Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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/ #65822011-12-22 15:45And you something KGB helped? There was one episode when I, likely, helped Committee, itself, however, too without knowing it. It was in the spring of 1982, for half a year till my christening. Us, the students specialising on atheism, has invited завкафедрой and has told that the Komsomol city town committee conducts sociological research of religiousness of youth. Therefore we are entrusted to conduct field sociological researches by a method of direct supervision. We should go on Sundays to the Moscow temples and then fill questionnaires. Temples have been defined nearby to the Moscow State University: Troitsk on mountains Vorobevyh, the New maiden monastery, Nikoly in Smiths, Nikoly in Hamovnikah and John Voina (by the way, then, remembering it and being afraid of new generations of "sociologists", I specially avoided these temples before the receipt in seminary). We should come to the sermon, learn a name of the preaching priest, to transfer its sermon to the questionnaire (on points: To whom addressed, whether there was a special reference to youth, whether quoted only the Bible and fathers of Church or both a secular press and the literature for what called). It was necessary to specify by eye number of parishioners, from them young, and if we can identify, — to note, whether we met there the persons familiar on university (names to name did not demand — differently it would become too frank a denunciation) … First I could not distinguish reading of the Gospel from the sermon. Tried to ask parishioners — when there will be a sermon and who says it — and was surprised unfriendly reaction of parishioners which preferred not to give any information to strange curious stranger. Sermons in any way have not impressed me: is smooth-roundish, they have not left any trace in memory (though, apparently, the first sermon heard alive could leave though any trace). Any "policy" was not, of course, in sermons, especially in my reports on them, but I godlessly forged figures. “To spite of the Soviet power” I exaggerated number of parishioners, especially young, and assured that priests absolutely easy combine knowledge of sacred fathers and secular culture (both classical, and modern). Here supposedly official propagation repeats religion crisis, about Church dying, that the belief is a destiny of pensioners, and I will write to you that in temples it is a lot of youth! Then it seemed to me that such way I though can help per-secuted Church a little, having denied hearings about its "backwardness" … After a year I have already understood that all was on the contrary: after all from the point of view of the power the message that in such temple is a lot of youth, was "signal". And a signal not to revision of ideology of the power, and putting the “influence measures” to immoderately active priest. But the fact is the fact: I have learnt first addresses of the Moscow operating temples, executing the commission of a city town committee of Komsomol … But after all not always KGB hid for figureheads and the organisations. The first call to my door has sounded in two days after I have submitted documents to seminary. On a threshold there was a person and stretched a red crust: “I the captain such”. In apartment I have not started up it, spoke on a ladder platform... Also has begun long-term ломание which (we then with friends have verified) usually went under quite certain scheme. Conversation, as a rule, began with flattery. “You such talented person. You and in the world have all possibilities. Where you go? I here to you will tell, there was in seminary a terrible case this spring: represent, one teacher, the monk-archimandrite, I will not name his name, has invited to myself in келию the seminarist ostensibly a name-day to celebrate, has accustomed to drinking cognac and has raped”. Thank God that I before receipt have worked a year in seminary the watchman, therefore knew that all this lies. And this story quite could make impression upon another. Even at meetings with the "experimental" KGB was engaged in slander distribution on Church and church people. Then in a course the following is started up. “Andrey Vjacheslavovich, — names the visitor me on a patronymic, — I to you should tell fairly: someone does not want, that you have arrived in seminary. In Zagorsk executive committee for some reason very much slantwise at it look. But, know, — the security officer continues, — we are ready to settle, help all to you. However we should have on that serious arguments that you not the antiadviser and the fair person; well, you will think, the believer to whom does not happen... Know that? Give still paз we will meet, we will talk, all we will discuss... You could not come to us in Zagorsk? — Also leaves the phone. — ask Alexander Nikolaevicha”. And I appear before a choice. To return to the world I cannot any more, there I have torn with all, for work me especially do not take. And the main thing — dream to serve Church to which I went some years. Or any noncommittal call... I pass examinations and I arrive, perfectly understanding that it depended at all on how I will hand over them. All arriving passed through a sieve of KGB and Council about affairs of religions. You have called it? Yes. Conversation like to what does not oblige. “As feel? All is normal? How feed? Be not tired? Well and thank God. All kind”. All. In what sense of such conversation? The person has called, and this main thing. It some kind of test on “советскость”, the test for definition: the dissident you or not. I was not the dissident, I was not seduced with this way. And fastidiousness from contact to authorities I did not test. Contact by contact. The main thing — not to cross line: "not to knock", not to give them the information which could help them with per-secution of other people. In 60-70th years and to such filtration almost all seminarists were exposed to such interviews. I have arrived in 1986. Then the filtration became already selective: paid attention only to those who promises who someone in Church it it becomes indispensable if not tomorrow the day after tomorrow. My class in seminary was elite, in it people with higher education studied only. With our class they also "worked". By the way, in our class we from each other did not hide these contacts, and moreover — warned each other: “Today me cause in a known place. If something happens, I there”. When came back from a meeting, told, about what there was a speech about whom asked, warned, over whom danger