Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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/ #65912011-12-22 16:04http://www.k-istine.ru/sects/mosk/mosk_bhagavat-gita.htm Maxim Stepanenko, the head Missionary department Tomsk diocese of Russian Orthodox Church The missionersko-apologetic project "To True" - 6/29/2011. The founder book "Society of consciousness of Krishna" Abhaj Charan De "Bhagavad-gita as it is" – everyone, who not HareKrishnas – are demons, the fallen sinners, fools and ignoramuses That believers consider for themselves as "divine revelation", "Holy Writ" and conclusive authority defines their morals, a mental condition, behaviour and so forth Christians possess unique moral-behavioural features thanks to the New testament, Moslems differ from Christians, and their moral-behavioural uniqueness is caused by the Koran etc. I think that it is obvious to all. Therefore, if we want to understand partly "internally filling", psychology betrayed кришнаита, it is necessary to consider that writing as which he considers богооткровенным and sacred. In our case, it "Bhagavad-gita as it is". That is object of consideration It is necessary to distinguish really ancient text "Bhagavad-gity" which are a monument of the ancient Indian religious literature, and actually modern work (XX-th century) "Bhagavad-gita as it is", written by Hindu Abhaj Charan De (1896-1977), consisting of own original transfer of ancient Bhagavad-gity (it is often essential different from known traditional transfers (both Indian, and the academic transfers, as in Russia, and abroad) and own comments to transfer of this text. Its own comments also make the basic part of book contents "Bhagavad-gita as it is", Comments of Abhaj Charan De (a name in the Society of consciousness of Krishna (ISKCON) – further ОСК - "Its Divine favour Shri Shrimad Svami Bhaktivedanta Shrila Prabhupada") are a subject of our consideration, and these comments of founder ОСК, are filled: - Ideas - the exclusive religious, social, moral and intellectual superiority which, in its opinion, its followers possess; - Offensive, humiliating definitions all who are not followers of its doctrine about Krishna, and in general non-believers to Krishna as "the Supreme god". Abundance of citations which will be more low resulted and which confirm the above-stated conclusions, allow to assert unequivocally that a direct and indirect insult, уничижение all некришнаитов as intellectual, psychological and religious недочеловеков, cultivation to некришнаитам negative attitude - is strongly pronounced and system line "Bhagavad-gita as it is which forms асоциальное behaviour of adherents ОСК. Further references to the book original "Bhagavad-gita as it is"//A.C.Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada: the lane with English - 3 edition corrected. – The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Internation, Inc, 2007.-816 with. Will be specified in a kind "БГ 16:3, with. 675" where B. Г – the reduced name of the book, 16:3 is a designation of head (the first figure) and further through a colon verse number, with. 675 – page of the specified book). Authoritativeness "Bhagavad-gita as it is" and its author for its followers from "the Society of consciousness of Krishna" (ISKCON) The book of Abhaj Charan De "Bhagavad-gita as it is" is main вероучительной the book "Society of consciousness of Krishna" (ISKCON), it defines religious outlook, behaviour and the relation to некришнаитам adherents ОСК. Its authority is absolute, indisputable, and is subject to literal (literal) understanding. Abhaj Charan De also is esteemed as named authority, its person in ОСК idolised, its words are not subject to doubt. "The most simple way of comprehension of a science about a shower is to accept manuals of" Bhagavad-gity "who was told by the greatest spiritual teacher, Lord Shri Krishna, and on an iota not to deviate them" (БГ 2:29, with. 118). Important that Abhaj Charan De specifies in literal understanding of Bhagavad-gity, is more exact than its transfer of Bhagavad-gity, thus its each word stands out as conclusive true: "Words" of Bhavagat-gity "– authoritative instructions for those who trusts in Krshnu. All that tells Krshna in" Bahagavat-gite "it is necessary to accept literally, without giving Its words of own interpretation … Ardzhuna I have told … About Krishna, each Your word I accept as conclusive true" (Nectar of Manuals, A.C.Bhaktivedanta Svami. Transfer from English Shri Upadeshamtry Shrily Rupy Gosvami. – The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Internation, reg, 1991, - with. 53). Here still acknowledgement of absolute authority of its "Bhagavad-gity" ostensibly a divine origin and which can it is correctly commented and understood only betrayed Krishna, i.e. кришнаитами: "Bhagavad-gita", told By the Supreme Lord, it is not distinct from Ved therefore concluded in it knowledge is апаурушеей, "superhuman". Веды it is necessary to accept such what they are, without trying to interpret them in own way, and in the same way it is necessary to accept "Bhagavad-gitu". Wordly idle talkers переиначивают everyone after the own fashion, but their interpretations it is impossible to consider "Gitu" as original "Gitoj". The knowledge concluded in "Bhagavad-gite", should be received us in its primary kind, such to what it is transferred on a chain of spiritual teachers "(БГ 4:1, with. 209). Further the author already directly declares, what exactly its comments are is unique correct, even divine, and only he should be trusted, as to the representative of "a chain of spiritual teachers". In passing, "Bhagavad-gity" all other commentators it уничижает, naming demons. Thus, the author proclaims the absolute validity of the comments which need to be accepted completely and некритически to follow them: "Certainly,"Bhagavad-gita"never intended for demonic people who simply would depreciate it and would began to interpret it as it will take in head, bringing nobody the blessings. When it all the same has occurred, when the primary plan of"Gity"has been deformed by the unfair commentators pursuing the mercenary aims, there was a necessity to restore a chain of spiritual teachers. Five thousand years ago The Lord has found out that this chain has interrupted, and has proclaimed that people have forgotten about true appointment of"Bhagavad-gity". Presently there was a similar situation: now there is a set of editions of"Bhagavad-gity", especially in English, but almost all of them disperse from that version of"Gity"which is transferred on a chain of spiritual teachers. Wordly scientists have written huge number of comments to"Gite", but practically anybody from them does not recognise Krishna as the Supreme Person of God though words of Shri of Krishna bring in their the considerable income. To arrive so demons which do not believe in God can only, but thus impudently use Its property. And as there is an imperative need in the English edition "Gity", which would represent it in that kind, in what it is transferred on парампаре (chains of spiritual teachers), we have tried to meet this lack. The people accepting "Bhagavad-gitu" such, what it is, receive the huge blessing, the same who looks at it as on the usual philosophical composition, only in vain waste time, studying it "(БГ 4:2, with. 210). On an official site Russian кришнаитов this chain of spiritual teachers "http://www.krishna.ru/content/view/773/947/ is resulted: "Evam parampara-praptam (B. - 4.2)." Bhagavad-gita as it is "has come to us on a chain of spiritual teachers into which enter: 1. Krishna. 2. Брахма. 3. Нарада. 4. Вьяса. 5. Мадхва. 6. Падманабха. 7. Нрихари. 8. Мадхава. 9. Aкшобхья. 10. Dzhaja Tirtha. 11. Гьянасиндху. 12. Даянидхи. 13. Видьянидхи. 14. Раджендра. 15. Джаядхарма. 16. Пурушоттама. 17. Brahmanja Tirtha. 18. Vjasa Tirtha. 19. Лакшмипати. 20. Madhavendra Puri. 21. Ishvara Puri (Nitjananda, Aдвайта). 22. Lord Chajtanja. 23. Рупа (Svarupa, Sanatana). 24. Рагхунатха, Dzhiva. 25. Кришнадас. 26. Нароттама. 27. Вишванатха. 28. (Баладева), Dzhagannatha. 29. Бхактивинода. 