Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #6620

2011-12-22 17:07

The lie is amazed how many have splashed out кришнаиты with begun litigation!
Dec. 20th, 2011 at 12:45 AM

"Since the birth have receded impious,
From a womb of mother are mistaken, telling lie"

"Your father a devil; and you want to execute
Lusts of your father. It was the murderer
From the beginning also has not resisted in true for there is no in it a true.
When he tells lie, tells the,
For it the liar and the father of lie"

"You will ruin telling lie..."

The lie is amazed how many have splashed out кришнаиты with the litigation which has begun on December, 19th in Tomsk about a recognition неокришнаитской books "Bhagavad-gita as it is" the extremist!

So for example, кришнаитский lawyer Alexander Shahov (the former Khabarovsk public prosecutor whom have expelled for illegal attempts to pursue critics of sect "Society of consciousness of Krishna"), has declared to journalists: "Essentially not such categorical conclusion. There only one moment (!) connected with propagation of restriction of freedom of women". New psycholinguistic examination as I know, even more more rigidly.

And differently could not and to be! Here our analysis of this book: the founder Book "Society of consciousness of Krishna" Abhaj Charan De "Bhagavad-gita as it is" – all, who not кришнаиты – demons, the fallen sinners, fools and ignoramuses.

Malignant gossip to all некришнаитам (malignant gossip, instead of the objective criticism) - penetrates all book!

By radio today has still heard that, say, scientists ТГУ have refused examination. Nobody refused examination. Weak-willed, got on plagiarism (alas) Svistunov, and only he, has refused own CONCLUSIONS.

Кришнаиты recently advertise opinion as the authoritative seminary student of the professor of chair of philosophy SibGmU Nikolay Karpitsky. From what it is authority on religious studies on Tomsk became рЁрехнутый (in sense the person of okkultno-sectarian consciousness) Karpitsky which now so like to quote кришнаиты? This person if I am not mistaken, have expelled (have friendly asked to leave at own will) in due time from ТГУ that it … expelled demons from students.

Кришнаиты also have splashed out misinformation in the Indian mass-media. So one (you guess, pro-American) Indian газетенка "Times of India" has crafty given heading and introduction to article:

"Bhagavad Gita faces ' extremist ' branding, ban in Russia
Bhagavad Gita, one of the holiest Hindu scriptures, is facing a legal ban and the prospect of being branded as "an extremist" literature across Russia. A court in Siberia's Tomsk city is set to deliver its final verdict Monday in a case filed by state prosecutors ".

I will explain according to this journalist of lie, judge, not "Bhagavad-gitu as it is" - неокришнаитский new affairs of the middle of the XX-th century, and already Bhagavad-gitu, "the sacred" Indian writing …

All it becomes сатаною to make the international scandal for the sake of small sect (in Russia all nearby 3000 кришнаитов see - the Society of consciousness of Krishna in Russia - the dwarf with huge ambitions), кришнаиты try to provoke the Indian nationalists.

The government of India has enough prudence not to quarrel from Russia for the sake of marginal sect (it the meeting of high-ranking officials of India has shown and businessmen from V.Putinym - there nobody has brought up a question on court in Tomsk).

By the way, Bhagavad-gita does not concern the case of sacred books индуизма. In detail about this here: As the birdie has grown to god of the whole world (about god кришнаитов).

If the Indian extremists begin the next pogroms of Christians in India is will be on your false conscience, кришнаиты!

I should notice that lie revelry in mass-media occur thanks to the worthless press-service of Tomsk Office of Public Prosecutor. One adequate statement of the press-service could neutralise instantly all lie and кришнаитов, and journalists (many of which, truth, meaningly extend lie about litigation in Tomsk).

It is necessary to understand, the Office of Public Prosecutor has faced what false people, which unlike criminals are able to work with the press.

Here some examples:

It is impossible to begin good business, having put in its basis law brazen violation - the Answer of Missionary department of the Tomsk diocese of Russian Orthodox Church to the statement of the Tomsk society of consciousness of Krishna

Tomsk кришнаиты regularly and maliciously break the law "About a freedom of worship" - we continue to inform the representative under human rights in the Tomsk region Nelli Krechetovu - On topic of the day

And here about lie кришнаитских defenders:

I congratulate, again соврамши … the Review of Boris Falikova's article "Gita and a bat" - professor Alexander Dvorkin

Кришнаитов in Tomsk the former employee of Office of Public Prosecutor of Khabarovsk, convicted of corruption - a selection of materials protects

Nelli Krechetova - or absolutely incompetent legal expert, or lies, or that and another or who actually was dishonoured? - Comments to performance authorised under human rights in the Tomsk region Nelli Stepanovny Krechetovoj on radio "Echo Moscow" in Tomsk.


"Everything receding from Your charters, You depose, for their shifts - lie" (Пс.118:118).

"The perjurer does not remain unpunished and who speaks lie, will not escape" (Прит.19:5).

And at last, a position of Orthodox Church concerning sects as a whole and "Societies of consciousness of Krishna" in particular:

Definition of the Arhierejsky Cathedral of Russian Orthodox Church of 1994 "About pseudo-Christian sects, neopaganism and an occultism" - Patriarhija.Ru

Maxim Stepanenko, the head
Missionary department of the Tomsk diocese
Russian Orthodox Church
"On topic of the day" - 12/19/2011