Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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/ #65922011-12-22 16:12The Christ and Krishna. Light and darkness Is bright-colourful clothes, tambourine sounds, приплясывание with exclamations: "to Jara Krishna!" - the sketch which has become already habitual for streets of many Russian cities. Why in the country with century Christian traditions mystical east doctrine - кришнаизм was fixed and extends? Certainly, that spiritual vacuum which was formed in our country throughout seven tens years, but a principal cause in application кришнаитами the tested tactics has served its purpose: if they find the people which worships to any deity say that this deity - an avatar (one of embodiments) Vishnu (Krishna) and, thus, introduce the doctrine in one people. Here and at us in Russia провозвестники to "new" religion learn that all people worship to one god, and the Christ not who other, as itself Krishna in the next embodiment (on other interpretation - the son of Krishna). That supposedly and their names are very similar on sounding. But to confirm such it is possible only on ignorance. The word "Christ" - Greek translation with Jewish "машиах" that is meant by "anointed sovereign". And if about the Christ, in the Gospel it is said that It "was Light true" (the Gospel from John, гл. 1, a verse 9) the word "кришна" on a Sanskrit means "black", specifying in colour of the owner which "was similar to a thundercloud" (Bhagavad-Gita further - BhG. с.419). What impression makes true shape of Krishna on the person is in detail described in Bhagavad-Gite: "Many faces, eyes, hands, hips, feet, bellies and many frightening teeth... I cannot keep balance at the sight of your burning killing faces and frightening teeth... All people will direct in your pharynxes like the moths flying on fire to be lost in it... I see, how you absorb people from different directions the flaring mouths..." (BhG. гл. 11, the text 21-33). Completes this awful show a bed from snakes on which Krishna sits. (Svami Prabhapuda "Bhagavad-Gita as it is", гл. 11, the text 15). It is no wonder that soldier Ardzhuna to whom was Krishna in the original appearance, shaken and spiritually broken agrees to fulfil its requirement and destroys all family of note. It is enough of one it to be convinced of devil essence of imaginary "god". And unless it is possible to compare the resulted fragments from Bhagavad-Gity to the text of the Sacred Gospel describing a shock of sacred apostles during Transformation Misters of our Jesus Hrjasta? The natural awe at the sight of the Christ in an environment departed in the world other of antiquated prophets has mixed up for a long time with feeling of delight: "Ravvi! To be good to us here" (the Gospel from Mark, гл. 9, a verse 5). The sacred Legend has informed to us the description of a surprising case when the messenger эдесского tsar Avgarja could not write Jesus Christ portrait, Its Divine image so shone. So can be the general between light and darkness? Confirming to the validity of the doctrine, кришнаиты specify in its antiquity, to which, according to the legend, five thousand years. But whether all is valid that truly, what the ancient? In an extreme antiquity almost all mankind has been shipped in an idolatry gloom. True concepts about God have remained among few righteous persons while, at last, God through prophet Moiseja to the Judaic people has not been give the Law which has prepared coming in the world of Son Bozhija who has opened completeness of Divine true. If the Law brands idolatry as service to demons (1 message to Korinfjanam, гл. 10, a verse 20) Krishna at all does not object to worship other deities. On the contrary, he speaks:" The one who serves other gods and worships to them with верою, actually worships to me (BhG as it is, 10 гл. The text 23) but if someone tastes the food which has been not offered idols in a victim he considers such food sinful. Taste идоложертвенной peep, in its opinion, "clears and rescues" people, leading to their rescue from "a material" captivity (in the same place, с.176). To the doctrine about taste of food at a society of "consciousness of Krishna" the big place in rescue business in general is taken away. The person "is profaned", when tastes food of an animal origin. The consciousness of such person never can become pure. Кришнаиты confirm, as the Bible learns to the same, only here Christians have not ripened yet for its correct understanding. That the precept "not убий" has been given not only in relation to people, but also to animals. But these references to the Bible are calculated on the people not familiar with the Scriptus in which it is told: "All animals