Save the night train from Denmark to Europe

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Save the night train from Denmark to Europe.



2014-07-27 20:09

Der Nachtzug muss erhalten bleiben.



2014-07-28 07:32

For me the night train is the best way to meet my family in Freiburg while I work in Copenhagen. The night train leaves after work on a Friday and arrives for work (starting a little later) on Monday. The only alternative is to fly where I would have to use half a working day on Friday to go to Basel and half the Sunday to get back. Besides, the night train allows a more relaxed way to travel - especially with children. Further, ecological advantages seem to be obvious... Keep it running!



2014-07-29 06:51

The nighttrain-relation's must be stay for the europeen understood!


2014-07-29 10:58

when I have to be at our Frankfurt office I often take the night train from Copenhagen, as it arrives in Frankfurt in god time to be at the office at 8 o'clock. By daytrain not possible and by flight only if I leave my home at 4 in the morning. So save the trains from Denmark to Europe!



2014-07-29 19:09

I've spent 130 nights of the last five years on night trains, saving time to see my family and beloved ones, and I gladly spend 130 more in the next five years if the opportunity to do so isn't taken from me...



2014-07-30 07:33

Ich wünsche mir, dass die Nachtzug Verbindung von Berlin nach Kopenhagen bestehen bleibt, so kann man entspannt Reisen und kommt ausgeruht am Ziel an.



2014-07-31 12:21

Bra initiativ det måste väl gå att driva desa linjer med lite mer marknads föring
iDanmark och Sydsverige



2014-07-31 20:56

Smart people use trains



2014-08-01 17:51

The Night Train is fantastic, you wake up and can have a breakfast with the view on Storebælt



2014-08-01 17:53

The Train is used by very much People ans is friedlly to the envoirenment.



2014-08-02 14:54

Hope the petition will be successful



2014-08-02 16:16




2014-08-02 21:22

Für Schweizer der letzte CNL mit anständigen Abteilsitzwagen. Die Ruhesesselwagen sind Müll!



2014-08-02 21:51

Die Nutzung des Flugverkehrs ist in der heutigen Mobilität vollkommen pervertiert:
Gepäck ist teuer & geht verloren. Man kann sich die Beine nicht vertretten. Picknicken ist nicht möglich. Waschräume sind eine Zumutung. Einchecken ist mühsam. Spontaner Reisezeitpunktwechsel /-unterbruch ist praktisch unmöglich ... etc etc
Und trotzdem fliegt heutzutage jeder Idiot Kurzstrecke à gogo. Regierungen sprechen von Umweltschutz und foutieren sich im die Kurzstreckenproblematik - au contraire - jeder neue Flugrelation zum Nachbarn wird gross gefeiert. Der Bahnverkehr wird kaputtprivatisiert. Wem dass alles zu doof wurde, dem wird natürlich auch der Benzin vertaxt bis ins Unendliche - nur Kerosin muss günstig sein ...



2014-08-03 21:12

They know why they do not want us travelling, connected. They know. Do you?

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2014-08-07 22:27

Farin Urlaub


2014-08-08 07:19

Jag alskar Sverige

Farin Urlaub

#43 Jag alskar Sverige

2014-08-08 07:20

Jag alskar Sverige



2014-08-08 11:05

On the side which is supported by the DB - employees with simmilar themes abolishing nighttrains and motorcartrains through Europe.

It will be held a demonstration against these bullshit decisions at Berlin on Sept. 24th. more details on the webside!



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2014-08-12 07:58



2014-08-14 14:30

It is scandalous that DB are cutting the night trains, negating all the advantages of daytime high speed rail. This is cultural vandalism.

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2014-08-15 07:15



2014-08-15 07:16

This connection to europe is important also for Sweden. Train = environment friendly alternative to air transport. SAVE THE NIGHT TRAIN FROM DENMARK TO EUROPE



2014-08-15 07:36

Cancelling the night train from Denmark to Europe is contrary to all knowledge about what modern traveling - with increasingly many people choosing to fly since the alternatives shrink - does to our planet. Take responsibility for the sake of our grandchildren and coming generations.



2014-08-15 17:46

I hope there is a petition for the Paris-Brussels-Berlin connection as well... It is just as important and all the same arguments apply.