

I am pasionate about saving our river

Chester Wilmot (2024-12-17)


The proposal to truck sand to middle beach is illegal and illogical!!! No EIA, no concern for the whole community - potentially disastrous to the estuary and whole tourism and residential community…

James Kennedy (2024-12-17)



Niel Joubert (2024-12-17)


The proposed Ndlambe sponsored plan is a potential environmental and economic disaster to the Kenton / Bushman's community promoted by a few self-centred individuals.

David Going (2024-12-17)


I agree with what I have read it is madness to push that sand dunes to the mouth of the river mouth

Robert Schroeder (2024-12-18)


It’s the right thing to do

Robert Lawrenson (2024-12-18)


I am a land owner and wish to save the estuary.

Irma Schoeman (2024-12-18)


I live in Bushmans River Mouth and walk along the river and beach daily. As a pensioner, I strongly object to a few people with money to bulldoze their way to the detriment of nature and hundreds of others.

Lizette Alcock (2024-12-18)


I want to save the Bushmans River estuary

Linda Smith (2024-12-18)


It is ludicrous that a few self-serving people in this community can get Ndlambe to do their bidding to put our estuary at Bushmans River Mouth at risk. This must not be allowed to happen.

Carolyn Sanford (2024-12-18)


I'm signing it because we need to protect our beautiful nature.

Robert Zahn (2024-12-18)


I am signing this document because I don’t agree with unnatural interventions to try and manipulate nature to suite a few people’s ideas.

George Botha (2024-12-18)


The proposed scheme is disruptive to the whole community and the disruption will be an intolerable permanent nuisance and not a short term action. It has no environmental approval and has the potential to cause an environmental disaster It is not a solution to the problem and a better solution is available.

Mike White (2024-12-18)


Environmental disaster

Adrian Purdon (2024-12-18)


We live in a democratic country and should enjoy the right to give informed consent - or not - to proposals such as this that impact the environment, our lifestyle and our pockets. I am incensed that 3 obscenely wealthy residents should be able to dictate what happens without first gaining the approval or support of ratepayers.

Cherrie White (2024-12-18)


I am a property owner and nature lover and DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS REDICULOUS PLAN !!

SANET SCHOON (2024-12-18)


I've been coming to kenton for short of 50 years and remember how it used to be. External influence from people that don't understand nature will destroy our peaceful holiday homes.

Annatjie Crocker (2024-12-18)


Restoring the natural movement of sand instead of opposing a natural process (at great expense) will preserve the ecosystem and prevent future problems for people living in the area (e.g. increased flooding, damage to roads). Also, it is not right for a municipality to use tax money to serve a few people's private property. The municipality already cannot afford to supply adequate water and road infrastructure to residents. The property owners of Lands End must be financially responsible in perpetuity for their own property management.

Lisa White (2024-12-18)


You cannot interfere with nature, without causing a disaster.
This will cause a dead Estuary, which is essential to the marine life of our planet
Selfish to think your money can move the dunes to the detriment of surrounding residents

Susan Muirhead (2024-12-18)


It is unacceptable what the municipality wants to do

Bridget Wilmot (2024-12-18)


Actions are being proposed without any scientific studies. EIA needs to be done before any unnatural dune removal

Verona Veltman (2024-12-18)


Long term damage to the Bushmans River as a result of the plan

Kyle Dickie (2024-12-18)


This is the only way left to protest and try to prevent this plan to go ahead in what seems to me a totally undemocratical way.

Hannie Marais (2024-12-18)


The process the municipality plans to follow is for the apparent benefit of a few homeowners. It does not take into account the long term negative affects of this plan. #stopthesandtruckers

Rowene Johnston (2024-12-18)


This is completely ridiculous as you cannot stop nature. The risk to the Bushmans River is huge. Surely an EIA must be done!

Debra Smith (2024-12-18)


I want to keep the estuary pristine.

Gavin McLachlan (2024-12-18)


The selfishness and shortsightedness of this plan beggars belief. Parts of this municipality don't even have piped water, and the KSDNA wants the municipality to commit a million Rand a year to protect THREE properties. The futility of the plan is obvious - blocking the flow of sand is what caused the problem for these properties in the first place; shifting the sand is just going to shift the problem to a different set of property owners.

Bronwyn White (2024-12-18)


I’m signing as the long term impact on the environment is going to be devastating let alone the destruction of the roads and infrastructure to benefit a few who should never have been given permission to build there in the first place

Rob Matthews (2024-12-18)


I love the estuary and want to save it.