terrestrial, and all birds heavenly, everything that moves on the earth, and all fishes sea... All moving that lives, will be to you in food" (Life, гл. 9, verses 2-3). God has blest with these words Aching, and together with it and all mankind. The Christ learns that without peeping at all profanes the person:" Whether still understand, what everything entering into lips, passes in a belly and is thrown up? And starting with lips - from heart proceeds: this profanes the person; for malicious thoughts proceed from heart "(the Gospel from Matfeja, гл. 15, verses 17-19). The most paradoxical in the doctrine кришнаитов that, considering as a sin taste of animal food (as precept infringement "not убий"), they quite suppose any murder, including murder of the person if it orders "god" Krishna. About it in detail enough writes one of movement founders кришнаитов Svami Prabhupada: "Being in consciousness of Krishna," betrayed "directly communicates with it and can understand its instructions (BhG as it is, с.146) if Krishna wants -" betrayed "can make any action even undesirable from the usual point of view (in the same place, с.158), and if there is an unwillingness to execute the strict order, this unwillingness should be suppressed (in the same place. с.196), as the natural and primary condition live beings consists that it executes the orders going from above" (in the same place. с.303). "The consciousness of Krishna", apparently, pays off on transforming the person into the tool of someone's will and, obviously, will malicious. Not casually as an instructive example of Svami results soldier Ardzhunu: that "does not want to kill members of the family, but when he has understood that they were an obstacle in a way to consciousness of Krishna, has followed to its instructions (BhG as it is, с.616), on-skolku betrayed it is not so responsible for the actions (in the same place, с.761) and to it does not have necessity to think of the last sinful acts as Krishna completely incurs care of them (in the same place, с.588)". Кришнаит can make everything that it is necessary for it. Even, having deprived of somebody life, it does not bear for it any moral responsibility because followed instructions of Krishna. "Yes!" - Prabhupada learns - all of us are intended to satisfy Krishna which do not disturb neither just, nor sinful actions, it needs only love service and anything else because the introduction into the higher monasteries is provided with devoted service ". Then that on Bhagavad-Gite any crime in exchange for fidelity of Krishna is authorised, to it кришнаиты in some countries are forbidden as dangerous sect. Jesus Christ speaks about crafty teachers: "On fruits them learn them" (the Gospel from Matfeja, гл. 7, a verse 16). What fruits of life in кришнаизме? What should become the person who has executed all instructions of Bhagavad-Gity? "Only the one who equally looks fortunately and misfortune (BhG, гл. 2, the text 15) who does not rejoice, does not hate, left all good and bad (in the same place, гл. 12, the text 17) who does not test pleasure from a society of people (in the same place, гл. 13, the text 8-10) who remains indifferent aside and does not move, who has left ' all understanding (in the same place, гл. 14, the text 21-25) whom such incidents, as illness, need and even death of near relations (a little excite BhG. As it is, с.330), only that is worthy immortality (BhG, гл. 2, the text 15), only that enters into my life (in the same place, гл. 4, the text 10)". Thus, the person should become absolutely indifferent to near and to itself. Sometimes, as counterargument, кришнаиты result the Evangelical text: "And enemies to the person - house it. Who loves the father or mother more, rather than Me, is not worthy Me: and who loves the son or the daughter more, rather than Me, is not worthy Me" (the Gospel from Matfeja, гл. 10, verses 36-37). Correctly to understand these words, it is necessary to know the Scriptus, which in the previous and subsequent texts, and also in parallel places of the Gospel from Onions. Opens their sense. Words of the Christ are turned to enthusiastic from творимых by It of miracles to the people surrounding It at that time. These are words of the prevention about difficulties of a feat of Christian belief which can lead even to division of a family, the family. The relatives, doing not wish to perceive belief of relatives-Christians. Can even become their enemies. That advises the doctrine of Krishna in such cases. It is very indicative it is visible on an example of soldier Ardzhuny which by order of Krishna has destroyed all relatives. The Christ not only learns:" Love your enemies... Pray for offending you and driving you "(the Gospel from