Stop bulldozing sand for private and personal gain. This environmental damage is totally unacceptable.Cherry Bowen (2024-12-18)
It is in complete opposition to the natural environment.Jumbo Williams (2024-12-18)
Do not interfere with nature in the Boesmans again!!! We already sit with the result of human interference in our estuary!!Marian Lucouw (2024-12-18)
I have been involved with the assessment of the problem for over 30 years and as a professional in the field of geology find the plan to bulldoze sand into the estuary basin absolutely insane. It is totally self interest by the parties promoting the most dangerous plan. The Ndlambe Municipality should be taken to court as should the Department of Environmental Affairs if they lend any support to this idea.Johann SMUTS (2024-12-18)
I’m signing because I object in the most serious way to any interference proposed by these inconsiderate and selfish people.Philip Reunert (2024-12-18)
As a home owner in Coniston Street, I will directly be affected and my property will lose its valueAndrea Trollip (2024-12-18)
This is madness & we cannot allow the municipality to pander to the wishes of these homeowners! It’s an environmental disaster.Jenny Pienaar (2024-12-18)
This is an obsurd plan which will wreck the eco system of the estuariesGordon Wright (2024-12-18)
I am against an unsustainable development which is designed to benefit a single person at the expense of the community and the destruction of our natural environment. I am also opposed to the clandestine manner in which discussions between interested parties have been permitted.Mark Banfield (2024-12-18)
I have lives here my whole life and i dont want to see the wildlife the lives in this river be destroyedBester Fourie (2024-12-18)
I believe in the protection of the bushman estuary and the environmentMorgan Darlow (2024-12-18)
I'm signing because I care about sustainable land management over private / commercial / artificial interference and interests.Dean Emslie (2024-12-18)
To save our stunning, precious Bushman’s River.Shalamar Dallas (2024-12-18)
It is extremely short sighted, the consequences of which will be devastating to our environment.Colin Flatau (2024-12-18)
Leave nature alone.Sue castelyn Castelyn (2024-12-18)
I love Bushmans and value the natural beauty here. I want to support all efforts to maintain it in it natural state and stages.Kristen van Lelyveld (2024-12-18)
I am signing because I am appalled that 3 people can propose an outrageous situation and stand a chance of getting away with itJane Hammond (2024-12-18)
This has being going on for years now. Enough is enough. It will destroy our beautiful Bushmans Estuary, our roads and our town.Dennis Dallas (2024-12-18)
Kenton beaches and rivers as well as the beauty of the bush needs to be protectedDawn Bosman (2024-12-18)
I strongly disagree with the proposed method to deal with this problem.Raoul Kaplan (2024-12-18)
We are homeowners in BushmansPatti Tooley (2024-12-18)
I'm signing because humans should interfere as little as possible with existing natural processes.Les Gardner (2024-12-18)
I am opposed to this ill conceived proposal.Victor Weston (2024-12-18)
Environment impact assessment has not been done. Cost of dune moving plan not affordable by ratepayers or municipality. River estuary will be choked irreparably. Middle beach will be ruined.Sand will enter Kariega estuary and choke that river as well.
