Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County, Ohio

Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County, 


We, the undersigned, residents and concerned citizens of Fairfield Township and Madison County, Ohio, respectfully submit this petition to oppose the installation of a biodigester facility at Wilson Rd. While we recognize the value of renewable energy, the proposed location raises serious concerns about environmental impact, public safety, and local infrastructure. These concerns include air and water pollution, increased truck traffic, disruption of community amenities, and the potential for fire and explosions.

Key Concerns:

1. Air Pollution and Odor Emissions:
Biodigesters process organic waste to produce biogas, a process that can release pollutants like methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the atmosphere. Even with mitigation efforts, the risk of air pollution remains significant. Noxious odors from the biodigester could easily spread across Fairfield Township’s rural landscape, affecting the quality of life for residents.
2. Health Hazards:
Prolonged exposure to pollutants like methane and hydrogen sulfide has been linked to respiratory problems, headaches, nausea, and long-term damage to the nervous system. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) also pose serious health risks. Locating this facility near homes and schools puts vulnerable populations at unnecessary risk.
3. Contamination of Water Sources:
The biodigester site is near both Big Darby and Little Darby Creeks, which are part of the National Scenic Rivers System and vital to the local ecosystem. Any accidental runoff, leaks, or spills from the facility could contaminate these important waterways. Such contamination would threaten not only the aquatic life and natural beauty of the creeks but also the safety of drinking water sources and recreational activities like fishing, boating, and wildlife observation.
4. Increased Truck Traffic on Rural Roads:
The operation of a biodigester requires frequent transportation of organic waste, leading to a significant increase in heavy truck traffic along Wilson Rd and other rural roads. These roads are not designed for high-volume industrial traffic, creating risks of road damage, noise, accidents, and disruptions to local residents’ daily lives. The increased truck traffic would also negatively affect the rural character of Fairfield Township.
5. Disruption to the Community Bike Path:
A nearby community bike path, frequently used by residents for recreation, would be affected by the increased truck traffic and air pollution from the biodigester. The heavy trucks could make the path less safe for cyclists and pedestrians, and the noise and odors from the facility would reduce its appeal for outdoor activities. This disruption would diminish an important community resource that promotes health and wellbeing.
6. Fire and Explosion Risks:
Concerns about potential fires and explosions were raised at the recent community meeting. Biodigesters pose a risk of fire or explosion due to the storage and handling of flammable gases like methane. In the event of an emergency, Fairfield Township’s contracted fire services could take significant time to respond, as the nearest fire departments are not located within the township. This delay could exacerbate the damage caused by a fire or explosion, endangering nearby homes, businesses, and natural areas, including Big Darby and Little Darby Creeks.
7. Ohio House Bill 193 – Local Authority Over Regulation:
Recent legislative efforts, such as Ohio House Bill 193, emphasize the importance of local control over the regulation of facilities like biodigesters. This bill, currently under consideration, would return regulatory authority over these types of energy facilities to local governments. With this potential shift in power, Fairfield Township has an opportunity—and a responsibility—to protect its residents from the dangers posed by a biodigester in an inappropriate location. We strongly believe that local oversight will ensure that the concerns of our community are taken seriously and that any industrial development aligns with the needs and safety of Fairfield Township residents.
8. Potential for Accidents:
Biodigesters are complex industrial systems that require careful regulation and maintenance to prevent accidents. Any malfunction could result in the uncontrolled release of hazardous gases, toxic substances, or even an explosion. The potential for such an incident near residential areas, schools, and environmentally sensitive areas like the Darby Creeks makes this location highly unsuitable for the proposed facility.


While we support the development of renewable energy, the proposed biodigester at Wilson Rd poses unacceptable risks to the safety, health, and environmental integrity of Fairfield Township. The dangers of air and water pollution, road safety concerns, and the potential for fires and explosions, compounded by delayed emergency response times, make this location highly unsuitable. Additionally, with Ohio House Bill 193 aiming to return regulatory power to local governments, we urge Fairfield Township Trustees and the Madison County Planning Commission to use this opportunity to reject this proposal and safeguard our community.

By signing this petition, we call upon our local government to prioritize the protection of our air, water, safety, and quality of life.

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