Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita



2011-12-22 11:53

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#6502 Things which can prevail the ultimate peace and knowledge be existed and allowed to everyone

2011-12-22 11:59

Things which can prevail the ultimate peace and knowledge be existed and allowed to everyone to read and derive the benifits irrespective of Caste, Creed & Nation.
Instead of Bann it should widely accpepted by the peaple and Government and everyone.


#6503 Bhagvat Gita should circulate

2011-12-22 12:00

Bhagvat Gita should circulate widly



2011-12-22 12:04

Dear vaishnavas and indian friends!

Thank you very much from Russian Krishna's devotees for your support in this hard struggle against darkness of Kali-yuga. Thanks to you and Indian goverment and Parlament we can defend the honour of Bhagavad-Gita.



2011-12-22 12:09

Govt.of India must declare Bhagavad-Gita as National Book of India......(Srimad Bhagavat gita is for entire universe for peace and love)


#6506 From Russia

2011-12-22 12:10

Dear vaishnavas and indian friends!

Thank you very much from Russian Krishna's devotees for your support in this hard struggle against darkness of Kali-yuga. Thanks to you and Indian goverment and Parlament we can defend the honour of Bhagavad-Gita as it is in Russia.
This great book likes the Sun for all people of the world.
Please, continue to write and help us in our attempt to be with Bhagavad-Gita as it is, Srila Prabhupada and Sri Krishna Bhagavan.

Shri Krishna Bhagavan - ki! Jai!
All glories to Bhagavat-Gita as it is!



2011-12-22 12:20

Бог любит вас!

#6508 URGENT!!! The Orthodox priest blasphemes Shrila Prabhupad!

2011-12-22 12:32

The orthodox priest Maxim Stepanenko who has initiated the process against 'Bhagwad-Gita As It Is' in Siberia blasphemes Shrila Prabhupad with very nasty, very dirty words calling him 'big sly snake'(Ajagar-guru)! And this is after clear statments of the officials of India and Russia!

WHO WILL STOP THESE NONSENSE RASKALS??? Please see the link to Stepanenko's article:




2011-12-22 12:34

Mahatma Gandhi said
"The Bhagavad-Gita calls on humanity to dedicate body, mind and soul to pure duty and not to become mental voluptuaries at the mercy of random desires and undisciplined impulses."



2011-12-22 12:35

Baladeva Vidyabhusana
"Those that have the qualification to understand the Bhagavad-Gita are of three categories: Those who are inherently reverent, those who are verily righteous and sincere in the performance of their daily scriptural duties and those who are of controlled senses"

#6511 URGENT!!! The Orthodox priest blasphemes Shrila Prabhupad!

2011-12-22 12:35

The orthodox priest Maxim Stepanenko who has initiated the process against 'Bhagwad-Gita As It Is' in Siberia blasphemes Shrila Prabhupad with very nasty, very dirty words calling him 'big sly snake'(Ajagar-guru)! And this is after clear statments of the officials of India and Russia!

WHO WILL STOP THESE NONSENSE RASCALS??? Please see the link to Stepanenko's article:




2011-12-22 12:36

this is not good to ban of gita.......



2011-12-22 12:39

Bhagavdgita Kinchit Adhita- we can achieve perfection in life even if we can follow any verse in Bhagvad gita spoken by Sri Krishna.



2011-12-22 12:43

Banning Bhagavad-gita ? It sounds totally strange. Bhagavad-gita is the original book of Yoga, of peace and harmony, of encouraging all people, to honestly do their work.

You may as well try banning all great classics - Shakespeare, Goethe, the Bible... (Shakespeare mentions in Hamlet that people who just sleep and eat and don't care about anything else are like animals. Would that be enough to ban his books ? He is just saying the truth.)



2011-12-22 12:47

don't do this,as this plan will never get success.



2011-12-22 12:47

all thease people should be cansidered as agents of kali who are coming to disturb the society of good people....

#6517 srimadbhagabatam Banning in Russia

2011-12-22 12:48

It is quite Illegal



2011-12-22 12:49

these people will get bad reaction for this......



2011-12-22 12:50

Чем больше эти "инквизиторы" кричат: Бхагавад-Гита,
Бхагавад-Гита, тем больше людей о ней узнает... да и этим крикунам больше шансов избавится от дремучего невежества с каждым таким выкриком.



2011-12-22 12:51

give them one big slap and ask what does jejus says in bible, that thu should not be killed still you kill and possing yourself to be follower of bible....



2011-12-22 12:52

priest Maxim Stepanenko......Anantasheshu is watching you.......shure you will get punished by him for your words against a pure devotee.
H.D.G.A.C Bhakti vedanta Prabhupad ki jai...jai...jai.



2011-12-22 12:52

shame on them who want to do this.......



2011-12-22 12:54

so dull these people are they do not know what they do and what not to do.....



2011-12-22 12:55

all are fools and raskals as krishna said in gita....



2011-12-22 12:56

please save them my lord from gliding to hell.......