has hung. And where passed such meetings? The notice from mail about a parcel came, for example, follow it, and there the person in a grey raincoat. Sometimes in the most barefaced image watched at an exit from seminary: “Follow us”. Resulted in a secret place. Them was a little: in hotel, in a registry office, in the State museum which was in Monastery. The last intended only for conversations with monks which for monastery limits left seldom. Conversation began. Events were not forced, after all the system has been calculated forever, on all human life. They knew it, and we — too. At first offered nothing — simply "tamed". They already knew about all of us, even more than ourselves. It was clear that at them is and well developed techniques of psychological processing. The first phrases necessarily were "high": “We the same as also you, want the blessing of Orthodox Church”. A careful contact of a policy. And then — noncommittal chatter. Any trifles, But each time it is added on a grain of sand. For example, show a photo somebody from my fellow students on seminary and speak: “To us have just transferred a card, it is necessary to learn now a name, you cannot help us?”. Certainly, they and its name know, and especially a surname. Simply it became that though full nonsense though perfect "kickshaw", but the person has made under their request. Subscription demanded? In my case business is not has reached the requirement, but arrangements were. Type: “Well, regret me, on me my heads press. We meet a year, and any results, I should report something though something the heads to show. And you it in general to what will not oblige …”. I did not give a subscription to cooperation. Most serious "offer" which has been made, — to write the reasons how to improve... Fire-prevention safety of a building of seminary. It actually was next “наживка” — it was just necessary to accustom the person to that it something writes time to all of them. But where recruitment, there and blackmail … Yes, methods of barefaced blackmail were used also. For example, acquaintances in a city were got at the seminarist. Him invited, and it was specially equipped apartment. And further everything, as in a detective. Pour something in a liqueur glass, the person loses consciousness. And month through two it show different juicy photos. Reception, by the way, it is formal in bodies forbidden, but it used in work both with seminarists, and with secretaries обкомов. Anyway, once I had a suspicion that I am am involved in such scenario, — and it was necessary to escape hastily from one acquaintance … And simply to tell "is not present" to security officers it was impossible? Openly, in my opinion, very few people dared. But it was possible to resort to any dodges of type “I has lost your phone” or “I should consult to the confessor or with the rector”., By the way, such councils did not confuse the last. We is valid with them consulted, and it did not surprise anybody. One of us, truth, has arrived most witty: he has warned security officers that in the sleep talks. And, know, have lagged behind... But not nevertheless conversations were is formal-empty? Further security officers suggest to give any responses. At first — about foreigners. On it after all it is easier to agree: foreigners have arrived and have left, speak and write that you want, anybody will not suffer from it. But the report will make: “Such and such under our task met the citizen of such country. Shows that and that”... But day when it is necessary to "tie" the person definitively comes: to make the agent and to give it a nickname. My Alexander Nikolaevich to me so directly also has told: “Understand, I after all report to the heads, and I should name somehow you”. I have suggested to name all the same me on a surname and any nickname did not take. Others arrived differently. Sometimes gave nicknames and without permission. And often you met? Sometimes it was possible to avoid meetings for some months. But eventually I began to feel very strong pressure. All has begun with my performance in the Kolomna teacher's college in February of 1988. Then amazing rupture between moods in a society and that occurred in the tserkovno-state relations was formed. Everywhere — spring, but in the religious policy still a glacial age (changes have begun only in the summer 1988, during celebrating of a millenium of the Christening of Russia). At first on this backlash “ожегся” present patriarch Alex. In the end of 1985 he has written the letter to Gorbachev with the offer to change a partijno-state policy in relation to Church. As a result of it have removed from a post operating affairs of the Moscow Patriarchy (a key post at sick and aged patriarch Pimene) and have directed to a province — to Leningrad … At the level and in the measure it was necessary also to me to prick about the same imperceptible bend of a "reorganisation" policy. The hall in Kolomna has been overflowed, students hardly not on columns hung. Here and all professorate. Discussion was hot, but it became very quickly clear that its course develops in my advantage... Basically, everything that the Kolomna teachers knew, I knew also, only in fresher kind, as the recent graduate of chair of atheism. But they did not know much from this that I already knew as the person already ending seminary and simply living in Church. And, the main thing, on my party there was a conviction. Scandal has turned out. The unknown seminarist has out-argued party propagandists. Soon there was a decision Moscow обкома parties “About unsatisfactory statement of atheistic education in the Kolomna teacher's college”. And though during discussion I was not represented, a surname did not name, me "have calculated", and troubles have gone. And what troubles at the seminarist can be? In April, 1988 of the Central Committee of Komsomol of Belarus and the republican television suited one of youth "talk shows" first in the country in Grodno. Organizers would like, that on it young men from "the informal" organisations, including somebody from seminarists have been presented. In general — those who go “a wrong way” from the point of view of generation of fathers-communists. As even earlier at me communications with Belarus journalists were established — have addressed to me. I receive an official call (on the State Committee form on TV), confirmed with the telegramme of metropolitan Minsk Philaret, I go with it to the rector of Academy, he, of course, blesses my departure … When in some days I come back in seminary — I am am met there by news: to me reprimand “for autocratic оставление walls of spiritual