Make osu! Massage Us

We hereby demand that, in exchange for the limited cooperation of the undersigned in any future void-related endeavors or collaborations on, the members of the faction known as osu! [sic] massage each of the undersigned on their shoulders and upper back for no less than fifteen (15) minutes per signee. 

Upon receiving the massage, the signee will be agreeing to pose no resistance to the erasure (ie. "voiding") of any and all art placed on canvas for the duration of that canvas, nor will they openly complain in chat about osu! and its members for the duration. Signees may request a specific member of osu! to be the one to massage them, or conversely, not be the one to massage them, and all reasonable requests are to be considered with a neutral third party acting as mediator. All members of the osu! faction with the sole exception of Chantii* must perform at least one of the agreed upon shoulder massages of the undersigned.

(*=Chantii is exempt from any and all participation.)

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