FIX AND OPEN THE R711 between Clarens and Fouriesburg URGENTLY



I am signing because I am appalled. Lack of maintenance and responsiveness by the Free State Department of Police, Roads and Transport

BRAAM Le roux (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


Iwant action

Keith Goltman (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


We urgently need this road. And can not wait 12 months.

Lize-Rae Schwim (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


I live in Fouriesburg and work in Clarens. I run a hotel in Clarens which will be negatively impacted by the road closure as a large number of our clients stay with us before going into Lesotho for business or leisure

Michelle Behm (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


This will ruin bussiness/farmers/tourism industry en residents financially.

Elizabeth Scheepers (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


I have a Guests travel from Bloemfontein.
This road is dangerous and needs to be repaired.

Fiona Muller (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


I live and have a business in Clarens , a village wholly dependent on tourism This road is vital for all businesses of our village, neighboring villages, the region. If it is closed for even a week, residents, tourists, business people traveling through will be massively affected. This is no little back road. It is a lifeline!

Natalie Meyer (Clarena, 2022-02-06)


We use that route between Fouriesburg and Clarens and have to travel there almost everyday. The same with a lot of people travelling for work. Also almost all the business in Fouriesburg are fed by tourists traveling the scenic route between Clarens and Fouriesburg. Please help

Jana Le Roux (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


The road is very important to our town and to the tourists visiting our region.

Andre Fick (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


I am a guesthouse owner and my livelihood depends on tourist using the road between Fouriesburg and Clarens we have suffered for the past 2 years with covid now we can not afford to suffer another 12 months

Marius Viljoen (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


We cannot afford further inhibitors on our local economy. All of us are dependent on tourists and local businesses for financial survival. Closure of the R711 between Clarens and Fouriesburg will have a devastating effect on the local economy.

Marita du Plessis (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


My business, Old Mill Drift Guest Farm is no less than 13km from the sink hole. It not being repaired will kill my business as most of my guests come from Clarens side. I am a 72 bed B&B with currently access only from the “wrong” side.

Yvonne McCarthy (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


I travel this road daily as my commute to work in Clarens, if the road is closed a 35km drive becomes a 80km drive and this will not be sustainable for my building, I will lose customers and people that are employed by me will unfortunately lose there incomes because I will be forced to retrench!

Gregory Mill (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


This affects everyone's business and tourism and our lives 😥

Phyllis Van der Westhuizen (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


The Tourism industry was heavy affected with covid now with our main route closed because of lack of leadership our livelihoods are at stake!

Wanita Skors (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


Life threataning

Johan Minnaar (Mogale city, 2022-02-06)


It is surely not necessary to close this road completely for an extended period of time. I am pretty sure that a detour can be created, at minimal cost and vehicles can be re-routed via this detour until the road is repaired. Its been done at many other locations, why not here?

Bruce Larter (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


This directly affects my business.

Gavin Northcote (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


We need the tourists

Li ann Roos (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


I’m signing this because I regularly visit the airwaves and always use the road between Clarens and Fouriesburg. I have friends that live and work there, with this road closed it will affect their livelihood

Stuart Richter (Johannesburg, 2022-02-06)


I own a guest house on the R711 and this closure will severely affect my income and the security of employment for my staff

Lyn Hoyle (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


This road is vital for the towns and businesses in the area.

Megan Coombe-Heath (Johannesburg, 2022-02-06)


This road is part of my livelyhood and it's closure will affect my job security

Jan Sander (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


I’m signing this petition because covid has made all of us suffer and it’s an important access road to Lesotho, Fouriesburg and Clarens… living in JHB it’s an important relaxing destination for many people.

Susan Marsden (Johannesburg, 2022-02-06)


Let’s fix the R711 urgently

Peter Zim (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


Having this road closed for any length of time is detrimental to the tourism business that Clarens relies on to exist.

Jennifer Eccles (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


I travel this road several times a week for work and cannot afford an extra 100km a day going via Bethlehem
This road is travelled by many who visit our region and support all the hospitality businesses. Without the R711 visitors will go elsewhere and cause many job losses

Valerie Kneppert (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


The R26 between Bethlehem and Fouriesburg is already in such a dire state and now you want to drag your feet with the repair of the R711 which is the last decent road too! Our town is reliant on tourist visiting. How on earth can you take away our livelyhood after Covid restrictions already crippled us emensely?

