Say NO to new apartments and rezoning in Hanahan!!!!



This is the last thing tanner needs!!! How about more daycares, grocery stores, sports / kid places to make the area more family friendly? More apartments is ridiculous, especially without road improvements since Rhett by tanner and yeamans is a nightmare.

Kalie Gonzales (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


I don’t want more traffic on Foster Creek and Tanner Ford. There are already accidents at the Lowe’s intersection. We do NOT need more.

April Slagle (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


Keep Hanahan the small town it has always been! We don't need, or want, the cars/traffic/congestion/high density housing/crowded schools and everything that goes with that!

Timothy Crowley (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


After being medically retired from the US Army, we moved to the low country and searched for a community that was unlike the others in the area. We found Hanahan and instantly fell in love with the community, the people, being able to really know our neighbors, my Son having a name versus just being a number in neighboring communities school systems. We are involved in the community and absolutely love it here! Adding any more apartments will hurt our schools and our recreation departments. The community we have is thriving and we need to add to it in a way that supports the residents needs and wants versus damaging what so many people have worked so hard to create and formed. Please consider keeping our beautiful city the way it is instead of over filling it and turning our future generations into number versus neighbors!

Amber Smith (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


Hanahan does not need more apartments. This is bringing our quality of life down!!! Stop it already!

David Quintanilla (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


Because this is NOT what the tax paying residents of Hanahan want. We made that very clear to our city, but it appears our mayor can easily be bought. Shame on her.

Antonia Gratton (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


No more. How many times do we have to say no?

Sean Michael (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


Tanner and Hanahan does not have the infrastructure for this massive new development. The builders are actively trying to destroy the small town community feel of Hanahan. NO to this rezoning.

Brian Harris (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


We do not need anymore apartments or their problems!!!!

Jeremy Feher (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


We do not need more apartments in this particular area of Hanahan due to the density and traffic issues! Thank you!

Maureen George (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


Traffic is terrible as it is. We don’t want to drive by apartments to get to our house because when we purchased our home the land was set for SINGLE FAMILY USE! They need to quit being money hungry and listen to the Hanahan residents. Enough is enough. We don’t want to turn into Daniel island or Mount Pleasant. 526 can’t handle anymore.

Sarah McLeod (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


Tanner Plantation doesn’t need more apartments.

Michael McNamee (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


We don’t need this kind of over population in our city.

Charles Christie (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


I’m signing because I am concerned for the safety of our community.

Gregory Brown (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


For all the reasons stated in my email to city council and the Planning Commission, and during the hearing before the Planning Commission

Whitney Rogers (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


I do not want the rezoning

Juanita Perry (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


This rezoning will not help our area at all.

Crystal Balke (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


I oppose the construction of more high density residences

Derrick Burbage (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


I don't want any more apartments and we need the traffic circle asap before someone dies

Adrienne Colantuoni (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


We live in Tanner hall and do not want the increase in traffic entering and leaving the neighborhood

Kristin Geesey (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


Hanahan infrastructure was not built for this! I moved here for the friendly neighbors, the proximity to downtown/beaches, and the low crime rate. Building apartments with transient residents is only asking for higher crime rates, more congestion, and people who don't care about our community!!

Katie Stanley (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


Traffic would be terrible!!

Kristie Hogeboom (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


Development is outstripping infrastructure and forever changing the character and qualities of the Hanahan community. Traffic is backed up down Yeamans Hall. Foster Creek is a major thoroughfare. North Rhett to 526 is a morning parking lot. I can't get out of Edgewood Trace in the mornings for traffic backed up on Foster Creek. Murray Drive is busy. Railroad Dr is the new Rivers Ave by-pass.
Can't we just sit still for 3 or 4 years and preserve the very things that brought all of us to Hanahan in the first place. Why can't we wait to see the effects on traffic congestion of new 55+ apartments on Tanner Ford, a new park, a new Railroad Street? Are the real estate agents so hungry for commissions that they will sale our community and way of life?

We have repeatedly let our elected officials know our feelings on this. WHY aren't they leading from the front on this issue?

Joe Brinson (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


Too much traffic & we have enough apartments. No infrastructure

Libby Aydlette (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


There are plenty of apartments (and traffic) in this area already. Bowen, which is just 1/2 mile up the road, has more than enough apartments. More are not needed. This area is overcrowded as it is. Please stop the overdevelopment of Tanner Plantation.

Jennifer Prewitt (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


I do not want any more apartments in Hanahan

Benjamin Osborn (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


Apartments aren’t the answer for the housing crisis. Affordable housing is the answer whether it is in the form of townhouses, single family, or condominiums. Hanahan should create homes and neighborhoods, not temporary rentals for transients.

Robert Carlisle (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


We cannot handle even more people and cars in Tanner.

Brittany Woodby (Hanahan, 2023-05-13)


No more apartments in Tanner plantation!!

