PETITION: We the people of South Africa want Jacob Zuma to step down
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#25012015-12-12 11:06i am sick and tired of jacob zumas kak,ive had enough...its time for a new party to take the reigns..any party except the anc because their puppets...not leaders |
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#25032015-12-12 11:10Zuma has been destroying the country with corruption, incompetence, lack of leadership, appointing totally incompetent people in departments, chasing away investors, causing more and more unemployment day by day, inflation rising , poor getting poorer, food prices increasing, causing more mines to close down, allowing Unions to have too much power. The health department, Police and Education have failed in their tasks other departments not much better. Municipalities have failed their tax payers and most of them riddled with corruption. This country had lots of potential but with bad leadership it has failed taxpayers and the poor dismally. |
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#25042015-12-12 11:10No one is bigger than our country not even the ANC, Zuma must fall and our beloved SOUTH AFRICA must rise to its former glory |
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#25062015-12-12 11:11The day we realize we are in trouble. I'll leave this here. Numbers don't lie. Mr Nene Is an obstacle to Nuclear power, SAA, and Airbus. And an obstacle to corrupt, Guptas and ANC Jobs for friends :-( |
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#25072015-12-12 11:12He needs to learn to listen, he is way too disrespectful to black south africans |
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#25082015-12-12 11:12As a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, and a loyal tax payer, it sadens me to see how God's creation is being selfishly abused by a few people who do not have the passion nor the intelectual capaciity to run our country and make it successful. We need Godly men who are dedicated and sincere to lead us and re-establish our beautiful South Africa. |
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#25092015-12-12 11:13Beacause zuma is not a real president if he was then he would haved worried about sa and not about him self he is a greedy prik that needs toe step down and get someone who really cares about sa |
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#25102015-12-12 11:14I have seen the new president of Tanzania taking a step towards corrupted officials,why can we do the same,he took Mbeki from office for his own greed and is always on the wrong side of the law! He raped,was not convicted,he stole our hard earned tax money still no conviction,fired Nene for what? Do we really live in a Democratic SA? Or are we living in a Micky Mouse freedom, or a do we have a Micky mouse Independence? |
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#25112015-12-12 11:15Every Second year when I fly home I can see our beautiful SA falling to pieces... Local shops closed... Replaced by 10 China Shops. Our Universities and Education our Pride wash down the toilet.., students, family and friends, Black, white and mixed all battle to find work. Water and lights out ESKOM was our main supplier of electricity never had a problem ... Because we had a maintanance team... ANC did not bother with the upkeep... Fired... Sacked people just because they are white... Sacked people with experience and an education... To be replaced by illiterate people.. With no experience...ANC took a 3rd world country and turned it into a second Zimbabwe...nothing positive, nothing uplifting only self enrichment, expensive holidays and hotels, you and i also have to pay for all his obeast wives....why... |
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#25122015-12-12 11:16We, the taxpayers of South Africa, need to be rid of this troublesome president |
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#25152015-12-12 11:28A COUNTRY RULED BY A RAPIST AND A THIEF WE'VE HAD ENOUGH........ Our land and our people are dying. Why should the people of S.A sign this petition? Since Jacob Zuma have become President nothing is going right in South Africa. Our hospitals,Eskom,municipalities Education systems, all are falling apart even our water systems is not in a very good working condition. With all the laws zuma inplie... |
Mtiz nana |
#2517 #ZumaMustFall2015-12-12 11:31When you see that cabinet re-shuffling is done, not by consent, but by compulsion — when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing but only self enrichment and say ANC is better done SA citizens. When you see money flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors. When you see that men get richer by corruption and pull than by work, and they set you laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you. when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a may know that your South africa our beloved country is doomed...hate it or love it...I support # ZumaMustfall. We have been fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history 2015 in south africa, the stage of rule by brute force and one man show who does see fellow citizens as minorities. Let keep on signing the petition and support the 16th December2015 march against zuma's dictation and to stepdwn. #ZumaMustFall and ANC must stand. |
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#25202015-12-12 11:34DEAR "honourable " mr presidentEnough is enough, everyday goes by and Mr "Honourable" president shows the world how uneducated he is and at that occupying the highest chair in the land which spells out nothing but bad news for south africa. Zuma and "his ANC'' have no regard for our land but as long as they achieve personal gain no change. Zuma is at the forefront of South Africa's economic meteoric fall. I'm sorry to say but Zuma is stupid never mind him being uneducated but we witness how he is protected by his ANC soldiers, how his speeches are written for him and when there is no script to be read nothing but rubbish comes out his mouth and the fact that the ruling party, the ANC, is endorsing his decision to remove Honourable Nhlanhla Nene shows how unstable our leadership is in the Republic. We have an unstable government that would sacrifice South Africa's future for their own personal gain. We have Zuma as the master ventriloquist and the Anc the puppets but trust me Mr Zuma South Africa is tired of your Puppet show, it's time we had something real and something focused. ZUMA must fall |
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#25212015-12-12 11:34Zuma has a despicable human being. Greedy and arrogant. Watching Zuma's fat cabinet in (non) action is offensive and sickening. I am sure that not all of the ANC are bad, but Zuma is a disaster for our economy and it is also extremely embarrassing that he is our President. Its obvious to anybody with either a reasonable intelligence level or that isn't involved in the ANC "Gravy Train", that Zuma has degraded our beautiful country so badly, that its almost too late to pick it up again! I am completely non racist and an optimist, but Zuma has to go!! |
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#25222015-12-12 11:36Because I am deeply worried about the future of our beautiful country!!!! Zuma is dangerous. |
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#25232015-12-12 11:37Jacob Zuma is incompetent the govern this country, compare to even 10 years ago |
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