30. Гауракишора. 31. Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati. 32. A.Ч. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada "To learn true, hand over itself to the spiritual teacher. Question it submissively and serve it. The souls which have realised can give you knowledge for they have beheld true. The comment:" … the Lord advises to us to find the true spiritual teacher belonging to a chain of instructors which starts from The Lord. The one who does not belong to such chain, it is impossible to consider as the true spiritual teacher. The first spiritual teacher is The Lord, and the person who has received this knowledge on a chain of spiritual teachers, is capable to transfer to the pupil of a word of the Lord in not deformed kind. The spirit nature cannot be comprehended, having invented for this purpose own method as it is done by ignorant charlatans … to receive knowledge, it is necessary to find the true spiritual teacher. The pupil should follow implicitly all instructions of the spiritual teacher and, having rejected arrogance, to serve it, without shunning even manual labour …. Until then while we do not become obedient servants of the true spiritual teacher, our questions to it will not bring desirable result "(БГ 4:34, with. 250). "Bhagavad-gita", told By the Supreme Lord, неотлична Ved therefore concluded in it knowledge is апаурушеей, "superhuman". Веды it is necessary to accept such what they are, without trying to interpret them in own way, and in the same way it is necessary to accept "Bhagavad-gitu". Wordly idle talkers переиначивают everyone after the own fashion, but their interpretations it is impossible to consider "Gitu" as original "Gitoj". The knowledge concluded in "Bhagavad-gite", should be received us in its primary kind, such to what it is transferred on a chain of spiritual teachers. Only кришнаиты possess to perfect knowledge, only manuals кришнаитских instructors are true, everything that contradicts their words – запретно and is sinful – the higher degree of imposing to the reader of exclusiveness кришнаитов: "Differently, the person possessing perfect knowledge, understands that each live being is the eternal servant of the Lord and consequently the debt of everyone - to operate in consciousness of Krishna. All" Bhagavad-gita "brings us to this conclusion. Any other conclusions contradicting it, and the actions based on them concern a category викармы, forbidden activity. To understand all it it is possible only in dialogue with the authoritative instructors possessing consciousness of Krishna which are capable to devote us in secrets of activity. To receive this knowledge from them - all the same what to receive it from The Lord" (БГ 4:17, with. 233). "Be released from пут karmic activity the one who possesses consciousness of Krishna can only and devotes to Krishna all actions. The person in consciousness of Krishna operates, movable by pure love to the Supreme Person of God and consequently it is not adhered to fruits of the work. It is not adhered even to maintenance of the body for in all it is necessary to Krishna. Such person does not aspire to get a thing or to keep that already has. He tries as it is possible to do the duty is better, and in all the rest it is necessary to Krishna. Activity of such person, free from wordly attachments, has no consequences, neither good, nor bad as though it at all does not make actions. Such activity is called акармой, as not involving karmic consequences. On the other hand, any action made not in consciousness of Krishna, enthrals the person and as already was told, concerns a category викармы" (БГ 4:20, with. 235-236). "However the method of consciousness of Krishna is unique, for it gives the chance to the person to serve the Supreme Lord directly. Any of listed above sacrifices will not help the person to find consciousness of Krishna it is possible only on favour of the Lord and Its pure betrayed. Hence, a method of consciousness of Krishna above all other methods of consciousness" (БГ 4:28, with. 244). "Therefore consciousness of Krishna - a key to the decision of all problems of material life" (БГ 4:31, with. 248). "But ignorant and faithless people who doubt words богооткровенных the writing, are not capable to find consciousness of God. They fall all more low and more low. The doubting soul does not know happiness neither in this world, nor in the world other. The comment: From set of the authoritative sacred writing the best is"Bhagavad-gita". Only people, in all assimilated to animals, do not know, about what is told in the sacred writing, and do not trust in them. Is also such who, even knowing the maintenance богооткровенных the writing and quoting them, actually do not believe that is written to them. A among those who trusts in words of such writing as"Bhagavad-gita", is a lot of people who do not trust in existence of the Supreme Lord, Shri of Krishna, and do not worship to It. Such people are not capable even to come nearer to consciousness of Krishna, they are waited inevitably by falling. From all categories of people faithless sceptics are deprived possibility to develop spiritually. The people who are not believing in God and Its word, will not find anything good neither in this world, nor in other. They do not know happiness. Therefore it is necessary to follow with belief to instructions of sacred books, aspiring to find spiritual knowledge. Only then we can fall outside the limits a matter and comprehend the soul nature. So, people who overcome doubts, are not capable to reach spiritual perfection. Therefore we should go in the footsteps of great ачарьев, spiritual teachers belonging to a chain and then our life will crown success "(БГ 4:40, with. 255). "The one who follows instructions which The Supreme Lord has given in" Bhagavad-gite ", finds divine knowledge and thanks to it gets rid of all doubts. Such person has already comprehended true" I ": he understands itself(himself) the integral particle of the Lord to the full possessing consciousness of Krishna. Therefore it never happens is connected by consequences of the actions" (БГ 4:41, with. 256). "If, having listened to these manuals, the person and has not managed to understand true nature of the Lord - eternal, executed pleasure and the omniscient Person of God, means, it a hopeless fool. To get rid of ignorance, it is necessary to acquire principles of consciousness of Krishna gradually. To awakening in the person of consciousness of Krishna promote a victim, brought to demigods and Supreme Brahmanu, a victim which are brought by those who stores a vow of chastity or conducts home life, those who bridles feelings, is engaged in mystical yoga and makes аскезу, and also a victim of those who refuses the material property, studies Vedy and carries out the duties in varnashrama-Dharma system. All is various kinds of sacrifices, and all of them are based on instructions шастр …. Therefore the Lord recommends to us to study"Bhagavad-gitu"or any other Holy Writ under the direction of the true spiritual teacher, serving it with humility and humility. The true spiritual teacher belongs to the chain of instructors existing from time immemorial, and on an iota does not recede from the manuals of the Supreme Lord many millions years ago opened by It to god of the Sun which has in turn transferred knowledge of "Bhagavad-gity" to people of the Earth … (БГ 4:42, with. 257). "Mind of such person is always concentrated to Krishna, therefore he never forgets Krishna and is not engaged in anything, except service to the Lord. He never begins to listen to that does not concern Krishna, or is the food which has been not offered Krishna, and never will go somewhere if it is not connected with service to Krishna" (БГ 5:7, with. 267). "Krishna - the Supreme Absolute True, the Person of God" (БГ 5:10, with. 271). "The best for it - to get out of abyss by means of a transcendental method of consciousness of Krishna. It is a unique way to rescue" (БГ 5:14, with. 273). Here apogee of insults of other commentators of Bhagavad-gity, and also people not