school” is declared. I go to that pro-rector, whose signature decorated this document (reprimands at us were hung out publicly, on a bulletin board) and I speak: — Than I have sinned? What self-wolf? I went under the invitation of the metropolitan, a member of the Synod. My trip has been co-ordinated with the rector of Academy. In the answer to me say that mine in wines that I have not written the application addressed to this pro-rector … Again I disagree: — What application? I do not ask, and I execute obedience already given to me! Seeing that its arguments have not convinced me, the pro-rector has added: — Well, you understand, Andrey, after all goes the Lent. This time cannot do without temptations … Here since then me тошнит from преизобилия our church verbal “елея”. To it after all KGB ordered to take in hand me, and it has started pious tourist's moustaches to pile up on wheels … And whence you know, what it was KGB initiative? So after all after a month other pro-rector of Academy has hinted me that all my troubles (and by then except reprimand, me have still dismissed from иподиаконов, and to my schoolmates openly said that me just about will deduct from seminary) that “you on debates everyones go”. After all there was a 1988, a millenium of the Christening. As Moscow "cleaned" before the Olympic Games so now "cleaned" Monastery. After only two years in “the Moscow member of the Komsomol” archive fragments оперотряда the Moscow State University from which followed have been published that my meetings not only with Kolomna, but also with the Moscow students have not passed not noticed. And than all was resolved? Likely, eventually nevertheless have decided not to produce dissidents on the eve of celebrating of a millenium. After all many foreigners will arrive. And I already had by then a first theological publication — in самиздатском magazine "Choice". It published Victor Aksjuchits and Gleb Anishchenko. The open and known dissidents... And though my article was under a pseudonym (Andrey Prigorin), our contacts could be quite noticed whom it is necessary. So seminary to me have allowed to end. Then, in the summer — celebrations. And climate change. The first my open article in “the Moscow news” — in August, then — in “philosophy Questions”, the first publication in a church press … Eventually the rector has stood up for me — archbishop Alexander. Obviously, he could agree with bodies that me have not expelled, but have simply sent to study in spiritual academy to Romania. The compromise consisted in that, as the Soviet youth remained in safety, and I — in Church. Me nobody touched strange business, but in Romania. Only once one employee of the Soviet embassy has afforded a hint on the communication with bodies — he has mentioned such circumstance of my biography about which I to it precisely did not tell. Means — "enquired" … Last my meeting with them was already after returning, in August of 1991, days for ten before putsch. There was a carrying over of hallows of Saint Serafima Sarovsky. On the way back in the plane unfamiliar "companion" has sat down by me and has begun again same "song": “Father Andrey, we want to get acquainted for a long time with you. Whether will complicate you to call in Moscow here by this phone...”. Thank God, it was not necessary... Whether you consider, what your story about work of KGB among priests will undermine trust of people to Church? I have told all it because it is not assured yet that the similar will not repeat. Therefore I would like to ask all who had to take place through something similar (especially the people serving in Church), not to be silent, but to tell, with them security officers and as it is possible similar to resist how worked. And all the rest I would like because is now written about relations of the higher church hierarches from KGB, to tell the following: if you узн! аете, what members of board of a Ministry of Health were appointed in coordination with KGB, you after all will not cease to go to polyclinic and not begin to consider all doctors “as security officers in white dressing gowns”? But as and with Church: if there was a sin on conscience of hierarches is their care. The sin is not present on the Christ. Also is not present on priests who betrayed nobody. If you now turn away from Church is there will be a posthumous triumph of KGB. Well, we say that was behind seminary walls too much. And what study in it has given to you? It is a lot of. Beginning from experience of life in a hostel and finishing that the seminary has taught me to read. Do not laugh, it so. In secular university learn to read, glance over, run, pass … There you aspire to fast reading, you learn to read books “on a diagonal”, to catch “the main idea”. And those marvellous lectures on the Old testament that read to me in the first year of my study in seminary (the lecturer — archpriest Vladimir Ivanov, now serves in Berlin), were remarkable slowness of the plot. The bible understood a word behind a word, instead of head behind head. Besides, the Soviet school learnt for all former centuries and their creations to look down: “Gegel has understood, yes not допонял, Belinsky went, yes has not reached”. And here before you the book about which it is obviously known what exactly you should grow to its level, instead of it to subject the верхоглядной to censorship. Means — learn to understand. Learn to read. From your classmates, friends on seminary someone else became swept up in church life? Well, if to combine all three criteria named by you: the classmate, the friend and the subsequent service having more than the parish importance I would name four names: Ростислав, the archbishop Tomsk; Юстиниан, the bishop Tiraspol; Лонгин, the bishop Saratov; Mark, the bishop Egorevsky. And here professors-scribes from our circle it has turned out unexpectedly a little. On a scientific and pedagogical path goes, perhaps, only archimandrite Nikon (Лысенко) — it was some years managing chair of Russian church history in the St.