We want Megan Boone in s. 9 of The Blacklist!

Megan Boone is one of the protagonists of the series. In 8 years, the writers have completely demolished Liz’s character to make people hate her. And now she suddenly leaves the series, under mysterious circumstances. Let’s show the channel, the creators of the series, that we want Megan Boone in Season 9! We want our Liz back with a normal storyline, logical actions and together with Red and the Task Force. They make a great team! Fans deserve a season where Red and Liz are finally on good terms with each other.  If they could write Red’s character so well, then they could also write Liz's character well. The show needs a strong, female lead! If you are a Lizzington, Keenler, Keen2, Megan Boone or Liz fan, please sign this petition. Let’s show that we’re here too and want Megan in Season 9!

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