Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #6608

2011-12-22 16:44

Sects / "the International society of consciousness of Krishna"

Кришнаит, brutally killed in 2000 of the orthodox priest in Evenkii, it is torn to pieces by a bear

On March, 21st, 2000 R.Ljubetsky directly in church has killed celibate priest Grigory Jakovleva, and the cut head of the priest has carried in an altar and has put on a throne. The criminal detained this very day has declared that operated under instructions of "god of Krishna", the newspaper "Komsomol truth" writes on March, 24th.

The court recognised R.Ljubetsky as madman, it have sent on treatment to psychiatrists in prison hospital. However after a while the criminal has been written out. In the autumn of 2009 hunters have found boots and blood-stained clothes in a Krasnoyarsk taiga. Local residents assert that it is R.Ljubetsky's things. Just at this time in wood bears-rods wandered.

In Round till now remember father Grigory. Every year in day of its  destruction, on March, 21st, parishioners gather at a tomb of the former prior of the Troitsk temple.

Interfax-religion - 3/24/2010.

Note МС. What here it is possible to tell? To a dog - the dog death. The analysis of cases of murders of orthodox priests shows a punishment inevitability for a criminal conduct. The writing gives the grounds to consider that murderers of Christians receive punishment already during lifetime:

"And when It has removed the fifth press, I have seen under a soul altar убиенных for a word of Bozhie and for the certificate which they had. They also have begun to yell a loud voice, speaking: how long, Lord Svjatyj and True, you do not judge and you do not revenge living on the earth for our blood?" (Otkr. 6:9-10).

Has received requital both this "madman", and the murderer of father Daniel Sysoyev whom have shot down as a spiteful dog soon enough after the evil deed made by it, will receive воздание and other murderers of priests.