Regina Mundi privatization



I do not want it to be privatised

Cephas Matopodzi (Harare, 2023-05-20)


I agree with the contents of the letter

Partson Moyo (Gweru, 2023-05-20)


I'm signing this because I strongly feel that the bishop and permanent secretary of education have the queen concerned in the issue at heart. Hope you will consider our plea as parents. Thank you

Artisha Moto (Gweru, 2023-05-20)


I'm signing because l disagree with this move of privatisation

Panashe Jamu (Gweru, 2023-05-20)


I am signing this because I am against privatisation of the school without full consultation and knowing the benefits of the move. I am struggling as a parent hence the move will affect many girls' future.

Zacharia museti (Harare, 2023-05-20)


l do not agree to Regina Mundi being a private school.The fees is too much.

N/A N/A (N/A, 2023-05-20)


I am signing because this change presents more burden on my shoulder as I have been struggling to pay the current unapproved fees. The transition to a private school should be effected at the beginning of the year and not during the course of the year. If one fails to pay the new fees what happens to the girl child who is a candidate this year?
I feel it would only be fair to change Regina Mundi to a private school in January 2024. This gives current parents time to look for alternative affordable schools for girls if they cannot afford the new fees for a private school.

Godwell Zhira (Kwekwe, 2023-05-20)


It will be most appreciated if our concern is taken into consideration to facilitate decent affordable education to today's girl child by allowing all old students to finish their respective courses on the Public Mission School basis.

Na Na (Beitbridge, 2023-05-20)


the privatisation should start next year so that i can plan in tyme to move my queen to another school

Erick Mugasa (Harare, 2023-05-20)


I do not agree with privatisation. We enrolled our children when it was not private. If they want to do so we need time. I needs to be at year end to allow parent to make decisions

Daisy Murimirwa (Gweru, 2023-05-20)


It is unfair to expect parents to have this ridiculous change of status and hike in fees

Susan Musasa (Bulawayo, 2023-05-20)


The school has imposed unapproved fees on parents and the ministry of education has not done anything about it. How does the school allow other parents to pay 30% of fees in RTGS and demand 100% USD for others in the same term ? Treatment of day scholars is inhumane , they are treated as second class citizens at the school. The general standards of the school has drastically done down since Sr Jangara left the school. The SDC is not representing the parents at all.

Meme Ngirazi (Gweru, 2023-05-20)


The privatisation issue should not affect old students who have been paying large amounts of fees all along ,they also contributed on the building up of the school.instead the privatisation issue should start with new students who will be enroled next year 2024.

Gladmore Mudovozi (Gweru, 2023-05-20)


I am a parent of a pupil learning there

Oswelled Ureke (Johannesburg, 2023-05-21)


I'm signing because am a.Regina Mundi parent who enrolled her daughter at the school knowing its a mission school and am discouraging privatisation as I cannot afford it and also looking at the current economic conditions in the country its not advisable to adapt to such a move currently

Gamuchirai Nedi (Gweru, 2023-05-21)


I have a sister learning there and we will not be able to afford the new fees

Trish Chibaya (Harare, 2023-05-21)


G. Silas⁹

Grace Silas (Gweru, 2023-05-21)


It's short notice and the fees increase will be unaffordable to other students

Chipo Nyamande (Harare, 2023-05-21)


I'm concerned about the future of our children

Nyasha Mugari (Midrand, 2023-05-21)


The Catholic Church is moving to privatize most of its good schools thus leaving us the poor Catholics to mediocre schools.

Roberto Da Silva (Harare, 2023-05-21)


No money for privatisation

Weston Mazhangara (Kwekwe, 2023-05-21)


This is an unreosonable snap decisions that has a lot of potential negative connotation. As parents we nees more time and we feel we should have been consulted throughout this process

Lovemore Sithole (Maseru, 2023-05-21)


We can't afford privatisation..let our Queens finish as a Mission that we applied for

Netsai Berejena (Norton, 2023-05-21)


I am a very concerned parent who can not afford the fees after privatization because right now I am struggling to pay the 688 usd.

