Hands Off Hartlebury Common

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2011-07-15 13:28

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2011-07-15 13:57

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2011-07-15 14:00

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2011-07-15 14:01

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2011-07-15 14:02



2011-07-15 17:19


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2011-07-15 18:00

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2011-07-15 18:25

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2011-07-15 18:26

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2011-07-15 18:28

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2011-07-15 19:27

Steve McCarron

#837 More praise for Un-Natural england

2011-07-15 20:25

look at the detail of the Aarhus Convention and the hearing you got.I have found NO evidence of the UK(NE/DEFRA)complying with the pillars regarding participation/consultation.The 1992 Rio conference was a World overview but each party has looked to parochial compliance with no view of local impact on World biodiversity.At a cost,in the UK, of up to £3m per 1000hc over 10 yrs our efforts are contributing to World degradation(money being the denominator of material damage).I might add that Dr Phillips(head of NE) salary does little to exemplify personal environmental responsibility.NE have become the arbiters of life and death and what the public will and will not have access to with no accountabilities(in fact every failure,like ESA heathland,justifies further investment and intervention instead of a review of NE's competence).NE frequently support trade offs whereby 'glamour rarities'are encouraged at a cost to the wider environment but 'ignore'any science which reduces rural investment(ELS/HLS)but would achieve the same result.Challenges achieve accountability.Keep challenging with the support of Save Penwith Moors.
Steve McCarron

#838 More praise for Un-Natural england

2011-07-15 20:26

Hi Ian and Friends

On Odiham Common we have experienced trouble from Natural England since 1995 but have managed to repel their wishes of grazing, felling, and fencing. The latest insult was the latest management plan produced by consultants under the Common Purpose protocol. The plan ignored the views of the people who live on and use the common. The consultants simply produced a plan that met Natutal Englands requirements to get HLS funding so that our local authority could pick up £120,000 over the next 10 years. The fight goes on. Natural England want to control everything without being accountable and the Big Society principles have yet to arrive at Natural England.


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2011-07-15 20:47

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2011-07-15 21:33

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2011-07-15 23:02

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2011-07-16 00:05

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2011-07-16 00:17

Steve McCarron

#844 More good news from the people of Natural Egland

2011-07-16 01:48

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Anger as work disrupts wildlife breeding season at Sefton Park

May 13 2008 by Richard Down, Liverpool Daily Post
The rebuilt palm house in Sefton Park

WILDLIFE is being threatened by delayed dredging work round Sefton park lake which has coincided with the breeding season, a wildlife group claimed last night.

Nature lovers set up Sefton Park Nature Watch specifically to keep a watchful eye on the renovation work.

They are angry that contractors Birse Civil have won a licence from Natural England “to destroy nests, eggs and chicks of wading birds if they prevent work from occurring.”

Group member Dr Janice Sear, of Croxteth Gate, claims promises made during the consultation phase have been overlooked.

She said: “Given that the islands have been hacked to pieces, with trees felled and shrubs cut back in large quantities, while waterways have been denuded of reeds, the recommendations made during the consultation have not been adhered to.”

She claimed the group had been given assurances that breeding seasons of species would be taken into account to minimise disturbance.

While Dr Sear claims swans have been afforded special consideration due to their status as royal property, other waterfowl have been hit hard at a key time of year.

Liverpool City Council, which has commissioned the work as part of a £6m renovation, defended its progress.

A spokeswoman said: “In accordance with best practice, the main contractor invited Natural England to visit the site and on their recommendation the Secretary of State has granted a temporary licence to relocate nests as a precaution should this prove necessary.”

Read More http://www.liverpooldailypost.co.uk/liverpool-news/regional-news/2008/05/13/anger-as-work-disrupts-wildlife-breeding-season-at-sefton-park-64375-20900466/#ixzz1SDVitdqF
Steve McCarron

#845 and yet even more.