considering this book divine, and Krishna true god: "There are two types of people: betrayed and demons. The Lord has selected Aрджуну to tell it this great science because Aрджуна was Its betrayed. Demonic people are not capable to comprehend secret sense of"Bhagavad-gity". There are many editions of this great book. To one of them have written comments betrayed, and to another - demons. Comments of the devoted retell the true matter of"Bhagavad-gity"whereas comments of demons are false and useless. Aрджуна recognises Shri Krishna the Supreme Person of God, and the commentators of"Bhagavad-gity"who are following the lead Aрджуны, serve this great science with the present fidelity. Demons refuse to accept Krishna such what It is. Instead they fill the comments with fabrications about Krishna and prevent to follow the reader to Its manuals. This verse Krishna warns us that it is necessary to be careful of similar commentators. We should try to go by the instructors belonging to a chain of spiritual teachers which starts from Aрджуны, - only then the great science of "Shrimad Bhagavad-gity" will bring to us the blessing "(БГ 4:3, with. 211). Division of people on pure betrayed and demons – a vivid example of religious discrimination, is more exact than religious racism of the author. Here still an insult not кришнаитов, not considering Krishna personal god, and also the statement of the monopoly and authoritativeness of interpretation оргинальной Bahagavat-gity: "Therefore people with demonic mentality are not capable to understand sense of it and other similar verses" Bhagavad-gity …. Demons not in a condition to comprehend the divine nature of the Lord about which He tells in a following verse "(БГ 4:5, with. 214). Here still the fragment where the author declares that "Bhagavad-gita" (read "Bhagavad-gita as it is") intends only for "betrayed": "In the sixty seventh verse of this chapter the Lord has strictly forbidden to tell"Gitu"that who envies the Lord. Differently,"Bhagavad-gita"is intended only for betrayed (БГ 18:71, with. 774), also it is obviously artificial conclusion even from transfer of the original text of the author:" The one who listens to our conversation with belief and without envy, is released from consequences of the sins and reaches good planets on which there live righteous persons ". Acknowledgement of that definition "demon" is understood as people: "Instructions of Ved induce the person undividedly to indulge in the Lord, and when demons break them, the Lord Himself comes to a material world" (БГ 4:8, with. 218). The author declares: "Usually those who is free from sins, people just, with ease accept consciousness of Krishna" (БГ 18:71, with. 774), thus, all who heard and does not accept consciousness of Krishna people enthralled by a sin, injust do not accept consciousness of Krishna. "The reasonable person is the one who possesses consciousness of Krishna" (БГ 4:12, with. 227), the conclusion is unequivocal - the one who does not possess consciousness of Krishna - is unreasonable, silly, the near person, the ignoramus – all these epithets е некришнаитам the author repeatedly states in the comments, hardly Such fools are more scarlet under the text "do not show interest to consciousness of Krishna" (БГ 4:12, with. 227). The author puts everything out of the law that contradicts its doctrine, doctrine ОСК: "Differently, the person possessing perfect knowledge, understands that each live being is the eternal servant of the Lord and consequently the debt of everyone - to operate in consciousness of Krishna. All"Bhagavad-gita"brings us to this conclusion. Any other conclusions contradicting it, and the actions based on them concern a category викармы, forbidden activity" (БГ 4:12, with. 227), thus кришнаитские instructors possess absolute authority: "to Understand all it it is possible only in dialogue with the authoritative instructors possessing consciousness of Krishna which are capable to devote us in secrets of activity. To receive this knowledge from them - all the same what to receive it from The Lord. Otherwise even the most reasonable person will inevitably be at a deadlock" (БГ 4:12, with. 227), it is similarly told in this comment:" To serve Krishna is better under a skilled management of the spiritual teacher, the true representative of the Lord which knows bents and abilities of the pupil and can always prompt how correctly to operate in consciousness of Krishna. Therefore, to seize a science of consciousness of Krishna, it is necessary to operate with determination and implicitly to submit to the representative of Krishna, the spiritual teacher, including its instructions mission of the life. In the well-known prayers turned to the spiritual teacher, Shrila Vishvanatha Chakravarti Thakur gives us following manuals: "Satisfying the spiritual teacher, we thereby satisfy the Supreme Lord. Without having satisfied the spiritual teacher, it is impossible to find consciousness of Krishna. Therefore it is necessary to plunge three times a day into thoughts on the spiritual teacher, to ask him about favour and in respect to tend it лотосным to stops" (БГ 2:41, with. 130-131). "Any action made contrary to Vedic instructions, concerns a category викармы, forbidden, or sinful, activity" (БГ 3:15, with. 177) – as almost all Russians do not follow instructions вед, all of them, according to the author, live in sins, and do the forbidden. Only кришнаиты possess to perfect knowledge, only manuals кришнаитских instructors are true, everything that contradicts their words – запретно and is sinful – the higher degree of imposing to the reader of exclusiveness кришнаитов: "Differently, the person possessing perfect knowledge, understands that each live being is the eternal servant of the Lord and consequently the debt of everyone - to operate in consciousness of Krishna. All" Bhagavad-gita "brings us to this conclusion. Any other conclusions contradicting it, and the actions based on them concern a category викармы, forbidden activity. To understand all it it is possible only in dialogue with the authoritative instructors possessing consciousness of Krishna which are capable to devote us in secrets of activity. To receive this knowledge from them - all the same what to receive it from The Lord" (БГ 4:17, with. 233). "On the other hand, any action made not in consciousness of Krishna, enthrals the person and as already was told, concerns a category викармы" (БГ 4:20, with. 236). Kindling of religious hatred, уничижение advantages of the person to signs of a floor, race, a nationality, language, an origin, the relation to religion, and is equal to an accessory to any social group Article 282 of the criminal code of Russian Federation "hatred or enmity Excitation, and is equal humiliation of human advantage", considers as that "the Actions directed on excitation of hatred or enmity, and also on humiliation of advantage of the person or a group of persons to signs of a floor, race, a nationality, language, an origin, the relation to religion, and is equal to an accessory to any social group". The author specifies in necessity of a social inequality of women (not to give them the will, social and other rights on a level with men) that is direct infringement of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: "In the same" Manu-samhite "is clearly told that women never should give freedom. It does not mean that they need to be transformed into slaves; no, it is necessary to concern them, as to children. To children do not give will, but it at all does not mean that of them do slaves. Present demons neglect these instructions and declare that to women the equal rights with men" should be granted. (БГ 16:7, with. 683). Last statement is offensive for a modern Russian constitutional system and the power supporting this constitutional system, gets under article 319. The criminal code of Russian Federation "the Insult of the representative of the power": "the Public insult of the representative of the power at execution of the functions by it or in connection with their execution". Head who