Help Stop The End Of A Big Part Of My Family Our Dog Boof.



I’m signing because all dogs deserve a second chance

Jess Capovilla (Harkness, 2024-08-03)


Circumstances like this aren't always black and white. Each individual incident needs to be based on the Circumstances that contributed to the fight. There shouldn't always be a blanket outcome.

Gayle Bateman (Melbourne, 2024-08-03)


This dog is beloved by people who have done everything right. You won't be protecting anyone by murdering this dog, but you will be causing people (including children) heartache and pain. You reap what you sow if you go ahead with killing this dog.

Elizabeth Duggan (WEST FOOTSCRAY, 2024-08-03)


I’m signing this petition because I believe this dog was not in the wrong and the owner has been responsible for their dog and the dog should not be put down.

Shirley Waddell (Melton West, 2024-08-03)


It us wrong to put dogs or any animal to sleep for no reason. There was no threat.

Vukosa Sandy (Armstrong Creek, 2024-08-03)


I know that boof is not a dangerous dog and also gets on well with my dog..

Oubssa Hassen (Sunshine[brimbank], 2024-08-03)


The dog was only protecting its owners from another dog this should not be put down for doing what it's right I'm sure there are other dogs out there that would do the same thing and what are you going to do put all dogs down that will protect there family I know my dog would and you wouldn't have a chance getting her from.

Scott Parker (Keilor Downs, 2024-08-03)


No dogs should be pit down if they follow the rules, also putting the dog dow MUST be the last option.

Abigail Perez (Melbourne, 2024-08-03)


Not all dogs like other dogs, the other person should have removed their dog immediately. No dogs should be near eachother unless they have owners consent. Return the dog to the rightful owners. Dogs have feelings too!!! And I guarantee boof would be stressed, anxious and depressed, worried about where his family is and why isn't he home with them where he should be!! Return book to his family!

Kiara mifsud (Melbourne, 2024-08-03)


I am signing this as I too have a loving husky who is never aggressive. However, many times on walks we have little dogs run up to us, sometimes not even on a leash and my dog has become startled and pinned them down. I always ask people to please keep their dog away from mine but they don’t seem to understand what can happen. In the past i have fallen over trying to keep my dog away from a little dog jumping in his face. Dogs retaliate, doesn’t mean they are aggressive. Even though he might react in a certain manner, at home he sleeps next to my two cats. Everyone deserves a second chance. I feel horrible this has happened to you and really hope the council returns him home. It’s bad enough they’ve kept him in a shelter this whole time and away from his family.

Ana Blagojevic (Caroline Springs, 2024-08-03)


I'm signing this petition because I strongly feel this is totally unfair and actually outrageous decision by Brimbank City Council to take it upon themselves to kill a dog, kill a family's beloved pet. This matter has been before the courts and the ruling found by the judge was both dogs involved in the incident were equally to blame, both owners of the dogs involved were taken responsible actions when taking their dogs out for their evening walk by having them leashed unfortunately there was a unforeseen incident that has acured between the two dog. Boofs owners did the right thing in paying for all veterinary treatment for the other dogs injuries and are willing to also undergo behavioural training for their beloved Boof that also shows their commitment as responsible pet owners please reconsider your decision to kill a family's loving loyal pet for one mishap with he was only 50% responsible for
Regards Liz Flynn

Liz Flynn (Melbourne, 2024-08-03)


This situation exemplifies a true injustice in the realm of animal rights. What is the purpose of holding a court hearing if the council can override the court’s decision? This undermines the entire judicial process. Boof has already been held for several months without seeing his family, which is punishment enough for a dog that was merely trying to protect them.

It is highly likely that the encounter between the two dog owners in the walkway was unintentional, given the circumstances of the incident. Furthermore, the prolonged separation of Boof from his family not only causes distress to the dog but also to the family members who consider him an integral part of their lives.

The legal system should ensure fairness and justice, not perpetuate unnecessary suffering. Allowing the council to bypass the court’s decision sets a dangerous precedent and calls into question the integrity of the judicial process. We urge reconsideration of this decision in the interest of justice and compassion for Boof and his family.

Jessica Mattsson (Cobblebank, 2024-08-03)


Release Boof and send him back home!!

