Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Steve McCarron

/ #849 Re: Re: and yet even more.

2011-07-16 12:05

#847: Susan - Re: and yet even more.

If you have watched riders go through the gates you will have seen that they have to dismount. You cannot always get a horse in the precise position to operate the lever. This increases risk for horse and rider enourmously, espeacially adjacent to roads. The riders hate the fencing. Have you talked to any of them, I have!

I do not think you were going to sign this petition, ever.

The first thing people express when they sign the petitions is the issue of fencing and cattle. One rule for some and another for the council. Have you talked to the residents adjacent to worcester road? I want the common to be as it was before all this rubbish started. What do YOU want susan.


I have put my cards on the table, this one way barracking of yours is useless, that is why I deleted your posts. You did not want to go any further or look at the wider picture so you are just taking up space. Also your comments are very similar in tone to those left by personal interest groups masquerading as the public


Steve Mccarron