PETITION: We the people of South Africa want Jacob Zuma to step down



2015-12-12 14:19

Enough is enough ramarete



2015-12-12 14:20

He shouldn't be the leader of South Africa in the first place. He is a piece of crap that doesn't even deserves to live.


#2653 Re:

2015-12-12 14:20



2015-12-12 14:25

Ek begeer 'n nie-rassige, vredevolle land met 'n werkende ekonomie wat in staat is om sy mense vab werk te voorsien. Demokratiese regering wat verantwoordbaar is aan sy kliente en wat in alle opsigte deursigtige besluite neem tot voordeel van die land. Kry hierdie man wat meer omgee vir sy party as vir die land uit hierdie leierskap pos - hy het nie 'n benul hoeveel skade hy uurliks aanrig nie.



2015-12-12 14:25

Our country is going down because he is not a leader. He is jst leading himself to our money



2015-12-12 14:26

I've had enough of Zuma.. #EnoughIsEnough



2015-12-12 14:26

Stop him while we can! S.A will become the next Zimbabwe



2015-12-12 14:29

Because I am an intelligent South African



2015-12-12 14:31

Because I love south Africa my/our country and I agree with the facts listed on this petition!! We the people of South Africa have the right to expose a corrupt leader and we demand our rights to be addressed and a solution to this countries problems to be reached.



2015-12-12 14:32

Zuma must fall!!! We need to think of our kids and our future



2015-12-12 14:32

The worst person we could have chosen to lead he will lead us straight into the rubbish bin



2015-12-12 14:33

Tired of the corruption,



2015-12-12 14:34

Horrible person for a



2015-12-12 14:35

20 years in democracy we have not moved on .... we are getting poorer ... and still living in the past ... the ANC STILL blames apartheid ... but themselves for this crap ... its jobs for family first than friends ... all on the gravy train ... MR Zuma has been fooling us for far too ...long ... his followers clap hands and protect him .. sorry ..



2015-12-12 14:37

We are going down with zuma as no 1

#2666 zuma must fall

2015-12-12 14:37

zuma must step down, we are tired of him he should just go and be a grandfather 



2015-12-12 14:38

Our country has the potential to be great. This man has done nothing that can make our country proud. He has disappointed and mislead our entire population with manipulation and corruption



2015-12-12 14:39

Because this man must go, otherwise our country will be lost.



2015-12-12 14:39

Because he needs ta go



2015-12-12 14:40

Jacob Zuma is not interested in leading SA. He cares only about his own financial well being. Any leader who puts himself before the thing he is trying to lead is clearly not a leader. We have the potential to be a great nation, but not as long as people like Jacob Zuma govern us and occupy decision making roles in government and business.



2015-12-12 14:43

Zuma is going to lead his people into poverty just as Robert Mugabe did, he must step down.



2015-12-12 14:48

Everything that we have worked for in SA, is going down the drain!



2015-12-12 14:49

For the good of all law abiding South African's



2015-12-12 14:53

Because under the ANC, this country is rapidly becoming a disaster. Although Zuma is leading this devastation, the lack of leadership and integrity of the rest of the party is evident in the lack of action taken to remove this man.



2015-12-12 14:54

Zuma must go - enough is enough