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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition WHEN GENOCIDE BECAME "FAMINE" : IRELAND, 1845 - 1850.
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#5012015-01-14 20:53Tim Pat Coogan's book The Famine Plot: England's Role In Ireland's Greatest Tragedy, fully explains why it was in England's best interests to delibrately starve the Irish. Our Irish culture is much older than England's or France. The Irish taught the English to read and write. How many Irish are aware of THAT fact that has been suppressed? It appears to me that the English were the ignorant, barbaric people here, not the Irish. Also Thomas Cahill wrote a book called "How the Irish Saved Civilization"; tis sad that they saved England. Ireland had plenty of food during the Great Hunger. It was WITHHELD at gunpoint and sent to England to feed their fat guts. What is also seldom discussed is that the potato blight also happened in Scotland. Why did the Scots fare so much better? Because England wanted to end the small farmers and instead use Ireland for grazing cattle. Cottages were ripped apart with the people still inside. Roofs were torn off so that people in Ireland had no place to go. The reason? They could not pay their rent because they were starving which, again, was a delibrate plan on England's part to rid themselves of what they considered a 'lower class of people'. Really? I would like to see the TRUTH not only about the Great Hunger in Ireland and why it didn't affect Scotland as much which also had a potato blight, but the genocide that was done to the Irish should be known far & wide. It wasn't the lack of potatoes which caused all the Irish deaths. It was the taking of their food- cattle, pigs, chickens and grains by FORCE by the English. Were/are the English too stupid to know how to grow their own? Or too lazy? This FACT needs to be in every schoolbook. If the English think they did no wrong, why are they trying to hide it? The deaths and forced immmigration of over 3 MILLION people is shameful and I will continue to voice my opinion on this until it is resolved. England, the Queen, should be held for crimes against humanity - genocide - which. under the UN Conventions a punishable crime. England should pay every Irish person a decent amount to make up for what they did. Crimes of this nature should not go without consequences. England forbade the Irish to speak Gaelic, teach the children (thus the hedge schools) practice their choice of religion or honor their ancient culture, which is far older than England's or France, at all. The same happened in Scotland. They made it against the law for them to wear their traditional garb, the kilt or keep their culture. Yet the Irish and Scots managed to keep the 'old ways' alive despite England's attempt to impose their so called 'culture' on everyone else. Records can easily be checked to prove how much food was being removed from Ireland during the Great Hunger and shipped to England, again, at GUNPOINT. It does not take a great mind to figure out that this was delibrate starvation of an innocent people who had been doing well before England took over. Ireland is a proud country and we will not bow to any queen unless she is 100% Irish. We have no reason to. We had the Brehon Laws which were quite sophisticated compareed to anything England had at the time. Ireland has IT'S OWN CULTURE. We are not nor do we want to be English. We want the facts of the Great Hunger known worldwide, just as the Jewish Holocaust is known worldwide. The Irish Holocaust is no different. Tony Blair's apology in 1997 stunted the growth of historical revisionism. Professor Joseph Lee has written "The external examiners in all Irish Universities came from England. Irish historians of that generation were bound to be conscious of the widespread English assumption that they might be prone to wild flights of Celtic fancy that any claims that sounded remotely exaggerated were in danger of being dismissed as extravagant. There may therefore have been a tendancy to counter this image by insisting on the sobriety of one's scholarship". In evading the horrors of "Celtic fancy", Irish historians have also left themselves open to a charge of evading the issue of British decision makers's responsibility for the Great Hunger. Here is a short historical example of the suffering of ONE family out of the millions: Nora Connelly was a peasant woman in Ireland and was hungry and ill-clothed, yet she walked several miles over