Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Steve McCarron

/ #1434 pretending to be someone else again. Tut , tut.

2011-09-14 20:21

"that would have come from the management plan written by the worcestershire wildlife consultancy. Who even did site visits to have a look for themselves. Like all plans not written by those that implement the ideas suggested within.

Odd how many people in the conservation proffession note erosion by people, unlike you that denies it but then again you have the blinkers on and don't like the idea that not all of your complaints are not due to the councils activities.

thusly i wont be signing your petition."

Your so clever but cannot spell? Hmmmmmmmmm

I HAVE always said that this destruction is happening alongside climate change. The TWO put TOGETHER make for a very real disaster. If the level of erosion is caused by walkers, why has it recentley accelerated and where are these destructive masses of people? Your Liz Nether has stated that the common is UNDERUSED?

I don't know why I waste my time trying to reason with idiots like you. Your not worth it.

Good bye