1) Don’t mess with nature2) The environmental impact of this project will negatively affect the majority of residents in one way or another , in favour of a select few .
3) it is shameful that resources will be squandered both now and in the future on this absurd project.
when there are far more pressing issues facing our community
4) I feel the community has been blindsided in recent months and there has not been total transparency allowing for greater consultation .
Piers Sanford (2024-12-18)
The plan doesn't make sense, will be costly, and will change the Bushman's estuary for the worse.Judith Shier (2024-12-18)
The Ndlambe plan approved is irrationalJohn McLaren (2024-12-18)
It will accelerate sitting up the riverJohn Dovey (2024-12-18)
I am a holiday maker who spent many a holidays with family at bushmans and I am concerned about the lack of a ecological report to investigate this proposal thoroughly.Kirby Röhrs (2024-12-18)
I vehemently oppose the proposed relocation of sand which should flow naturally but is being restricted by vegetation which was encouraged to grow by the very individual who now wants the sand moved. He is out of control and has even built a dam below his house. I have proof of this. Our roads cannot take the loads which will be required to move the sand. We need to stop this right now.Clifford Reynolds (2024-12-18)
I’m signing this because of the potential closing of the Bushmans River estuary and prevention of natural sand movement as well as the closing off of public space by planting vegetation on sand dunes.Dirk Meiring (2024-12-18)
Interfering with the natural ecosystem will cause unnessecary damage to environmental and prohibit access to river mouth .johan herselman (2024-12-18)
I am against this.Gail Sturgess (2024-12-18)
To protect the environment.Carl Eichstadt (2024-12-18)
Leave nature to be natural. Don't interfere with it's natural flow. We are the invaders here. Let's treasure this natural beauty that we have come here to enjoy.Brenda van den Heever (2024-12-18)
Safe the dunes and our beachesRuleen de Witt (2024-12-18)
I am a firm believer that nature must follow its course. Natural sand movement of the total dune forest area is west to east. It is not not man's duty to interfereTom Allen (2024-12-18)
The proposal is against nature and will lead to Bushman's River silting up and becoming blind. Hugely expensive to keep removing the sand. Rather remove alien vegetation and let the sand blow naturally east and west.Linda Stephens (2024-12-18)
This absurd plan is contrary to all professional input I have heard.Russel von Ruben (2024-12-18)
I agree to let nature take its course and have minimal effort to maintain the environmentRoy Joyce (2024-12-18)
I care about the environmental impact the proposed actions will have.Gilbert Richmond (2024-12-18)
The costs that would be borne from taxpayers money, the environmental disturbance and destruction, the impact of noise from the machines, the disturbance to nearby residents, the toll these heavy machines will have on the existing roads that the Municipality has already not been maintainingOliver Callaghan (2024-12-18)
The estuary is there for a reason and that being the welfare of the the river etcDonna Parkins (2024-12-18)
Messing with nature always has long term disastrous consequences that are never foreseen by the perpetrators!Mike Bowen (2024-12-18)
Horrendous plan that is designed to benefit a few at the expense of many. Insufficient environmental impact studies and ill considered by Ndlambe who can’t even afford it.Gareth Armstrong (2024-12-18)
The proposed bulldozing of the dune is environmentally unsound and will create further unforeseen problems that will be very costly.Ray Stout (2024-12-18)
The funds can be utilized better for roads and infrastructure. There is no Environmental study done to determine the effects of this proposed interference that will effect the whole natural ecosystem of the estuary.Andrew Weber (2024-12-18)
It's an ill-conceived and appalling plan.Rod Fox (2024-12-18)
Let nature take it's course as it has been doing long before houses were built at Kenton-on-Sea.Elly Grossman (2024-12-18)
I am signing this because l disagree with the proposal to bulldozer the dunes on Westbourne Rd in Kenton-on-Sea.Lisa Loveland (2024-12-18)
I believe that this is self serving for certain people in Lands End and will affect nature's natural wind flow which will eventually lead to further problems.The original proposal not to build on the first dune as we have moving Dunes, was since changed thanks to a greedy Municipality.
