Save the night train from Denmark to Europe

Travelling by train is environmentally friendly, fast and comfortably. In the long distance between the countries of Europe, it is extra important to have alternatives to energy-guzzling air travel. Therefore, it is smart to enter a train in the evening, sleep on the train, and arrive around Europe next morning. The night train is not only a part of the past; the night train is also part of the future of transportation. Whether it's for business travelers, families or cheap travelers.

A short sighted concern has made DSB and DB to stop the night train from November 3rd. 2014.

At this moment it is clear that this setback not only affect the night train to Denmark, but also other night trains, such as Hamburg / Berlin - Paris and Autozug from Hamburg to the south. The cars must now be put on a truck through Europe!

Cross-border train services, both day and night, are at risk because they are typically not covered by agreements between countries and operators. This problem is now painfully clear. And is something that is being addressed both to the Danish and European Parliaments.

This setback must not be allowed without widespread protests. Are you using the night train, or you are supporting environmentally friendly trains as transport - even across national borders - please write in and tell your friends about this petition. It is meaningful to protest. night train at the Danish border with direct coaches from Amsterdam/Köln, Prag/Dresden and Frankfurt/Basel.