-Petersburg Academy. And why is unexpected"? Because our course was unique. It is a set of 1985-1986. For some years before to accept at once some tens people with the higher secular education it was impossible: the Soviet power of the such would not admit. And already a year or two from now after that again it became impossible — as a layer of the people already having university diplomas and thus ready again to become students, has run low quickly enough. That is and now every year the person on such five "fanatics" comes to the Moscow seminary. But the whole class — thirty persons — to make of them it is already impossible. Therefore, by the way, nearly half of our course also have directed for study to foreign church institutes. It besides was the transitive epoch. It was impossible to go to the western educational centres still. But it was possible to co-operate with spiritual academies of the Eastern Europe already. So the rector of Academy, likely, had a hope that from us it will bring up the whole generation of new teachers. Our rector in general was very original person. It was not neither the seminary student, nor well formed person. But it had two gifts: judiciousness and fidelity of native Academy. Three its predecessors on a post of the rector left this post with sharp increase — receiving membership in the Synod. To me he has openly told that all life is going to serve Academy (and really when in 1992 of the rector have replaced, the lord Alexander some years simply lived in the house in Zagorsk near to Monastery and did not ask anywhere). And so, in one relation it there was an example normal Old Russian church простеца: itself without being the scribe, he respected knowledge and erudition in other people. He had a low opinion of scientific potential of the Academy entrusted to it and constantly spoke: “Varangians are necessary To us”. "Varangians" since then in Academy call the secular scientists, come to co-operate with church school. And I from the very first days heard from it: “Search for such people and result in me”. Well, and what Romania has given to you? Study has given a little. As a matter of fact it were years of self-education: from the Moscow Academy after vacation I brought a suitcase of books and on them passed examinations in Bucharest. But as experience of life it was important. First, experience of independent life (including in household sense). Secondly, I have seen non-russian Orthodoxy, have seen that Orthodoxy — universal, world religion. Besides, in Romania church national traditions have remained many. For example, in day of consecration of church access to an altar opens for all. And men and women can enter this day into an altar, kiss the Gospel and a throne. It seems to me it is wise: works and victims of these people also had been constructed this temple. And consequently the permission in day of a parish celebration to enter and be put by it to a relic created with their help, it seems to me quite pertinent form of expression of gratitude it. And as access to an altar opens upon termination of service which together with consecration lasts not less than four hours not church people nearby simply does not remain and consequently there will be no risk of not pious relation to a relic. One more custom completely not similar to ours is an end диаконской хиротонии. After the bishop has dressed the protege in sacred clothes, it deduces it from an altar and puts on амвон. At амвона the wife new devoted диакона waits and the bishop represents it the new church attendant. The novoispechenaja mother gives the диакону flowers; they kiss, and диакон comes back in an altar. At us at dedication in a dignity the bishop, on the contrary, removes a wedding ring from the married person meaning that henceforth it belongs any more to a family, and Church. In the Romanian Church it is underlined that communication with a family is not broken off. Probably, this custom was born as obvious противоположение униатству and to a Catholicism with their obligatory and a celibacy of clerics. But the main thing that I have seen in Romania is the live, many-sided and not destroyed monkhood. Our monasteries have been destroyed and closed, and in never closed Romanian monasteries what cannot learn under books remains. By the way, it and особножитные monasteries. In Russia such for a long time already is not present. Unlike общежитного a monastery, анахорет lives by the own labour only, for itself prepares, itself raises to itself food. Nuns earn to themselves on life church sewing. And the biggest monastery of the modern orthodox world – a monastery of Agapija – unites together both charters. The part from thousand his sisters lives the general economy. A part – individual. But service, the confessor and игуменья thus nevertheless at them the general. And here in a monastery the Bilberry I saw kind practice of a hostel. The monastery costs on two lake islands. On distant from coast and from tourists island – a brotherly cemetery, cells for aged monks and a cell for young novices. On near island – a temple, the brotherly case, a museum, the administrative case, трапезная. It means that at first the young man who has arrived in a monastery, should pass care test by sick and old monks. On a course of dialogue it can adopt both their vital and spiritual experience. And only then, already having matured, it can join the general life of a monastery. But the most important in Romania for me consists not that I there saw, and that there has occurred to me: me have imposed. And why there? First, study term came to an end. It was necessary to make the decision on how further to serve Church. Secondly, stay in Romania gave to me defined дистанцированность from contact with Soviet “аппаратчиками”. I imagined, чт! About those years meant to pass to the protege (to the candidate for priests) in Moscow. These are the repeated interviews, which sense in assuring all of the loyalty to соввласти. And it anyway signing in the Patriarchy of a paper with the obligation to observe canons of Church and secular laws. The first to me was on heart, and here to give the obligation in fidelity to the Soviet laws it would not be desirable. After all the Soviet legislation on a cult did not provide the right to the religious sermon. The constitution of the USSR said: “Citizens have the right to conduct atheistic propagation or to send religious cults”. Article obviously asymmetric: only for atheists the right to distribution of the belief admitted. Orthodox Universal Church one. On canons the person can accept рукоположение in any city at the initial orthodox bishop provided that the bishop of its native Church, that diocese from which he was connected, agree before it. Хиротония in Romania gave the chance to avoid undesirable interviews, contacts, obligations, words … On Christmas vacation of 1990 I have gone to father Cyril (Павлову) on ставленническую a confession. He has blest me on dignity acceptance. From it келии I have run in Academy — to the rector. That has started to persuade me to accept a monkhood. But the reference to blessing of aged man Cyril (and its prayers; in a minute when the rector already left, I in heart have begged: “My God, on prayers of father Cyril, teach it!”) has overcome — “All right, give your application!”