

I believe that he is the best person for the position.

Judy Le Roux (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


He’s been treated so unfairly!!!

Chanel Vorster (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Mr Van Der Watt is a brilliant leader and I believe this was a very bad over side. We want him as Headmaster.

Thana Cronje (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


During the recent months Mr vd Watt has been the principal of our school and we have seen a marked change in the atmosphere and spirit of our school. I believe his knowledge and compassion when dealing with parents and children is exceptional and an asset to our school

Karen Hanekom (Krugersdorp, 2020-03-17)


Mr R van der Watt is an excellent vice principal and has an absolute passion for the children in our school. He has always been very helpful with matters that we brought under his attention. He will be an awesome principal, no doubt.

Mouchane Viljoen (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Mr vd Watt will be an excellent head master has the experience and qualifications

Charel Hanekom (Johannesburg, 2020-03-17)


I know Riaan for many years and believe he is the best candidate.

Andre Nagel (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Ek stem absoluut vir die aanstelling van Mnr Riaan van der Watt as hoof van Laerskool Helderkruin. My kinders het die grootste respek vir hom en ek glo dat hy die beste leier en hoof vir die skool sal wees.

Talitha Van der Merwe (Roodekrans, 2020-03-17)


Mr vd Watt se kennis, ondervinding en kwalifikasies is van die beste. Hy tree reeds op as adjunkhoof en het homself reeds bewys.

Yvette Pretorius (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


He deserve to be principal

Louis Naude (Johannesburg, 2020-03-17)


Boris is the perfect leader to take Helderkruin forward.

Joey Whitfield (Krugersdorp, 2020-03-17)


I want Mr vd Watt to be principal

Sanmari Marx (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Mr R van der Watt has been the acting headmaster for the past few months. He has definitely shown great leadership and compassion for his role at the school. I strongly suggest that you consider appointing Mr Riaan van der Watt as headmaster!

Janet Pieterse (Roodekrans, 2020-03-17)


I Believe that Riaan van der Watt is best person to act as Headmaster at school

Belinda Botha (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


I believe Mr van der Watt is the best for the position of headmaster

Christoffel Jacobus Van der merwe (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Ons het ‘n Hoof van sy kaliber nodig om ‘n hoë standaard van bestuur te kan voortsit wat die vermoë ook het om met die leerders te skakel.

Casper Gouws (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Aanstelling van Mnr van der Watt as hoof

Harry Pieters (Krugersdorp, 2020-03-17)


As a old Kruiner I personally feel that the experience Mr Van Der Watt has in the school he is the appropriate candidate for the position. He is an excellent teacher and has a perfect record as a vice principal. For a person whom would consider sending their kids to Laerskool Helderkruin I would most certainly consider the school more if Mr Van Der Watt is principal of the school. Please take the advice of an old Kruiner and seriously consider him for this position.

Kind Regards Quenton Hanekom
Old Kruiner

Quenton Hanekom (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Best for the Kids and the school

Eugene Lourens (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


I agree with statement and feel Mr vd Watt is the best and most qualified candidate

Ronel Els (Helderkruin, 2020-03-17)


I agree with tge request

Marlize van der Linde (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Because I vote R van der Watt as principle

Claudette Van Schoor (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


I know him personally. I have worked for 8 years with mr. vd Watt. My children look up to him as a role model. He carries the school, children, colleagues and parents best interest at heart.

Heidi Lategan (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


I know Mr Borris as deputy principal - I'm a teacher at Helderkruin, and know that he cares for the staff, children and community.

Karen Grobler Huysamen (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Mr Van Der Watt is an excellent Leader with not only experience for the appointment, but context of the school and society. He is very well respected and deserves consideration for this position.

Nerina De Villiers-Viljoen (Johannesburg, 2020-03-17)


Boris dra die tradisie van die skool en is dia aangewese kandidaat

Pearce Penberthy (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Riaan vd Watt is al daar gewees vanaf ek in laerskool helderkruin was hy het saam die skool gegroei hy is wonderlik met kinders absolute dierbare man en niemand Sal beter wees om hoof te word as Mnr Boris nie

Thea Penberthy (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


He is the best choice for the school going forward. Children are very fond of him.

Madeleine Coetzee (Roodekrans, 2020-03-17)


Hy kan net n aanwins wees vir die skool sowel as die kinders en alles wat daarmee gepaart gaan.

Lindie Garbers (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


I dont think you will get anyone better for this job. You can count on him any time if the day

Michelle Olivier (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Best candidate for the position

Emile Stander (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


I am a soon to be parent of the school. I have visited the school on numerous ocations and have met Mr vd Watt personally. My opinion is that he is the best candidate for principal and he will grow the school to strength

Armand Bierman (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Ruan will be the best man for this job

Ockert Fourie (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Ek is ten gunste van Mnr van der Watt as hoof, sienende dat die kinders en personeel baie gelukkig is met hom aan die stuur van sake.

Chantelle Liebenberg (Gauteng, 2020-03-17)


I do believe you have overseen the best candidate to be the leader and lead our future hero's and professional future. Forward.