rocky Kerry hillsides to get food for her children from a workhouse. However, she was turned down because her name was not on the 'list' of those who were to be given food. When Nora stumbled back to her cottage, she found that four of her children had DIED of starvation. Just another example of the delibrate bumbling idiocy of the English. Later is was discovered that her name should have been on the list but a CARELESS 'official' had given her a wrong name. There were many such officials. To quote Tim Pat Coogan's book, The Famine Plot: "...for many years Irish people had only the haziest notion of what happened during the Great Hunger, or indeed, how the Irish themselves can sometimes be blamed for what occurred. In some respects the silence of the Great Hunger survivors and that of their decedents on what happened during the Great Hunger resembles the guilty silence that the horror of the Holocaust imposed on some Jewish survivors of the camps." End quote. Genocide against the Irish can no longer be hidden or denied by the English. It was not the lack of potatoes that killed so many Irish. It was the delibrate stealing OF THEIR OWN FOOD to fill fat English landlords stomachs that killed them. And the English KNEW it. The Great Hunger should be in EVERY textbook in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. |
Susie |
#502 Re:2015-01-14 21:35That is all true what you have said. The English think they can twist the facts. It was not the lack of potatoes which caused the Great Hunger/Famine; it was the delibrate - at gunpoint- stealing of food from Irish farms. This is ethnic cleansing/genocide and is a punishable crime under the UN. I think the Irish should push for seeing that the English are held responsible. By denying the genocide or attempting to diminish the Irish suffering during the Famine/Great Hunger they are showing they are guilty. We are a proud race and much older than England or France. We taught the English to read and write. FACT. The inferior race are the English. Too much inbreeding I suspect. I have always wondered what 'civilization' they thought they were honoring every country they tried to oppress which were far older cultures than England, such as Ireland, China or India? It was not about 'bringing civilization" but about pillaging resources. America uses this tactic today as well. Their Anglican church is a rip off of the Catholc church, created ASAP for the convenience of the sick minded arse known as Henry the VIII so he could divorce his wife and remarry...again and again. The English are a cruel, heartless people, who send their children away to boarding school. The Irish would never do such a thing. Their families were tight knit. The Irish will never be English nor do we want to be. Leave us alone. And get out of Northern Ireland! If you are a LOYALIST, go back to where you can kneel and kiss the hem of the old bag lady aka queen. Loyalist implies who you are loyal to: NOT TO IRISH CUSTOMS, BUT TO THE QUEEN. A simple test of their loyalty to England can be observed on St. Patrick's Day in Northern Ireland. My grandfather referred to them as 'bloody Orangeman" for a reason. A little known fact is that the Irish taught the English to read and write - so - who is inferior? Read "How the Irish Saved Civilization" by Thomas Cahill, or Tim Pat Coogan's "The Famine Plot". The inferior people with a holier-than-thou attitude is the brits. They have screwed over China (Boer Wars, Opium Wars), India (would not let the Indians make their own clothing or mine their own salt because the brits controlled that), the Middle East by partitioning tribal lands - the results of which still are causing problems today, parts of Africa and many other countries. They are no better than America on the cruelty scale. Bet they didn't put THAT in the schoolbooks did they? They like to think they are lily white. They are the biggest hypocrites and liars on Earth. Time they are called on what they did to the Irish and how the Famine/Great Hunger was encouraged, how the Irish food was stolen, how many had to emigrate, and many died on those coffin ships. Again, genocide is punishable under UN conventions/law and England will be held responsible. |
Guest |
#5032015-01-14 22:18gland created the Irish Holocaust, the genocide of the Irish people. Millions of Irish perished since English military at gunpoint robbed the Irish of all their crops and cattle with DAILY SHIPLOADS of FOOD SUPPLIES to England and Scotland This fact is recorded and documented in the British National Archives, Kew, Surrey, England. |