is most filled уничижением religious and social advantage is Chapter 16. "Divine and demonic natures". "… to conceive the child possessing divine qualities, it is necessary to spend a Vedic ceremony garbhadhana-samskara", i.e. "ten cleaning ceremonies … Sexual relations непредосудительны, if their purpose – service of Krishna" (БГ 16:3, with. 675). Thus, all children conceived without the specified ceremony, do not possess divine qualities, and all people even entering in lawful from the point of view of the state and other religious organisations, without the purpose of service to Krishna – make reprehensible sexual relations, from the point of view of the author conceive people "as cats and dogs" (БГ 16:3, with. 675). The people conceived out of service to Krishna, are natures with demonic qualities: "These demonic qualities are inherent in them by nature - they receive them in a womb of mother and, growing, show them to the full" (БГ 16:4, with. 681). This thought proceeds and supported in comments to the text of 15 chapters 7: "To the following category душкрити, or sinners, lowest of people concern нарадхамы. Нара" the person ", and адхама -" the worst, the lowest "means. From 8 400 000 forms of life of human forms is 400 000. Among them many the lowest human forms, from which majority - not civilised. Civilised name people, whose social, political and religious life is under construction on instructions шастр. The people living in a society with developed social and political structure, but doing not follow religion laws, name нарадхамами … the Debt of those who brings up children, - to revive divine consciousness dozing in them." Manu-smriti ", the arch of religious laws, orders ten cleaning ceremonies, intended to help people to develop in itself consciousness of God, operating within the limits of system варнашрамы. But, unfortunately, presently anywhere in the world these ceremonies are not made properly and consequently 99,9 percent of the population of the earth are made by the people concerning a category нарадхама" (БГ 7:15, with. 361-362). Thus, all people, whose parents have not spent before conception указные ceremonies, receive epithets not only demons, but also sinners, and sinners, lowest of people. "To give money it is necessary only on the sermon of consciousness of Krishna worldwide. It is charity with гуне clemencies" (БГ 16:3, with. 677). Thus, any other charity and the mercy, directed not on members ОСК and the organisation - is inadmissible. It is necessary to underline - these conclusions directly do not follow from text translation of ancient Bhagavad-gity. Actually text translation 6, chapters 16 is pejorative: "About son Prithi, the created live beings in this world happen two kinds. One name righteous persons, and others demons. I have already in detail told to you about divine qualities, and now listen about qualities by which demons" are allocated. Comments which even more open sense of this transfer Further follow: "the Same who does not follow precepts of the sacred writing and operates on own whim, name demons, or асурами. Criterion only one - performance of instructions of the sacred writing" (БГ 16:6, with. 682). Thus, demons are everything which are not executing "instructions шастр and instructions of authorities" (БГ 16:6, with. 682), that is all people who are not followers ОСК, that this division into righteous persons and people concerns people, and demons are those who treats Bhavagad-gitu is distinct from кришнаитов, confirms the following text: "There are two types of people: betrayed and demons. The Lord has selected Aрджуну to tell it this great science because Aрджуна was Its betrayed. Demonic people are not capable to comprehend secret sense of"Bhagavad-gity". There are many editions of this great book. To one of them have written comments betrayed, and to another - demons. Comments of the devoted retell the true matter of"Bhagavad-gity"whereas comments of demons are false and useless. Aрджуна recognises Shri Krishna the Supreme Person of God, and the commentators of"Bhagavad-gity"who are following the lead Aрджуны, serve this great science with the present fidelity. Demons refuse to accept Krishna such what It is. Instead they fill the comments with fabrications about Krishna and prevent to follow the reader to Its manuals. This verse Krishna warns us that it is necessary to be careful of similar commentators. We should try to go by the instructors belonging to a chain of spiritual teachers which starts from Aрджуны, - only then the great science of "Shrimad Bhagavad-gity" will bring to us the blessing "(БГ 4:3, with. 211). Here one more text according to which it is obvious that all people, according to the author, not recognising Krishna god, "the higher authority" are demons:" The whole world, without considering only demons, from time immemorial recognises Krishna as the higher authority and consequently Ardzhuna has asked It this question that Krishna could tell Itself about Itself, without waiting, while it will be made by demons which always try to deform Its image, adjusting it to own representations and representations of the followers … to Demons of a word of Krishna can seem strange as they approach to Krishna with the measures, but betrayed with pleasure accept everything that Krishna speaks. Betrayed always with awe listen to manuals of Krishna because always aspire to learn about Krishna as much as possible … Betrayed Krishna, such as Ardzhuna, never doubt the divine nature of Krishna "(БГ 3:4, with. 212). Thus, all people, according to the author, not recognising Krishna god," the higher authority "are demons. So, according to the Explanatory dictionary of live great Russian language of Vladimir Dalja, a word "demon" bears ярковыраженное negative value "the Demon - m. греч. An evil ghost, a devil, a Satan, a demon, lines, dirty, crafty. A Satan, who in lie, on haughtiness of spirit; a devil, who in harm, on самотности; a demon, who in lusts of harm, on love to the wordly. Demons, to it belonging; демонский, to it peculiar, to it carried. Демониться, церк. демонствоватися to rage, be одержиму a demon. Демоноговение compare церк. Idolatry; демоночтец m. the idolater. Демонострашие compare the fear directed by demons. Демонология. The doctrine about spirits, about aeriform beings. Демономания. Insanity in which the person considers itself frenzied, afflicted". According to the Explanatory dictionary of Russian of Ushakov "demonic, ая, ое; in quality кратк. Forms употр. демони́чен, чна, чно (книжн.). Peculiar to a demon. || unusual, different strong character, artful, spiteful. Demonic nature. The demonic woman". All it is aggravated also with that Abhaj Charan De specifies on literal and not subject to doubt, contest understanding of Bhagavad-gity, is more exact than its transfer of Bhagavad-gity: "Words" of Bhavagat-gity "– authoritative instructions for those who trusts in Krshnu. All that tells Krshna in" Bahagavat-gite "it is necessary to accept literally, without giving Its words of own interpretation … Ardzhuna I have told … About Krishna, each Your word I accept as conclusive true" (Nectar of Manuals, A.C.Bhaktivedanta Svami. Transfer from English Shri Upadeshamtry Shrily Rupy Gosvami. – The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Internation, reg, 1991, - with. 53). Thus, not concordant with doctrine ОСК and doing not follow it, all members ОСК it is necessary to take all LITERALLY demons, demonic, negative natures, persons, the author even more strengthens уничижение кришнаитов: "Though demons are the most disgusting beings on light … They go straight to a hell, and it seems to them that they движутся by the way of progress" (БГ 16:10, with. 687). "In a society ариев, followers of Ved, representatives of the most developed civilisation, a rule so are strict that all who neglects religion precepts are considered as demons. Therefore in the given verse it is said that demons do not know instructions шастр and have no the slightest desire to follow them. Precepts of the writing, but even those who knows about them are