Susan Zuvaradoka (Harare, 2023-05-21)


In agreement with the petition

Uchirai Gumbo (Gweru, 2023-05-21)


I support the contents of the letter

Thumani Moyo (Gweru, 2023-05-21)


Iam affected by privatisation l have a child at Mundi

Alice Chiguvi (Harare, 2023-05-21)


I am just wat written in this petition

Geltar Machingauta (Gweru, 2023-05-21)


I don't afford to pay fees for a private college, I enrolled my daughter there because it was a mission school.

Hadzizi Faith (Harare, 2023-05-21)


I'm signing because everything said is true.

Tsitsi Cherai (Norton, 2023-05-21)


I m signing because I don't want the school to be a private til the students completed Olevel and A level respectively

Pedzisai Dhobha (Gweru, 2023-05-21)


I do not agree with the privatization of the school at the middle of the year and term ,at least if it should be done by the beginning of the year so that i have time to remove my child from your school.i do not have money to keep my child at your school if its privatized

Precious Matova (Kwekwe, 2023-05-21)


Privatisation should start 2024 not affecting learners already at school should finish as mission learners. A transitional plan with parents as they are the key stakeholders is needed. Again, the fees required is too much, fees payment should be in all currencies supported by our monetary policies

A A (Kwekwe, 2023-05-21)


I can't afford privatization fees.

Ali Bwanali (Pretoria, 2023-05-21)


Am not prepare for privatisation since my child is writing her O level this year

Emilia Mzenda (Gweru, 2023-05-21)


I do not want the privatisation of the school to affect our children who are already enrolled at the school.

Khumbulani Fuyane (Gweru, 2023-05-21)


There is no valid reason for it to privatised..

Sam Kayz (Harare, 2023-05-21)


As a parent I choose Regina Mundi as a mission school which I could afford so if it becomes private I won't afford it. I suggest the current students continue the mission way and those who join as a private be private

Florence Ndongwe (Harare, 2023-05-21)


Privatisation should be transitional not a prompt decision which will affect learners whose parents cannot afford a private school

Catherine Manyika (Gweru, 2023-05-21)


Im in agreement with the petition

Esnath Musa (Gweru, 2023-05-21)


I can't afford fees for private school

Rubatsiro Busumani (Harare, 2023-05-21)


Regina mundi not to be a private school

Tracy Bhasikiti (Gweru, 2023-05-21)



Eunice Magadzire (Gweru, 2023-05-21)


I have been caught off guard. I cannot afford the privatised fees. I enrolled my daughter as a mission public school whose fees I can afford. I can't afford the new fee structure under private. I pray that they allow my daughter to finish her secondary education under the arrangement that I enrolled her for.

Tongai Ngwaru (Bulawayo, 2023-05-21)


We enrolled our daughter because the school was a.mission school that we could afford. Now that its privatised its going to adversely affect our girl since we have to abruptly move her to a new school whose fees we can afford. When we started off feess was just 350 usd now its 700 usd about to become 1250 a figure we do not afford. If privatisation happens it should bot affect students who enrolled under the mission school set up.

Sandra Ngwaru (Bulawayo, 2023-05-21)


The fees is too much and we were caught unaware besides we hv been paying unapproved fees as well haaaa not fair
Let the ones enrolled as a mission school.finish
Then new enrollment goes private

Phyllis TKM (Kwekwe, 2023-05-21)


The fees is too much,l do not agree with privatization.l want to have a say in the school

N/A N/A (Palapye, 2023-05-21)


The fees is just to much Why change a mission school to a private school
This private thing shld start next year with new enrollment and not affect the kids already at the school

Lee Dee (Kwekwe, 2023-05-21)


Education is a right that shod not be denied to a child through hefty fees increases

Sue Dikito (Johannesburg, 2023-05-21)


Privatisation should be transitional

Mercy Shonhiwa (Harare, 2023-05-21)


I agree with this petition

Chikwira Denvar (Gweru, 2023-05-21)


I second this petition

Chikwira Pretty (Gweru, 2023-05-21)


The issue of privatisation must not affect old students who were enrolled by Regina mundi mission must affect new students who will be enrolled knowing it as a private school .

