Petition for the protection of Lake Manitou /Pétition pour la protection du lac Manitou



We should all be responsible human beings.

Bernard Gamoy (Ivry-sur-le lac, 2022-01-09)


I'm signing because Lac Manitou is a precious (and fragile) jewel worth preserving.

Christine Harkness (Ivry-sur-le-Lac, 2022-01-10)


1) Safety - Wake boat waves make travelling in small watercrafts (such as small outboards or canoes that we and our kids travel in often) extremely dangerous as the waves could easily swamp or tip those boats.
2) Destruction of our property - Wake boat waves cause the boats tied up in our boathouse to bob and sway significantly threatening to do them significant damage.
3) Destruction of the natural environment - Wake boat waves will destroy the shorelines.

Michael Johnson (Ivry-sur-le-lac, 2022-01-10)


Big wake is damaging to both the natural shoreline (including loon nests) as well as docks & boathouses. Plus it is scary to face the wake in any small boat.

Karen Johnson (Ivry-sur-le-lac, 2022-01-10)


The shoreline on our road is eroding quickly . Our boathouse receives waves that rock the canoe and chaloup and also reach the end of the boathouse causing water to come up through the floor boards.
Reducing wave damage is key to the wellbeing of lac Manitou.

Sharon Owen (Ivry-sur-le-lac, 2022-01-10)


i feel wake boats are detrimental to the lake

Marc Gagnon (Montreal, 2022-01-10)


I agree that wake boats are a danger to Lac Manitou’s ecosystem and unnecessary for the mutual enjoyment of the lake.

Louise Penny (Ivry Sur Le Lac, 2022-01-10)


I'm signing because we have a collective responsibility to our natural environment and to our children to protect and preserve the natural health and beauty of our lake.

Peter Clark (Ivry-sur-le-Lac, 2022-01-10)


facts are facts. Let's work together to address this problem.

Julia Bourke (Ivry-sur-le-Lac, 2022-01-10)


I'm concerned about shore erosion and habitat loss caused by the excessive waves.

Matthew Hague (Ivry-sur-le-Lac, 2022-01-10)


I fully agree with he petition

Henry Leighton (Cote Saint Luc, 2022-01-10)


Sol Fleising

Sol Fleising (Ivry-Sur-le-Lac, 2022-01-10)


We must try to protect the shoreline and erosion being caused by these boats

Tim Dorey (Ivry, 2022-01-10)


Lake Manitou needs to be protected, and sometimes superfluous thrills need to be sacrificed for the long-term pleasures that such a beautiful lake affords.

Michael Dyck (Montréal, 2022-01-11)


I want the wake boats stopped

Clark Bushell (Ivry-sur-le-Lac, 2022-01-11)


My family has been on Lac Manitou for over 100 years and we have witnessed the road in front of our house (Chemin Fyon) erode into the lake over the years due to intense boat waves that beat down the shoreline. Shifting our recreational habits to ensure that the lake remains healthy, and the shoreline remain intact for the next 100 years, for my daughter, and her children, and all the future generations of Ivry citizens, is essential.

Joy Ross-Jones (Ivry-sur-le-lac, 2022-01-11)


The lake we want our future generations to appreciate 50 years from now, requires implementing measures to mitigate identified threats sooner than later.
During the summer of 2021, we sold our inboard/outboard ski boat, and now have a 12 ft skiff with an electric motor that reaches 5 mph.

James Ross-Jones (Ivy-sur-le-lac, 2022-01-11)


Je signe cette pétition pour protéger le Lac Manitou contre les activités nuisibles à l'environnement et la quiétude des lieux.

Sylvie Choquette (Montreal, 2022-01-11)


I care about our magnificent gift of a lake.

Diana Henry (Montrea, 2022-01-11)


I have witnessed the power of wake-boat and wake-boarding on my propriety at Lake Manitou. These waves contain an enormous level of energy and continue for many minutes across the lake until they reach a shore.

David Johnson (Ivry-sur-le-Lac lake manitou, 2022-01-11)


I'm signing as people come really close to shore in speed boats and are eroding our shoreline

Lynne Dawson (Montreal, 2022-01-12)


I was lucky enough to spend my Summers on lac Manitou growing up. Having such a beautiful environment to experience has given me skills and appreciation for the natural world. Something you can't find growing up in the city. It's crucial that Lac Manitou remains a safe and protected eco system for generations .

Lamar Timmins (Montreal, 2022-01-12)


My cottage shoreline is being eroded by fast boat traffic in our narrow bay.
Julie Dawson

Julia Dawson (Westmount, QC, 2022-01-12)


This petition is about respect for the environment and respect for your neighbors. The big waves generated by wake boats :
1. Cause erosion to the bottom of the lake and the shoreline, swamping and destroying loon nests on the water’s edge.
2. Cause damage to your neighbors’ docks, boathouses and moored boats.
3. Cause our floating docks to rock so much that it robs us of the peaceful enjoyment of sitting on our docks.
4. Are a safety threat to smaller motorized boats, canoes and sailboats.

Michel Lazure (Ivry-sur-le-Lac, 2022-01-12)


Concerned about de proliferation of aquatic plant in the lac and the amount of plants that were floating around in the second bay last summer.

Celine Fleising (Ivry sur le Lac, 2022-01-12)


Signing regarding wake boats only.
Waterskiing boats should continue to be permitted.

Katherine Swim (ROCKCLIFFE, 2022-01-14)


I will inherit and move to my mother's property in Ivry

Erin Gunther (North Vancouver, 2022-01-15)


I am signing because I have been enjoying the lake together with my family for more than 50 years. I am concerned about the effect of the environment, how the waves are eroding neighbors shoreline and damaging their docks and impacting the enjoyment of the lake and pur homes.