. Students write the application in shape: “I Ask your Eminence to petition before the Most holy Patriarch for mine рукоположении in a dignity …”. Accordingly, the rector has written the reference to patriarch Pimenu. The patriarch has blest mine рукоположение. And then the chairman of Department of the external church intercourses (just on it the post was then archbishop Cyril is appointed) writes the letter to the Romanian patriarch Feoktistu in whom on blessing of patriarch Pimena asks patriarch Feoktista to impose the Russian student. And upon termination of an academic year — in Sunday on July, 8th, in day of sacred Peter and Fevronii, — in the Patriarchal cathedral of Bucharest there has passed my dedication in диакона. And why waited for the end of academic year? At first there was a usual red tape. And then already I have asked to wait a little — that from Moscow there could arrive after session my younger brother. It for the first time (then to it was 19) has left the USSR. By the way, I spoke nothing to parents about the accepted decision. Simply left to them in a cassock a train, already having arrived to Moscow … After service I month carried the brother on the Romanian monasteries. Wanted to show the Romanian monastic life to it, and it has turned out that said goodbye to it … Already on the way back has asked it: — Dim so and what to you was remembered most of all? Thought that he will tell something about the sea or about beauty of Carpathians … And he has reflected and has given out: — It appears, bishops can be thin. In general, I went to Moscow simply on vacation. Things remained in Bucharest. And in Moscow you were waited by acquaintance to the new patriarch? So. In May, 1990 patriarch Pimen has died. In June Alex has been selected. Neither with former, nor I was not familiar with the new patriarch before. So these changes in any way did not correlate to the destiny. I have simply come to native Academy, to the rector to be presented in a new dignity. The rector has accepted me well, the mood at it was complacent. And then I have decided to state it the дерзновенную dream: — Vladyko, much has already changed for these two years. Other political climate at us in the country, the new chairman of Committee on affairs of the religions, the new patriarch, the new chairman of Department … Perhaps I could return now to Academy and доучиваться here? He has thought minute: — Yes. Now it is possible. We will make so. We will restore you on a third year of Academy and thus we will allow to conduct any subject in seminary. Will combine teaching with study. I still will think, as it to make — come to me through a week! And a week later I have heard something absolutely for me unexpected. The rector has told to me that he spoke about me with the new patriarch. The most holy collects to itself(himself) "command", searches for assistants. — In general, today it serves in Monastery, and on a night service you should approach to it and be presented. So I have approached for the first time to the patriarch, and our first conversation has begun is remarkable enough. The patriarch has told that heard about me as about the person who has a charisma to writing. On what I have quickly answered: No". Generally, to patriarchs the such do not tell, but what has escaped … Pervoierarh has not taken offence? But I really considered that my calling not in writing, and in pedagogics, is written by me from laziness — that twenty times not to repeat same. And now, by the way, I write more likely “from a hopelessness”. I of low opinion on the publicistic talent, and furthermore the theological. I write on any theme only when I see: anybody more than it does not do. Then the patriarch has smiled. Normal work has then begun. Whether and you can remember your first task received from the patriarch? My first working day in the Patriarchy has coincided with reception of a mournful message about murder of father Alexander Menja. And the first obedience has been connected with preparation of the telegramme of the condolence. Working with the Patriarch of All Russia, you had to face any intrigues, intrachurch struggle? Whether there was it for you weight, whether has led to negative sensations? I think that is not present. I after all not from street have come, some years of seminar life too not always sugar were … Besides, I at all the intriguer at heart. Whether you can tell, you had which influence on this post what could make there? It seems, I have helped a city to return on Neva his name … on June, 12th, 1991 in Leningrad passed a referendum devoted to renaming of a city. Forecasts of sociologists were rather sour: the cradle of revolution did not wish to leave Lenin's name. “The most authoritative sociologists during the period previous poll, submitted data on some numerical advantage of opponents of renaming”. I have asked patriarch Alex to address to its recent flock (before election on chair of the Moscow patriarchs it was the metropolitan Leningrad) and to urge it to return sacred Peter's name. The patriarch, having thought, has decided that will do on its own behalf it to it is inappropriate, but has blest to me to make such reference, officially having subscribed not simply диаконом, but the employee of the Patriarchy. I have written the corresponding text, have sent by fax Sobchaku, and under its order it has been immediately published in four for the present the Leningrad newspapers. “There are words, names, the thoughts, expensive to our heart. And if they cannot be spoken safely and it is impossible to remember therefore them in vain, they do not disappear. On the contrary, they become even more secret, even more expensive. The name of our city on Neva became such name for all of us also. As Leningrad was called the case, an ideological skeleton in which was велено to go in to sacred Peter's hailstones. And in the hardest years when we would like with love and warmth to speak about our city, we remembered that name that to it has been given in it крещальной fonts. And really that the unique face of our northern capital — what in it is connected with Peter's name or with Lenin's name makes? However, as city relics — the Isaakievsky cathedral are naturally interfaced and Has rescued-on-blood, the Hermitage and Neva, Petropavlovka and Admiralty — with a word "St.-Petersburg", is so notable натужность a name of Sankt in those disctricts of the city which have been constructed during "the Leningrad" period. Really, what from St.