Petition in favour for Marica Pirosikova-ECHR - reopened

Quoted post



2014-01-07 21:28

Well, we need a change in the Family Courts, in decision making in every country, so that those deicisions are compatible with the "Best of the Child". Words are not enough and we don´t accept just words and the rest is like bullshit. We demand that "The best interest of the child" is ALWAYS being taking in account and the the decision makers, like the Social Services in Sweden and the Courts in Sweden and not the least, The Police in Sweden, not are given the chance to statekidnap kids from the kids own secure surroundings. A childs home should be a place where the child is safe and not like today, when SIX POLICEMEN and two-tree Socialworkers are given the mandate to snatch children away from their homes, just like that and on false alligations as ground. That should immediately stop or Sweden should not call itself for "The World´s Childfriendliest country", because it´s nothing but a lie in todays society in Sweden. Swedish Authorities should be ashamed of themselves for doing EVIL to our innocent children, just for profit in Secret Family Courts. Stop it right away here and now! Give those children which are being held hostige in fosterhomes or those children who forcibly were taken, against the Childs own will, to the fathers place, amnesty. Sweden should also pay a fine for every child which human rights Swedish State have violated during the past years since the Authorities has been given power to do so. Our children are worth a better future than to be violated by the Swedish state and it´s Child-hostile, EVIL Monsters!!


Hop för Sverige

#11 Re:

2014-01-19 21:42:11

#1: -


Det skulle vara stor seger, glädje, underbart förändring i den ateistl and som Sverige.


It would be a great victory, joy, wonderful shift in the ateist land as Sweden.


Söker Rättvisa

#12 Re:

2014-01-19 22:07:54

#1: -

De som har pengar kan köpa barnen först.

Jag är fattig, förbjöd att hålla mina ägna barn.

Fy fan för Sverige.


Those who have money can buy children first.

I am poor, forbade keeping my devote children.

Fuck for Sweden.