2011-07-16 01:50

Cattle to be removed from Holt Heath

12:00pm Thursday 7th April 2011

By Harriet Marsh »


CATTLE will be removed from Holt Heath over the winter months in a bid to reduce animal deaths on the roads, but otherwise the controversial conservation scheme is here to stay.

That’s the message from National Trust and Natural England after more than 100 angry residents squeezed into Holt Parish Hall for a public meeting on Tuesday night.

It is the latest in a long-running dispute over the re-introduction of 35 Angus cattle and six New Forest ponies to the National Nature Reserve and Site of Special Scientific Interest last August, to keep gorse and other plants under control.

Residents are up in arms after two cows had to be put down after collisions with cars, and two tame horses were injured after getting stuck in cattlegrids installed to keep the grazing stock on the heath.

The dark-coloured cattle have since been given reflective collars, but the Trust is now pledging to bring them indoors from September to March – as originally promised at the Public Inquiry in 2006, when permission was granted for the animals to roam the full heath.

Resident Trevor Neale said: “The whole scheme is flawed. Under initial proposals, those cattle should not have been there on those dark winter nights.”

Trust staff, including a grazier based in Swanage, have been given pagers after residents and police struggled to get in touch as the cows lay dying.

Many residents said they had always felt it would be better to put fencing along the road, taking away the need for the grids.

Riders now feel it is a “no go area”

following “absolutely horrific”

incidents where escaped horses have fallen through.

Those living close by the grids say the “constant rumble” is intrusive.

A National Trust spokesman said they were considering a way forward from these complex issues.

Head ranger Pete Sampson said: “This is a new scheme. We are a very small amount of time into it.

“We are still learning and took advice from experts at the New Forest.

“It’s easy to blame people for speeding or animals for jumping the ditches, but we need to raise people’s awareness of what’s around on the roads.”


It does not matter, fencing, no fencing, if management is not skilled or up to scratch in animal husbandry, the results will always be awful. Cattle do not like dogs or fires or busy places. They can push down sheep fencing as if it is not there if they want to, or are scared.

Alongside the worcester road because of the frequency and speed of the traffic the fencing should have at least one strand of barbed wire at its top. Ask a farmer. Cattle are capable of clearing a 6ft fence or wall easily if they want.


Steve McCarron

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2011-07-16 11:13


#847 Re: and yet even more.

2011-07-16 11:46

#845: Steve McCarron - and yet even more.  


Why have you removed what I said? You have no time for people that don't agree with what you say. I am speaking for people that live by the common that deal with real problems caused by the road. You live no where near it so how can you just dismiss what local people say. There are ways the horse riders can get on ie through the gates. Cattle grid only at the top near to 3 houses. Have you actually asked the riders? There is still fresh manure over there so horses still going on. I was going to sign your petition but I'm disgusted with your childish behaviour. So yet another one opposing your ridiculous ideas along with my local residents who live by the COMMON!

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2011-07-16 11:51

Steve McCarron

#849 Re: Re: and yet even more.

2011-07-16 12:05

#847: Susan - Re: and yet even more.

If you have watched riders go through the gates you will have seen that they have to dismount. You cannot always get a horse in the precise position to operate the lever. This increases risk for horse and rider enourmously, espeacially adjacent to roads. The riders hate the fencing. Have you talked to any of them, I have!

I do not think you were going to sign this petition, ever.

The first thing people express when they sign the petitions is the issue of fencing and cattle. One rule for some and another for the council. Have you talked to the residents adjacent to worcester road? I want the common to be as it was before all this rubbish started. What do YOU want susan.


I have put my cards on the table, this one way barracking of yours is useless, that is why I deleted your posts. You did not want to go any further or look at the wider picture so you are just taking up space. Also your comments are very similar in tone to those left by personal interest groups masquerading as the public


Steve Mccarron




Steve McCarron

#850 Beavers

2011-07-16 12:18

There is little that NE cannott screw up. Most people suffer in silence after being blinded with psuedo laws. Look at this below. I know that I do not talk about the council that much now. That's because they are an irrelevant bunch really.
