Hands Off Hartlebury Common

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Hands Off Hartlebury Common.

Steve McCarron

#976 Re: Watch, and become edcauted on what your trying to stop

2011-07-19 13:14

#971: -

Saw it too, I'm glad I'm more enlightened. Nothing but simplistic nonsense, just tv fodder.



I suggest that people watch it too with particular reference to the NE blokes suggested cure for a dried up moor.

Is this guy serious?

The BBC are in partnership with NE (open spaces campaign)

Ne does the work, implements the scemes, the BBc are on hand to film the happy volunteers etc.

Commercial tripe, nothing more. If you are that impressed, you can stand in the main carpark and read the sign boards for free.

Thanks for your comment GUEST, keep watching telly. Below is a similar scheme to the "Creating corridors of heathland" in the programme.


One of the earliest objections I can find relates to the proposal in 1996 by Surrey County Council to permanently fence the perimeter of the North side of Chobham Common for the purpose of "conservation grazing" on the open heathland. A Commons Interest Committee was formed locally to protest the proposal, forcing it to a public inquiry in February 1998 (2). The decision by the Planning Inspector to refuse permission was accepted by the Secretary of State, but not surprisingly English Nature was (3):
“extremely disappointed with this decision, which has allowed the management of this internationally important wildlife site to take second place to misplaced fears about accessibility and appearance"

In 2002, Surrey County Council handed over management of the common to Surrey Wildlife Trust. It was not long before their approach to management galvanized local opinion against them when objection was taken to the destruction of swathes of woodland in a plan to drive two corridors through Monks Walk Wood by clear felling through to join up the heath on either side. Representatives from Chobham Parish Council, the Chobham Society, the Chobham Common Preservation Committee and Chobham Common Riders’ Association wrote to the Trust saying they would have to rethink their continuing with the consultation on the plan (4):
“The failures by SWT call into question whether it is possible to have any rational constructive dialogue with your organisation and we shall be discussing this problem with our respective organisations — particularly whether we should withdraw from the so-called consultative process — in the next few weeks.”

Come forward six years to 2008 and the Surrey Wildlife Trust was consulting again on their management plan, but because of the contention of previous years, they brought in a consultant to manage the “Chobham Stakeholder Engagement” (5). It is no surprise that the consultation document presents grazing in a favourable light amongst a range of management options (6). The Countryside Access Forum of Surrey County Council expects to see the draft management plan in April 2009, after which it will go out for public consultation. Thus just over ten years on from the public inquiry on fencing, expect another row over fencing on Chobham Common.

Heathland restoration very quickly became a bandwagon that many Councils and NGO’s willingly jumped upon. One of the largest areas away from the Surrey heaths were those in Dorset, where the enthusiasm of one RSPB worker in 1999 got the better of him as he felled trees on the Dorset County Council-owned Avon Heath Country Park in five areas that were not covered by a Forestry Commission felling license.


Steve McCarron

Steve McCarron

#977 Re: It's good to debate

2011-07-19 13:17

#972: -

It's good to debate, are you agreeing with our campaign?





2011-07-19 13:49

Erm yes the NE response to the drying of the blanket bog is correct, I have a few friends conducting research in the exact same field on a different blanket bog with funding from the EU due to it the blanket bog they are working on being an EU important site.

Just because you don't like the NE doesn't mean their methods are wrong you just think they are


#979 Re: unatural england

2011-07-19 14:47

#978: -

Ok, did you see the scale of the problem?. The method prescribed is useless unless there is a change in weather pattern (Unlikeley) If the moor has not been subject to the deliberate draining or drainage, it is also more unlikeley.

My objections are not based on a deslike of NE, just their policies that do not work. Can you give me an example where they have. Reducing deer populations to encourage floor growth of desirable plants is a no brainer, primary school stuff. What I mean is these grandiose schemes of eco modeling and conversion to create unsustainable habitat. Have you read any of the works by Richard Maybey? I have enclosed the following to illustrate the publics argument.

Stephen Yandall

  • Steve, NE was a rebadging of EN which I am sure you know.EN was an evolved Nature Conservancy Council.Going back to the 70's when I worked for an NCC council member they appeared to be a decent bunch intent on good BUT a gradual usurping of the organisation by jobsworths,rose tinted glasses and career conservationists coupled with DEFRA's bent toward farm subsidies(now ELS/HLS)has totally derailed what could have been an inspiring World leading exemplar of good practise.Don't get me wrong,money is a huge factor AND it will be their downfall.The environment is set to be the biggest industry in the World so it attracts interests that are not necessarily having our environments best interests at heart.Certainly the current tranche of grants are agriculturally targeted BUT the economic downturn will curtail that approach thus" downfall".Europe has already announced intended cutbacks to environmental budgets THUS pulling the rug from under claims of sustainability.Suspension equates to expenditure.Expenditure equates to global damage as money can only be generated by material damage.Europe 'progresses'(suspends/stands still)other areas of the World are degraded as a result!As an example of an agenda/suspension lead project heathland is being subjected to,as you know,a one size fits all programme that will fail BUT in their haste they failed to recognise,in fact denied,the existence of natural self sustaining heathland.Only on a challenge by me through Jim Paice did NE admit its existence.Thus a man made environment became more important than one of the rarest global environments that has never been surveyed meaning that the ignorant(local NE staff)could agree to HLS payments to graze natural sites that leading authorities(ITE/CEO)state "should NEVER be grazed".I could quote many similar examples but lay the blame for all problems at Helen Philips door.Any organisations culture reflects the boardroom and it is clear that she has little time for anything but agenda 'drives'.As one NE senior manager told Ian,Craig and I "we will have succeeded if we just put money into the rural economy".He meant farmers not shops/post offices/schools.If the will exists to reverse nature's fortunes the simplest way would be to halt population growth. " " " " " " " " embrace the public to reengage them and harness their energy. " " " " " " " " let nature manage itself on at least 60% of our land mass.etc etc.BUT the need for food to fuel our population is pressing ingresses in natural areas.The need to justify this is thus pressing NE into arrogance/disregard/unlawfullness and a disregard of their prime objective.Anyway the recognition of motives etc are secondary to stopping them.I wrote to you of the means to stop them but you did not respond to the key issues of the laws that we must pursue to show them as they are,Steve.
    Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2011 06:52:17 -0700
Graham Dodd

