PETITION: We the people of South Africa want Jacob Zuma to step down


/ #2511

2015-12-12 11:15

Every Second year when I fly home I can see our beautiful SA falling to pieces... Local shops closed... Replaced by 10 China Shops. Our Universities and Education our Pride wash down the toilet.., students, family and friends, Black, white and mixed all battle to find work. Water and lights out ESKOM was our main supplier of electricity never had a problem ... Because we had a maintanance team... ANC did not bother with the upkeep... Fired... Sacked people just because they are white... Sacked people with experience and an education... To be replaced by illiterate people.. With no experience...ANC took a 3rd world country and turned it into a second Zimbabwe...nothing positive, nothing uplifting only self enrichment, expensive holidays and hotels, you and i also have to pay for all his obeast wives....why...