For the Return of the Series "The Time Traveler's Wife"



Porque eu acredito na causaaaaaa

Karyna Ribeiro Brige (Imperatriz, 2022-07-02)


Melhor serie de todas! Por favor, nos dê um final!

Guízela Ilyuska Elsaday Rodrigues Mota (São Paulo, 2022-07-02)


Eu amei a série, já li o livro e sei que a narrativa tem muito potencial! Por favor não cancelem!

Cristina Cunha (Imperatriz, 2022-07-02)


Por que a série e linda é precisa de um final descente

Rayssa Fluvierz (Rio de Janeiro, 2022-07-03)


Quero a volta da série!

Maiara T. Giovanaz (Porto Alegre, 2022-07-03)


devem continuar com a serie, total desrespeito com o púplico.

wesley bruno (betim, 2022-07-04)


Eu quero pelo menos o fechamento da história de Henry e Clare, que horror cancelar assim sem um final!

Giselle Costa (Salvador, 2022-07-04)


Porque essa série é muito boa

Vanderlei Uchôa Leite (Manaus, 2022-07-06)


Mano, os produtores fazem uma série MUITO LEGAL pra cancelar? Vai tomar no cu, cara!

Continua essa porra.

Fabricio Gasper (Rio de Janeiro, 2022-07-07)


Eu amo essa história. Melhor série que já acompanhei

Josyanne Cardoso (Brasília, 2022-07-07)


É uma série com uma história incrível, ótimos atores e tem muita história pra continuar.

Larissa Scariot (SAO JOSE DOS PINHAIS, 2022-07-11)


Estou assinando porque amo esse seriado e quero ver a 2º temporada

Marina Borges (Itabuna, 2022-07-14)


A série é maravilhosa! Conta detalhadamente o livro. Um absurdo cancelarem a série assim, no início da história, tendo uma boa aceitação ao público e audiência !

Amanda Solon (Rio de Janeiro, 2022-07-16)


Eu estou apaixonada por essa série!! Ela é maravilhosa e intrigante porém foi cancelada de uma forma totalmente injusta!!!

Por favor voltem atrás!!!

Kauany Simões de Paula Neto (Curitiba, 2022-07-16)


Não conheço nada parecido com o que a "A mulher do viajante no tempo" tem a oferecer, é algo diferente, que não é comum, todavia sua história não está tendo a oportunidade de possuir um término. Em contrapartida, filmes como de super-hérois as streamings insistem em prosseguir, mesmo que já estejam saturadas e as histórias não tenham mais nada para acrescentar. A mulher do viajante no tempo é uma oportunidade de trazer algo de muito diferente e incrível ao mercado cinematográfico, merece ter um desfecho e é frustrante cancelarem essa narrativa incrível, enquanto outras com muito menos força de enredo continuam a se renovar.

Breno Costa Silva (Montanha, 2022-07-17)


Estou assinando porque eu e meu marido adoramos a serie e queremos a continuação.

Amanda Fernandes inocentes (Campinas, 2022-07-18)


Tout simplement parce que c'est l'une des meilleures séries que j'ai pu visionner depuis le début de l'année !!! 😎
Puis cette fin en cliffhanger très frustrante...... 👎🏼
Il faut absolument que quelqu'un la rachète et crée une suite..... 🤞
Allez y, faites comme nous, signez & surtout partagez cette pétition !!! 😎

Thierry Mighali (Le Pontet, 2022-07-21)


The Time Traveler's Wife is an engrossing TV series which delves into the story of Henry and Claire in much more detail than the original film. It is both dark and commical and successfully presents the reality of an intimate relationship in an impossible situation. I was devastated to find out that the series will not be renewed. HBO I suggest you listen to the devoted and dedicated viewers of this great series, as opposed to banal (and incorrect) opinions of pompous TV critics.

Bring back The Time Traveler's Wife!!!!!

