Remove TJ Brown from his position of authority

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Remove TJ Brown from his position of authority.


#126 Re #125

2014-04-25 06:29

I disagree with you. Josh is not a good officer, he is just as bad as the cheif!!! Other people are letting out the truth about this department because they are tired of the lies and miss leading false facts about Brown. Why cant you people get it through your heads that Brown was cleared!!! Espically you Josh!!!
speculators mount up


2014-04-25 06:51

The way I see it is Josh is the only one who has provided factual information, and gave citations. everyone else seems to speculate on what is or has gone on at BPD. Where are your facts? if what you say is true why don't you provide the readers the resources to look these things up. if you have evidence of these things why don't you follow Josh's example?

I read the earlier comments and I heard it mentioned that TJ was fired from the Southern Ute PD, I would like to know the reason why? was it something along the same lines? All you Brown supporters ask him for me, im sure he will try to play the victim but you should ask him anyway.


2014-04-25 07:59

Josh has provided no evidence that Brown did anywrong doing. Why is that, because there is no evidence of wrong doing. If Brown had done wrong, he would not be back to duty. Isn't that what this is all about. Why can't all of you Brown haters see that? HE WAS CLEARED BY THREE DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS!!!

#129 Re:

2014-04-25 11:29

#127: speculators mount up -

Josh has stated the case number and then twisted the facts to better his argument. Reading back throughout the posts it has been proven time and time again by others that have read the report and corrected Josh on his twisted facts. Josh has never answered them back because he knows they called his bluff. Most of the readers don't have the resources to find out a case number to be able to go and retrieve a report from a police agency say like the San Juan County Sheriff's Department to read the report of domestic abuse by the Lt. of Bloomfield Police Department. As to the corruption of the officials of the police and city of Bloomfield Im thinking you will see that within a few months all over the news paper and tv news.

Lets talk about the souvernty of Indian Tribes. They don't have to go by a lot of U.S laws period. They are a souvern nation which means they get to decide which Federal laws they want to go by and which ones they don't want to go by. This would include workers rights and laws of equal rights under Federal Law. How do I know this you ask, I have worker for a Indian Tribe as a human resource officer and I can tell you a lot of incidents involving non native americans and how little protection under the Federal laws and Tribal laws these workers have. Especially if they work for a Indian Police Agency. Think about a non native american working as a Tribal Police Officer having to deal with a Tribal member that has a member of his or her family sitting on the Tribal Counsel or powerful position within the tribe. I can tell you from experiance by seeing it first hand that non native american will loose his or her job within days of the arrest of the Tribal member. With no and I mean no recourse to come back on the tribe for unlawful discharge. That is why you don't see very many non native americans working in the tribal police departments. If they do work in that capacity it is for a very short time and most of the time it is a very easy way to get started in the police field because it is way easier to get hired by a tribal police agency then say a city or county agency.

So to speculators mount up, you have added nothing to the discussion except the same old bs that is put on here time and time again.



2014-04-25 11:56

Police should not betray their positions of authority and our tax dollars should not protect them.


2014-04-25 12:01


Just because a policeman is back on duty does not mean they are innocent.  I only means his connections and resources allowed him to get his job back.  Happens all the time.  Is this a racial issue?


#132 #130

2014-04-25 15:02

I agree



2014-04-25 15:38


#134 Slander

2014-04-25 16:16

Mr. Calder has given people a place to start researching facts. He des not come across as an idiot, so I cannot imagine that he did this without some kind of legal advice or consultation. I could be wrong, but that would open him up to an entire host of headaches, and most people would consider that. If a lawyer did not find anything slanderous about this petition, then Mr. Calder must not be making mountains out of molehills, and there must be truth behind the fact that the officer used department resources...or said lawyer wants a bigger payday. So can anyone prove or disprove, beyond a shadow of a doubt that department resources were used?
Sgt. Savage

#135 Re: Slander

2014-04-25 16:32

#134: - Slander

Or he could be stupid and his arrogance will cost him very dearly. Im thinking being Chief Koviac's head minion the arrogance of the chief has embolden him to be the fall guy of Chief Kovaic's ill begotten plans. One thing about the chief, he always has a fall guy lined up so he can always look the innocent lamb. Well not this time ftard. Your day is coming.

what i know


2014-04-25 16:51

I know that Brown slept a 16 year old high school kid. that in and of itself is wrong. it may not be in NM law but when you are a public official like a teacher or cop you have to be sure of things beforehand. So either Brown is a really crappy cop because he doesn't look into things, or he is a liar trying to play mr innocent. either way I don't want a cop like that!
you don't know

#137 Re:

2014-04-25 16:59

#136: what i know -

I would suggest you google the so called reporting victim and see that he has a same sex marraige patrner and is no lamb. But I guess Mr. Brown forced him into that kind of life least that's what Josh would tell everyone...

lil bird


2014-04-25 17:18

So this getting fired before thing made e curious, so this little bird talked to a much bigger bird and it turns out that TJ Brown was fired from the Southern Ute PD for SLEEPING WITH AN UNDER AGED INFORMANT. Strike two dirty Brown. Seems like BPD was trying to give you a second chance and you blew it. those of you who are concerned about this guy have every reason to don't let these unethical and immoral troglodytes steer you otherwise. I think its time to flush this terd!