Starr McLachlan (2024-12-18)


I believe that a natural system is being altered to satisfy a few wealthy fatcats to the detriment of others. In the long run unalterable changes will take place which will not be to the benefit of the environment.

Robyn Bouwer (2024-12-18)


We need to save the estuary

Sheri Alexander (2024-12-18)


Don't allow selfish men to upset Nature.

Elsa-Marie Van der Walt (2024-12-18)


I am signing because we need to keep our environmental disaster.

Jorina Maritz (2024-12-18)


As a resident and homeowner I am appalled by this ill-considered plan

Jean Martens (2024-12-18)


A handful of selfish people want to interfere with nature expecting people who don’t have money to pay for their grandiose ideas

Jill Callaghan (2024-12-18)


This has to be most unbelievably idiotic plan I have ever heard.
1) it's stupid
2) it cannot work
3) it's clearly intended to benefit 3 private individuals to the detriment of the community, and hence should be considered outright fraud at best
4) that council passed this indicates clear criminal collusion between council members and the individuals at the core of this abortion of a plan
5) that no EIA has been completed contravenes many laws.

Klay Martens (2024-12-18)


It's a waste of money which the residents of Kenton will eventually gave to pay. It is not a good thing to interfere with nature and in this instance it affects our beautiful estuaries and the fish and marine life that live and breed in it. Stop these entitled people from ruining our estuary

Cherryll Riddin (2024-12-18)


I'm a local resident, been here for 28 years. Please save our beautiful Bushmans River! The above information re the WHY behind this decision is ludicrous! Greed greed greed! SAVE OUR RIVER!

Liezelle Chowles (2024-12-18)


I strongly oppose the destruction of our natural environment for the personal gain of money hungry individuals, as an avid conservationist and nature lover.

Kathy Evans (2024-12-18)


I've been coming here every year for 60 years, my parents before me & my grand-parents before them. We should leave nature to do her thing. It's a pity that, in 1952, those deciding on the two bridges elected to save money, plank hurt in the middle of the river & build 2 small bridges. That's when these issues started. I'm sorry for the 3 individuals who lost their view. I could lose mine when the old shack in front of me gets sold & a double storey goes up!

Lucy Andrews (2024-12-18)


To stop another man-made disaster

Ronel Marais (2024-12-18)


I am a resident of Kenton on Sea, and our family has been coming here for over 80 years. It is ludicrous that 3 or 4 people think they can play God. Please don't let this happen.

Jacqueline Cunningham (2024-12-18)


The plan is absurd.Nature must be left to do its work.

Martin Smith (2024-12-18)


I'm signing because I am concerned that the river closes up. This has already had vast consequences on marine life and residents are not able to reach their properties. Also, the Bushmans River is currently the second longest navigable river in South Africa. This will have a vaste ecological effect. Thirdly, the Bushmans River attracts alot of Tourists to the area.

Kevin Riddin (2024-12-18)


As a property owner I feel that it is a disgrace that tax money it to be spent on a highly controversial project to benefit a few were there are far more important issues such as water security.

Desire Fraser (2024-12-18)


I don’t think anyone can predict the effect this will have on the beaches and Bushmans estuary and the consequences could be absolutely dire. It could mean the end of thousands of ecosystems.

Alison Heyerdahl (2024-12-18)


Humans need to respect nature.

Rose Wright (2024-12-18)


When I came to Bushmans for the first time in 1958 the rivermouth looked like it is looking know. Ever since the so called Dune projects, messed up the tidal flow, with all the negative things we lived through for past 50 odd years.

JAN MARAIS (2024-12-18)


To save our estuary

Agostinho de Pontes (2024-12-18)


I'm a Kenton and Bushman lover for years and a nature lover. Please don't destroy one of the most beautiful and special places in world. Don't make this river a blind river

Lee-Anne Ludwig (2024-12-18)


I am signing because to protect the Estuary and nature for us and future generation. Leave nature and no human interference.

Delia Enright (2024-12-18)


OBVIOUS ecosystems need to be protected from those too blind to see the obvious.

Larry Kaufmann (2024-12-18)


If man (a select few) didn’t interfere in dry bones valley, the sand would have moved naturally. Now they want to use the BEACH methods from Houtbay to try and fix THEIR sand problems! By using the beach method at an estuary WILL change the river into a lagoon by interfering with its natural flow!

Mariana Ferreira (2024-12-18)


I am a frequent holiday maker and do not want the estuary and surrounds to be spoilt.

Lindy Nicholls (2024-12-18)


I believe in letting nature takes its course and not wasting taxpayer money, while still assisting the immediate landowners to have access to their properties.