unknown to the Majority of them, are not inclined to carry out them. At them is not present either beliefs, or desires to operate according to instructions of Ved. Both internal, and external cleanliness too is not peculiar to demons. The body needs to be supported always in cleanliness: every day to make ablution, to brush teeth, have a shave, change clothes etc. As to internal cleanliness for its maintenance it is necessary to remember always sacred names of God and to repeat to Jara Krishna, Jara Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Jara Jara / to Jara Rama, Jara Rama, the Frame the Frame, Jara Jara. All these rules are not pleasant to demons, and they never follow them" (БГ 16:7, with. 683). I.e. demonic persons are all who do not follow Vedic instructions, hygienic instructions and not repeating кришнаитскую a mantra "to Jara Krishna …" The author specifies in necessity of a social inequality of women (not to give them the will, social and other rights on a level with men) that is direct infringement of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: "In the same" Manu-samhite "is clearly told that women never should give freedom. It does not mean that they need to be transformed into slaves; no, it is necessary to concern them, as to children. To children do not give will, but it at all does not mean that of them do slaves. Present demons neglect these instructions and declare that to women the equal rights with men" should be granted. (БГ 16:7, with. 683). Last statement is offensive for a modern Russian constitutional system and the power supporting this constitutional system, gets under article 319. The criminal code of Russian Federation "the Insult of the representative of the power": "the Public insult of the representative of the power at execution of the functions by it or in connection with their execution". Though it and ostensibly should do all, according to the author, for protection of the woman, but restriction of will of the woman and its social rights declared in the mentioned text, even for this purpose is inadmissible The people having other concept about the world and religion, are, according to the author, demons, it follows from the comment to the text 8. Chapters 16 where the author uneasy falls criticism upon opponents, but names their demons: "Demons come to a conclusion that the whole world - phantasmagoria … Differently, at demons is not present true representation how there was a material world; each of them thinks out own theory" (БГ 16:8, with. 684-685). Not members ОСК which is not dividing of their religious outlooks not only are demons, demonic natures, but also are deprived reason, near their activity is dangerous to the whole world: "Demons are engaged in the activity which is bringing destruction to the world. Therefore the Lord names them here deprived of reason. Not having the slightest representation about God materialists consider themselves very progressive. However" Bhagavad-gita "names their near and deprived of mind" (БГ 16:9, with. 685-686). "In a demonic society murder of animals prospers. Such people name enemies of the world because, eventually, they will invent or will create something such that will bring destruction to all live" (БГ 16:9, with. 686). As secular and traditional religious culture of the people of Russia (Orthodoxy, Islam, a Judaism and the Buddhism) do not deny the use of meat of animals, a bird and fish, that, leaves, according to the author, all our society and the religions which are not condemning the uses of meat, are demonic. Apogee уничижения and insults not followers ОСК, all using wine and the meat, playing gamblings, is the comment to the text 12, chapters 16: "Here demonic mentality is described. Desire of demons is insatiable. Their unsatiable desire to enjoy a material world with each minute begins all more strongly and more strongly. In spite of the fact that attachment to illusive, passing things is for them the reason of constant anxieties, they in the illusion obstinately continue to be engaged in material activity. The deprived knowledge, they do not understand that go on a false way. Fascinated passing, demons create own God and glorify it in hymns of own composition. As a result they only become attached to two things more strongly: to sexual pleasures and accumulation of material riches. In this connection special value has the word used here an ashuchi-gate," dirty vows ". Such people women, gamblings and meat involve only wine; all it concerns a category ашучи, dirty habits. Movable by pride and self-conceit, they create own religious systems contradicting principles of Ved. Though demons are the most disgusting beings on light, they suit all so that others worship to them and surround with their not deserved honours. They go straight to a hell, and it seems to them that they движутся by the way of progress "(БГ 16:10, with. 687). The author repeatedly in the comments offends the people who are not trusting to Krishna, not being followers ОСК, not dividing their doctrine and experts: "these fools do not understand …" (БГ 16:16, with. 688) Here still an insult of all not trusting to Krishna and not dividing their doctrine: "the Demons not believing in God and denying existence of Supersoul in heart, impetuously sin to satisfy the feelings only. … however demons do not know Ved and do not trust in them, therefore they consider themselves have the right to do everything, everything if only to enjoy, and do not think of consequences" (БГ 16:11-12, with. 688), and to the people who are not trusting to Krishna and ведам, it is attributed absolute sinfulness - "… impetuously sin". All некришнаитам unreasonably attributes negative qualities: "Everyone демоничный the person considers that for the sake of itself it is possible to offer all the others" (БГ 16:17, with. 691). By the author the people trusting differently, than кришнаиты (in this case atheists and representatives индуизма trusting in impersonal Brahman (Spirit)) are again offended: "As a rule, all demons consider themselves as God. Therefore, when the demon becomes the preacher, it convinces the followers:" What for to you somewhere to search for God? Each of you God! Can do everything that want. Do not believe in God. Throw out God. God is dead ". So preach demons" (БГ 16:17, with. 691). Following comments once again specify that by the author the people trusting differently, than кришнаиты are offended: "Including itself the centre of the Universe and without recognising over itself any authorities and the power of the sacred writing, demons sometimes make so-called religious practices and sacrifices. And as for them there are no authorities, they behave very defiantly …. Sometimes such demons рядятся in clothes of preachers also confuse unsophisticated people, giving out itself for religious reformers or embodiments of God. They or arrange ostentatious sacrifices, either worship to demigods, or think out own God. Ordinary people start to esteem them for God and to worship to them, and fools consider as their great experts on a spiritual science. They dress clothes of monks and in this dress are engaged in every possible nonsenses. Actually the one who has vowed renunciation of the world, should adhere to very strict rules. However demons do not pay to them any attention. They consider that each person can lay the way of spiritual development and that the uniform way simply does not exist. In this connection Krishna underlines a word avidhi-purvakam that negation of rules and instructions "means". Similar views always are a consequence of ignorance and errors "(БГ 16:17, with. 691). The bright insult of non-believers to Krishna, not accepting the religious books which are for кришнаитов sacred, is drawn an image of the enemy with brightly negative qualities: "The demons always opposing to the Supreme power of God (i.e. Krishna – a bus comment), do not trust words of the sacred writing. The Scriptuses and the fact of existence of the Supreme Person of God cause in them feeling of jealousy. … They make violence over bodies of other people