Petition in favour for Marica Pirosikova-ECHR - reopened
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Petition in favour for Marica Pirosikova-ECHR - reopened.
Guest |
#12014-01-07 21:28Well, we need a change in the Family Courts, in decision making in every country, so that those deicisions are compatible with the "Best of the Child". Words are not enough and we don´t accept just words and the rest is like bullshit. We demand that "The best interest of the child" is ALWAYS being taking in account and the the decision makers, like the Social Services in Sweden and the Courts in Sweden and not the least, The Police in Sweden, not are given the chance to statekidnap kids from the kids own secure surroundings. A childs home should be a place where the child is safe and not like today, when SIX POLICEMEN and two-tree Socialworkers are given the mandate to snatch children away from their homes, just like that and on false alligations as ground. That should immediately stop or Sweden should not call itself for "The World´s Childfriendliest country", because it´s nothing but a lie in todays society in Sweden. Swedish Authorities should be ashamed of themselves for doing EVIL to our innocent children, just for profit in Secret Family Courts. Stop it right away here and now! Give those children which are being held hostige in fosterhomes or those children who forcibly were taken, against the Childs own will, to the fathers place, amnesty. Sweden should also pay a fine for every child which human rights Swedish State have violated during the past years since the Authorities has been given power to do so. Our children are worth a better future than to be violated by the Swedish state and it´s Child-hostile, EVIL Monsters!! |
This post has been removed by its writer (Show details)
2014-01-08 15:49- Date of removal: 2014-01-08
- Reason for removal: rather petty
Ruby Harrold-Claesson |
#32014-01-08 18:10I fully support JUDr. Marica Pirošíková as a most competent and suitable candidate to become a judge at the European Court of Human Rights. Marica Pirošíková's consecration to Human Rights led the Slovakian government to send her as their Emissary to Great Britain to secure the return of the Boor brothers, who were unnececessarily taken into public care by British social workers and put up for forced adoption, to their parents and their home country, Slovakia. Marica Pirošíková will be a great asset as a judge in the ECHR. Ruby Harrold-Claesson, Lawyer in Sweden, President of the Nordic Committee for Human Rights |
Guest |
#42014-01-09 07:25For years ago, I was kind of involved in the Swedish Children's Welfare "Case of Alexander Aminoff", in the German press - Stern, der Spiegel - titulated as Kinder-Gulag. Later on, I wrote a book on 516 pages that took up the case, in Swedish "Vitsippornas Tid" = Anemone Season, ISBN 91-7040-053-9. The book came out year 2006 but did not sell - none of the big daily papers in Sweden commented my works and I had no advertisement budget for the purpose of giving it publicity. One Estonian, and a Finnish weekly in Sweden gave very positive critics over the story. My conspiratory theory of course is, My book was simply silenced as being too critical for the Swedish s c welfare system. I was encouraged, by my literary colleagues, to let publish the book in German, but my contacts to Germany & Austria are really poor in these days. Martin Hillebard Lidingö Sweden |
Guest |
#62014-01-11 16:12Marica Pirošíková is a perfect candidate. Vytautas Budnikas Lithuanian human rigts association |
Guest |
#8 UK courts must not decide the fate of foreign children, says top judge2014-01-17 19:54 |
Guest |
#9 Slovak Version - reopened here :2014-01-17 19:55 |
Guest |
#102014-01-19 20:02Petition in favour for Marica Pirosikova-ECHR because, Eastern Europe has survived the Sovjet epoque and learnt a lesson Therefore these people do have something to say regarding kidnappings, foster homes and sexual abuse of children that Nordic counties still have to learn about |
Hop för Sverige |
#11 Re:2014-01-19 21:42Hej, Det skulle vara stor seger, glädje, underbart förändring i den ateistl and som Sverige. Hello, It would be a great victory, joy, wonderful shift in the ateist land as Sweden.
Söker Rättvisa |
#12 Re:2014-01-19 22:07De som har pengar kan köpa barnen först. Jag är fattig, förbjöd att hålla mina ägna barn. Fy fan för Sverige.
Those who have money can buy children first. I am poor, forbade keeping my devote children. Fuck for Sweden. |
Guest |
#132014-01-20 05:59Be active Marica with your fair fight for ECHR and the Childrens Right foremost. |
Guest |
#14 Public declaration to the judgment of the President of the Family Division dealing with the court’s2014-01-20 16:10Public declaration to the judgment of the President of the Family Division dealing with the court’s approach to care proceedings concerning children from other European countries, and to reporting restriction orders in such cases „First off, I would again like to thank to the British politician John Hemming MP, who notified me during the search for adequate solution in the case of Boor on the possibility for the Slovak Republic to enter into the proceedings before English courts as a third party. The judgment of Sir James Munby confirms that such approach of the Slovak Republic was accurate. It is a challenge also for the other countries claiming not to be able to help their citizens facing separation of children from their parents without relevant reasons in the United Kingdom, to intervening actively in a such proceedings before the family courts. At the same time it is very important for the intervening country to assess the cases also with regard to the ECHR case law. I remind that the PACE on 30 November 2012 adopted a resolution where it stressed that the children should be separated from their parents only in very exceptional circumstances. The adoption of the resolution was based on a report by Christopher Chope criticising the functioning of family courts e.g. in the United Kingdom. (〈=EN)" JUDr. Marica Pirošíková Agent of the Government of the Slovak Republic before the ECHR |
Guest |
#152014-01-20 21:23All families everywhere should have the right to educate their children in the best way they believe possible. With the exception of cases of neglect or abuse, there is no better environment for a child to learn than in his or her home, with the guidance of loving parents. Marica Pirosikova has shown that she is a staunch supporter of the best interest for families and children, and would serve her country, and others, well in this position with the ECHR. |
Guest |
#162014-01-21 04:49All families should have the right to homeschool their children. These children not only get one on one attention in their education but their are also modeled into people with good character. It should be a human right all over the world to enable parents to teach their children in a safe environment. |
Guest |
#172014-01-23 14:54Governments should recognize and accept the Natural law that parents have over their children to make the best decisions fot their children, academically and emotionally. |
Sabine K McNeill |
#18 First Conference on International Child Removal Proceedings in Prague2014-10-05 13:53Please note the International Conference she organised admirably: |
pcaratt |
#19 Pura Caratt2014-10-09 14:53I need help to get my 2 daughters from foster care, I been for 1 year work very hard and the social services from Camden in London just play with the live of my daughters, my daughters are from Venezuela nationality and they don't have passport because they need to go to Venezuela to get that, all this vas for false allegation from my ex husband to remove my small daughter and now the social services from Camden give my small daughter to him. but the other 2 are from Venezuela and father from Venezuela. they are 11 and 13 year old. I need help my my number is 07424401731. Thank you. |
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