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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition THIS IS A PETITION TO REMOVE LAURA GLADING FROM OFFICE.
Soldier up! |
#176 Re: Re: Minimum2014-10-20 17:35#175: Soldier up! - Re: Minimum I mean 3% yearly increase. No discremination against F/As who serve in the military part time!!!
Soldier up! |
#177 Names2014-10-20 17:58To all US air F/As I am pleased and honored to be united with such a great group of folks that bring Knowledge,experiance and professionalism and honor to the ranks. To the TWA F/As dito dito dito. I have learned so much from you and if I were to have anyone represent me I would have to say I am glad to have you in my corner. We have such a great , vast group of experiance dedication and so much Love to give. We need to get the best of each group Reno, Ozark TWA US air and AA togeather and "mind meld" as Spock would say and get the contract we deserve and have earned! However it needs to be with some serious "dont mess with my Kids" attitude! Cheers to all STL-D class of 99. |
Guest |
#1782014-10-20 22:20I had no problem before they went in and change the existing TA to satisfy the AA side. If this contract was the final absolutely no changes can be made then how can the hard 40 be changed to satisfy a certain amount of our work group. It makes me not trust nor have any confidence in anything this union is presenting in the TA. How. About changing something that we all want not just this group that bitched the loudest. They should be ashamed of themselves. I am disgusted with the union representation. They lied to us!!!! |
CB |
#1802014-10-21 02:00How many signatures will it take before this petition has an effect? |
Guest |
#1812014-10-21 02:58I am sick of people professing to help improve our working conditions and doing nothing but improving theirs and working for the company against us. WHY NOT, you are getting bonuses everytime a contract is passed. How can you live with yourself? I guess its easy with all your incentives. Our blood is on your hands. |
Guest |
#1822014-10-21 03:47When I read this .... I knew that I had ENOUGH KOOL-AID for one day .......LAURA, COME ON ... did U really think this through??? REALLY .... what about your ' other sisters ' ??? VERY VERY SAD |
Guest |
#183 Re:2014-10-21 03:54....i whole heartedly agree with this petition!!! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOUR SELF ... very very very sad day when you turn on your own
Choose a nickname Guest |
#184 Subject2014-10-21 05:33In all my years of worker and never employer, I have never seen a union representative that shows more interest towards the company's work rules been shoved down our throats than what's best for the work group which not only gave up a brief contract negotiated in 2001 to not only allow our company to get back in their feet, but to continue and allowing to chop our contract to less than the one given in 1993. And through all this years allow the same company drag this negotiating power to be miss used with pocket change so we can just continue to believe their lies and deceiving promises. How much does Laura Glading have to see to find in her knowledge that we are not benefiting from this once again 'pocket change' the company is trying to buy our new contract with. Give us back the entire 1993 contract and then we can sit back at the table to focus with much better and productive work rules that will benefit not only the company but the entire workforce that drives this company's profits and success. Let's be considerate and fare with someone that is not showing disrespect to the intelligence of each worker in this corporation, I don't have to have a title like Laura Glading to realize how unfare and bullying AAL is trying to be with the negotiation. We don't need someone like her to just stand and watch their colleagues being taking for a ride, because she's too weak or maybe bought by AAL to throw down the towel. Sorry, But I can't allow to let that happen anymore. We Americans take care of many around the world, but mostly of each one of our own's nation, time to speak up with freedom and fight for our families. |
Guest |
#1852014-10-21 14:42There is a process to making a change and I am grateful to those that started this and signed it. |
bqSe |
#1862014-10-21 14:55You wasted MY time at CLT hotel roadshow when the 40 hour$ minimum was "justified" by how EASY it would be for LAA who were used to no minimum could still achieve that by vacation, etb, fmla, sick, etc if it wasn't such a big sacrifice for the MAJORITY of the eligible voters, WHY AND HOW did you change it AFTER our votes had been cast on what YOU said was the best you could do? For whom? If things are still being slipped between you and the company, why can you NOT continue to pressure for the other issues we vocalized? Do I now need to wait until the final moments to cast MY vote JUST IN CASE there are MORE new developments? I believed you when the panel that sat before us. Now I am not sure. |
BlueJae |