Roger Hill (2024-12-18)
There is no justification for this level of interference in a natural dune system. These owners are embarking on a disturbance regime which will continue to incur costs for years into the future. They will not be around to cover these costs and restoration and maintenance will be left up to Kenton-on-sea rate payers.Anthony Palmer (2024-12-18)
This plan is ludicrous and not in the interests of the greater Kenton residents and home owners.Ian Butow (2024-12-18)
Holiday visitorGavin Dallas (2024-12-18)
I am signing this because the proposing to fight against nature and will encumber future generations with costs that are unjustified.Anthony Diepenbroek (2024-12-18)
I am in agreement with the petition based on the information I have received, bearing in mind the broader communityNikki Barbour (2024-12-18)
This destruction of the Natural Bush and wildlife cannot be tolerated. Man with his destructive habits is killing everything. Kenton is becoming another Plettenberg Bay and wealth cannot replace what wealth destroys!Hilary Glisson (2024-12-18)
Im signing to keep the municipality from further destroying the country’s beautyWitsie Botha (2024-12-18)
I believe humanity has already ruined nature enough, we need to save as much as we can thats left of our country’s nature.Charissa Botha (2024-12-18)
I'm signing because as a home owner in Kenton, I believe that nature should be allowed to run its course. I don't believe that human intervention is a long term sustainable solution.Bruce Pender-Smith (2024-12-18)
I am signing do that the beautiful Bushmen’s river is not destroyefLinda Baker (2024-12-18)
Let nature take its natural course, man cannot take over the law of nature…Susan Rusch (2024-12-18)
It would be an environmental disaster to allow this project to happen. One man's egoistic idea would destroy nature irreversibly.Barbara Gunther (2024-12-18)
This is the beginning of our coastline being destroyedMaggie Ubsdell (2024-12-18)
It is absolutely absurd that this has been allowed to go through.It will impact the WHOLE if Kenton ….just 3 very selfish individuals with a lot of money
Can we please know who signed this off did it cost anything?
Jenny Tredoux (2024-12-18)
I'm signing because the environmental damage will be inestimable (visit St.Francis Bay to see the damage caused by the removal of sand dunes) I believe that the municipality will incur endless legal injunctions by existing residents other that the four promoting this scheme. The movement of dunes is a natural phenomenon, there are countless examples of interference that have had longterm and unintended disastrous consequencesSteuart Pennington (2024-12-18)
I believe that re-establishing the natural movement of sand is the best decision for future Kentonites.David Smith (2024-12-18)
I want to protect the estuary. We have a home looking over the Bushman's river. It is a waste of money and wrong.Gill Kinnear (2024-12-18)
I am signing because nature should be allowed to take it's course in Dry Bone Valley without any man-made obstructions.Catherina Kruger (2024-12-18)
I love the area and understand how this action will all other property ownersGlen Duncan (2024-12-18)
Proposed is not practical and with short term objectivesStephan Kruger (2024-12-18)
I’m a frequent visitor and homeownerLindi Van Biljon (2024-12-18)
Let nature take it's courseFiona Going (2024-12-18)
I'm concerned about the permanent and irreversible effects this may have on the river.Linda Van Appel (2024-12-18)
Concerned frequent visitor to KentonBarbara Hunter (2024-12-18)
I'm signing because I believe in the cause. The Estuary is an irreplaceable public good. Let's keep it!Jethro Weeks (2024-12-18)
Unacceptable Environmental consequences.Cost of maintaining intended objectives will be born by the bulk of rate payers who have no gain in the project.
Safety has not been considered. A professional Risk Assessment would rate the project as having an unacceptable risk factor.
I have not seen a risk assessment.
A Risk Assessment is required to be done by all effected parties. Consultation on its own is not a RA.
Who will carry the cost of legal consequences / claims in the event of safety incidents.
Chris Sealy-Fisher (2024-12-18)
Conservation reasonsGeraldine Sholto-Douglas (2024-12-18)
I am a Kenton on Sea home owner and resident. I believe there needs to be a plan agreed by the majority of those impacted and not by a minority.Kevin Flynn (2024-12-18)
We have to stop this!Mieke Smit (2024-12-18)
That one man can hold a whole town to ransom. It will never work. Shame on him.David Stott (2024-12-18)
I am a property owner who loves the Bushmans river.Jennifer Maltby (2024-12-18)
It’s the right thing to do.For future generations to enjoy the river mouth in its natural state.
Lyn Willis (2024-12-18)
We have no right to interfere with nature and cause unknown future damage to our ecosystems.Belinda Williams (2024-12-18)
The proposed measure to move the dune is detrimental to the river mouth and subsequent estuary ecosystem. It should not be allowed especially just to benefit a few houses/owners.Meg Stow (2024-12-18)