Bev Lloyd (2024-12-18)
The conservation of coastal features is vital in the preservation of the ocean and its benevolent influence on the immediate and extended life of the land along the coast. In broader terms conserving estuaries is part of conserving the natural resouces of Nature ensuring a safe world climate wisely and the sustainable life in the land beyond the ocean. Secondly as a Bushmans/Kenton/ Port Alfred fequent visitir for more than 70 years personally and broader family for more than 100 years, to stop futher damage to the natural flow of water in the extraordinary tidal river is not only a moral duty but an act of necessitaty for the positive living space of future generations.Marleen Webber (2024-12-18)
I object entirely to this project which will use up valuable resources, much needed to uplift the community. against logic and environmental advice , to support the interests of a small group of very wealthy people.Charles Du Toit (2024-12-18)
I am signing because it’s important locals be heard, especially when they are trying to warn municipalities of mistakes they are walking into.Robert Bowen (2024-12-18)
Due process not followed.We cannot change the course of nature
Alison Armstrong (2024-12-18)
I'm a property owner and been coming to Kenton since late 1960's and observed the impact of interference with natural processes and do not support my rates and taxes going into this futile and in my opinion arrogant, egotistical exercise by a handful of wealthy individuals going against the rest of the community in which they live.Ted Clark (2024-12-18)
This is crazy!Matthew Xheetham (2024-12-18)
I believe that this entire dune situation has been handled incorrectly, and what is currently proposed is not only an enormous waste of money and infrastructure, but will never solve the problem. it will simply make it worse, and in 3 years time, we will sit with a bigger river problem. Dry Bones valley has cleared itself for hundreds of years, and we should open it up to allow it to do just that again, without trying to change what nature used to do so successfully, and waste more of our tax payers money. we already have almost no services from Ndlambe, and now this is absolute stupidity to think we will put up with this on all angles.ange Loock-Shearer (2024-12-18)
I’m signing because we need to stop this and do the right thing now, even though it requires more effort.Johann Pienaar (2024-12-18)
This is an expensive and disruptive process that does not benefit the entire community. This money would be better spent on road improvement or water system improvements.Cathy Thorrold (2024-12-18)
I care about the longevity of our beloved Bushmans Estuary.Jacobus van Zyl (2024-12-18)
I disagree with the plan that the owners of those properties have proposed. The sand should be allowed to move freely along DBV. Vegetation build up is the cause of it not moving freely for the past decades. My family has owned property there for over 50 years and visited Kenton for even longer. The movement of sand should not be controlled by man made structures to the benefit of only a few houses. The estuary is bigger than 3 houses.Bronwyn Van Biljon (2024-12-18)
I value the natural beauty of Kenton and appreciate the science of the healthy balances of wind, sea and sand. The cost and disrubances to the town will be much bigger than appreciated in the planned project.Paula Hildebrand (2024-12-18)
Nature has to be allowed to work with us, not for us to work against it. It would be a repeated huge waste if money to do this and benefits a minority! Not the majority and detrimental to all tax payers, riad users and the area! I am sure the few disgruntled can sell and acquire a better location for their needs!Tove Renaud (2024-12-18)
Moving the sand will create more environmental problems and unforeseen costsKevin Stout (2024-12-18)
To protect the estuary against individual abuseLeon Potgieter (2024-12-18)
Because I'm against the proposed plan of the Municipality!Joppa van Zyl (2024-12-18)
This is not an environmental friendly process and I am against this as it will affect the current fauna and flora and wildlife In the areaMaurice McDowell (2024-12-18)
It’s not in the interest of the broader public to do this work.Karel Pienaar (2024-12-18)
I prefer to support a sustainable solution and to ensure the river mouth and environment is not compromisedMark Sprong (2024-12-18)
The movement os sand will cause more sand into the Bushmans River. It is flawed and against several conditions of the National Water Act, 1998. The consultants report is not addressing all required authorisation and is not long term viable. The 'possible' benefit will be for one rich man and against nature and and a whole community.Willie Enright (2024-12-18)
