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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition KEEP THE WOODBRIDGE VILLAGE CENTER, IRVINE!.
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#12014-09-22 05:04The center could use some renovations, but it needs to stay. Irvine needs these types of shopping centers and stores, not more housing. |
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#22014-09-22 11:41I visit my sister in Irvine every year and when my kids were younger we often walked to this plaza and often enjoyed the movie theatre. |
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#32014-09-22 18:46The last thing Irvine needs is more people and less of what it used to be |
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#42014-09-22 22:07Another example of corp greed taking over small land plots for new housing or bigger is better mentality. Irvine is not the village anymore, with charming small schools & neighborhoods,,, |
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#52014-09-22 23:10It is absolutely NOT surprising that the Irvine Company is behind the closure. They're known for pushing out small businesses by hiking up rent. This center is lagging and drawing fewer and fewer people, sure, but that's because the Irvine Co. isn't investing in really great shops that will draw a crowd. They really turned around the Crossroads Center (Target/Urban Plates/Stone Fire Grill), I know that they could do the same for the Woodbridge Center if they chose to. |
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#62014-09-23 01:17This center has been the heart of Woodbridge for years. It has defintely become "sleepy" these past few years, because of age and the shops that have been forced to leave due to rent hikes. It was such a quaint center when St Ives, Chevys, the stamp store, coffee shop, Women's clothes boutiques etc. were all here. Of course Rubys, Barnes and Noble, the Movie Theater, Toy store, Jewelry store, Champanes and Rainbow Kids hair salon, are so much a part of Woodbridge, it would be devastating to see them go!! Woodbridge is a special place... To add more dense housing and loose a wonderful social/retail center will change its character and community feel. While the Irvine Co. certainly knows how to keep Irvine looking beautiful, they must not forget the impact their decisions will make on the thousands of us who call Woodbridge home. The uniqueness of this community is why we are here! The Irvine Company is becoming known as the "Scrooge" of OC. I don't know what small business would want to risk renting from them at this point. What a wonderful PR move they could make to listen to this community and work with the shop owners and their rent hikes. Also, as wonderful as it is to have some great Asian food choices, lets not get out of balance! (i.e. oh how we would welcome back the old Stonecreek Farmers Market, a coffee shop, Mexican, Italian, or more Urban Plates style resturant, a Juice bar, Trader Joes...) Please preserve the charm and history of this community, there is no other place like Woodbridge... |
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#82014-09-23 02:22So many great memories of the Woodbridge Village Shopping Center. So sad that the Irvine company would even consider such an eye sore in a spot that so many people enjoy. As if the Irvine Company needs any more money. |
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#92014-09-23 04:42I grew up in Woodbridge and my family still lives there. DONT TEAR IT DOWN TO BUILD APARTMENTS - there are FAR TOO MANY ALREADY!!! |
Getwithit |
#10 Woodbridge Village Center2014-09-23 06:50ENOUGH of the Irvine Company destroying the character and charm of Irvine. Violating the Master Plan of Woodbridge would be nothing less than criminal to every one of the tens of thousands of residents who bought there because of the charm and feeling of community that is unique to Woodbridge. All Irvine residents have seen enough of the eyesores the Irvine Company has put up; blocks upon blocks of UGLY, multi-story monstrosities they call modern residences. We call B.S. They are no more than a physical manifestation of the greed the Irvine Company has displayed over and over. Proprietors of small businesses have been abused for years. Consider how many great restaurants and businesses we have lost because of the Irvine Company's egregious treatment of if owners were enemies of the Irvine Company and the city of Irvine. Egregious doesn't even begin to describe the way they have treated businesses and residents. A history of bait and switching, raising rents and taking a percentage of the gross revenue, driving businesses out and then leaving the properties vacate for sometimes years. It's their own fault Woodbridge Village Center has gone down hill. We saw what they did in replacing businesses that served the people and character of the residents of Woodbridge, with medical centers over there. No wonder people don't use the center as much. If they were to allow some businesses back in there that would bring back the character of the community and not gouge them as if they were trying to sqeeze blood out of a turnip rather than encourage them and celebrate their success along with their own good will, we'd have the place full every night. Shame on you, Irvine Company. |
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#122014-09-23 15:40more apartments is not what Irvine or more especially Woodbridge needs. Shame on you for squeezing out the beauty of the area in order to fill it in with more crowded housing. |
