To the attention of the Secretary of State of Vatican City, H.E.R. Card. Pietro Parolin and, for information, to the Gendarmerie of the Vatican City State and the Swiss Guard
Most Reverend Eminence,
in the exclusive interest of Holy Roman Church, we take the liberty of submitting to you the following.
In April 2024, radical changes in papal funeral services have been announced that will offer to public devotion the body of the Pope no longer visible, but already veiled and enclosed in the coffin:
This novelty, however, would deprive the faithful of a fundamental right that Holy Roman Church, in the utmost transparency, has guaranteed for centuries: that of having the Pontiff's death publicly noted with the consequent, full guarantee of a valid Petrine succession.
Considering the journalistic inquiry "Codex Ratzinger," filed with the Secretariat of State on July 3, 2023, about Pope Benedict XVI's non-abdication/impeded See https://www.liberoquotidiano.it/articolo_blog/blog/andrea-cionci/37642270/codice-ratzinger-risposta-segretario-stato-pietro-parolin.html ; considering the similar petition addressed, with 14,500 signatures, to the College of Cardinals pre-2013, filed with the Secretariat of State as of November 8, 2023,
both of which have still remained without a definitive response; finally, considering the petition regarding the same issue filed on June 6, 2024 with the Tribunal of the State of Vatican City,
https://www.liberoquotidiano.it/articolo_blog/blog/andrea-cionci/39590955/dimissioni-nulle-di-benedetto-xvi-istanza-al-tribunale-vaticano.html (as of today awaiting acceptance), we take the liberty of pointing out how such changes in papal funeral rituals may not benefit the image of Holy Roman Church by feeding, inevitably, disquiet and uncertainty in the People of God.
We are therefore to ask you to plead, at the appropriate venues, for the full restoration of the traditional papal funeral rites, with the customary exposition of the body of the Pope (at that moment recognized) to the free view of the faithful, or, alternatively, to have a protocol prepared - with the participation of a medical commission proposed by the signatories of this petition - that can guarantee the faithful about the incontestable veracity of the passing.
With the senses of our highest consideration, and with devoted respect,
Cav. Dr. Andrea Cionci,
Lawyer Simon Grasso, Lawyer Roberto Antonacci, Lawyer Roberto Tieghi, Avv. Umberto Fantini dei Marchesi Riva di Lugano, Lawyer Antonia Parisotto, Lawyer Maria Luisa Milani

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