and over own body. The deprived knowledge, demons do not want to reckon with the Supreme power of the Person of God. Their hostility to the sacred writing and the Supreme Person of God is shown that they put forward false arguments against existence of God and deny authority богооткровенных the writing. … If it has an enemy, threatening to prevent its pleasures, he keeps mind how to finish with it (БГ 16:18, with. 692). Example of a bright insult некришнаитов and frank racism: "it is Here again clearly told that demons again and again place in wombs of demonic women and they remain spiteful, most contemptible people. People of demonic breed are constantly overwhelmed by desire, are always ready to apply violence, they hate others and have dirty habits. The numerous tribes of hunters living in jungle concern number of demonic forms of life" (БГ 16:19, for example, with. 693). Example уничижения некришнаитов: "…. From this verse we learn that It never shows The favour to demons. Here it is clearly told that demons again and again get to wombs of demonic women and, the deprived favour of the Supreme Lord, fall all more low and more low while eventually do not appear in bodies of cats, dogs and pigs. Demons are almost deprived possibility to receive favour of the Lord even in the future. In Vedah it is said that, degrading, such souls appear in due course in bodies of dogs and pigs. Someone can doubt mercy of God, having heard about Its disgrace. In reply to it" Vedanta-sutra "says that the Supreme Lord for anybody does not feed enmity or hatred. When асуры, demons, get to the lowest forms of life, is too display of Its favour in relation to them" (БГ 16:20, with. 693-694). As it разниться with wisdom and favour of God of the Bible: "And I speak to you: love your enemies, bless damning you, благотворите hating you and pray for offending you and driving you, yes will be sons of the Father your Heavenly for It rules to ascend To the sun over malicious and kind and sends a rain on just and injust" (Мф.5:44-45). The dictionary "Religion" makes such definition "асура": "АСУРЫ (санскр." Possessing vital force ") - in mythology индуизма - the heavenly characters possessing magical force of the Maya. At early stages of formation of representations about А, - e.g., in Threshing barns-Vede - they could act both as deities, and as heavenly demons (opponents of the last). Later А began to be treated exclusively as demons - opponents of deities - and quite often resisting to people". Application of this term to people basically is not competent, but if it is used, I the obvious purpose уничижения and insults. In other transfers of "Bhagavad-gity" in this chapter people share on believers and atheists (асуров), the last - the people who have betrayed of lust and wordly pleasures, pride, lie, злобою, to dirty customs, accumulation of injust riches, murders for the sake of the riches, bringing hypocritical a victim. The criterion of correct behaviour in the conclusion specifies шастры. A context of this chapter - people-atheists – conducting immoral life, people (for example, БГ 16:21 – "Trojaki a gate of this underworld ruining the person: lust, anger and greed; therefore it is necessary to be released from these three". Direct reckoning of representatives of others of religion to godless people is not present. Additional examples of manuals about the religious superiority and уничижении иноверцев: "In" Bhagavadam "it is said that the one who has to the full developed in itself(himself) consciousness of Krishna and faithfully serves the Lord, possesses all advantages of great wise men whereas at the person who has not reached spiritual level, is not present and there can be no advantages as it in all is guided by whims of the mind …" (БГ 2:55, with. 144) – the last уничижения in the original text is not present, even in transfer of the author: "the Supreme Lord has told: About Partha, about the person who has cleared the mind of all desires originating in feelings, and scoops satisfaction only in true" I ", say that it possesses pure, divine consciousness". "The same who does not possess consciousness of Krishna, whatever powerful it was and however many tried to suppress activity of the feelings, finally is all the same doomed to failure for the slightest thought on sensual pleasure will raise its mind and will force to try to meet the desires" (БГ 2:62, with. 152). "The one who is deprived consciousness of Krishna, does not know a pacification. In the fifth chapter" Bhagavad-gity "(a verse 29) it is told that the person will find an original pacification only when will understand that Krishna enjoys all sacrifices and fruits of all asceticism that He is the Supreme master of all planets in the Universe and the true friend of all live beings. If the person does not possess consciousness of Krishna, its mind will aimlessly wander, without coming to any conclusion. All anxieties of mind are caused by absence of the prime target, and when the person at last understands that Krishna - Supreme enjoying, the lord of all real and the friend of everyone, its mind calms down also it finds a pacification. That is why what activity is not connected with Krishna, by something is always concerned, than he was engaged and how tried to create visibility of tranquility and spirituality. The consciousness of Krishna is a natural pacification, to find which it is possible only in dialogue with Krishna" (БГ 2:64, with. 155). "To overcome bent for to sensual pleasures it is possible only by means of practice of consciousness of Krishna - having occupied all feelings with transcendental love service to the Lord" (БГ 2:68, with. 156). Here the comment, full insults and humiliations to некришнаитам, it shows that all these уничижения concern to not simple people of bad customs, the sinners, creating malicious, namely to некришнаитам, to people the Supreme god not considering Krishna. Though transfer of the author of the original text "Bhagavad-gity" specifies in punishment if it is possible to tell, socially dangerous, socially destructive people – i.e. villains (душкрити – transfer – the one who arrives badly). БГ the Text 8, chapters 4, with. 219: Transfer: "to release righteous persons and to destroy villains, and also to restore religion foundations, I come here from century to century". The comment:" According to "Bhagavad-gite", садху (sacred) is the person possessing consciousness of Krishna. The one who to the full possesses consciousness of Krishna, it is necessary to consider садху even if it not seems very devout. A the word душкритам concerns those who neglects consciousness of Krishna. Even if such нечестивцы very much образованны, all of them equally remain fools and lowest of people whereas the person absorbed by activity in consciousness of Krishna, is садху though can and not differ high erudition and culture. As to atheists, to destroy them, the Supreme Lord does not have necessity to come Most as it was in a case with demons Ravanoj and Kamsoj. It has many assistants, quite capable to cope with this problem. The Lord comes to material world first of all to help pure betrayed to which do not give rest demons. Demons pursue betrayed even if those have it relatives "(БГ 4:8, with. 219) Thus, in comments of the author villains (душкрити), нечестивцами, fools both lowest of people and demons are all who rejects the doctrine of the author about consciousness of Krishna. Worse that некришнаиты are represented by the enemies pursuing "betrayed". "The Supreme master only one - Krishna. The one who, thus has comprehended Krishna, following instructions of the true spiritual teacher and leaning against the Vedic writing, uses all energy in consciousness of Krishna and becomes rather wise. In comparison with it all the others, those who does not know Krishna, - is simple fools. Only the fool can consider Krishna as the ordinary person. The one who possesses consciousness of Krishna, should not allow fools and ignoramuses to confuse itself; avoiding unauthoritative comments and editions of"Bhagavad-gity", it should go steadily by the