Matfeja, гл. 5. The verse 44), but also has set an example true love, addressing to God-father with the request for a pardon crucifying It:" Otche! Forgive to them for do not know that do "(the Gospel from Onions. гл. 23. A verse 34). The Christian doctrine is literally penetrated by love to the near. Apostles Christ's edify:" who about the and especially about the house is not baked, that has renounced belief and is worse incorrect "(1 message to Timothy, гл. 5. A verse 8)," Who has a prosperity in the world, but, seeing the brother in need, shuts from it the heart, - as the love of Bozhija stays in that?" (John's 1 message, гл. 3, a verse 17), "Beloved! We will love each other, because love from God... Who does not love, that has not known God. Because God is love" (John's 1 message, гл. 4. Verses 7-8). In these words the contrast of the relation of Christians, unlike кришнаитов, to close and house, let even not accepted the validity of Christ's belief is obvious. The gospel learns that the person reaches spiritual perfection in connection good luck and near. Кришнаитство is a way of self-confidence and cold бессердечья, transforming the person in the insensible conceiving device, a way of spiritual and moral suicide: "Only become the tool" - Krishna tells Ardzhune (to BhG as it is, гл. 11, the text 33). Not itself Krishna recognises that its doctrine makes on the person poison action (BhG as it is, гл. 18, the text 37) and consequently advises not to open at once all truth of the doctrine to the person, "still got used to put before itself the terrestrial purposes" and gradually to lead to its "consciousness". Love for the neighbour as not saving element, should be excluded from practice made, but at the same time it is possible to speak about compassion to the beginners who yet are not knowing all. That is why for кришнаитов the same fact at different levels of "consciousness" can be both a sacred duty and a heavy sin. The lovely young men extending кришнаитскую the literature, as a rule, beginners, therefore so искренни they in the aspiration to general unity and love, fondly believing that, thereby, carry out will of "god" of Krishna, to which it costs nothing to cover before beginners the true shape since, by words Svami Prabhupada Krishna when it is necessary, can be more perfidious, than any simple person, and if he wants to deceive the person, nobody can surpass it in insidiousness (BhG as it is, гл. 10, the text 36). Krishna will open a true devil appearance to the followers while under the influence of the poison gradually filling them of heart, will not resist at them neither desire, nor forces. The metamorphosis кришнаитского doctrines in a question of mutual relation of floors is interesting. If former followers of the doctrine during the orgies reproduced among themselves dissolute scenes of love games of Krishna with shepherdesses who are described in Bhagavad-Gite modern кришнаиты, understanding that it is difficult to connect the standard human morals with worship a dissolute and voluptuous deity, have developed the new concept. Modern interpreters treat repeated copulation of Krishna with shepherdesses, as the allegoric description of spiritual affinity, and actually communication between the man and the woman as one of terrestrial attachments, as they said, is sinful. The Scriptus, condemning прелюбодейство, any dirty communication and debauchery, at the same time encourages matrimonial love. The Lord has told: "it is bad to be to the person to one" (Life, гл. 2, a verse 18). The love to the lawful spouse is sung in many places of the Bible:" By its love be charmed constantly "(Parables, гл. 5, a verse 19). Apostle Pavel recommends to spouses:" do not evade from each other, unless under the consent, for a while, for exercise in a post and a prayer, and then again be together that the Satan невоздержанием with yours "(1 message to Korinfjanam, гл did not tempt you. 7, a verse 5). Кришнаиты, including marriage in the standard concept a sin, suppose communication between the man and the woman only in exceptional cases for the purpose of a continuation of the family. If to add to it an interdiction is animal food truly the prophetical perceive words of apostle Pavel:" The spirit clearly says that during last times some will recede from belief, listening to spirits to seducers and doctrines devilish, through hypocrisy лжесловников, burnt in the conscience, forbidding to marry and use in food that God has created... For any creation of Bozhie is good, and nothing is reprehensible, if is accepted with gratitude because it is consecrated with a word of Bozhiim and молитвою "(1 message to Timothy, гл. 4, verses 1-5). Morals кришнаитов as however and many other