Marriette du Plessis (Krugersdorp, 2020-03-17)


I am signing because I believe we should have a say to who runs the school.

Ancel Nothnagel (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Mr van der Watt would be the best candidate as Headmaster for Laerskool Helderkruin.

Wanita Dullisear (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Mnr van der Watt sal die beste hoof wees vir Laerskool Helderkruin. Geen twyfel

Caro De Jongh (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Ek gaan my seun uithaal as daar n ander hoof aangestel word. Hoekom verander aan iets wat reeds werk

Liezel Benade (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


He is right person for the job

Benno Basson (Rodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Daar is nie n beter persoon vir helderkruin nie.

Morne Strydom (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


He rightfully deserves the post as Headmaster

Bianca Van Schoor (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Ek stem vir Mnr vd Wat vir hoof!!! Hy is die beste

Natasha Fields (Helderkruin, 2020-03-17)


He is the best candidate for the position.

Lorraine Schlyer (Johannesburg, 2020-03-17)


He has been part of the school for many years.

Nicole Claassens (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


I believe in Borris is standing for and the culture that he created and that he has been part of over the last decade ..... and believe he is the best man for the job as he knows exactly what Helderkruin is all about ....

Beyers van Schoor (Roodepoort , Jhb, 2020-03-17)


Ek as ouer sien die positiewe verandering in die skool se kultuur vandat Mnr. van der Watt aan die stuur van sake is..... in sowel leerders en onderwysers. Mnr. jy het my 100% vertroue en ondersteuning.

Gustav Pretorius (Krugersdorp, 2020-03-17)


I believe that Mr vd Watt was the best suited candidate as currently has been performing the task above the expectations required.

Uys Loubser (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Mr vd Watt is the best person for the job as prinsipal

Bettie Van Zyl (Florida, 2020-03-17)


Mr van der watt is an excellent teacher and leader. The children love him.

Charmaine Coetzee (Helderkruin, 2020-03-17)


Ek dink Riaan van der Watt het hom goed van die taak as hoof die afgelope kwartaal gewyt. Hy was aktief besig by die skool en het meer gedoen as wat verwag word. Ons steun hom as hoof.

Charlene Shaw (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


I do signing this petition in the interest of the School and the Children.

Elize Harrison (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


I think Mr vd Watt is an excellent Head Master & should remain in that position

Pieter Theron (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


I think Mr Van Der Watt is the perfect candidate for the position as the principal of this school. He is respected and cared for by children and parents as well as co-workers.

Nadine Ludick (Lake Zutich, 2020-03-17)


Mr van der Watt has shown us,as parents,that he is more than capable of being the principal of Laerskool Helderkruin.It would be a huge mistake to not appoint him.He has all the qualities of an excellent principal and we trust him.He deserves no less than to be the principal!

Candice Theron (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Mr van der Watt is the right person for the position of Head Master.

Sandy Henning (Helderkruin, 2020-03-17)


Because we want Mr. Vd Watt that has been running the school for a long time to be Principal

Juan Ackerman (roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Mnr van der Watt is al jare deel van die Helderkruin familie en verstaan die kinders en ouers goed.

Riaan Hepburn (Johannesburg, 2020-03-17)


Beste persoon vir die pos. Woon elke byeenkoms/geleentheid by. Riaan het alreeds soveel keer bewys dat hy die rol as hoof volkome kan vervul. Hy beskik oor die nodige kennis en vermoëns wat van n hoof verwag word.

Zelda Nel (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Ek wil bitter graag dit motiveer dat Mnr van der Watt die hoof van Laerskool Helderkruin moet wees. Mnr van der Watt het n passie het vir die kinders en n passie vir die skool. Hy het tot nou toe uitsteekende werk as adjunk hoof verrig.

Simone Starke (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Mnr van der Watt is n UITSTEKENDE kandidaat. Die BESTE !!!!!

Petro Els (Ruimsig, 2020-03-17)


Soek mnr borris as helderkruin se hoof.glo was die proses ook onreg verdig en as so moet die opreg en oor gedoen word

Jaun Shaw (Roodepoort, 2020-03-17)


Mnr Vd Watt verdien om as Hoof van Laerskool Helderkruin aangestel te word want hy tree nie net op as Hoof van die skool nie maar as n Vader wat uitkyk vir sy kinders. Sy betrokkenheid is ooglopend en hy neem altyd deel in enige iets wat die skool aanpak.

Chantel Shaw (Roodepoort, 2020-03-18)


Mr van der Walt is the perfect headmaster.

Rentia Blauensteiner (Roodepoort, 2020-03-18)


Hy is 'n uitstekende kandidaat vir die Hoof pos aangesien hy al verskeie kere die waarnemende hoof posisie moes behartig en dit suksesvol handteer het.

Debbie Mc Pherson (Roodepoort, 2020-03-18)


Mr Rvan der Watt is without doubt the best nomination for Principle of this school and he is good with the kids

Phillip Jonker (Westrand, 2020-03-18)


Great leader and the best candidate by far. Well respected amongst the kids, parents and his colleagues.

Roehan Vermeulen (Roodepoort, 2020-03-20)

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