In support of introducing Religion-Christianity-Orthodoxy as a regular subject in Bulgarian schools.

In support of introducing Religion-Christianity-Orthodoxy as a regular subject in Bulgarian schools.

To the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bulgaria.
To the Committee on Education and Science of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria.
To the Ombudsman of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

We, the undersigned, urge the introduction of Religion-Christianity-Orthodoxy as a regular subject in the educational system of Bulgaria. We believe that this is a necessary step for restoring the spiritual and moral values that form the foundation of the Bulgarian identity and the centuries-old history of our people.

Main arguments in support of this proposal:

Preserving Bulgarian identity.
Bulgaria is a country with a thousand-year Christian tradition, and the Orthodox faith is a fundamental part of our cultural heritage. Introducing regular religious education will help young people realize and respect their historical roots and familiarize themselves with the spiritual values that have shaped our nation over the centuries.

Spiritual and moral upbringing of children.
In the context of modern society, where many traditional values are under challenge, it is important to provide the younger generation with the opportunity to be raised with respect for the moral and ethical principles of Christianity. Religion-Christianity-Orthodoxy not only provides knowledge but also shapes character and responsibility towards society and God.

Examples from other countries.
In most European countries, religious education is mandatory. These countries understand that spiritual education is vital for the integration of young people into society and for preserving their cultural identity. The same can be achieved in Bulgaria by introducing Religion-Christianity-Orthodoxy as a regular subject. In every European country, there is a choice of several main directions within the subject of Religion, so parents are not deprived of their freedom of choice, and this should be the case in Bulgaria as well.

The Church and the people in defense of the future of Bulgaria.
The Bulgarian people are Christian, and they can only be preserved through faith in God. This faith has protected the people throughout the centuries, and it is crucial to pass it on to future generations. Without this spiritual and moral education, the Bulgarian nation risks losing its identity and future.

The role of schools in the spiritual education of children.
A school is not only a place for teaching subjects like mathematics, history, or literature, but also for forming the civic and spiritual identity of students. Religion-Christianity-Orthodoxy as a regular subject will complement education and provide important lessons on morality, honesty, compassion, and responsibility to others and oneself.

We believe that it is time for Bulgaria to restore its traditions and care for the spiritual and moral upbringing of its younger generation. The introduction of Religion-Christianity-Orthodoxy as a regular subject is an important step in this process. It will help children connect with Bulgarian culture and spirituality and provide a foundation for their proper upbringing and development.

We call on the Ministry of Education and all interested institutions and citizens to support the introduction of Religion-Christianity-Orthodoxy in Bulgarian schools to ensure a future for Bulgaria based on spiritual values and respect for our heritage. We support the responsible statecraft of the Minister of Education and Science, Mr. Krasimir Valchev, who correctly sees religious education as a powerful and timely tool for addressing the moral crisis, aggression, and addictions among the younger generation.

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