way of consciousness of Krishna (БГ 10:8, with. 474). Bright opposition кришнаит – wise, all the others" is simple fools "and" ignoramuses ". If to accept the statement of the author: "In a century of Cali all reasonable people will make sankirtana-jagju, worshipping to the Lord who is on the earth accompanied by The companions" (БГ 3:11, with. 171) those who does not spend "donation" in the form of singing матры "to Jara Krishna …" - it is not reasonable, silly. "With all it we are supplied with representatives of the Lord that, correctly using their gifts, we were healthy and could realise the spiritual nature, and then reach the life prime target - to put an end to our struggle for existence in a material world. To reach this purpose it is possible, making ягьи. If we forget, in what the purpose of human life, and simply we enjoy gifts of demigods, getting confused in networks of material life (that contradicts the purpose of creation of this world) more and more, means, we are thieves and consequently nature laws severely punish us. In a society consisting of thieves, never will be happiness for the thief does not know for the sake of what it is necessary to live. Inveterate thieves-materialists have no life prime target. They aspire only to sensual pleasures and do not know how to make ягьи (БГ 3:12, with. 174). As Russians do not trust in existence of demigods as representatives of Krishna, and do not bring it a victim (ягьи) it turns out that our society is a society of the thieves aspiring only to sensual pleasures, and not knowing for the sake of what it is necessary to live. "So, the person possessing consciousness of Krishna and accepting only food which has been offered Krishna, can be cleared completely from material are nasty, which grows out of its last sins and disturbs to its spiritual development. The same who does not follow this principle, continues to sin, and it should pay off for it: in the following life he will be born in a body of a dog or a pig and will reap the fruits of the sins. The material world is full are nasty, but the one who accepts прасад (the food offered by Vishnu), becomes неподвержен to defilement. It is reliably protected from a material infection whereas the person who eats sinful food, is inevitably profaned (БГ 3:15, with. 176). Thus, not betrayed, not кришнаиты, not accepting прасад, are profaned скверною this world, sin, it promises regeneration in a body of a dog or a pig (dogs and pigs - not pure animals to name them the person – the big insult). "The ignorant and confused people need to give possibility to follow simple moral principles, such as nonviolence, or to be engaged in various kinds of wordly charity. Ignoramuses are not capable to estimate on advantage activity in consciousness of Krishna, therefore the Lord Krishna advises to us not to disturb them and not to waste in vain the precious time. But devoted Misters are more merciful, than The Lord. For it Its plan is known, therefore they go on any risk and enter dialogue with ignoramuses anyhow to occupy with their activity in consciousness of Krishna which is absolutely necessary for each person" (БГ 3:29, with. 190-191). Here the author assimilates all people who does not recognise as spiritually authoritative book of Bhagavad-gitu, the animal, fallen people who are not knowing happiness: "From set of the authoritative sacred writing the best is"Bhagavad-gita". Only people, in all assimilated to animals, do not know, about what is told in the sacred writing, and do not trust in them. Is also such who, even knowing the maintenance богооткровенных the writing and quoting them, actually do not believe that is written to them. A among those who trusts in words of such writing as"Bhagavad-gita", is a lot of people who do not trust in existence of the Supreme Lord, Shri of Krishna, and do not worship to It. Such people are not capable even to come nearer to consciousness of Krishna, they are waited inevitably by falling. From all categories of people faithless sceptics are deprived possibility to develop spiritually. The people who are not believing in God and Its word, will not find anything good neither in this world, nor in other. They do not know happiness. Therefore it is necessary to follow with belief to instructions of sacred books, aspiring to find spiritual knowledge. Only then we can fall outside the limits a matter and comprehend the soul nature. So, people who overcome doubts, are not capable to reach spiritual perfection. Therefore we should go in the footsteps of great ачарьев, spiritual teachers belonging to a chain and then our life will crown success "(БГ 4:40, 255). "In prison of prisoners chain in shackles, and, like it, the criminals breaking laws of God, are chained in sex shackles. The progress of a material civilisation based on aspiration to sensual pleasures, dooms a live being to the further vegetation in a captivity of material life. Therefore desire is a symbol of ignorance which keeps us in a material world. Tasting sensual pleasures, we test a certain similarity of happiness, but actually this imaginary sensation of happiness - the worst enemy live beings" (БГ 3:39, with. 200). Thus according to the author, people entering sexual relations for pleasure, ignoramuses and criminals. "On the other hand, any action made not in consciousness of Krishna, enthrals the person and as already was told, concerns a category викармы" (БГ4:20, with. 236). The sermon of religious, social, moral and intellectual exclusiveness кришнаитов Actually already in the above-stated citations from the book contains in преизбытке the sermon of religious, social, moral and intellectual exclusiveness кришнаитов, here still this sort of citations. "In many verses of"Gity"it is clearly told what comprehend spiritual individuality devoted Misters can only, the same who concern Krishna with hostility and envy Its position of the Supreme Person of God, are not capable to understand true sense of this great product. Not betrayed, trying to comprehend philosophy of"Gity", it is possible to compare to a bee who creeps after bank with honey. To learn taste of honey, it is necessary to open jar. Aналогично to it, the betrayed can comprehend the secret doctrine of"Bhagavad-gity"only. Anybody another as it is told in the fourth chapter of this book, is not capable to feel its taste. Those who denies existence of the Lord, should not concern "Bhagavad-gity". Therefore comments to "Bhagavad-gite", written by philosophers-majjavadi, disguise the true concluded in it to unrecognizability. Lord Chajtanja has forbidden us to read comments of philosophers-majjavadi and, warning us, said that the one who accepts philosophy майявады, loses possibility to get into secret sense of "Gity" (БГ 2:12, with. 96-97). "Therefore any person, at whatever stage of life it was, should not reject consciousness of Krishna" (БГ 3:34, with. 195). "Not own pleasure, and satisfaction of Krishna should be the purpose of any our activity. Such line of action not only will protect us from karmic consequences, but also will help to tower gradually before transcendental love service to the Lord which is the unique way conducting in a kingdom of God" (БГ 3:9, with. 170). "Skilled betrayed, possessing consciousness of Krishna, always know how to arrive, to conduct behind itself others" (БГ 3:20, with. 182). "Nevertheless the method of consciousness of Krishna is so powerful that, even having begun with delay, the person can find love for God if will conform to the rules devoted service" (БГ 3:41, with. 202). "It is necessary, using the higher reason, to develop in itself consciousness of Krishna" (БГ 3:43, with. 205). Thus, кришнаиты possess the higher reason, in difference not кришнаитов, being out of consciousness of Krishna" "But completely to comprehend Krishna are capable only Its pure betrayed" (БГ 4:10, with. 224). "The reasonable person is the one who possesses consciousness of Krishna" (БГ 4:12, with. 227), the conclusion is unequivocal - the one who does not possess consciousness of Krishna - is unreasonable, silly, the near person, the