-Petersburg, its spirit, harmony and history there is in new buildings Ozerkov? To it we also face a choice really: where our treasure, where our heart to what our love is turned? It also will find out poll of townsmen about his name. And we hope that returning to a name city St.-Petersburg will cause also life transformation in its new areas. The city should remember the founder of emperor Peter and bear a name of the prayer book — apostle Peter. On a plan of the founder, именование capitals of Russia Petersburg should testify also that Russia was included into community of the European states, and its capital — in commonwealth of capitals of northern seas. We, believers of Russia, земно bow to a feat блокадников and we understand that in their memory blockade was "Leningrad". Such it, probably, for ever remains in memory of all our people the same as also fight on Volga always will be "Stalingradsky". Stalingrad bore this name not in memory of fight, and in honour of Stalin just as Leningrad bears in itself memory not about the Leningrad blockade. We hope that in a city which will be called again as St.-Petersburg, will not forget about blokadnikah-leningradtsah, about their former feat and about their present needs. And we hope that inhabitants of hailstones of Petrov will support returning to a city of its historical and sacred name — St.-Petersburg ”. “On June, 10th it was already obvious that renunciation (on behalf of Peter. — And. К) it is almost inevitable. And though the day before with appeals have acted both academician Dmitry Lihachev, and chairman Lensoveta Anatoly Sobchak, sociologists have put end: even to half“ Petersburgers ”did not hold out. And the first secretary обкома the CPSU Boris Gidaspov could take a moral revenge: anything at you does not leave. And suddenly — in four city newspapers absolutely fantastic even at present the publication.“ A position of the Moscow Patriarchy ":" as Leningrad was called the case, an ideological skeleton in which was велено to go in to sacred Peter's hailstones ”. It has worked even on the Leningrad communists.“ The Leningrad truth ”has given the short message on it. Avaricious петитные the lines devoted to a position of the Moscow Patriarchy, became a signal to urgent ретираде. 54,86 % — for St.-Petersburg, 42,68 % — for Leningrad”. The opinion of the main Leningrad sociologist is same: “we Will remind, what exactly last week preceding on June, 12th, performances in support of returning to a city of the historical name of the most authoritative figures of Church, culture and the city power had. Therefore and it is no wonder that the majority of the fluctuating have made a choice in favour of St.-Petersburg”. And what you have made? I will better tell, that I did not do: I did not write speech of the Patriarch to rabbis (though in "a patriotic" press then it was repeatedly written that it ostensibly I have imposed this speech to the Patriarch). What your main acquisition for years of work near to the Patriarch? For me this work meant that I have had an opportunity from within to look at an image of acceptance of important decisions in sphere of a high policy. It was necessary to communicate not only with hierarches of Church, but also politicians of the country. For me the power has been removed a spell. I have understood that there is no automatic car of history that extremely depends on acts of concrete people much. Thus I never aspired to politicise — that activity perceived more likely as obedience. You worked some years with patriarch Alex. Can tell something about it? If I fairly tell that most of all amazed me and amazes in the patriarch Alexs it will be a word in my own accusation... Our belief is called as orthodox. The slavic people in Greek ортодоксии have caught not “правоверие”, and correctly to glorify "Right-slavie", ability Misters. Because criterion of "success" of a church ascension of the person — not its dignity and not academic statuses, and its relations with an own prayer. The prayer tyres the person or inspires. Selects “last forces” or gives the new. When I have got acquainted with patriarch Alex, he was 61 year old, me — 27 years. The patriarchal services, as it is known, are long. 3–4 hours. And the Patriarch conducts service so, it all time for a kind, cannot take cover anywhere. And so, I, the young man, after a celebratory patriarchal liturgy often had only one desire: very quietly to rest in bed somewhere an hour two. And the patriarch after a liturgy went at once to the Pure lane and till the late evening still worked. Means, the liturgy gives to it of force. Means, are not vain neither its prayer, nor a prayer of all Church about it. Perhaps, any priest does not serve so much, as the Patriarch. Number of temples in Moscow twice more than number of days in a year. So, and quantity престольных days all Moscow calendar paints in red colour. On the majority of patron saint's days the people wait for a meeting with the Patriarch, and the Most holy goes to people. During a week at it 4–5 liturgies. Whether it is a lot of that that parish fathers, but also monks, whose liturgical life so насыщенна? And again I will tell: for the Patriarch the served liturgy — the beginning only of day, only a support for acceptance of the subsequent critical decisions. The Lord on a boundary of millenia has given us right-glorifying Patriarch. He prays for Church. We pray for it. For me experience of dialogue with the Most holy has filled with very personal sense the habitual application: “Still we pray for the great mister and the father our Most holy Patriarch Alexs”. When personally you know the person, поминание about it goes with special pleasure. And here this our possibility to pray for the head of Russian Church as about the person (instead of as about faceless structure of times of the Most holy Synod) shades our grief that we cannot pray in the same way for the person, instead of about "power" at поминании the states. Today in Russia there is no monarchy. But it does not mean that in it there is no hierarchy. Absence of autocracy in Russia does not mean that the duty is removed from the orthodox person научения to obedience. Simply school of obedience is now in the Church. And the one who is insolent to the Patriarch, will be insolent also to the monarch. Here a statement the Patriarch of obvious norm of life in Church: “Decisions of cathedrals, the Sacred Synod, performance of the head of Church on church questions is an official position of Church which should be a reference point for the clergymen consisting in its jurisdiction. The persons having other opinions, are at least obliged to abstain from their public announcement”. Fairly I admit, it is difficult to me