Guest |
#5042015-01-14 22:26This is one ofthe most offensive ideas i have ever heard of in my life. There is nothing funny -EVER - about misery, starvation and death. |
Vince |
#505 Re: Re:2015-01-14 22:44Good for you, Susie. Your analysis of English Hypocrisy is right on target. The Irish Holocaust which was the Genocide of the Irish Nation was deliberately planned by the British Government. The so-called "Potato Famine" was wide-spread throughout ALL OF EUROPE, but ONLY IRELAND endured a so-called "famine" There was plenty of food in Ireland at that time but the British military robbed at gunpoint all the crops, cattle, and other food supplies intentionally to starve the Irish Nation, and conveniently blame it on a "POTATO FAMINE". MANY SHIPLOADS OF FOOD sailed DAILY from IRELAND to BRITISH ports in ENGLAND and SCOTLAND. The British are famous for keeping detailed and accurate records of their TRUE HISTORY. ALL THE FACTS OF THIS IRISH HOLOCAUST (THE GENOCIDE OF THE IRISH PEOPLE) are NOW recorded and documented at the BRITISH NATIONAL ARCHIVES, KEW, SURREY, ENGLAND. (Historians and scholars are NOW learning the TRUTH of the Genocide of the Irish people (1845-1850). So DON'T call it a "Potato Famine" or even a "Great Hunger". Those are false and misleading statements. It was a Genocide, an Irish Holocaust, similar to the Nazi planned HOLOCAUST against the Jewish People.
Guest |
#5062015-01-14 23:26I think the British TV Channel 4 should make a COMEDY about the British evacuation of Dunkirk in France in 1940, when the Germans drove them from the European Continent. That will surely give all people a lot of laughs seeing a BRITISH DEFEAT. |
Guest |
#5072015-01-16 15:42People i Ireland died from hunger when Ireland was still exporting grain and livestock/beef. There was no famine but economic starbation. |
Guest |
#5082015-01-17 22:41Is Britain's cover-up of its 1845-1850 holocaust in Ireland the most successful Big Lie in all of history? The cover-up is accomplished by the same British terrorism and bribery that perpetrated the genocide. Consider: why does Irish President Mary Robinson call it "Ireland's greatest natural [1] disaster" while she conceals the British army's role? Potato blight, phytophthora infestans, did spread from America to Europe in 1844, to England and then Ireland in 1845 but it didn't cause famine anywhere. Ireland did not starve for potatoes; it starved for food. |
Guest |
#5092015-01-24 18:44Condescending, patronising, arrogant, racist, which one would be considered the best description or is there a better one to dedcribe this so called comedy. I notice a lot of people pointing to the fact that the writer is irish, has if that is a reason to exonerate channel 4. Anyone in the broadcasting industry with an ounce of sense ought to be aware of the reaction a comedy of this sort would be likely to get, especially a comedy produced by a british TV channel dealing with a subject which was one of the primary causes of such bad feeling between the peoples of these Islands for generations. |
Guest |
#5152015-01-26 00:44Of course it was genocide! And we have a Taoiseach who hides his nationalism! Shame! |
The bastard |
#5202015-02-04 12:25This is my spud. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My spud is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My spud, without me, is useless. Without my spud, I am useless. I must eat my spud true.
I must eat my spud faster than my enemy who is trying to steal it from me. I must eat his spud before he eats mine. I will. So be it, until my spud is safely eaten before my enemies spud, there will be no enemy but peace! |
Guest |
#5222015-02-04 22:12Its time the world knew that Ireland did not have a famine,It was Genocide by the British, Lets not brush it under the carpet any-more,Call it what it was ,Ireland s Holocaust. |
Guest |
#5232015-02-05 03:32there is alot of our history air brushed... we should teach our children about the war that happened on this land... let the people have more understanding of what has and is going on with leaders.. of our country |
Guest |
#5242015-02-05 10:25Potato's, potato's, potato's! |
Guest |
#5252015-02-05 10:48Thank God Someone has seen the light. Now it is up to do the rest and push on with this petition and let the whole world know by sharing this far and wide. Remember we have millions of our country men across the world we need to share this with them. Mary Goretti Pettitt |
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