#980 Re: cost of fencing

2011-07-19 14:48

#975: Steve McCarron - cost of fencing 


So you agree with criminal damage? And you've only got 168 people who have signed the petition that's no majority?
Steve McCarron

#981 Re: Re: cost of fencing

2011-07-19 16:49

#980: Graham Dodd - Re: cost of fencing

We have a thousand written signatures also. In four weeks, and that figure is rising as we speak.

Slightly more than in the so called consultative process.

60 people attended at seperate times

40 people voted

26 in favour

Only properties adjacent to the common were notified


The only persons who think that due diligence was observed during this process is WCC and the commons group. Nobody else.


Action of this sort is justified IF it is for the greater good of humanity, the public and public interest, and normal process has been negligentley corrupt. Not just my point of view but also  the point of view of very upstanding, moral, intelligent, people as well. This is reflected across the country.

Steve McCarron

Graham dodd

#982 Re: Re: Re: cost of fencing

2011-07-19 16:58

#981: Steve McCarron - Re: Re: cost of fencing 


What next then? Are they going to go ahead with their proposals? If so what are you going to do?
Steve McCarron

#983 cost of fencing

2011-07-19 17:30

#982: Graham dodd - Re: Re: Re: cost of fencing

We are on track with our campaign.

I cannott speak for WCC or NE.

WCC and NE's stance  in the near future is something we have made provision for, regardless.


Steve Mccarron


#984 Re: Campaign on track

2011-07-19 21:04

#983: Steve McCarron - cost of fencing

What are your plans then surley the people who have signed your petition have the right to know.

Steve McCarron

#985 Campaign on track

2011-07-19 21:24

Our plan is to restore the common to it's former historic status, "as it was before the work was started". This is stated on the top of the paper petitions.
Anybody who reads the petition front page can see that. Anybody that signs therefore agrees with this very simple aim.

Subsequent to the bothersome but neccesary show trial, we have applied for an appeal.
That is where we are now, beyond that I cannot say what might happen.

Steve McCarron

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2011-07-19 22:27

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2011-07-19 23:23

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2011-07-19 23:32

Steve McCarron

#989 Management

2011-07-19 23:55

Tonights subject is management, apparentley?
The term management refers to the systematic "management" of the common. This has not happened before. Children may have planted trees Carol and utility companies pruned trees away from power lines. Gypsies derived grazing but as the common was useless, there has never been a real and concerted effort to "manage" the site for any real use. No management, just bit's of work here and there with no concerted plan. Which is why WCC say there has been no management for 100 years, or they did?




2011-07-20 00:29

So when they have a plan in place created by a consultancy you take objection to it. Especially when its trying to maintain an important habitat in the UK and world.
Steve McCarron

#991 Re: unatural england

2011-07-20 00:50

#990: -

Not objection for the sake of it. I am experienced enough to have known some time ago this scheme is a job creation scam. The consultants were employed to support NE's point of view and speed to speed the enquiry process

"Maintaining an important habitat in the UK and world." Rubbish, why is it important? It's unatural. NE have failed to recognise,in fact denied,the existence of natural self sustaining heathland.Only on a challenge to Jim Paice did NE admit its existence. Natural Heath does not belong here. Trouble is, the common is 80% open space and heath as it is. If the bloody place was left alone, it would continue like that.


Listen, either you can only write and not read, or you are choosing not to. These objections are not just mine. When somebody has worked with HSS,s for thirty years and says that it has gone bad and can articulate why, why still talk about me. I am taking on the whole of NE as a bankrupt organisation, all you can do is go on about what I have written.

Look at this site will you, just one of many.




#992 Re: Management

2011-07-20 00:56

#989: Steve McCarron - Management

I dont think children have planted the trees but i am gonna be asking questions to a couple of older stourport folk who will remember dont know why you deleted my last post as it was a question abouy the common the common has been managed for years but not to the extent that it is now i grew up by habberley valley and you often saw rangers down there working if i remember correctly there was a rangers hut in the middle of the valley.

I will let you know what i find out if you have the desencey to listen but please remember other people may find it of interest.

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2011-07-20 01:00

Steve McCarron

#994 Re: Re: Management

2011-07-20 01:03

#992: CAROL - Re: Management

I know children planted the trees, I have met some of them grown up now and some of the men who supervised them.

Regardless of the extent, there has never been deliberate widespread management, ever.

Anyway, this is academic as the work taking place on the common is illegal, it should be left well alone.


Anyone who is happy for the work to go ahead is happy to lose it.


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2011-07-20 10:47

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2011-07-20 18:19

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2011-07-20 18:38

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2011-07-20 20:42

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2011-07-20 20:43

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2011-07-20 22:18