No Nukes for AI: Clearly a bad idea

Petition to Stop the Construction of Nuclear Power Plants for AI Data Centers


Nuclear power poses a serious threat to public safety and the environment. The construction of nuclear power plants to power AI data centers is a dangerous and short-sighted decision. Large Corporations are obtaining permits to build nuclear powerplants to power their AI data centers.  This is clearly a bad idea.  The potential for accidents, the long-term consequences of nuclear waste which cannot be disposed of, and the negative environmental impacts of nuclear power far outweigh any perceived benefits.


  • Nuclear power poses significant risks to public safety and the environment, including the potential for accidents, radioactive waste, and thermal pollution.
  • AI data centers powered by nuclear energy would create a massive and unsustainable demand for electricity, exacerbating the climate crisis.
  • There are safe and sustainable alternatives to nuclear power, such as solar, wind, and geothermal energy, that can be used to power AI data centers.

Therefore, we, the undersigned, petition the following:

  1. Halt all new construction of nuclear power plants specifically for the purpose of powering AI data centers.
  2. Redirect investments towards the development and expansion of renewable energy sources to power AI data centers.
  3. Conduct a thorough and transparent assessment of the current and projected use of nuclear power for AI data centers, including its environmental impacts.

Join the movement to protect our communities and the environment.  

#NoNukesForAI #CleanEnergy #ProtectOurFuture #Spacehead


Also: Please view below what Google's AI Gemini says about this topic:




Joseph L Daniell    Contact the author of the petition

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