Please get it done and get it done propper and within a more reasonable time frame. Please and whilst you are at it, fix the R26 with the licencing money we pay to drive on decent roads.

Marieta Haskins (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


I demand that the government compensate the businesse that will lose income due to the closer of the road

Peter Pekalski (Centurion, 2022-02-06)


I need to drive from Clarens to Fouriesburg every week to deliver level 4 ECD training. This will not be possible if the road is closed .

Gill Friend (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


It is our constitutional right to freely travel.
We pay tax to have our roads in a good condition to use.
It is not fair to citizens to suffer due to state corruption and mismanagement

Jeanine Norden (Johannesburg, 2022-02-06)


We use this road to visit family frequently

Janetta Mill (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


You are cutting off the life hood of the farmers on this road. Farmer use this raid for food and livestock transport. Guest houses suffer because no one can reach them. Locals travel that road daily to work and back. It is sick from a sick Government that steal so much to enrich themself and not caring about anyone that in the rural areas. Let’s vote for ANC to fall!!

Honey Odendaal (Bethlehem, 2022-02-06)


I work for a veterinary welfare based in Fouriesburg that provides veterinary care to animals in Clarens and surrounds, having to detour via Bethlehem is not feasible and many animals will suffer if we can’t get to them.

Imogen Tarita (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


I run a guest farm on the R711 near Fouriesburg and closing this road will prevent guests from Natal, Clarens and Golden Gate from accessing my farm unless they do something like an extra 100 km trip. This is a huge deterrent and will impact my business very badly as a lot of my business comes from there. I can also not get to Clarens and my staff members who live there will not be able to get to work. It is a disaster for tourism that is already suffering badly and will cause a lot of job losses. PLEASE HELP!

Hillary Monson (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


I am signing because we serve the school communities of QwaQwa and travel regularly back and forth and it is not safe to travel at night or during the day between potholes. Put our taxes where the needs are for Valued Citizens to enjoy our country.

Carole Podetti (Johannesburg, 2022-02-06)


This road has been deteriorating for a long time. Why wait untill the damage is this bad? Fourieburg already suffers financialy with the damaged road from Bethlehem, closing the road from Clarens cuts them off!

Trudie Esterhuizen (Bethlehem, 2022-02-06)


The Clarens and Fouriesburg communities have close ties and are dependent on each other for business, tourism, agriculture, employment, schooling, and other matters, and the link road between the two is essential to avoid a disastrous outcome economically and in various other ways for the people of both towns.

Mary Walker (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


Cannot stand by and allow the most beautiful part of the Free State to be destroyed and neglected.

Janet Coertzen (Bloemfontein, 2022-02-06)


Closing the road between Fouriesburg and clarens is detrimental to the locals, income and basic services will be drastically affected and animal welfare cannot be conducted. This will affect livelihoods and lives of animals and people alike in the vacinity nevermind tourism which is critical income for the area

laura Christie (Germiston, 2022-02-06)


I believe the government must be held responsible for maintenance of roads.

Charl Wessels (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


I cannot visit my family due to the state of the road

Esmi Kruger (Centurion, 2022-02-06)


The Cluny Animal Trust rely on that road to perform their services.

Greta Du Preez (Bloemfontein, 2022-02-06)


It will have financial implications if the road will be closed

Nicholine Rudman (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


I visit tgat area every year and the roads is appalling ! Why ???????? Fix them

Sheryl de Klerk (Benoni, 2022-02-06)


On behalf of Cluny animal trust in fouriesberg. They need to get to all animals in that area. Please fix the road asap

Karen Passier (Paul Roux, 2022-02-06)


The economical impact is just to much to warrant the closure of the road for 12 months...

Renee Wolfaardt (Paul Roux, 2022-02-06)


The road is an important link between two Free State towns with no real alternative. There are serious economic consequences of the closure. Please put in place a temporary gravel road to by-pass the affected section.

