We want a third season of series 30 degrees in February

I, like many of you, was left hanging at the edge of my seat when our beloved series ended its second season with an intense cliffhanger. We were promised a third season to answer all the burning questions that were left unanswered. However, SVT decided against it and we are left in suspense.

For years now, fans worldwide have been yearning for a continuation of this captivating story. This is not just about entertainment; it's about closure and satisfaction for millions of viewers who have invested their time and emotions into this series.

We believe that if we unite our voices through this petition, streaming giants like Netflix, HBO or Prime might consider picking up the series for a third season in collaboration with the original production company.

Let's show these companies how much demand there is for another season! Let's prove to them that our beloved series deserves to be continued! This is more than just a TV show; it's a story that has touched hearts globally and deserves an ending fitting its brilliance.

Sign this petition today to demand justice for our favorite series. Let us bring back the characters we love and continue their journey!

Ägaren Lisa för facebook sidan ”30 grader i februari (30 degrees in february)    Contact the author of the petition

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