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#132014-09-23 17:39Please let me know if I can walk the petition around my neighborhood and collect signatures! |
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#142014-09-23 17:46This center is the hub of our wonderful neighborhood. Families enjoy the sparse offerings A GREAT DEAL! How about the Irvine Company actually working to rebuild this center with Trader Joes and a variety of restaurants much like they rebuilt the Target center. Come on... we DON'T want more residential on this site, it ruins the neighborhood and we will leave Woodbride and find another city with a community feel if they close the center. |
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#152014-09-23 21:18PLEASE KEEP WOODBRIDGE VILLAGE CENTER!!! It's a wonderful place for people and families to be together!! My daughter and I come up from San Clemente just because it's a great center and the surroundings are so pretty and peaceful! |
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#162014-09-24 04:07This center already lost Chevy's, a great family restaurant years ago. We also lost Waters, another community restaurant, Claim Jumper, El Cholo, Ace Hardware, to name a few more businesses we miss!!! My family has lived here in Woodbridge for over 11years and can't imagine not having Ruby's there and especially the Starplex Cinema where we take the kids to see a movie quite often! We already pay so much in Association dues & maintenance fees to even afford for our family of 4 to see a current movie in the regular theatre. Starplex Cinema is such a treat to have in our community because we make it a family outing and the center in general, is a great place to ride our bikes to. More apartments are not needed with all of the other developments going on around the city's perimeter! More traffic, more kids in our classrooms and more congestion in beautiful Woodbridge?! No thank you. |
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#172014-09-24 04:17Please keep our wonderful city a place that families want to call home. |
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#182014-09-24 04:46One of the most wonderful activities my family and I have living in Woodbridge is either walking or bicycling from our house along the lake to the Woodbridge Center to go to the movies or bookstore or out to eat. Removing the center will destroy that part of our home which we treasure not for the benefit of the community but for the profit of a few. It is part of why we moved to our community. I feel that removing it would be breaking CCR that we bought into. We bought our homes which exist within a planned community. Legal action must be involved if there are indeed plans to alter the village so radically without the support of those living here. |
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#192014-09-24 06:18this cannot be happening in our beautiful community. we have loss so many nice places already. I feel sorry for all the remaining business in the village. The Irvine Co. had this cooking for quite a while, why are they fooling these poor businesses that are still in business? Please leave things that way they are. |
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#202014-09-24 17:41the Irvine Comp has been out of control for many years.I've been a resident since 1979 and I've become more and more disappointed with their unconcerned and unpopular decisions. Only thing in decisions is how much more money they can get not what is the best interests of the people who live here and have this a community. Just look at all the good stores and rest. that Irvine comp. has run out Claim Jumpers, ACE Hardware,Office Depot, Woodbridge Pharmacy,El Cholo,Chevys, and many more. then they leave these spaces open for years because they(Irvine Comp)dosen't need the money and is not concerned with put the empoleys out of work and the many patrons of these stores with no choice but drive further away from their village to find want they need. This all totally opposite to the promises that all of us home owners were given get us to start our lives in this community. Now they have us here and our wants and desires for this community doesn't matter. Only what makes the Irvine Comp more money and now will really impact our quality of live by increasing density and over loading traffic. What's next are going drain the lakes for more apartments and parking? Gone is the beautiful bridge, Vonns, Steinmart and in their place URBAN SPRALL |
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#212014-09-24 18:01I have very fond memories of the Woodbridge Village Center. A High density apartment complex will destroy the visual appeal of the center, not to mention increase the traffic already too apparent in the area. |
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#222014-09-24 18:48We live in Woodbridge for the Community and if we lose the center that will take away from a lot if community feel. We don't need more apartments. |
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#242014-09-25 03:28Please dont take down of the last pretty spots in Irvine. We have enough housing. We need restaurants, food, leisure. |
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#252014-09-25 03:29Irvine population has been increased for the last few years and the traffic became crazy. Irvine does not need more houses. All the strawberry fields became apartment complexes. Please do not destroy this place to bring more crowd. This is a place where kids play, teenagers hang out and parents have a cup of coffee. This place has been a symbol of Irvine. |
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