Sarah Triplett (Brookfield, 2024-08-03)



MIKO SEPAK (Albion VIC, 2024-08-04)


Im signing because im a huge advocate in second chances for all animals! I’ve had dogs in the past and they are man’s best friend. Boof sounds like a great companion.

Athena Hopotoa (Wyndham Vale, 2024-08-04)


I know boof personally and he is great around my 2 year old daughter I would describe him as a big teddy bear

Hayley Patterson (Geelong, 2024-08-04)


No one has God power only he decides when someone’s time is up! Simple as that council is non legitimate and can not enforce anything 😂🖕🏻

Dylan Piscopo (Kings park, 2024-08-04)


Because I personally know this dog and Boof is a very placid, happy dog. He is extremely well behaved and fantastic around children and other dogs.

Wendy Seggie (Willaura, 2024-08-04)


Brimbank is wrong and needs to be held accountable. The big dog always gets the blame, yet it's the owner of the small dog that didn't control their dog, not either of the dogs faults!

Dale Osborne (Delahey, 2024-08-04)


I’ve known who Boof was, he was a loving and caring dog who was always extremely playful. Even when I was younger (probably around 6) he was extremely friendly and never hurt a soul (except for an occasional fly or two). Whether that dog that he met had bad intentions or not, it’s not Boof’s fault. He’s just protective and wants his family to be safe.

Maddison Szalay (Bacchus Marsh, 2024-08-04)


I’m signing because boot doesn’t deserve this and is a really sweet dog who hasn’t done anything like this before.

Katrina Wright (Darley, 2024-08-04)


Because I believe Boof should NOT BE PUT DOWN

Danielle Mackie (Melbourne, 2024-08-05)


Brimbank council should follow what the court decision is and hand this poor dog back. Shame on the ranger for being power hungry. They are supposed to be there to protect the animals rights. This could have happened to any if us in the same situation. shame on Brimbank council and the ranger for bit competing with the court.

Elaine Clements (Kurunjang, 2024-08-05)


The court outcome should be followed. The court agreed both dogs were at fault.
I believe the pound is doing this because their fees are not paid.

Jo Coaldrake (Coffs Harbour, 2024-08-05)


From personal experience i know that the Brimbank Animal Welfare Team are pathetic and corrupt, their are interpersonal relationships within senior management and the rangers, if they don't like your animal they will go beyond their scope within the council to make your life difficult - cue "anonymous reports" to the building planning department, waste management department, local laws department and the resulting "surprise inspections" resulting from those "anonymous reports". So disgusting i loved the area but that council has been corrupt since time began.. Cr virginia trachos and Cr maria kerr are the only legit people in the whole council, compare animal management and services in any other LGA and u will see Brimbanks pet facilities and management are a disgrace.

Frances C (West Footscray, 2024-08-06)


When you have a dog in it’s Lead and another dog comes towards you . Please tell me what we are to do. Plus why is this council trying to put this beautiful family pet done. The councils all need to wake up. As this is the wrong thing to do .

Julie Mitcham (Avondale Heights, 2024-08-06)


Boof should get a second chance. How dare brimbank council do this for a first offence.

Jarrod Lynch (Sydenham, 2024-08-06)


I believe they deserve a second chance

Tiyanna Vucetic (Goldcoast, 2024-08-06)


The act if council is stupid

Abhishek Chevella (Brunswick East, 2024-08-07)


I believe this dog should be given a second chance.

Helen Lawrence (Caroline Springs, 2024-08-07)


Boofs owner has been responsible, he was on a leash when the incident happened.. all vet bills were covered and there is no serious injuries!! The council should not have taken Boof, promised one thing then decide to later destroy a loved dog belonging to responsible owners who love their dog!! Return him, accidents happen and can be resolved!! Am sure the owners would be respectful of any future exercise conditions pertaining to Boof!! He does not deserve fatal punishment .. return Boof to his home!!

Kim OShea (Keilor Lodge, 2024-08-07)


Boof deserves to go home. This was an accident and appears totally out of character for Boof. Council should NOT have the right to simply euthanise a loved pet ‘just because’. They should put their energy and efforts where it counts - into closing all breeders down!

Diane McCarthy (Sydney, 2024-08-07)


Disappointed with Council action as we have had dogs get out and they have barked at the Ranger and they have been deemed dangerous yet are very friendly dogs. Council seem to run by their own rules.

Colin Norris (Melton, 2024-08-08)