Catherine Jardine-Vidgen (Brisbane, 2022-07-30)



Jacqueline Alves de Oliveira (Fortaleza, 2022-08-04)


Eu estou a assinar pois o cancelamento desta série é um erro, ela é fenomenal além de uma história original, tem efeitos e narrativa unicamente espetacular.

Priscilla Ferreira Borges (Brasília, 2022-08-05)


I'm signing because this show deserves to be continued!

Janet Webster (Kentville, 2022-08-12)


A série é boa!

Fábio Wolf (Rio de Janeiro, 2022-08-15)


This show is amazing why the heck did it get cancelled!!!

Kirsty Painting (Melksham, 2022-08-17)


Loved the movie, book and first season of the show ! Please continue :)

Leana ESCHER (Strasbourg, 2022-08-20)


Hello I'm signing because of how great the first season is. Immediately hooks you in and tears at your heart. I cried 4 times while watching the first season. This is just the show I've been looking for. Please bring it back. 🥺🥺

Suzanne C (Texarkana, 2022-08-21)


Bring back the show

Julie Jennings (Hollywood, 2022-08-22)


This is literally the best series ive seen almost ever, for me this competes with outlander and game of thrones, please give a second season!

Elaine Young (Fort Worth, 2022-08-23)


This is a fantastic series!!! It deserves to have its ending, with the same quality that season 1 had! I had already started recommending it before finding out no season 2. It was one of the main reasons I resubscribed to hbo.

Lee House (Atlanta, 2022-08-24)


I love the book & the show. This show is a faithful adaptation of the book & I can’t believe they canceled it.

David Kerwin (Santa Rosa, 2022-08-27)


I love this série !!
(a french woman)

Amandine Rouanet (Toulouse, 2022-09-05)


This is the first series that in a while that I just completely fell in love with. Claire and Henry’s story is being told exceptionally well. It’s also the first romance serie in a while isn’t the same old boring storyline. I just love this series.

Danique Steman (Apeldoorn, 2022-09-07)


This was a brilliant adaptation of a fantastic book, one of my all-time favourites. The performances of the two leads did the characters justice and the production was clever. Please bring this back!

Jo Higgins (Altrincham, 2022-09-10)


Absolutely loved season 1 and am so disappointed that the story was cut off with so many loose ends.

Hannah Ranney (Beaverton, 2022-09-11)


I fell in love with this show and went to google when the next season would be out only to be gut punched by finding out it was cancelled. I’ve watched the first season so many times now I can’t even remember. It’s amazing. The actors are amazing. I need more!

Britney Dennison (Clinton, 2022-09-15)


I want to see Henry and Claire have Alba!!!

Breanna Leary (Somerset, 2022-09-15)


It's a good show and it ended on a cliff hanger which I can not stand.

William Shoplak (Wheeling, 2022-09-21)


Pela volta da série "A mulher do viajante do tempo"!!?!

Francisco Antônio Nascimento (Teresina, 2022-09-21)


I love this series

Clara DIGNE SERVIER (Saint-herblain, 2022-09-25)


Preciso de uma segunda temporadaaaa

Sayane Santos (Manaus, 2022-09-28)


Me and my wife love this series. We want more!

Mika Sollas (Nilsiä, 2022-09-28)


The Time Traveler’s Wife Season 1 was amazing! Please film Season 2! Excellent story, and the actors are wonderful!

Karen Helleis (Spring Hill, 2022-10-02)


This is a great adaptation. It should
have at least two more episodes to tie up all lines. So much work went into the production to reflect all the depth of the story. Don't let it be in vain. Finish the story, audience review is more important than a few critics' opinions.

Yevgeniya Passeka (Astana, 2022-10-02)


Quero a segunda temporada da série a mulher do viajante.

FLAVIA NASCIMENTO (Rio de Janeiro, 2022-10-05)


I LOVED the show!! It was done so well, immensely better than the movie. Told the story in such a beautiful way and the acting was phenomenal. BRING IT BACK!!!

