of consciousness of Krishna as abroad, and in Russia, from the very beginning of formation in the middle of the XX-th century in the USA this неоиндуистской sects the train of every possible crimes, as lie, murders lasts, robberies, drug traffic, violent dissolute actions, including over minors. And it is made fairly inhabitants of settlement in the reference have noted. Numerous experts in numerous documents, books, interent-resources as in Russia, and abroad the Society of creation of Krishna is recognised by dangerous totalitarian sect. The opened facts allow to express opinion that from all specified the slyness for the Tomsk society of consciousness of Krishna is the integral line. So Tomsk кришнаиты carry out recruiting actions, holding back the religious accessory under the pretext of the Tomsk centre of Vedic culture. And now, it appears, it is impudent and illegal without the permission of administration and inhabitants of settlement build ашрам and when them have convicted, have started to confirm to the head of settlement I.JU. Галямову that, say, for example, a building from concrete blocks (with balconies!) they will use for storage of a potato and will arrange shop on processings of vegetables … Tomsk кришнаиты dissemble and at recruitment, hiding the a religious accessory behind a mask of the Tomsk centre of Vedic culture and lectures about "art of mutual relations" In a kind of a self-liberty and illegality of building of capital residential buildings on the agricultural purpose earths, and that the considerable religious settlement (ашрам) totalitarian destructive sect is under construction, the protest of local residents is very clear, since in due course it can lead to religious-social pressure in district. We will remind that inhabitants of Moscow in 2004 – also resolutely protested 2005 against building кришаитского капища and ашрама, and have achieved it at complete support of administration of Moscow and clergy of Orthodox Church, Islam and the Judaism. Maxim Stepanenko, the head Missionary department of the Tomsk diocese Russian Orthodox Church Here a copy of the letter of inhabitants МО "Kaltajsky rural settlement": To the head of administration of the Tomsk region V.M.Kressu To the public prosecutor of the Tomsk region V.S.Vojkinu Copies: To the archbishop to Tomsk and Asinovsky Rostislavu The imam-hatybu of the White cathedral mosque of Nurulle Kalykahunovu The imam-hatybu of the Red cathedral mosque of Nizamutdinu Zhumaevu Respected Victor Melhiorovich and Vasily Savelevich! As we knew, in territory МО "the Kaltajsky rural settlement" adherents of destructive totalitarian sect "Tomsk society of consciousness of Krishna" is absolutely illegal and without the consent of inhabitants of our settlement to the agricultural purpose earths their religious settlement (ашрам) in which, judging by the sizes of constructions, residing not less than hundred is planned, and even more the people belonging to this sect (we apply pictures of already erected structures on the letter) is under construction. The society of Consciousness of Krishna is carried by numerous experts in the different countries, including Russia, to destructive totalitarian sects so for example, it is included in lists of the dangerous sects made by governmental bodies of France, Belgium and Austria. Also about it to be told in following documents and books: - The analytical bulletin of the State Duma of the Russian Federation "About national threat of Russia from the destructive religious organisations", 1996, - Total the statement of participants of the Russian scientifically-practical conference "Totalitarian sects (destructive cults) and human rights", passed in St.-Petersburg on January, 12th, 1996 - An information material of Ministry of Health and the medical industry of the Russian Federation "To the report on socially-medical consequences of influence of some religious organisations on health of the person, a family, a society and measures of maintenance of the help to the victim" (1996). - Total the statement of participants of the international conference "Totalitarian sects – XXI-st century threat" (23 – on April, 25th, 2001, Nizhni Novgorod). - Total the statement of participants of the international conference "Totalitarian sects and the democratic state" (Novosibirsk, on November, 9-11th, 2004) - In a directory "New religious associations of Russia destructive and occult character" Missionary department of the Moscow Patriarchy. – Belgorod, 2002. - In A.L.Sektovedenie's Dvorkin's textbook: totalitarian sects. Experience of regular research. - Nizhni Novgorod: Publishing house of a brotherhood for the sake of St. prince Alexander Nevsky, 2002. And as in following Internet editions: - The missionersko-apologetic project of the Ufa and Tomsk diocese "To True" - www.k-istine.ru - The centre in a name свщмч. Иринея Lyons, Moscow - www.iriney.ru - The antisectarian centre of the Novosibirsk cathedral for the sake of St. кн. Alexander Nevsky - www.nevskiy.orthodoxy.ru - The centre of apologetic researches, St.