Sand dunes have a natural cycle of building up and taking away sand. This is affected by ocean currents and the prevailing winds. People must not intervene !Liz Olsen (2024-12-18)
Totally unsustainable from an economic, environmental, noise pollution, practical & long term maintenance point of view.Lesley Beynon (2024-12-18)
Dead bones valley should revert to it's natural state.Erik Maré (2024-12-18)
I am signing because there does appear to a more viable sustainable alternative to what the KSDNA group is proposing.Andrew Wilmot (2024-12-18)
I’m signing because I live in Kenton on Sea, love this natural habitat, gave great respect for the environment and expect local government to follow due and transparent process before allowing an ill-conceived and self-interested project to proceed.Amanda Symons (2024-12-18)
I live in Ekuphumleni, Kenton-On-Sea and this is a place I love. This plan serves the privileged few, was never properly consulted on and threatens the nature that we all share.Dominique Santos (2024-12-18)
I am a local resident and believe this to be very harmful to our estuary ecosystem.Caroline Steele-Gray (2024-12-18)
There is a lack of information regarding what happens to the sand that is being moved to middle beach - does that them get blown west to close Kariega river mouthJulian Thorrold (2024-12-18)
I think that people need to be more responsible and accountable for their actions, and realise that a whole community will be affected by this. The poor environment is trying to contend with enough interference from humans without additional pressure being added too. The action proposal sounds like it would be more beneficial for everyone in the long-run, especially the environment, rather than the dune wall being built. Our family have a home on Westbourne Road so this will directly affect us too.Many thanks to those who are standing up for what is morally, and environmentally, the right thing to do!
Angela Lloyd-Evans (2024-12-18)
Nature must be allowed to follow it's course as naturally as possible especially in a nature reserve, Dry Bones Valley.Raoul Goosen (2024-12-18)
I am opposed because of the damage to our roads by heavy trucks, the ultimate cost to the rate payer and because I don't belive in interfering with nature.David Geard (2024-12-18)
I will not tolerate any more private abuse, in Kenton ,of a public asset,particularly as there has already been this detrimental impact due to their past meddling! It is an absurd plan and will result in an unacceptable,irreversible ,most detrimental environmental disasterColleen Eddles (2024-12-18)
I have been a visitor to Kenton for more than 45 years- it is a beautiful place - the nature must absolutely not be destroyed and disturbed!Genevieve Spalding (2024-12-18)
All man made interventions have been either folly at best or extremely damaging to the estuary and it's downstream silting up. The bridges 🌉 over both esturaries an environmental disaster and who remembers the ill thought through sand bags on the bushmans side of the mouth? Also undertaken with a lack of understanding or rigorous study. This unlawful plan will be equally shortsighted and counter productive, never mind the fact that it is using state resources and tax payers money to benefit a very select few properties. Scandalous!!Robert Hutchison (2024-12-18)
Nature to act naturally, minimal intervention by manRichard O'Donoghue (2024-12-18)
Concern for nature not to be interfered with.Peter Henning (2024-12-18)
I am signing because I do not believe that bulldozing sand into the river or carting it away is within nature’s plan.Cheryl Scholtz (2024-12-18)
Kenton/Bushmans beauty needs to be preserved AT ALL COSTS!!!!!! Too bad for those few owners who are losing their view!!!!Doug Venter (2024-12-18)
Save the estuaryMelissa Jordan (2024-12-18)
I am disgusted Ndlambe has approved this !!Anthea Knowles (2024-12-18)
Against interfering with nature and a few individuals doing it for personal gainJohn Bennett (2024-12-18)
I care about the ecology and wildlifeJen Hildebrand (2024-12-18)
The impact of this absolutely stupid idea, is devastating to the environment. The authorities should focus on areas that require serious attention and not interfere with nature.Madre Muller (2024-12-18)
I am signing this petition as I believe nature cannot be interfered with. It also seems as if individuals do not have the heart of Kenton as their intent but rather for their own personal issues.Ingrid Bennett (2024-12-18)