Dawn Gurrieri (Hanahan, 2023-05-14)


The schools and roads are already overcrowded. We need to preserve our small town, right knit community feel.

Kerry Williams (Hanahan, 2023-05-14)


Don’t want apartments

Glen Balke (Hanahan, 2023-05-14)


I don't want apartments. Single family homes would be better for the city and property values

Amanda Crowley (Hanahan, 2023-05-14)


I oppose the apartment builds

Connor Mull (Hanahan, 2023-05-14)


The location and size does not make sense to build, and is not in the best interest of Hanahan residents. The only ones pushing for this only care about taking money from as many people as they can squeeze into a limited footprint, while the current infrastructure is already struggling to handle what's currently there. Follow the money and find out who is actually benefitting if this moves forward, when it's obviously not in the best interest of Hanahan residents as any real leader would know. You don't try to grow a community by any means necessary and selling out to the highest bidder, and those in leadership positions that don't understand that should have that power removed since they clearly don't have Hanahan's best interest in mind.

Shiran Wijetunga (Hanahan, 2023-05-14)


I do not this property rezoned from it original zoning

Robert Holseberg (Hanahan, 2023-05-14)


I dont want apts in tanner

Leslie Kearley (Hanahan, 2023-05-14)


The traffic is already a nightmare trying to get out of the neighborhood.

Jennifer Link (Hanahan, 2023-05-14)


Our schools and infrastructure can’t handle the density the rezoning will allow.

Timothy Sedgwick (Hanahan, 2023-05-14)


We already have a lot of traffic

Olga Garcia (Hanahan, 2023-05-14)


We do not have the infrastructure to support all the new families moving and driving here.

Grace Jones (Hanahan, 2023-05-14)


Signing petition to express my opinion

Brianp Morsch (Hanahan, 2023-05-14)


I want no more density or traffic.

Pat Pope (Hanahan, 2023-05-14)


It is not want the community needs or wants. Our families deserve for this plan to be laid to rest once and for all as it is exhausting having to continually express that we do not want more apartments in Hanahan, especially in an already busy and congested area!

Jennifer Weaver (Hanahan, 2023-05-14)


I don’t want these apartments to over crowd an already too busy street

Jennifer Lachance (Hanahan, 2023-05-14)


We're already over capacity in the area.

Michael Risher (Hanahan, 2023-05-14)


Without a clear plan to address traffic impact on Tanner Hall Blvd and Foster Creek, I am signing petition to not approve the Tammer Corner apartments

Ken Laing (Hanahan, 2023-05-14)


This proposal does not fit in with my expectations of where I live. I’m saying no to increased traffic, increased crime, lowered aesthetics, and crowded schools.

Jennifer Bellinger (Hanahan, 2023-05-14)


I’m a concerned Hanahan citizen and don’t want to see this growth ruin the hometown feeling of Hanahan.

Angela Alexander (Hanahan, 2023-05-15)


We do not want more apartments.

Chris Wood (Hanahan, 2023-05-15)


Single family homes only

Michael Humphrey (Hanahan, 2023-05-15)


This is just bad for the city of Hanahan and as it is there will be over 1000 cars from new homes to come already and fear of rezoning of the schools. Trust me we will remember next election to clean house. Plenty of us will remind Hanahan.

louis russo (HANAHAN, 2023-05-15)


I dont want more apartments in Hanahan

Jamy Atkinson (Hanahan, 2023-05-15)


I am against this rezoning request. This area needs to remain single family residential and the overdevelopment of Hanahan needs to stop, now.

Wesley Smith (HANAHAN, 2023-05-15)


No more apartments. Too much traffic as is.

Loretta Bosse (Hanahan, SC, 2023-05-15)


I am 100 % against apartments in this area that is not designated for apartments.

Robin Wood (Hanahan, 2023-05-15)


I live in Hanahan and sit in horrible traffic every morning on N Rhett. It’s already too much. Adding apartments will make it worse. Elementary schools are already over crowded. And only ONE middle school and ONE high school are servicing the city. We CANNOT support another apartment complex.

Dana Kozak (Hanahan, 2023-05-15)


I live in Hanahan and traffic is already miserable.

Harrison Horne (Hanahan, 2023-05-15)


I don't want more people in my town

Brittany Kuhl (Hanahan, 2023-05-15)


Do not want more appointments.

Derrick Carswell (Hanahan, 2023-05-15)


I'm not in favor of apartments increasing traffic, over filling out schools, potentially lowering our property values and increasing crime. I would prefer leaving it zoned for single family residences.

Kim Usry (Hanahan, 2023-05-15)


I am against the rezoning of the property on Tanner Ford. This community cannot support 315 more apartments. The traffic and schools are already overcrowded.

Elisa Furse (Hanahan, 2023-05-16)


It is way to crowded and the roads can’t handle the traffic. Also we moved here to invest in the community, with people that want to be here long term!

