Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #6614

2011-12-22 16:55

Sects / "the International society of consciousness of Krishna"

krishna(?)-fanatic has made ritual murder of the orthodox priest

Recently all our Church was shaken by the message on brutal murder of the orthodox priest in Krasnoyarsk region. We have asked to comment on this tragedy managing chair сектоведения Orthodox Piously-Tihonovsky Theological institute of professor Alexander Leonidovicha Dvorkin.

- Alexander Leonidovich, what all the same has occurred?

- At night on the eve of a spring equinox on March, 21st, 2000 the admirer индуистского god of Krishna has killed the Russian orthodox priest in far Siberian settlement of Round. The priest - celibate priest Grigory - since November, 4th, 1997 was the prior of a house of worship in the item of Round of Evenki area of Krasnoyarsk region. According to colonel Ivan Panova, the head of the Department of Internal Affairs of Evenki area, the murderer - Roman Gavrilov (1973 of a birth), armed self-made шилом, at 3 o'clock in the morning was knocked at a door of father Grigory. The priest has opened a door, and the murderer has struck to it blow шилом in heart and two in a neck. When father Grigory has fallen, Gavrilov cut off to it a head a penknife, having broken thus a knife. Further the fanatic has come together with a head of the killed priest into a temple premise, has enclosed a head round a throne so that dripping blood has formed a circle on a floor, and then has put a head of father Grigory on a throne. The murderer has been detained next morning. At detention Gavrilov was called as the Novel of Harievichem Krishnitsem. Evil deed the murderer has not repented of a criminal conduct. On the first interrogation he admitted that carried out command of god: Krishna was to it in the sleep and has in details described that it should make. Now Gavrilov is in a temporary detention facility at the Department of Internal Affairs Rounds and, according to employees of a call centre, sings in the chamber a mantra to "Jara Krishna".

- And why the priest so late has opened a door to the stranger at night?

- Father Grigory has opened a door to the criminal as with it it was familiar. As local residents tell, earlier it helped restless кришнаиту, has supplied with its warm clothes and many times talked to it, trying to convince to refuse errors.

- Alexander Leonidovich, but arises such question: after all about кришнаитах it is often possible to hear that they, say, vegetarians, preach a nonviolence and in general silent and quiet children. Odd fellows, of course, but will not offend a fly. And their writing too learns to nonresistance to harm violence.

Is not so. In doctrines "Society of consciousness of Krishna", really, there is an interdiction for the use of meat food. But the interdiction for murder of the person there does not exist. Here some citations from кришнаитских вероучительных sources: "Refusal of violence in the politician can be good for the diplomatic purposes, but never should be made a principle" (Bhagavad-Gita as it is. Гл. 2, the comment to the text 31). "The violence made according to principles of religion, much more above so-called" nonviolences "(Shrimad Bhagavatam. A song 1, p.1, 2, гл. 7, the comment to the text 36)." Who is not guided by a false ego and whose reason is free, that, even killing people in this world, does not kill, and acts have no it for it consequences "(Bhagavad-Gita as it is. Гл. 18, the text 17)." Any person operating in consciousness of Krishna … even killing, does not make murder, as well as it is not mentioned by consequences of such act "(Bhagavad-Gita as it is. Гл. 18, the comment to the text 17)." The actions executed in consciousness of Krishna, under Its management from within, do not involve consequences neither in this life, nor in life after death "(Bhagavad-Gita as it is. Гл. 18, the comment to the text 13)." Reached perfect consciousnesses of Krishna in final ito-ge are not responsible for the actions. All depends on the higher will … "(Bhagavad-Gita as it is. Гл. 18, the comment to the text 14). Here see, it is possible to kill, and sometimes even it is necessary. Moreover, if to make murder in" consciousness of Krishna "leaves that you do good work. But after all Gavrilov also considered that operates not simply in" consciousness of Krishna ", but under the direct instructions and the order of the deity.

- But, as far as I know, кришнаиты say that these ancient texts cannot be taken literally. Say, and at desire it is possible to find violence and murder in the Bible.

- Pay attention, those citations which I have resulted, is not citations from ancient texts. These are modern comments to texts. And these comments have been written in second half of XX-th century by the founder of "the Society of consciousness of Krishna" Svami Prabhupada. Whether saw you sometime modern church comments to the Bible in which something would be told similar?

- Whether there was any reaction кришнаитского managements on murder?