Brianna Lambert (Plainview, 2022-10-14)


I love this story! It's a fantastic tale and I feel lost knowing it was cancelled. Please reconsider!



It's an amazing show & there's no single good reason for it to be cancelled. Hard to trust a streaming company that'll start something amazing & just cut it for its own fancy.

Chantel Grossnickle (Denver, 2022-10-15)


The show was so touching. Best I've watched in years and I'm a big binge watcher. This one I took one episode a day to really fall into te story, make it last longer.

Georgios Tsiantos (Warsaw, 2022-10-17)


A série é maravilhosa e precisa continuar sim

Franciele Lovatel Capeletti (Florianópolis, 2022-10-24)


I love the show it was better than the movie

Steven Myers (Auburn, 2022-11-02)


Je signe car j'ai adoré la saison 1 j'ai rit , pleuré, aimé et détesté leur couplé à la fois j'aimerais savoir ce que donnera cette seconde partie du livre. Et puis avouons le Theo James est extraordinaire. Idem pour Rose Leslie

Emilie PARIS (Ponthierry, 2022-11-08)


I want a 2nd season of the time traveler's wife

Lewis Gordon (Pittsburgh, 2022-11-10)


Gostaria muito que a série continuasse

Jaqueline Linn (Estrela, 2022-11-23)


Não estou satisfeita com final proposto e quero uma conclusão para essa história maravilhosa.

Gabriela vitória Costa dos Santos (Teresina, 2022-12-05)


Essa série é maravilhosa, ela precisa voltar. Chorei muito assistindo ela, o roteiro é bem escrito, a trama da vontade de continuar assistindo, não entendi porque cancelaram e fiquei bastante desapontado com a HBO por isso.

Ytallo Ennos (Teresina, 2022-12-05)


Por favor, voltem a exibição da série, amei Assistir!! Quero assistir mais episódios

Tailane Melo (Rio de Janeiro, 2022-12-11)


A Série tem que continuar

Rafael De Leite (Chapecó, 2022-12-11)


Please proceed the series

Dalia Traboulsi (Gatineau, 2023-01-02)


Estou assinando porque amei a série

Laudenia Tais Lins (Sousa, 2023-01-09)


Amei a série, quero continuação

Nicole Medeirosz (Manaus, 2023-01-23)


Quero minha série favorita de volta!!!!!

Rebeca Felix (Manaus, 2023-02-18)


I like this serie !!!

Manon Orange (Caen, 2023-03-10)


The show was more than great

Gagan R (Hassan, 2023-03-27)


I’m obsessed with this series. It’s something amazing and it’s not fair that HBO has closed it

Maria Kuznetsova (Voronezh, 2023-03-27)


The story needs finishing!
The movie was good, but this is better.

Ellen Wareing (Bolton, 2023-05-01)


I loved the show

Emma Williams (Weston, 2023-06-16)


I loved this show so much! I remember looking forward to every new episode drop. And was very disappointed when I found out they'd cancelled it & wish they would bring it back❤️

With a sequel book in the making, this show has potential for further story expansion.

Santiago Vera (Portland, 2023-07-01)


I love this show

Azra Ally (Johannesburg, 2023-08-24)


Quiero la serie de nuevo está muy hermosa
Quiero ver crecer el amor de Claire y Henry

Gian Macchi (Paysandú, 2023-08-25)


Quero ver o resto da série e não apenas ler o livro ou assistir o filme, eu quero a série, essa serie

Renan Rodrigues (Campina Grande, 2023-10-23)


Kept me wanring more, i purchased the book as i couldnt wait. The clues in season 1 are well places, great mix of humour and drama, brough genuine emotion. Cast fantasric, would love to see this concluded. Cant rate it highly enough.

Rich Wats (Bristol, 2023-10-27)


serie muito boa, tanto no sentido de viagem no tempo e tambem no ramoce entres os dois,



This show needs to be played out!! Please do a season 2!!

Simone Forcelli (mahopac, 2024-06-29)

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