to remember years of work with the Most holy Patriarch Alex (I was its reviewer in the early nineties). Difficultly purely technically: the person well remembers that he has some times spoken aloud. I meaningly did not allow to save to myself "memoirs" for not I, and only Patriarch can define that from this that he has told to me routinely, can become property of publicity. But one moment was полупубличен and consequently, likely, it is possible to tell now about it openly. In 1991 the first visit to Russia Grand duke Vladimir Kirillovicha prepared. He has written to the Patriarch. In the reciprocal letter the Most holy the Lord has decided to mention a theme of relations with Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. I, of course, do not remember the exact text of that message, but its sense was clear: the relation to memory of new martyrs, including Regal страстотерпцев, cannot cause for mutual alienation. We on circumstances of our local life cannot publicly glorify the Imperial Family yet. But if between our Church and Church foreign it was established евхаристическое dialogue, this in itself would mean a recognition of all canonizations made in abroad. We simply would join the honouring of the Regal martyrs which have already developed in orthodox emigration. And thus the beginning of honouring of the Imperial Family in Russia would become a connection symbol, instead of a new coil of public and church discussions. Then rapprochement has not occurred to Russian foreign Church. We as early as needed to go ten years through these discussions to the Arhierejsky Cathedral of 2000. I can testify only that the patriarchal position and then already was benevolent and in a question on connection with foreign Church, and in a question on honouring Regal страстотерпцев. And one more memoirs published, but forgotten. Anatoly Sobchak who in the late eighties was rather popular People's Deputy, remembered, how at Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR the answer has been given academician Saharovu. The young veteran of the Afghani war, the deputy from Komsomol, angrily was indignant with absence of the Soviet patriotism in speeches of Saharova. Under the influence of its emotional speech of halls has risen and some minutes scanned: “Lenin! Party! Komsomol!”. There was no only metropolitan Alex. To manage to resist a wave thousand властьимущего a hall not simply difficultly. Instantly to make the decision and not to allow to involve itself in an applause and shouts in this situation who else long before it had a position can only. Not second courage, in целожизненная determination prove in such cases... You not for long worked with patriarch Alex II. Known your obstinacy became the reason of what you have left? With the Patriarch I worked two years after returning from Romania in 1990. It were key years of changes — the beginning of the ninetieth. Now, from distance a decade, it seems short. But then every day has been very sated. Every month changed very many and cost decades of stable stay. Why you have left the Patriarch? I have fairly told to the Patriarch that I see the calling in pedagogics. I had cases when I postponed conversation with the Patriarch for the sake of children. We will tell, at me the meeting at any school is appointed at 13 o'clock. By ten o'clock I come to the Patriarch in hope something with it to discuss. But here to the Patriarch there comes one metropolitan, another … Any VIP-visitor … Certainly, I pass them. And here there comes minute of a choice: or to sit in a reception further, or to run in school. In such cases I nevertheless have always run. And in 1992 the Russian orthodox university — my dream has been created. At the head of it has risen very close to me then the person — abbot John (Экономцев). There was a hope to create the best educational institution of Russia, to collect under its arches conceiving intelligency. I remember an episode of year through two after university creation: I lecture to the native course, which itself and typed, fostered … And, between times, something I quote from Aristotle. And students disagree — confuse, speak to me! Have a little bit argued, and they have proved to my the case. Certainly, it has annoyed me, it has not disappeared from students, and one хлопец the beginnings suddenly me to console: “Father Andrey, yes you so do not worry — we understand all! You had no place to get normal education”. For me it there was the higher praise — means, all of us managed to create normal university! After you have ceased to work directly with the Patriarch, at you any relations proceed with it? Know, I too respect time of the Patriarch to select it for off-duty affairs. But one episode has sincerely surprised me. In the end of August, 2003 I participated in a liturgy, for which Patriarch рукополагал new Saratov bishop Longina. In the end of service by tradition all serving clergy approaches to the Patriarch under blessing. The Patriarch has met me words: “Father Andrey, I congratulate you with an anniversary!”. Anniversary at me was already in February, and the Patriarch remembers my 40 anniversary after half a year — and such half a year which have been noted by a serious illness in its own life! But the Patriarch does to you any remarks — after your performances, say, in the press, the sharp statements which are distinct from standard in Church? Councils — gave. Remarks — did not do. On the contrary, and the next years there were cases when I helped with drawing up of the patriarchal texts or documents. And then — that means "standard"? Paradox of my life that in the majority disputable (disputable in the Church) questions I support and I give reason for an official position. And for it I manage the strongest punches from church gossips. In the Soviet years in seminaries it was not authorised to criticise Marxist atheism directly. And it was impossible to think of giving criticism of works of Marx or Lenin. But clever teachers did so: they took брошюрку any Uryupinsk senior lecturer Myshkin and criticised it:“ From the point of view of senior lecturer Myshkin, the religion is people opium … We in reply to it we will tell … ”. Here as my today's critics arrive also. Instead of entering polemic with the Patriarch, safely attack me. Yes, and the paradox consists that the church power does not ask me to stand up for it. Simply ours in! идение many problems coincides. You name the eternal deacon... Yes any deacon does not happen eternal. All of us we die sometime. And still why you have not gone upwards on a scale of ranks, well, say, to the protodeacon or иерея? No, well "proto-" is