Support for a Te Reo Digital Online Maths Learning Platform

Kaiako across Aotearoa need access to 100% Te Reo Maths resources and mainstream teachers want access to Te Reo Bilingual Maths resources. This petition proposed that the Digital Online Maths resources need to be complex, advanced, curriculum-aligned and affordable. 

More importantly, it also needs to have a Te Ao Māori lens and worldview as part of the learning modules and lessons but also align with the Te Aho Matua and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa curriculum framework.

Do you support a Māori lead team of experts in education, Te Reo and technology to create this type of platform and resource?

Funding is possible through many means, but the idea needs to have a show of widespread support from parents, kaiako, teachers, principals, Tumuaki and the community.




Cam Swainson-Whaanga    Contact the author of the petition

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