Antichristian doctrines, such as theosophy, антропософия, рериховское the doctrine "Live Ethics" (Agni-Iogi), is based on the doctrine about transformation of souls. Often refer thus to Jesus Christ words in relation to John Krestitelju:" If want to accept, it is Ilija to whom should come "(the Gospel from Matfeja, гл. 11, a verse 14)," But I say to you that Ilija has already come, and have not learnt it "(in the same place, гл. 17, a verse 12). It is a unique case in all Bible which on ignorance can be accepted as a hint on resettlement of souls. On ignorance since about John Krestitele in the Gospel from Onions it is said that it will come" in the spirit of and force of Ilii "(гл. 1, the verse 17), instead of as its new embodiment, And is valid to reincarnate to sacred Ilii, its soul should leave the body, but everyone who at least time read the Bible, knows that prophet Ilija did not leave the body, being directly with it is uplifted on the sky (4 Kingdoms., гл. 2, verses 11, 17). Where the body of Ilii when its spirit was embodied in John Krestitelja stayed? And why during Preobrazhenija Gospodnja (the Gospel from Matfeja, гл. 17, the Gospel from Mark, гл. 9) Ilija was not in last form, what under the theory of transformation it would be more logical? But the shortest and clear answer to a question, whether was John Iliej, John Krestitel gives: "That? You Ilija? He has told: is not present" (the Gospel from John, гл. 1, a verse 21). Supporters of the theory of transformation assert that this the Christ bequeathed secret to the "devoted" pupils that those in turn transferred it through others "devoted", without revealing mankind secret until it for this purpose will not ripen. Also that ostensibly at the time of medieval religious wars the majority of "devoted" was lost, and the continuity has interrupted. But now the mankind has reached such spiritual development that the spirit reveals this secret through new "teachers". The church never accepted this doctrine which was taking place among gnostics and pagan philosophers. (To this question it is devoted books диакона Andrey Kuraev "the Satanism for intelligency. A part the second. Christianity without an occultism" (1997) and "Early Christianity and resettlement of souls" (2001) where the myth extended by sectarians, in particular, теософами is very in details exposed, and occultists that reincarnation was an integral part раннехристианского doctrines – comment МС) In the Scriptus it is told nothing about transformation. On the contrary, it is clearly said that on death there will be no transformations: "Chelovekam it is necessary to die once, and then court" (the Message to Jews, гл. 9, a verse 27). Everyone will receive requital "according to that it did, living in a body, kind or thin" (2 message to Korinfjanam, гл. 5, a verse 10). And the requital it will be eternal (the Gospel from Matfeja, гл. 3, a verse 12, etc.) . The idea of immortality of soul as constant transformation from one body in another and is even not obligatory in a body of the person, contradicts Christian idea of the person as image and similarity of Bozhija. This idea justifies harm as karmic inevitability (the karma-set of the consequences made in the previous lives, defining destiny in new transformation), completely denies the Christian doctrine about the free will granted by God to the person, about expiation of sins of mankind by blood of Christ's and Divine good fortune - thanks to what the person himself defines the destiny. As it can occur, it is clearly visible on the Evangelical example of the crucified robber which in a flash the reference to the Christ inherited the Kingdom of heaven. Immortality of soul under the transformation theory is negation of the death, negation of its tragic element that is a substantiation for ritual murders in many индуистских sects. And кришнаиты also make light of death. Death, on a trope of one of кришнаитских preachers, "only change of the old worn out jersey". Besides at detection of signs "демонизма" in close relatives not a sin, and even the blessing, ahead of schedule to liquidate their present corporal cover, as soldier Ardzhuna which mutual relations with Krishna undertake кришнаитами for the sample has made in due time. Thus, here again it is necessary to recognise that between Christianity and кришнаизмом there is nothing the general. For God Christian мерзок everyone bowing to It with dirty heart and hands. Reconcile good luck such person one can only - a complete sincere repentance, repentance of a criminal conduct harm. But the word "repentance" is not present in Bhagavad-Gite. It is surprising that at such distinction of doctrines кришнаиты assert that the Bible and Bhagavad-Gita learn