absolutely from me does not depend. However, I dream of one difference. Know, the higher award of the bishop is “the right of carrying of two панагий”; the higher difference of the priest is “the right of carrying of two crosses”... And so I dream of that me have awarded “with the right каждения two censers”! Represent, as beautifully it would look: leaves диакон on амвон, in each hand on a smoking censer, and it waves them, as the Chinese нунчаками! Simply супердиакон! But why you did not become the priest? I after all never especially planned the life. To me words of Ekzjuperi that calling you will find simply are expensive: to what not you choose it. I only in life also have made one choice — was christened. All the rest was selected and was me not so much, how many entered into my life, interfered. Sometimes — as external circumstances, sometimes — as sensation through which it is impossible to cross. And even with priesthood so was. Finished Academy, it would be necessary to accept priesthood … Now this desire it seems mad: know, dignity acceptance, as well as a marriage, are such madnesses which can be made only at young age, yet do not understand all measure of responsibility for the acts. But to end Academy and to remain “пиджачником” … In it to me any treachery, any artificial недовершенность seemed. So, I have written the application about рукоположении to the priest. And blessing of patriarch Pimena and aged man Cyril already was. It was supposed that on one Sunday will impose in диакона, in the following — in the priest. And already all has been appointed, and suddenly after диаконского dedication I had a sensation that it is necessary to stop. I did not understand what for, could not find reasonable explanations to this feeling, but it was too obvious. As a result I have simply escaped from the хиротонии in the priest, is more exact — have not gone to Suceava — that city where it and should be made. Now I already know the reason of that braking: priest Kuraev could not do that Kuraev does диакон. Than диаконское service is good? I — in church, in an altar, participate in service, in Sacrament, I eat it. For me that I can be of use at a liturgy is very important and joyful, take as much as possible close part in Sacrament... Besides, it is easier to me to build relations with priests because I consist in one estate with them. And with secular people to address easier: see that I in a cassock … And on the other hand, I — not the priest. Understand, I have made for a long time already a conscious choice: let it is better some church people will be tempted personally about me, rather than people not church will be tempted about Orthodoxy. I at times manage to reach those souls which the sermons sustained in traditions temple гомилетики do not reach. But just because the form of my sermons is unusual, — I prefer to remain in диаконском a rank. It means that at me is more right on an error. It is more than freedom in a choice of those or other images, arguments, in style of behaviour. Диакона it is more difficult to identify with Church, rather than the priest. Mine диаконский the dignity allows people safely with me to communicate: I do not jam it in spiritual heads and my councils easily can be neglected. And the main thing — people obviously cannot stick to me. The most serious temptation of the missionary is connected with the relation to it of other people. After all the missionary meets not only hatred and resistance. Its sermon will know also successes. It is clear that the person who has learnt about the Christ and has come to Church through efforts of the missionary, will transfer on the first familiar Christian that pleasure and even неофитский delight with which he will perceive first everything consecrated with an aura of Church. People can fall in love with bright preachers; they identify wisdom of the Gospel preached by it with human wisdom of the preacher; narrated by it святоотеческих experiences they identify spirituality with life of the story-teller … And here the missionary should learn to be transparent, to learn not to perceive seriously a praise to itself. The missionary should very rigidly, very distinctly explain to people that they should not identify its and that Church in which it conducts them. The missionary — a door in Church, church порожек, but not all Church. On a threshold it is impossible to jam; the doorway should not be accepted for premises. And than humanly more talently and more brightly the missionary, danger of is especially great that the human brightness it in consciousness of the pupils will eclipse spiritual light of Orthodoxy. For the missionary danger of is great that it of people will lead to itself(himself), instead of to Church. Features of its speech, gesticulation, the argument will seem to them is unique also originally Christian. The recent example of father Alexander Menja testifies to us to this temptation which many of its pupils have not resisted. Many people went to it as to the person, instead of through it — to completeness and a variety of church life … to avoid such identification of with Church, the missionary should underline constantly: I am not Church; Church more richly, than I, more spiritually, than I, more variously, than I. Here that such unnecessary identification did not occur, I prefer to be диаконом, the carrier of the smallest church dignity, obviously dependent … That I not the priest, clearly shows to people that I do not apply for a role of their spiritual head and the father. Have listened to me, have understood that it is possible to live in Orthodoxy, — so go, enter, search to itself for the spiritual instructor. And the more it will be unlike me — the better: you will understand that Orthodoxy world is various. If my word has convinced someone, has brought to belief the person knows in advance that further I its messages cannot. I will not be its instructor, the teacher of life. The Diakonsky dignity guarantees that the sect “кураевцев” around will not be created. There are no pupils, followers, spiritual children. In this sense I am a person free. And time cannot be sects кураевцев – that and at my my church critics is not present an occasion to speak, as if I create any "pseudo-church". I lead people not to myself, and in usual temples. And quite meaningly I suppose "not initial" expressions — that the neophytes, inclined to identify Orthodoxy with the preacher first met and fallen in love by him, did not perceive me too seriously and, having passed through me, by me and further me, have entered into Church. |
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