Philip Lutz (2024-12-18)


I wholeheartedly support the Save the Bushmans Estuary (SBE) group's proposal to stop the environmentally harmful plan proposed by Ndlambe Municipality, CES, and the KSDNA group. Their intention to bulldoze the Westbourne Rd dune towards the river mouth and create a vegetated sand wall is not only short-sighted but could lead to significant ecological damage and inconvenience for the community. Historically, Dry Bones Valley has naturally managed sand movement, which was disrupted by human intervention years ago. The current plan ignores this natural process and instead suggests an unsustainable, costly, and disruptive method involving heavy machinery, noise, pollution, and ongoing maintenance at great expense to ratepayers. The SBE group's approach, which aligns with scientific research from PRDW and MER, aims to restore the natural sand bypass through Dry Bones Valley, thereby reducing the load on the estuary and preventing the formation of problematic dunes. This method is more environmentally friendly, respects the natural beauty and functionality of our local ecosystem, and avoids the obstruction of access to the river and scenic views, which would fundamentally alter the area's character. Furthermore, the proposed actions by Ndlambe/KSDNA/CES would result in environmental degradation without an Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed sand disposal at Middle Beach, alongside significant inconvenience to residents and visitors with construction-like activities for months each year, affecting quality of life, safety, and local tourism. This project would see public funds being spent on a plan that could potentially damage the estuary's health, possibly leading to its closure, and it does not consider the long-term ecological balance or community welfare. I urge everyone who values the natural beauty, environmental health, and tranquility of Kenton-on-Sea and Boesmansriviermond to oppose this plan. Sign the petition, spread the word, and let's ensure our estuary remains a cherished public asset, not subjected to private interests at the expense of our environment and community. Let's choose the path of science, sustainability, and community welfare over short-term solutions and personal gains.

Thomas Sutherland (2024-12-18)


It is ludicrous to think that the municipality will solve the sand problem in Dry Bones Valley by carting it away.

Dorothy Bowen (2024-12-18)


Want to avert an environmental disaster.

Irene Simpson (2024-12-18)


This is an insane plan and as an owner and taxpayer I do not wish to fund this folly.

Emlyn Balarin (2024-12-18)


This will not work. The sand will come back for ever. The trucks will destroy our roads. The noise will be impossible to live with. We will be paying for this mistake for ever. Just a few wealthy people not considering the rest of us. It will not work. Please stop this madness

Gail Whitnall (2024-12-18)


I believe the current plan makes no sense and will cause further damage, while being costly.

Jeremy Grest (2024-12-18)


I care and am an owner in Bushmans.

Margot Van Heerden (2024-12-18)


I am a concern resident of Bushmans who feels strongly that our beautiful environment must be protected from selfish individuals taking actions that only benefit themselves and harm the environment for others.

Loraine Campbell-Loader (2024-12-18)


I want to save our Kenton on Sea’s natural coastline and derive feasible solutions through genuine collaboration

Owen Hildebrand (2024-12-18)


It is not a viable long term solution

Simon Ellis (2024-12-18)


I do not want to see Kenton destroyed by this ridiculous proposal

Steve Tredoux (2024-12-18)


I agree with everything that is said in it. Municipal money could be much better spent else where, where it is desperately needed. For example proper water infrastructure!! People who have illegally built on top of a sand dune should suffer the consequences of their own stupidity and selfishness

Claire McNulty (2024-12-18)


Interfering with nature, never works. Leave the river as it is.

Paul Mattisson (2024-12-18)


I totally disagree with the proposal herein.

Darol Wilmot (2024-12-18)


I love kenton on sea

Max Wright (2024-12-18)


I’m signing this because due process has not been followed and there has been a total lack of consultation with all affected parties.

Moira Moses (2024-12-18)


I love the Bushmans river and would hate to see it spoilt.

Nerina Mullins (2024-12-18)


Messing with nature could lead to the closing of the mouth

Elspeth Liebenberg (2024-12-18)


Save the estuary , enough sand in river already

Walter Biggs (2024-12-18)


As a resident my family and I care deeply about the dunes.

John Y (2024-12-18)


I'm a resident of Kenton and believe in restoring the natural wind paths and don't believe this solution is viable going down the line. Carting huge amounts of sand over our poor roads is not on

Peter LEVEY (2024-12-18)


I am a resident and totally disagree with what the residents of Lands End and Ndlambe are planning to do. Let us restore our beloved Kenton to what it used to be.l

Shirley Povey (2024-12-18)

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