same. Itself Krishna says that it god artful and perfidious, however from the Christian point of view such statement is an abuse on God because "the Lord is just... Also there is no lie in It" (Psaltir, пс. 91, a verse 16). Whether Krishna deceives, without demanding from people праведности, but promising to pleasure and knowledge in exchange for fidelity? How here not to remember that too most the devil in paradise promised once to primogenitors. When the whole world was already educated for a long time by Gospel light, followers of "consciousness of Krishna" still are at level of "consciousness" of ancient idolaters. But on that and "the Son Divine was to destroy affairs of a devil" (John's 1 message, гл. 3, a verse 8) and to base The Sacred Church in which saving trues about God contain. Light of Christ's belief has dispersed deep darkness of the idolatry, however not all people have wished to respond to the Acceptable appeal. Nowadays servants of "princes of this world" finance various bred worldwide and at us in Russia pagan schools and sects. To us, Christians, it is necessary to be careful and vigilant in this difficult and the time of troubles not to be caught in a net disastrous as a hobby doctrines since having a presentiment of approach of the end of time, spirits of rage celestial strain all forces, "to seduce, if it is possible, and the elite" (the Gospel from Matfeja, гл. 24, a verse 24). The bible About divine worship and idolatry: "I the Lord, your God... Yes there will be no at you other gods before лицем Mine" (the Outcome, гл. 20, verses 2-3). "So. My beloved, escape идолослужения" (1 message to Korinfjanam, гл. 10, a verse 14). About the relation to relatives: "If who about the and especially about the house is not baked, that has renounced belief and is worse incorrect (1 message to Timothy, гл. 5, a verse 8)." Who has a prosperity in the world, but, seeing the brother in need, shuts from it the heart, - as the love of Bozhija stays in that? "(John's 1 message, гл. 3, a verse 17). About food: "All animals terrestrial and all birds heavenly, everything that moves on the earth, and all fishes sea... All moving that lives, will be to you in food" (Life, гл. 9. Verses 2-3). Whether "Still understand, what everything entering into lips, passes in a belly and is thrown up? And starting with lips - from heart proceeds: this profanes the person for malicious thoughts proceed from heart" (the Gospel from Matfeja, гл. 15, verses 17-19) About a matrimony: "it is bad to be to the person to one" (Life, гл. 2, a verse 18). "Therefore the person of the father and the mother will leave and will be stuck to the wife: also will be one flesh" (Life, гл. 2, a verse 24). "Do not evade from each other, unless under the consent, for a while, for exercise in a post and a prayer, and then again be together that the Satan невоздержанием with yours" (1 message to Korinfjanam, гл did not tempt you. 7, a verse 5). About uniqueness of human life: "Chelovekam it is necessary to die once, and then court" (the Message to Jews, гл. 9. A verse 27). "For to all of us should be before a court Christ's that everyone to receive according to that. That it did, living in a body, kind or thin" (2 message to Korinfjanam, гл. 5, a verse 10). About lying prophets: "the Spirit clearly says that during last times some will recede from belief, listening to spirits to seducers and doctrines devilish. Through hypocrisy лжесловников, burnt in the conscience, forbidding to marry and use in food that God has created... For any creation of Bozhie is good, and nothing is reprehensible, if is accepted with gratitude because it is consecrated with a word of Bozhiim and молитвою (1 message to Timothy, гл. 4, verses 1-5)." For will rise лжехристы and lying prophets... To seduce. If it is possible, and the elite "(the Gospel from Matfeja, гл. 24, a verse 24)." Be protected lying prophets who come to you in the sheep clothes, and inside an essence wolves predatory. On fruits them learn them "(the Gospel from Matfeja, гл. 7, verses 15-16). "Beloved! Not to any spirit trust, but test spirits, whether from God they because many lying prophets have appeared in the world. Spirit of Bozhija (and spirit of error) learn so: any spirit which professes Jesus Christ who has come to fleshes, is from God; and any spirit which does not profess Jesus Christ who has come to fleshes, not is from God, but it is spirit антихриста" (John's 1 message, гл. 4, verses 1-3). Alexander Novopashin, archpriest Valery Melnikov The antisectarian centre Novosibirsk cathedral for the sake of St. кн. Alexander Nevsky: www.nevskiy.orthodoxy.ru http://www.k-istine.ru/sects/mosk/mosk_novopashin.htm |
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