I'm signing because, as a resident of the South Wairarapa, I do not agree with the proposed 18% increase in operational spending by the SWDC in the annual plan. During these unprecedented economic times as a result of COVID-19, I support the petition's proposal to limit any increase in operational spending by the SWDC to 2% for the next three years.James Routledge (Greytown, 2020-05-16)
I do not think this year it is right to borrow more money to fund the plan which includes many items that do not appear to be essential. Water is the main priority as climate change and drought look to be here to stay. Moeny should be directed to addressing this issue.Tingay Davidson (Greytown, 2020-05-18)
Given the economic hardship the pandemic has caused how on earth can you justify a rates increase?In my opinion its both morally unjustifiable under the circumstances and economically inequitable.
Please rethink this plan.
Sean Kearney (Greytown, 2020-05-19)
I do not believe there is any justification for increasing operational expenditure by more than 2%.Philip Gates (New Zealand, 2020-05-19)
I agree with the statements made in this petition and want to make sure these views are heard.Jade Kiel (Martinborough, 2020-05-19)
We are in times of uncertainty. It is my belief that it will take sometime for our economy to rebound from the effects of Covid 19. 2 percent will allow Council to carry on with business as usual without the nice to have’s.Colin Olds (Tauherenikau, 2020-05-19)
I am signing this because although the Greytown Sports Hub is a fine idea, our priorities must be water, both in and out. The infrastructure in featherston cannot cope with storm water and there is constant flooding in times of heavy rainfall. I am not sure that the demographics of the south Wairarapa warrant the expenditure on new sports facilities.Robyn Moran (Featherston, 2020-05-19)
Most district councils have indicated they are not increasing rates due to the inability of a portion of the ratepayers being in financial hardship. I would like SWDC to do the decent thing and not increase the operation costs above 2%Jacqueline Brookman (Featherston, 2020-05-19)
I disagree with spending rate payer money on non-essential things at a time where the health and financial wellbeing of many has been adversely impacted by COVID-19. By all means maintain, repair and, where existing funds allow, improve critical infrastructure, but do not plan grandiose projects at this time, or burden South Wairarapa rate payers with non-essential costs. If other territorial authorities can manage this, SWDC can too.Peter Jackson (Featherston, 2020-05-19)
I'm signing because I do not believe that this Council including Community Boards and Councillors is engaged with the hardships that will come of C19. They believe that this district is wealthy and can afford rate rises. Focus on our core services only at this stage. Water and Rubbish should be top priority. Nothing else until we know more of the lay of the land in the coming 12 - 18 months.Lee Carter (Featherston, 2020-05-19)
Relevant to my interests as a ratepayer.Richard Mayes (Featherston, 2020-05-19)
I’m signing for more reasons than I can fit in your small box. To start with the reasons you have provided about the REAL increase in rates we are facing. Also why do we need a multimillion dollar sports facility in an area where all sporting facilities already exist? what will happen to the swd facilities down the line? Will the council sell off our grounds and resources as being surplus to requirements in the light of the Greytown sport’s hub? I moved to featherston just over a year ago from Lower Hutt and rates are on par despite the facilities here being appalling, poor roading, lack of footpaths and the horrific flooding that has gone unaddressed for years. Martinborough’s drinking water issues are untenable. My first goal is to get people to tick no the Greytown sporting facilities to keep the money in the coffers and then to get SWDC to allocate the money in a responsible and appropriate way to benefit all towns and their infrastructures. They need to be made accountable for how and where they are spending rate payers money. I have emailed Jacinda Arden about this travesty of public spending. In light of her budget and comments about responsible spending at this time I can’t see that she would see such frivolous spending as appropriate. Hard to get through to her at this time. If there is anything you can do to inspire people to take part in the consultation, which closes on Sunday, please use all your resources and contacts. The majority vote will rule and in this first instance we must stop wasteful egotistical spending on a spirts hub and get SWDC to see the folly of insisting on this project which we will be paying for, for many years to come. There is more to say but just this urgency of getting people to make a vote on the consultation is most vital and important now. Thanks for your support. Kind regards Lynne.Lynne St Clair-Chapman (Featherston, 2020-05-19)
Council needs to stick to its knitting like the three waters .and avoid the vanity projects of the last few years ie.greytown and martinborough townhals and featherstons Squircle. Such as it is..Preventative maintenance means actually spending money on assets before they fail...
Neal Goodall (Featherston, 2020-05-19)
Given current uncertainty of jobs the council should be minimizing rates increasesIvan Whiteman (Greytown, 2020-05-20)
The old people and low income can not afford any more rate risesIan Juggins (Featherston, 2020-05-20)
To much council money is spent on projects that are benefit of the few, not the majorityEric Voice (martinborough, 2020-05-20)
I'm signing cause I disagree with a sports club in greytown.Angel Wharewera (Featherston, 2020-05-20)
I have don't have a endless budget to substain huge rates increases come think it is tough times a small increase is affordable get in the real world stop living on the idea we can substain these increases cause on low to middle wages you just can't so do the right thing as if wasn't enough to cope with apandemic we get this thrown at us too come on grow brains and see big rates rises make other bills suffer. We pay way to much for so little services to show for the cost. I sorry to say your ideas need to be bought into line with the rest of the countryMaggie Juggins (FEATHERSTON, 2020-05-20)
We need to be sustainable with rates rises in this climate. Council needs to work smarter and show efficiency while they are working towards future proofing vital infrastructure instead of rates rise being the solution right now.Sally Walker (Featherston, 2020-05-21)
I'm signing because this flies in the face of transparency from the council.The post COVID-19 climate will have less demand for 'sporting hubs' at which point we would be throwing good money after bad.
There will be more money in the coffers anyway given that properties have increased in Council Rates Values.
Greytown needs to look at its Trust in order to see what they are doing to replace the facilities they have sold off.
Richard Warriner (Featherston, 2020-05-21)
Our rates are already really high. Because of work cutbacks due to covid i could not afford to pay more unnecessary high increases.Sharleen Corlett (Featherston, 2020-05-22)
I'm signing this Petition as a concerned rate payer.Stephen Saywell (Greytown, 2020-05-23)
I do not want the rates to go up significantly greater than inflationGreg Wilson (Greytown, 2020-05-23)
Council needs keep rates increases to as close to zero as possible and to focus on cutting costs in this period of economic uncertainty and also should provide more clarity around the AP finances.Daphne Geisler (Martinborough, 2020-05-24)
Rate rises can’t go through when the people are hurting and struggling financially- it makes no sense and would show no understanding nor compassion.Heather Murphy (Featherston, 2020-05-26)
I can not support spending on vanity projects when basic infrastructure like storm water and waste water is so badly neglected in the south WairarapaKelly W-S (Featherston, 2020-05-27)