Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #6593

2011-12-22 16:18

The representative under human rights across the Tomsk region Nelli Krechetova opposes itself to citizens of Russia
The Press release of Legal committee of protection of the rights and advantage of the person at the Russian association of the centres of research of religions and sects

In manufacture of Lenin district court of Tomsk there is a civil case under the statement of Office of Public Prosecutor of Tomsk for a book recognition "Bhagavad-gita as it is" an extremist material.

During a legal investigation the Representative under human rights in the Tomsk region Krechetova N.S. has acted in mass media with condemnation of the fact of a legal investigation in court. And it is made before judgement removal in essence that is actually pressure upon justice.

Mass media result following statements of the official:

"First, I consider absurd statement of a question. This book consider sacred almost billion person worldwide. In Russia" Bhagavad-gita as it is "freely 20 years extend. Thus it is published more than in 60 languages of the world. And those explanations that all text but only comments - are insolvent as comments are a book integral part is extremist.

Secondly, the possible interdiction of the book, and, so, and an interdiction of religious activity of its admirers, will break constitutional laws of citizens on a freedom of worship, a freedom of worship and a freedom of speech. A society of consciousness of Krishna — officially registered organisation. Besides there are no established cases of display of extremism in connection with distribution within more than 20 years of the book "Bhagavad-gita as it is" in territory of Russia.

Thirdly, it is especially unpleasant that the Tomsk public acts as "pioneer" in such doubtful undertakings. After all the diagnosis that the book "Bhagavad-gita as it is" extremist, has been put by Tomsk expert community, namely teachers of philosophical and philological faculties TGU. Such way we can "glorify" Tomsk not only within Russia, but also the whole world.

We should choose: or we the most innovative and tolerant, or remained in last time. The Tomsk region "has already caused a stir" when the barbarous decision on a pulling down constructed кришнаитами houses in village Kandinka "" was accepted.

It is necessary to notice that recently in Russia activization of actions of sect "кришнаитов", plural attempts to interfere with state and society activity is marked, to introduce the people in the state structures, including law enforcement bodies, to put under the control questions of education of children, morally-ethical formation of outlook of citizens of Russia.

Activity various кришнаитских the organisations to Russia constantly enters the conflict to the law and public morals.

The most part of the population of the Russian Federation including the Tomsk region, now if does not concern to orthodox from the initial point of view, anyway, considers itself as those. It is considerable a part and representatives of other traditional faiths. All traditional faiths, whether it be Christianity or Islam, the respect for the traditional values of our people including love to the country, its people, history, family values makes related among themselves.

Operating, including it is illegal, in territory of the Russian Federation of the organisation кришнаитов position itself as a direction индуизма, forgetting known религиоведческую true that индуистом there can be only a child индуистов.

The religious concept operating in territory of the Tomsk region кришнаитов is filosofsko-doctrinaire compilation with use индуистской terminology.

As shows life, the unique purpose of heads of the given newly appeared religious cult is creation of an ideological basis for concentration in the hands of material benefits and a personal authority, as consequence of a management of "flock".

Planting of ethical sights alien to our country leads to psychological and social isolation of a part of its citizens from a society. As consequence, it causes a damage to their health, property interests, essentially complicates integration into a society of members of such religious organisation.

What allocation of members or sectarian current against a social picture of a society in itself creates additional preconditions for growth of social intensity.

To the Russian justice, including in the Tomsk region, "кришнаиты" for a long time are known in connection with the various illegal and immoral actions including deceptive actions at recruitment of new members, infringement of the various property and non-property rights of citizens.

By definition of the Arhierejsky cathedral of Russian Orthodox Church of 1994 of the organisation "International society of consciousness of Krishna" are named by sectarian.

In connection with the above-stated, the position of the Representative under human rights in the Tomsk region causes bewilderment as it is not directed on protection of public interests, and also contradicts requirements of item 2 of the Law of the Tomsk region "About the representative under human rights in the Tomsk region".

According to the norm of the law resulted above:

The primary goals of the Representative are:

1) the organisation and control of observance of the rights and freedom of the person and the citizen public authorities, local governments of the Tomsk region, their officials;

2) assistance to restoration of the broken rights of citizens;

3) assistance to perfection of the legislation of the Tomsk region regarding observance of human rights;

4) informing of inhabitants of the Tomsk region on position in sphere of maintenance and protection of the rights and freedom of the person;

5) assistance to perfection of mechanisms of maintenance and protection of the rights and freedom of the person and the citizen;

6) assistance of coordination of activity of public authorities and local governments of the Tomsk region in maintenance and protection of the rights and freedom of the person and the citizen in the Tomsk region.

The legal committee at РАЦИРС believes that the specified actions of the given official testify to abusing it the powers, and also about opposition of interests of the Representative under human rights across the Tomsk region to interests of persons of orthodox, Muslim, Judaic and Buddhist religion, and also other persons, whose religious feelings are offended in the book "by Bhagavad-gita as it is".

Besides, Krechetovoj N.S.'s position has offensive character in relation to the numerous persons who have suffered from activity of sect "кришнаитов".

There is quite natural question: and who in territory of the Tomsk region protects the rights of persons of the orthodox religion, after all any orthodox for moral reasons cannot address for protection to the Representative under the human rights, actively defending interests of sect?

It is thought that the orthodox population of the Tomsk region has the right to expect from the authorised bodies of this region of Russia of resignation of the gone too far Representative, the illegal and impudent position opposed to the majority of the population of our country.

On the given fact the statement for acceptance of measures of public prosecutor's reaction is sent to Office of Public Prosecutor of the Tomsk region concerning gone too far "правозащитницы".

The chairman of Legal committee of protection

The rights and advantage of the person at

The Russian association of the centres of research of religions and sects

The lawyer of Lawyer chamber of Moscow Region

Alexander Korelov

The missionersko-apologetic project "To True" - 10/14/2011