-Petersburg - www.apologetika.ru - The centre of recovery of victims of nonconventional religions and narcodependent of A.S.Homjakova, Moscow - A site "Religious safety of Russia" - www.stolica.narod.ru - The project of the seminary student диакона Andrey Kuraev - www.kuraev.ru - To library of the orthodox missionary - www.missioner.kuraev.ru - The antisectarian project "antiСекта.ru" - www.anticekta.ru - The Tula centre concerning sectarianism - www.sektainfo.ru - A missionary information portal for the sake of St. prophet Daniel - www.mission-center.com - The project Vitaly Pitanova's "Apologist" - www.apologet.orthodox.ru Both many other documents and editions. We apply on the letter head about the specified destructive sect from a directory "New religious associations of Russia destructive and occult character" Missionary department of the Moscow Patriarchy (Belgorod, 2002). As appears from numerous publications and the documentary films exposing activity of this dangerous sect, for adherents of "the Society of consciousness of Krishna" as abroad, and in Russia the loop of every possible crimes, as that, murders, robberies, drug traffic, violent dissolute actions, including over minors lasts. Occurrence in territory of Kaltajsky rural settlement ашрама this destructive sect, in our opinion, will lead in due course to religious-social pressure and criminalisation including because will be flown down there кришнаиты from nearby regions. That the doctrine of this неоиндуистской the sect which have appeared in the middle of the XX-th century in the USA, is absolutely alien to Orthodoxy and Islam, traditionally professed inhabitants of our earth is important also. Their "god" Krishna often represented in a kind disgustingly синекожего of the young man with a collar from snakes, in understanding of Christians and Moslems is a demon. In Bhagavad-Gite – "sacred" for кришнаитов the writing Krishna speaks about itself: "I am a God of death... I - all-devouring death … the great destroyer of the worlds, and I have come here to destroy all people" (БГ. 10:29, 34; 11:32). We do not wish occurrence on our earth obligatory for кришанитских ашрамов pagan капища a demon to Krishna. In due time for this reason inhabitants of Moscow in 2004 – resolutely protested 2005 against building кришаитского капища and ашрама, and have achieved it at complete support of administration of Moscow and clergy of Orthodox Church, Islam and the Judaism. Our position is supported by almost all inhabitants of settlement, and at present we conduct petition for an unconditional pulling down of the specified constructions кришнаитов. In due course we will give you this list for acknowledgement of our position. So, we ask an immediate pulling down of all constructions already erected by sectarians in territory МО "Kaltajsky rural settlement"; and consequently that they are absolutely illegally constructed without our consent to the agricultural purpose earths; and consequently that presence кришнатского ашрама will lead to religious-social pressure in our settlement. Sectarians have crafty begun the illegal building obviously not only on own самочинию and impudence. We suspect that it has been initially co-ordinated behind our backs with a number of the high-ranking officials of Administration of the Tomsk region. We ask you to find out, who from officials indulged illegal building and to make them answerable up to dismissal. On December, 01st, 2008 Yours faithfully, inhabitants МО "Kaltajsky rural settlement": Savchenko N.I. Filippova T.G. Kashaeva L.N. Rudkovitskaja T.A. Fomina N.V. Krivoshchekova V. N. Soin N.G. Carps of the Island And. Bitter A.A. The missionersko-apologetic project "To True" - 12/2/2008. |
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