- The Moscow management "the Center of societies of consciousness of Krishna in Russia" has operatively reacted to an event, having declared that the murderer has to them no any relation. However, such behaviour is characteristic for "the Society of consciousness of Krishna" which always renounced the criminals when they have been caught red-handed. And crimes (including cruel murders) for short history of this псевдоиндуистской sects it was made more than enough. Moreover, even murder with the subsequent cutting of a head also is not the first in the history of modern кришнаизма. In 1987 in London one of adherents of sect several blows by a knife has killed the guru Dzhejatirtu then the same knife cut off to him a head. Джейатирта was one of eleven gurus-successors appointed Prabhupada - the founder of "the Society of consciousness of Krishna", and inheriting to it. However, the question at all in, whether was registered formally Gavrilov on a member of "the Society of consciousness of Krishna" at the moment of murder, the main thing in that charge of hatred which is put in the sect literature, and in that absolute power which кришнаитские gurus have over the followers. This explosive combination also can result (as, however, and resulted) the person with unstable mentality in the most terrible crimes.

- Whether something is known to you about Russian Orthodox Church reaction?

- As "the evil deed directed against Sacred Church" Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Alex has regarded II ritual murder of the orthodox cleric made on March, 21st in Krasnoyarsk region. About it it is told in the telegramme of the condolence which the day before the head of Church has sent addressed to the archbishop of Krasnoyarsk and Yenisei Antonija "With grief has apprehended news about foul murder of the clergyman of the Krasnoyarsk diocese - the prior of the Piously-Troitsk temple of a city of Round of celibate priest Grigory", - it is marked in the telegramme. In it Patriarch Alex has presented sincere condolences to the ruling bishop, clergy, parishioners, the family почившего which, as he said, "has entirely devoted itself to service to God and people"."Dividing a loss pain, I pray, that the Lord упокоил its soul in settlements heavenly and has created to it eternal memory", - is told in the telegramme conclusion. And here that is told in the diocesan message on ritual murder of father Grigory:" We regard this tragedy, as consequence of wide advertising in any mass media of pseudo-religiousness, return to wild pagan cults of a Satanism and idea cultivation многобожия the new sample under a name of the Christ, it is artificial now spread illogically and to the Scriptus which is not supposing divisions of uniform, God-given belief on any отсебятину of charlatans and многоверия. Yes the Lord will accept I smother slave Bozhija to celibate priest Grigory Jakovleva in The Heavenly Monasteries as истинноверного the Son of Church Orthodox, having forgiven it through its martyr death all its sins ".

- Whether you can add still something to the aforesaid?

- Burial service of the dead has been made on March, 23rd. Archbishop Antony considers that in a temple just blood for the Christ and consequently divine services will proceed here has been spilt. The chief of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs of Evenki area Ivan Panov in telephone conversation has informed that the death of hotly favourite priest has shaken townsmen and that after that events all city has addressed to the Christ. It is obvious that our Church has got the new martyr and the prayer book for us at Prestola Bozhija. And that the death of father Grigory has played such role in become for it native far Evenki settlement, shows that all event was not casual and that the Lord has called for Itself The faithful slave who has passed the most difficult examination.

Celibate priest Grigory (in the world Gennady Mihajlovich Jakovlev) was born on October, 3rd, 1949 in a city of Bodaibo of the Irkutsk region. After 8 classes of high school has ended Agrarian политехникум (1968) Served in Navy fleet with 1969 for 1972 Has ended then истфак the Odessa State university in 1978 Has accepted the same year the Sacred Christening. In the beginning it was the parishioner of one of temples of Barnaul, then became алтарником a temple in a Petro-Pavlovsk temple of Anzhero Sudzhensk of the Kemerovo diocese, 1981 till October, 1982 bore obedience in Pokrovsk a cathedral of Tobolsk, and since January, 1983 was the psalm reader in the Uspensky cathedral of Yeniseisk. In Irkutsk on December, 12th, 1986 accepts a dignity диакона, on December, 13th the same year – a dignity иерея. Since June, 5th, 1987 – the prior of the Piously-Nikolsky temple in village Listvjanki of the Irkutsk region, since May, 1st, 1988 – a private secretary of the archbishop Irkutsk and Angarsk. On May, 5th, 1994 sending from Moscow cancers (tombs) for prelate Innokentija Irkutsk has been charged it. Father Gennady has been translated from January, 1995 in the Krasnojarsko-Yenisei diocese, on March, 26th the same year accepts a monkhood with Grigory's name in the Spaso-Preobrazhenskiy monastery. Since November, 4th, 1997 it accepts affairs on настоятельству in a house of worship in Round settlement (Эвенкия).

Nikolay Ratnikov talked
The centre свщмч. Иринея Lyons - 4/1/2000.