Tracie Swim (Montreal West, 2022-01-16)


I'm signing because I agree with all the point made by the initiators of the petition and because of the excessive greenhouse gases emitted by from the use of these boats.

Kirk Hamilton (Vancouver, BC, 2022-01-17)


I’m signing, because I believe that the natural environment of Lake Manitou should be protected from the harm caused by wakeboats

Grace Hogg (Ivry-sur-le-lac, 2022-01-17)


As an owner of property on Lake Manitou I support efforts to protect the environment and quality of life.

Donna Doherty (Ivry sur le lac, 2022-01-17)


The increased number of wake boats creates hazards for other citizens trying to enjoy the lake ( waterskiing, boating, tubing, kayaking, canoing, sailing, SUP, etc). The willful disregard for the rules that are explicit when applying for a motorboat permit is disrespectful and irresponsible. Ivry must be able to enforce the existing rules as opposed to simply adding more rules that will be ignored by those that feel they are above the law, that these rules do not apply to them or that they are somehow exempt. In no way should the rules be extended to include other types of motorboats. We simply need the means and the common will to enforce existing rules for wakeboats that are already well understood but ignored by some.

Thomas Bourke (Ivry-sur-le,-lac, 2022-01-17)


We need to preserve Lac Manitou for the generations to come.

Julie Kennedy (New York, 2022-01-17)


I support the petition.

Ernesto Schiffrin (Ivry-sur-le-Lac, 2022-01-17)


I'm signing because I enjoy Lake Manitou for what it is, having been a resident family for four generations, and I care to protect the ecosystem for all residents, human and otherwise.

Tim Kennedy (Morristown, 2022-01-18)


I’m signing because a) I agree with the petition and b) these boats are already having a negative impact on my property on Lake Manitou

Mark Poznansky (Puerta Vallarta, 2022-01-18)


I am concerned for serenity, health and safety of Lake Manitou

Victoria Harris (Ottawa, 2022-01-18)


I am signing because Lake Manitou is one of a kind in natural beauty, clarity and cleanliness. Environmental damage like that created by wake boats can steal that natural beauty from all of us. It really places the greater good of the whole community at odds with the choices of individuals for their own pleasure.

Ann Kennedy (Ivry-sur-le-lac, 2022-01-19)


I support this effort

Jerry Golick (Montreal, 2022-01-20)


I support this idea.

Sandy Baylin (Montreal, 2022-01-21)


I’m signing because I am a land owner on the shores of Lac Manitou and I am concerned about it’s environment. I am concerned that wake boarding is over running the lake.

Martha McCall (Ivry Sur Le Lac, 2022-01-22)


I love nature

Natalie Michaud (Ivry-sur-le-Lac, 2022-01-22)


I care about placing a greater emphasis on the well being of our environment

Terry Suss (Ivry sur là Lac, 2022-01-22)


I’m signing because I witness many wake boats last summer not respecting the rules and causing significant destruction to the shoreline.

Christine Lefebvre (Montreal, 2022-01-22)


I spend summers on Lac Manitou and am concerned about the rise is wakeboarding

Tom Heintzman (Toronto, 2022-01-22)


I love nature

John MacLennan (Ivry-sur-le-lac, 2022-01-23)


I have experienced the huge waves caused by these boats when I was in a kayak and nearly tipped over

Betty Palik (Ivry sur le lac, 2022-01-23)


We are lucky to be on one of the best lakes in the Laurentians - let’s keep it that way. I do also hope that a compromise can be made with existing wake board boat owners. We should all have a vested interest in protecting our lake.

Gillian Stikeman (Montreal & Ivry, 2022-01-31)


20 years ago the bottom of the lake at our dock was sand and gravel. Today it is 12” of mud, the result of boat wave action and resulting erosion of the shore.

Cortland Brown (Ivry, 2022-02-02)


Wake boats are so obviously destructive. If they disappear from our lake, in time, we can take steps to restore the erosion and allow nature to restore the lake bottom. And I add, silence is golden...

Catherine McLean Campbell (Vancouver, 2022-02-07)


They should not be allowed at my summer home. They are bad for environmental reasons

Andrew McLean (VANCOUVER, 2022-02-07)


I'm signing because my wife and I enjoy Lac Manitou on our canoe & kayaks, and we are concerned about the disruption of the wake-board boaters impacting the wildlife (loons, Herons) and the shoreline.

Kim Lackey (Lachine, 2022-02-24)


I am thankful for the respectful approach that has been agreed upon amongst home owners on lac manitou in terms of boating hours, and speed limits. We worked together, making compromises to ensure enjoyment of the lake for all.

I am signing this petition because I believe that we all need to take this next step together, to ensure that the environmental health of our treasured, shared property can be sustained for generations to come.

Karen Palayew (Ottawa, 2022-03-12)


The health of our lake, the shoreline, aquatic life and the natural environment is essential for us to benefit and have healthy lives. Protection at all costs!
Later will be too late.

Joyce Arsenault (Westmount, 2023-01-14)


It is a privilege to be able to experience the beauty of Lac Manitou and its shoreline. We must protect and preserve our precious lake and control activities that are damaging to its health.

Judith MacPherson (Ivry-sur-le-lac, 2023-01-29)


As someone who has spent their entire life coming to Manitou, and being raised by a family that values conservation and has advocated for Manitou's ecology for a century, I support the petition to severely limit and/or ban "wake boats". Aquatic by laws haven't been respected by all residents of the lake, and enforcement of these by laws do not appear to be effective enough to deter improper use. The scientific data is clear in regards to environmental damage, and that is why I oppose their use at Manitou.

Lake Manitou is a very unique place to many families and it is our duty to protect it for generations to come.

David Adams (Lorraine, 2023-01-30)

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