David Dickinson (Johannesburg, 2022-02-06)


closing the road for 12 months will bankcrupt businesses in both towns!!

johan willemse (clarens, 2022-02-06)


The road is similar to an artery in the body, a lifeline for the towns of the Eastern Free State and used often by all tourists to the area, Lesotho and other parts / farms / lodges in the area. It will also cost the Cluny Animal Trust a fortune on travelling costs which they just don’t have as a NPO. Please help and re-consider. Thanks

Tom Nel (Centurion, 2022-02-06)


Incompetent governence

Michawl Dyer (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


I support Cluny.they do fantastic work

Petro Botha (Lindley, 2022-02-06)


As a frequent visitor to the area I travel that road often. My trips to Clarens from Fouriesburg will be out if I have to travel via Bethlehem.

Michael Andrew (Tshwane, 2022-02-06)


I am a farm owner in the area and Fouriesburg and Clarens are dear to my heart. This closure will be devastating to the area and its people, both functionally and economically. This one sinkhole cannot take 12 months to repair. A good contractor could fix this in a week

Michael Brown (Johannesburg/Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


There are a lot of animals that need help - closing the road for that length of time will be devastating.

Monika Evans (Mogale City, 2022-02-06)


G Lee

Grietjie Lee (Rosendal, 2022-02-06)


The road between the two towns gives both towns financial injections as tourists travel between the towns often.

Marlize Labuschagne (Centurion, 2022-02-06)


It is going to ruin tourism in the eastern free state

Angela Lillyman (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


I support this petition.

Lynda Henri (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


This will severely hinder the work of outreach projects to assist animals and humans in the outlying areas. This cannot go ahead.

Claire Heckrath (Johannesburg, 2022-02-06)


Because I own a restaurant in Clarens and we rely on the tourist Industry that drives that route all the time.
My staff rely on their salaries to feed their families.

Carol Beeming (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


Its a national safety risk for everyone driving on that road. And logisticly a lot of residents and businesses make use of this road as well as tourists. It's one of the main road of the Eastern Free State and of great importance of everyone in the Eastern Free State. How must taxis drive safely on that road? Hoe must farmers transport their products from their farms? Hoe must people working between Ficksburg, Fouriesburg, Bethlehem and Clarens operate?
We pay our licences, taxes and province are responsible for given us safe roads to use.
PLEASE fix the road ASAP!

Madeleine Scholtz (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


S.aller communities need their infrastructure to be fixed faster as there are no other options

Kirsten Klopper (Paul Roux, 2022-02-06)


I do not want the road closed

Ashley Brown (Johannesburg, 2022-02-06)


The R711 is an indespensable lifeline to the Eastern Freestate tourism and farming economy.
It is non negotiable that this road be opened and repaired with immediate effect

Petra Van der Westhuizen (Ficksburg, 2022-02-06)


Use the road often

Henry Selzer (Durban, 2022-02-06)


This will detrimentaly effect the animal outreach programmes in the area

Matthew Kannemeyer (Johannesburg, 2022-02-06)


This is an important tourism road and needs to be sorted out immediately

Michael Rubenstein (Gauteng, 2022-02-06)


I am a resident in Fouriesburg, and we and our guests go to Clarence every time as part of our Free State experience..please fix and open the road..

Elizabeth Geyser (BRAKPAN, 2022-02-06)


It is crazy that the government hasn’t got emergency repair equipment for a main road to be repaired.
It doesn’t need 12 months it could have been fixed already if there was any urgency .
No more costly committees and 100 consultants.
A study can be done by a professional geotech company in a week and the work can be done in two weeks if there was a professional brain in government.

Tony Guthrie (Bethlehem, 2022-02-06)


This road leads to our income

Anzelle Long (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


This matter needs urgent attention. The respons from the Free State roads department is totally unacceptable.

Kevin Jordaan (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


Our Fruit Tree Nursery, which provides employment to rural workers and generates income from neighbouring states depends on this road for equipment, stock and exports. De Leeuw Fruit Tree Nursery.

Florette Naude (Clarens rural 9707, 2022-02-06)


I am a daily users of this road. Having a business in Clarens and staying in Fouriesburg.

