Support PenFed Workers' Ability to Serve Members

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During the current national health crisis of COVID-19, PenFed Credit Union continues to subject employees with an unfair choice; help PenFed's members or force those members to hear unwanted sales pitches. People experiencing a financial hardship are not likely to open a new credit card, finance a new vehicle or shop for a new house when everyone's focus is keeping our families, coworkers and communities safe. Likewise, inadequate staffing and outdated systems make it hard even in good times for an institution to adequately provide service in the way the members want. As national priorities shift, we must remain agile with our business practices,  including performance metrics for workers. 


This pandemic crisis highlights how the old way of doing business does not work in this new reality. 20th century sales practices like those that resulted in penalties for banks like Wells Fargo are not suited to meeting member needs, nor were they sustainable in the first place. Millions of people have suddenly found themselves without a job, without health insurance and without a way to survive without severe economic pain even if they do not become infected.


We demand that PenFed management suspend performance metrics during this national emergency and meet with workers and members to establish better ones once the emergency is over. Our nation has been changed by this crisis and so too should business practices of financial institutions like PenFed. We have an obligation to act with integrity to serve our members who trust us with their loyalty and rely on the services we provide for their financial needs.  PenFed should lead the charge by collaborating with employees to do better. PenFed must respect employees by making sure  job security and livelihoods are not tied to unattainable performance metrics. Good products sell themselves; bad ones require sales goals.

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