Precious Fakazi (Gweru, 2023-05-21)


I can't afford to pay for a private sch due to economic hardships

Marigen Mlauzi (Harare, 2023-05-21)


The move will adversely disadvantage and deny a girl child to basic right of education as it brings uncalled for economic burden to the already overloaded and struggling parent/gurdian.Old student enrolled on public mission school basis should not be affected by this fast paced and unfair transition.

Mr E Chinyama (Polokwane, 2023-05-21)


I am signing because l can not afford private

Margaret Linje (Norton, 2023-05-21)


I can't afford to pay $1250 and at the same time my child is a candidate sitting for exams this year Nov ,so transferring her is impossible.

Chipo Makosa (Harare, 2023-05-21)


I don't like privatisation now it Wii negatively affect exam classes

Tamirira Shimba (Gweru, 2023-05-21)


I cannot afford the fees charged by Regina Mundi High School in US$.

Ryan Nyandoro (Gweru, 2023-05-21)


I am a parent and I enrolled my child whilst it was a Mission school because that what l could afford and privatising is unfair as my child is already in form 3 transferring her will disadvantage her

Mara Chaza (Kariba, 2023-05-21)


I can not afford private school let it not affect my child rather new students who are joining

Tsitsi Maturure (Harare, 2023-05-21)


I am signing this because there is no consultation done. The change must not affect children in the system already. This decision is very insensitive.

Easter Museti (Harare, 2023-05-21)


Exam classes will be disturbed

John Mupindu (Gweru, 2023-05-21)


I enrolled my girl at a high because I could not afford private school.she must not be affected

Emillia Mutendera (Gweru, 2023-05-21)


It's negatively affecting exam classes

Muchemi Makotore (Gweru, 2023-05-21)


We feel we were ambushed particularly exam classes

Nyasha Makambe (Beitbridge, 2023-05-21)


I can not afford to adjust within the short given notice to pay fees of a private school and can not drop my child at the same time from school. Can privatization start affecting those enrolling next year.

Trymore Mutero (Gweru, 2023-05-21)


I am signing this petition because I'm not prepared to pay fees for private school .I came to mundi Whilst it was a mission so the school should allow our children to continue paying mission fees until they finish .

Rebecca Dongo (Harare, 2023-05-21)


The school didn't consult Parents and stakeholders

James UROMBO (Harare, 2023-05-21)


I am against privatisation of the school. If so let this not affect old students so that they continue paying current fees of $700usd

Brighton Chisora (Harare, 2023-05-21)


Privatization does not consider plight of parents and our children, the learners.

Mary Ngwenya (Gweru, 2023-05-21)


I am a guardian and lately it has not been clear why the fees is increasing each and every term. There is no accountability to the money. That is an unreasonable increase as well. Thank you

Rumbidzai M (Harare, 2023-05-21)


I am not in agreement with privatisation

Gladmore Gwara (Chiredzi, 2023-05-22)


Will affect exam class next term

Elvis Bhunu (Gweru, 2023-05-22)


It's negatively affecting exam classes

Elizabeth Ndoro (Harare, 2023-05-22)


My necessary goes there and we pay the fees

Amanda Moyi (Zvishavane, 2023-05-22)


Because they are refusing rtgs .. they only want usd

Fadzai Mutsata (Harare, 2023-05-22)


I want my child to finish her Exams on mission school fees not the private which I can not afford. If it was private when my daughter started I could not even have send her there

Flavian Josiah (Harare, 2023-05-22)


I enrolled my child at a mission school which I can afford

Olivia Matangaidze (Harare, 2023-05-22)


I am signing because I can’t afford privatization

Onita Mabva (Harare, 2023-05-22)


I am signing because I am a concerned parent. No consultations were made, parents were not involved it just came as a notice to parents. I enrolled my daughter at Regina Mundi taking into account that it's a Mission school not a private after some financial considerations. My position is no to privatisation of the school, if so let it not affect those already in the system.