#1872014-10-21 15:05Laura personally shared how she was going to NOT run again but when seeing how little experience others running had chose to. I may still yes to the TA to protect what we have and "quality if life" Issues that I believe would be wiped clean if we go into arbitration. But I want her to step aside and let an inexperienced person start fresh in the years ahead in our ever evolving profession. |
BlueJae |
#188 Re:2014-10-21 15:40Good question! *I am comment 185-187. |
Guest |
#1892014-10-22 00:39I feel we as collective FAs should hire a teamsters to represent us. A flight attendant in this position is susceptible to being bullied or coaxed by the company. I beg of you to go outside, check with Southwest. we need qualified, educated, negotiators without A conflict of interest. |
Bebee |
#190 Re:2014-10-22 02:15Kind hearted? No. Have you read all the bickering, name calling and nastiness towards each other? Definitely not kind hearted. |
Guest |
#1912014-10-22 04:09What Laura Gladding is doing in essence, is, asking the union membership to sign a blank contract and she fills in the blanks and make changes with whatever she wants. How can you change something while the union membership is in the middle of voting on a negotiated agreement? Totally unethical, unprofessional, and shows total dishonesty of our union leadership and stinks of illegality. Laura Gladding uses the same threatening tactics that the company had used on this union over the years to force a vote in her favor. This union leader is no different than the company. She needs this yes vote in order to get the money that the company said they would give to her for a yes vote. Wake up people! She is only trying to make a name for herself so that she can pursue other career opportunities outside of this company at your expense. Just like the old CEO. Only goes to show that not only do you need new corporate leaders, your union leaders need to go as well! |
Concerned |
#192 Re:2014-10-22 04:57I agree please someone look into this and let's get this stuff all corrected please !!!! The union and company are laughing at us!! See the writing on the wall!!! |
Guest |
#1932014-10-22 19:59For accepting the unacceptable. No profit sharing like other wok groups equals NO vote from me. |
Guest |
#1942014-10-22 20:01Unfortunately, Union work has become very self serving during times of contract negotiations. I am very disappointed how this was not for our membership; but rather to hurry up and get it out of the way with a cheap TA. |
Guest |
#1952014-10-23 01:38she makes shaddie and underhanded deals and expects us to trust her with our lively hood ,I think not !!!!! |
Guest |
#1962014-10-23 02:53only 1900 have signed not a great turn out. how many need to sign to have her removed? |
Guest |
#1972014-10-23 04:01The "powerful & aggressive" Laura Gladding that I witnessed on the pre-vote debate video turned "about-faced" and "tail-between" legs after getting into office. Laying "face-down" & "hands-up in the air" whenever it came to procedural changes that affected the flight attendant group. It made it appear that her aggressiveness was only for "show" once she got into office. I wouldn't have voted for her if I had known she was like that. Her "true colors" has come out and I feel that I was deceived and my vote for her was wasted. The "Bull Dog" turned out to be a "Chihuahua". The "Wizard" behind the curtain turned out to be an "Scared-Old-Gray Haired Man". Future candidates better be aware of what they say and do because union members like myself will not forget and will see right through you and WILL sign a petition like this so that our hard working union dues will not be thrown away wastefully! I want my union dues used to represent and protect me and NOT just "shoved in your pocket" while the company abuses us. "Fool Me Once...Shame On You...Fool Me Twice...Shame On Me!" The "Free-Ride" is over! Come back out on line flying and see what you have let happen! Wake Up! |
Guest |
#1982014-10-23 16:02She needs to go. She signs back room deals in the middle of a ratification vote. Plus, she is in too deep with management. How about she gives up her golden parachute she signed with Doug and Scott. Get her out of office!!! |
Guest |
#1992014-10-23 19:44I have lost all confidence in this union. Laura Glading and friends have literally succumbed to the Stockholm Syndrome. They have become a faction of AAL management in my opinion, exactly where management wants them to manipulate us. As far as I am concerned, they should just close up the APFA building on HWY 10 in Euless and move into the sixth floor at Centerport. Where the company used to split and divide us, they now use APFA to do that and they are doing a damn good job of it. Laura Glading is too removed, bought, bribed and paid for to see the disconnect. She is an epic fail and ineffective. |
Guest |
#2002014-10-23 21:28As a president of APFA, I feel she is NOT representing the members interest and to think that she accepted agreement with the management to go straight to an arbitration is beyond comprehensible! Why would she give up members leverage to negotiate?! We, as members did not have any say in it!!!!! |
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