Ansje Steyn (Fouriesburg/Clarens, 2022-02-06)


A lot of people's livelihoods depend on this road.

Danie Crowther (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


Closing this road will severely effect tourism in Fouriesburg and Clarens.
Many children live in Fourieburg and go to school in Clarens..
Cluny Animal Trust does a huge amount of excellent work, sterilizing, vaccinating and educating indigent peoples animals. They are based in Fourieburg and cannot continue thier work if the R711 is closed.

Shelley Horton (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


Because the ANC is absolutely ridiculous

Janco Scholtz (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


Tourism will be badly affected

Bridget Rosholt (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


Ons bly op die platteland en is baie afhanklik van toeriste vur oorlewing. Restaurante, koffie en geskenke winkels, gastehuise sal moet sluit agv sinkgat tussen Fouriesburg en Clarens wat een jaar sal neem om herstel te word. Spoedige herstel is my versoek en so gou as moontlik. Dankie.

Joey Kroukamp (FOURIESBURG, 2022-02-06)


I'm signing this petition because closing the R711 between Clarens and Fouriesburg will severely affect the livelihood of tourism in the Eastern Free State. An industry which was dealt the hardest blow with Covid 19 should now receive priority in avoiding any further setbacks and fixing the road asap without closing it is a way to do so.

Carla Oberholzer (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


This road needs to be fixed urgently

Japie Truter (Kempton Park, 2022-02-06)


The road is an essential lifeline to animals and communities in need.

Michelle du Plessis (Johannesburg, 2022-02-06)


Roads are poorly maintained and dangerous

Bobby Armour (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


I am a regular visitor using this scenic route

Georg Sales (Pretoria, 2022-02-06)


I am in a business that relies on having access to the R711. Without access I go out of business. I have to retrench staff. I will not be able to pay bills and will go hungry.

TRACY PAXTON (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


My Farm is located on the R711 road and the road is essential for access to and from Bethlehem for supplies.

Marianne Conlyn (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


It is absolutely imperative that the R711 be open and usable.

Jan Venter (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


Closure of the road will affect businesses.

Toni-Lee Barrett (Ficksburg, 2022-02-06)


This road is a critical route for the tourism industry but also for many people who have to pendle for work between Clarens and Fouriesburg.

Anne-mari De Lange (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


We have property in Paul Roux.
Road closure for a year is extreme and unrealistic

Lucille Pannell (Windsor West, 2022-02-06)


Many people - workers, business owners, suppliers, farmers, students, charity organizations and travelers need to use this road to access either Fouriesburg and/or Clarens. It is not viable for them to detour via Bethlehem, especially since the recent fuel hikes.

The 711 also provides, in my opinion, one of the most breathtaking views in all of South Africa. It would be criminal not to make the fixing of this sinkhole a priority or to create detours alongside the road.

An entire year could result in the demise of many businesses as well as jobs, education, supplies and much needed tourism on which many workers rely on to support their families.

Please reconsider a viable alternative that will NOT destroy the income of all peoples that need the road to be functional.

Janet Horsburgh (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


It is essential that there is a functional means of travel between Clarens and Fouriesburg not only for tourists but also for essential services.

Katherine Barker (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


I travel alot to Fouriesburg

Susan Janse van Rensburg (Kroonstad, 2022-02-06)


It will impact travel and tourism.

Gale Green (Johannesburg, 2022-02-06)


The road is too popular and important to close for a year. Everyone will suffer - Clarens, Fouriesburg, Lesotho. Especially workers who travel between Fouriesburg and Clarens.

Chris PEFANIS (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


I'm signing this petition as proof of the incompetence of those in goverment and their complete lack of responsibility toward the public in general. They are there only for the rediculous salaries with NO regard to service delivery.

Eugene Du Plooy (Harrismith, 2022-02-06)


I use the road often and need it fixed

Malcolm Woolmore (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


The road closure causes a logistical nightmare.

Valdy Schipper (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)


For farmers, tourists economy in the area.

Hester Venter (Clarens, 2022-02-06)


We need this road for business opportunities, guests

Manda Brummer (Fouriesburg, 2022-02-06)

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