Persuade Nhema (Chinhoyi, 2023-05-22)


I'm signing because, I don't see why they want to change the school to private when their failing to run a mission school.

Belinda Gurupira (Harare, 2023-05-22)


Idon't want private and hatina mari yeprivate

Rosemary Chamburuka (Beitbriage, 2023-05-22)


I want this transition to take place at the beginning of the year. So that we find time to transfer our children

Ronicah moyo (Gweru, 2023-05-22)



Lizzy Nxele (Zimbabwe, 2023-05-22)


To propose that if the school goes private let the privatization be transitional. By this we mean it must not affect old students but rather news students who come in when its legally a private school since the old students came knowing fully well that this was a mission school within their budget. We feel its not fair to expect parents who are already struggling to pay 700 to be found stranded.

Nhamo Kundainashe (Harare, 2023-05-22)


Wants Mundi to remain a mission school to cater for us who can't manage private school until my queen finishes form 6

Rebecca Manhanzva (Gweru, 2023-05-22)


I am signing because I will not afford the private fees since I enrolled my daughter as a mission school

Rebecca Mufudzi (Harare, 2023-05-22)


It's disadvantage to exam classe

Shilla Mawarire (Gweru, 2023-05-22)


The fees for private are too high

Spiwe Gatsi (Harare, 2023-05-22)


Fees too high

Aliah Stabiso Nyika (Gweru, 2023-05-22)


I have family that attends this school and I feel like privatization does not benefit those who cannot afford it

Vee Dube (Southampton, 2023-05-22)


I'm signing because the proposal for privatisation is not considering the current students education and how they are going to be affected considering the current financial situation in the country

Angelline Goshomi (Harare, 2023-05-22)


lm signing because lm advocating for privatisation not affect all Queens who enrolled at the school as a Mission.a transitional change should be considered in all changes made to the school.Also the issue of approved fees has been on goin since 2020 if the school can kindly furnish us parents approval letters and allow payments of fees in all currencies it will be noble.No circular was circulated to say they will be assesment of school if it fits to be a private so whic parents supported that notion

Tsitsi Shumba (Gweru, 2023-05-22)


I can not afford to change my child within a short period of notice and am against privatisation

Portia Chikona (Gweru, 2023-05-22)


I dont agree with privatisation

Trymore Mutero (Gweru, 2023-05-22)


The fees are not sustainable. We enrolled our children based on the fact that the school was a mission school which could accommodate girls from poor families like ours. The school is now discriminating against the poor yet the girls were enrolled solely based on their academic performances in the grade seven examinations

Patience Dube (Gweru, 2023-05-22)


This privatization is ill timed, and should be done in phases. No to privatization to current academics/students

Nkosentsha Dube (Victoria Falls, 2023-05-22)


I am against the idea of privatisation of Regina Mundi high school

Piyo Nyawo (Gweru, 2023-05-22)


l am against Regina Mundi privatizing.

Belinder Manyanga (Gweru, 2023-05-22)


It is affecting exam classes

S Maziva (Gweru, 2023-05-22)


Current fees should be maintained for the current students. New fees to take effect on new students

Mcm Mcm (Harare, 2023-05-23)


Privatisation is anti poor.

Obert Masaraure (Harare, 2023-05-23)


Iam signing because l put my child to a mission school now the private l cant afford and my salary is in rtgs getting $600 Usd lam struggling with the way the rate is going up.We have been paying unapproved fees now this,may the Minister and Bishop intervene

Chipo Zireva (Gweru, 2023-05-23)


I am signing because we don't want the school to privatise for already enrolled students but give time or allowance for parents to adjust to new fees structure.

Josephine Taruvinga (Kwekwe, 2023-05-23)


It against parent's will

Sleiman T Kwidini (Gweru, 2023-05-23)


Regina Mundi Privatization should not affect the children that are already enrolled with the school .the fees must not change for them but for those that comes in after its Privatization

Nomathemba Linda (Bulawayo, 2023-05-24)