#139 Re:

2014-04-25 17:23

Facts just the facts

#140 Re:

2014-04-25 17:26

#138: lil bird -

Lil bird, big bird give some case number or something to verify your allegation so we all can see the facts for ourselves and make a decision. WoW come on Josh this is very below you at this point. At least you presented half truths to start this thing. Are you grasping for straws at this point.

sick of it

#141 Re:

2014-04-25 17:28

#138: lil bird -

blah blah blah more false allegations

Beam me up Scotty


2014-04-25 18:30

As I read ALL these comments I'm overwhelmed with questions. Namely, is there any intelligent life form or an ounce of common sense in the BPD? Thank heavens, I see there is from some comments. My sympathy to those outstanding officers who have to work in such a poorly managed and hostile environment. I have nothing but complete respect for all law enforcement personnel who uphold and enforce the law. On the other hand, however, any officer who doesn't is a disgrace.
Let's start with Josh Calder. What in the world are you thinking? Are you even able to think? Do you have any idea what you've done to the public's perception of BPD? Do you realize that you also are to uphold the law? I'm going to lower myself to your standards so you can understand my points. First off, you are an officer sworn to uphold and enforce the law. There has been a very lengthy investigation with no charges filed against officer Brown. Conclusion...officer Brown is innocent of false allegations. Now here we have you, little boy blue, tooting your horn crying foul and spewing false information. The legal system is in place due to ignorant lynch mob mentalities such as you exhibit. Here's my point...wait for it...YOU, Little Boy Blue, are an officer of the law. Proper officials have made a decision. It's now your job to abide by that decision and enforce it as well. You're an absolute disgrace to the uniform and your actions are despicable. It's obvious to anyone, based on previous facts, this is nothing more than a personal vendetta against officer Brown. Your ten year old antics are endangering fellow officers lives. You are pathetic!
Where are Lt. Scott and Chief Kovac in all this mess? After all, they are the higher ranking officers in charge at BPD. Isn't part of their job description to mentor, guide and provide all pertinent information to their officers? How did Josh fall through the cracks? Ahhh yes, Lt. Scott is off wallering around in his own domestic violence issues. Chief Kovac is busily preparing for his run as Sheriff. I'm not quite sure how he thinks he can properly run that office when he's unable to responsibly run a small city police dept. Thanks to Josh Calder the public is very much aware of the fact that Chief Kovac is sorely lacking in his job performance to run a well organized and professional team of officers. How in the world does Chief Kovac think any law abiding citizen could possibly respect him or the law when they witness such trash splattered online for the world to view? Chief Kovac is completely inept in his position as a leader and running a dog and pony show. BEAM ME UP SCOTTY!!!
Vote no for Kovac

#143 Re:

2014-04-25 18:51

#142: Beam me up Scotty -

Very good perspective.... So true, the world will see this as a failure of the Chief and it reflects upon the City of Bloomfield as a whole. Very sad and pathetic. The citizens of Bloomfield deserve better then this. I would suggest the San Juan Coutny Sheriff's Department take over the law enforcement of the City of Bloomfield until a Chief and correctly staffed department can be put into place. I'm sure this has opened many a eyes as to the deplorable condition of the department and members of the police force. We as voters can only make sure that Mr. Kovac does not become sheriff and destroy  another law enforcement agency.

Toot Toot

#144 Re:

2014-04-25 19:09

#142: Beam me up Scotty -

Little boy blue. That is too funny but is fitting. Hey if anyone see's little boy blue toot your horn for him....LOL. I was thinking puppet with Kovac as the puppeteer but I really like little boy blue better.....LOL


#145 Re: 138 lil bird big bird

2014-04-25 19:29

#138: lil bird -

So Josh what your telling us is you went into Chief Kovac's office and he told you to post this. Thats the only two birds I know of around here.

One who knows the truth

#146 Re:

2014-04-25 19:55

#138: lil bird -

Really?? You need to provide proof of this allegation. Brown was not fired for the reason you stated. Just another person spreading malicious bs about what is going on.



2014-04-25 20:47

Even if these allegations against Officer Brown prove to be true, nothing can erase the damage done to BPD's reputation. Too many skeletons in the closet. Good job letting them out Calder. Instead of being mr. do-gooder, you just sunk your own ship. 

Sad times folks. Vote no for Kovac.


#148 Get out

2014-04-25 21:25

Brown turn in your resignation.
Disappointed in you as well

#149 Re: 147

2014-04-25 22:00

#147: Disappointed -

Yep, you can thank little boy blue (Josh) and the puppeteer (Kovac) for spreading all the B.S.  So sure vote for Kovac if you want to see another department ran into the ground and under a Federal Decree. This should never have been put out to the public. It had already been handled internaly but the puppeteer and little boy blue didn't like the outcome so here we are. If you think the person that will run against Kovac will let all these skeletons just die away your wrong. A track record is a track record. Just wait until the Feds get invovled and bring to light the corruption Kovac has been spearheading. I'm thinking you supporters of Kovac can send him some soap on a rope and a few packs of smokes to ward off the butt bandits.  That way no one will have to vote for or against him in a election. It's a win win for everyone.

Same Same

#150 Re: Get out

2014-04-25 22:02

#148: - Get out

The same could be said for Kovac and Josh.....