ignoramus – all these epithets е некришнаитам the author repeatedly states in the comments, hardly Such fools are more scarlet under the text "do not show interest to consciousness of Krishna" (БГ 4:12, with. 227). "… From this verse clearly that only very rare souls show interest to consciousness of Krishna …" (БГ4:12, with. 226-227). "And like to Krishna, the person possessing consciousness of Krishna, costs above all estates and social groups, whether it be the nation, a community or race" (БГ 4:13, with. 228). "Any action made contrary to Vedic instructions, concerns a category викармы, forbidden, or sinful, activity" (БГ 3:15, with. 177). Only кришнаиты possess to perfect knowledge, only manuals кришнаитских instructors are true, everything that contradicts from words – запретно and is sinful – the higher degree of imposing to the reader of exclusiveness кришнаитов: "Differently, the person possessing perfect knowledge, understands that each live being is the eternal servant of the Lord and consequently the debt of everyone - to operate in consciousness of Krishna. All" Bhagavad-gita "brings us to this conclusion. Any other conclusions contradicting it, and the actions based on them concern a category викармы, forbidden activity. To understand all it it is possible only in dialogue with the authoritative instructors possessing consciousness of Krishna which are capable to devote us in secrets of activity. To receive this knowledge from them - all the same what to receive it from The Lord" (БГ 4:17, with. 233). "Hence, a method of consciousness of Krishna above all other methods of consciousness" (БГ 4:28, with. 244). "Therefore consciousness of Krishna - a key to the decision of all problems of material life" (БГ 4:31, with. 248). "Top of true knowledge is the consciousness of Krishna - the higher form of spiritual knowledge" (БГ 4:33, with. 349). "The perfect knowledge received from the Supreme Person of God, - here a way to rescue. To float by the ship of consciousness of Krishna very simply, and at the same time it is very raised method" (БГ 4:37, with. 253). Here instructions on perfect асоциальное behaviour, possibility of insubordination of the power, and in general некришнаитам as that: "Mind of such person is always concentrated to Krishna, therefore he never forgets Krishna and is not engaged in anything, except service to the Lord. He never begins to listen to that does not concern Krishna, or is the food which has been not offered Krishna, and never will go somewhere if it is not connected with service to Krishna" (БГ 5:7, with. 267). "Krishna - the Supreme Absolute True, the Person of God" (БГ 5:10, with. 271). The best for it - to get out of abyss by means of a transcendental method of consciousness of Krishna. It is a unique way to rescue (БГ 5:14, with. 273). Insult of the people who are not trusting to Krishna, not being followers ОСК both not dividing their doctrine and experts "Between Krishna outside and from within there is no difference, and the one who does not understand it, but at the same time tries to get into sense" Bhagavad-gity ", - the greatest fool" (БГ 2:7, with. 90). Certainly, atheistic санкхья has not something in common with bhakti-yoga, and nevertheless fools declare, as if in "Bhagavad-gite" it is a question of sankhja-yoga of atheist Kapily (БГ 2:39, with. 128). "The majority of people are not too reasonable and on ignorance are seduced with the karmic activity ordered in section of Ved which the karma-kanda … is called and ignoramuses think that similar instructions make an essence of Vedic wisdom. It is very difficult to such near people to find the determination necessary to operate in consciousness of Krishna. Just as fools break цветки poisonous trees, without suspecting, than it is fraught, those who does not possess knowledge, are seduced with luxury of paradise planets and sensual pleasures accessible there (БГ 2:42-43, with. 132). "In a century of Cali the majority of people are too silly and ignorant to be capable to understand philosophy of"Vedanty"(БГ 2:46, with. 136). "… it is obvious that to the one who does not possess consciousness of Krishna, it is extremely difficult to master mind and feelings. If mind is not concentrated to Krishna, it cannot be kept from material thoughts. It confirms Shri Jamunacharja, great sacred and betrayed the Lord:" Since my mind has plunged into service лотосным to stops of the Lord of Krishna, I test escalating spiritual pleasure, and at one thought on affinity with the woman my person is deformed in disgust and I spit out "(БГ 2:59, with. 149). "The one who is deprived consciousness of Krishna, does not know a pacification …. If the person does not possess consciousness of Krishna, its mind will aimlessly wander, without coming to any conclusion … That is why what activity is not connected with Krishna, by something is always concerned, than he was engaged and how tried to create visibility of tranquility and spirituality. The consciousness of Krishna is a natural pacification, to find which it is possible only in dialogue with Krishna" (БГ 2:64, with. 155). "With all it we are supplied with representatives of the Lord that, correctly using their gifts, we were healthy and could realise the spiritual nature, and then reach the life prime target - to put an e |
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Support Subsonic Society - Save our work places and Oslo's music history.
This message expresses strong concerns about a recent decision by the Norwegian government, particularly the Ministry of Culture, led by Culture Minister Lubna Jaffery and Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl, to allocate NOK 77 million to the Jewish Museum Oslo. The result of this decision will force the eviction of the Subsonic Society, a music studio complex with 12 full-time jobs, 25 years of Norwegian music history, and a central role in Oslo’s music production scene, from its premises i...
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Urgent Concern – Kingston Council to Continue the After-Hours School Program at Southmoor Primary School
To Kingston City Council, We are writing to express our deep sadness, shock, and extreme disappointment regarding the council’s probable decision to discontinue the after-hours school program at Southmoor Primary School. This decision is not only distressing for parents, children, the committed staff members, but also has serious consequences for our community. First is the financial concern addressed about running this program. However, why is childcare being treated as a money-making bus...
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No Nukes for AI: Clearly a bad idea
Petition to Stop the Construction of Nuclear Power Plants for AI Data Centers Introduction: Nuclear power poses a serious threat to public safety and the environment. The construction of nuclear power plants to power AI data centers is a dangerous and short-sighted decision. Large Corporations are obtaining permits to build nuclear powerplants to power their AI data centers. This is clearly a bad idea. The potential for accidents, the long-term consequences of nuclear waste which cannot be dis...
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Add petition "Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita" to this listDeveloping Nations Stand Against Sodomy!
The British diver Tom Daley started a campaign to overturn anti-sodomy laws at the Commonwealth Games in 2022. It is part of a drive from the West using vast sums of money to advance what they claim are ‘internationally acknowledged human rights’. The truth is, there is no right to commit unnatural acts in any international treaty, much as UK and US gay activists would like there to be. We the undersigned note that God made us male and female and instituted marriage, with this position endorsed...
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Time period | Number of signatures |
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Time period | Number of signatures |
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