Michael Cornell (Hanahan, 2023-05-16)


No more apartments in hanahan

Daniel Denev (Hanahan, 2023-05-16)


I‘m concerned about increased traffic and burden on schools.

Jeff Witherly (Hanahan, 2023-05-16)


I absolutely do not agree with the apartments or re zoning. This is going to ruin Hanahan and I cannot believe the developers will not listen to its residence.

Lindsey Aragon (Hanahan, 2023-05-16)


Keep Hanahan the Gem that it is. Do not over develop it. Trees give us oxygen we need to breathe. Stop cutting them down!

Renee Szczepanski (Hanahan, 2023-05-16)


I do not want more traffic in an already crowded area!!

Desiree Schnackenberg (Hanahan, 2023-05-16)


My family and I live in Tanner Hall and we do not want more apartments overcrowding the area and brining in unwanted residents.

Sara Hole (Hanahan, 2023-05-17)


I am against additional apartments for the following reasons: increased traffic, increased taxes, poor sewage, more students without additional schools.

Jennifer Smith (Hanahan, 2023-05-17)


Too crowded already!

Philip Earhart (Hanahan, 2023-05-17)


I live in Hanahan and I like the small town feel .

Beth Harris (Hanahan, 2023-05-17)


Do not want more apartments in the area

Jason Pohlman (Hanahan, 2023-05-17)


The traffic is ALREADY insane. Fix the roads first!!!

Natalie Holland (Hanahan, 2023-05-18)


No to rezone and apartments. Keep single family residential.

James Scott III (Hanahan, 2023-05-19)


Too many cars in the area already! Too much of a burden on the neighborhoods.

Pat Alberti (Hanahan, 2023-05-20)


I'm sick and tired of ALL the traffic through my neighborhood, Dominion Hills!!!

Maureen Greenbaum (Charleston, 2023-05-20)


I’m signing because I’m saying no to the apartments and rezoning in Hanahan.

William Alberti (Hanahan, 2023-05-20)


The traffic is a nightmare on weekday mornings and the Lowes grocery store can't keep stocked for the current residents.

Christine Barrett (Hanahan, 2023-05-20)


I'm signing because we don't want or need more apartments/traffic in Tanner. Traffic is already awful most mornings. There are only two ways out of Tanner which is ridiculous!!! WHY DIDN'T HANAHAN ADD ANOTHER EXIT WHEN BOWEN'S CORNER WAS ADDED?????

Lori Bullard (Hanahan, 2023-05-20)


The city is already way Over crowded. Traffic os miserable and accidents are every day and delay everyone going anywhere.

Robert Haman (Hanahan, 2023-05-21)


I live in Tanner Hall and we do not want the area to be rezoned. Leave it as commercial and bring the people that already live here things to do, not more apartments!

Kelly Atkinson (Hanahan, 2023-05-23)


We do not want any more apartments or other buildings in Hanahan.

Aimee Quigley (Hanahan, 2023-05-23)


Tanner Plantation is already overcrowded and does not have the infrastructure to support the proposed growth.

Susan Ratliff (Hanahan, 2023-05-24)


I want Hanahan to remain the wonderful, family oriented, small town. Tanner cannot handle more traffic, more students

Mary Wijetunga (Hanahan, 2023-05-26)


I truly don’t think new apartments are needed here in Hanahan

James-Reeves Sonya (Hanahan, 2023-05-30)


I live in affected area and don't believe we need any more housing at the moment.

Dale Cook (Hanahan, 2023-06-07)


This is going to worsen the ongoing traffic issues into and out of my neighborhood.

Brandy Ruz (Hanahan, 2023-06-07)


I would like to preserve our small town of Hanahan, SC , and defend against predatory rezoning and development!

Ashton Cook (Hanahan, 2023-06-07)


I’m signing this because there is an overcrowding beginning and we need to stop it now before it’s too late. More apartments bring more temporary residents and with the trees all being torn down, we are losing a part of what makes our community so nice and appealing. Bringing in more apartments will no doubt decrease our property value and that is totally unacceptable. Homes on the level of our current homes would make more since. Brainstorming with ideas from the community living here, could help with more ideas for a better use of the land without destroying it for apartments. We are already facing overcrowding in the schools so NO to rezoning. They only care about the money and not our quality of life here.

Tracy Robinson-Hughes (Hanahan, 2023-06-07)


I am opposed to rezoning and feel adding multi family housing to an already crowded area should be stopped. Its effects on traffic and schools would negatively impact many Hanahan residents.

Christopher Daniel (Hanahan, 2023-06-08)


More apartments will ruin the charm of this neighborhood.

Charles Belekis (Hanahan, 2023-06-12)


More apartments will ruin the neighborhood’s charm. It also congests the area with traffic without adding any value.

Caroline Belekis (Hanahan, 2023-06-12)


I do not want there to be additional zoning for apartment complex. It's unnecessary and just A money grab

Joseph Pascale (Hanahan, 2023-06-15)

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