Petition to Moreland City Council on Adani and Procurement policy
This petition is an attempt to get our leaders to act in the community’s best interestsJulie Stratford (Brunswick, 2020-01-17)
Coal is extremely damaging and has no future, particularly when such grand investments are more sustainably and effectively made in the form of renewable energy projects. The Adani mine represents a greedy tradeoff by those in power - sacrificing humanity and the wellbeing of people and nature for money.Adam Dickinson (Brunswick East, 2020-01-20)
Clearly the science tells us that we should be reducing carbon emissions. The Adani coal mine is designed to do the opposite, as well as using billions of litres of water, which at this time, we need for more important pressing issues!Jamie Staminopoulos (Brunswick, 2020-01-21)
Opening a new coal mine is an utterly retrograde step. Fossil fuels are no longer a viable option for this planet and we must ensure that they stay in the ground.Susanne Silver (Pascoe Vale South, 2020-02-02)
The Adani mine will, if developed, become either a climate time-bomb or a white elephant - both reasons not to invest in, nor in any company that may work for them.Bronwyn Plarre (Brunswick, 2020-04-22)
I'm very opposed to the continual degradation of our land, waters and climate by the coal, fracking and mining companiesJenny Smith (West Footscray, 2020-04-23)
We MUST acknowledge we are guardians of this land. The land is what sustains us. our Earth is suffering from our exploitation and greed mentality. Renewables are the only way to go.Gwen Arnold (Brunswick, 2020-04-23)
I'm signing this oetition because climate change poses an exustential threat to life on this planet. The greatest contributor to this catastrophic anthropogenic heating of our planet is caused by fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are now outdated and can easily and efficiently be replaced by renewable energy sources. Coal mining is a massive contributor to climate change and has many other significant effects. Adani's Carmichael proposed new coal mine is a ludicrous, deadly project and MUST BE STOPPED. All other coal mining MUST BE PHASED OUT QUICKLY. Local councils must playpart to play their part in saving, restoring and protecting our beautiful planet for future generations of humans, animals and plants. WE OWE IT TO THE FIRST NATIONS PEOPLE OF THIS LAND TO PROTECT THE LAND THEY CARED FOR AS ITS CUSTODIANS FOR TENS IF THOUSANDS OF YEARS BEFORE EUROPEAN INVASION.RosieRI Ganino (CANTERBURY, 2020-04-23)
can't afford any more waterMichael Mardel (Yarraville, 2020-04-23)
We need to be transitioning to fossil free fuels now. To do so is good for the economy, good for humanity and good for Mother Earth.Valerie Tepper (Melbourne, 2020-04-23)
The planet needs no more carbon emissions as it is destructive.Wendy Cox (3166, 2020-04-23)
Im signing because stopping this mine is the most important thing in order to allow my daughter to live on a thriving planet. EVERY local government has the ability and power to make a difference in stopping this mine- so they should be doing it.Vanessa Graley (McCrae, 2020-04-23)
We don't need anymore coal mines. We need clean, renewable energy.Anthony Hardy (Camberwell, 2020-04-23)
The days of fossil fuels are at an end. We have sufficient coal already and if we burn it all global warming will make this an unlivable planet. There are more potential jobs in renewable energy than fossil fuels, we could earn good money from exporting our expertise in setting up renewable energy. Where is our Federal government?Felicity Crombach (Newcomb, 2020-04-23)
Climate action is past overdueLareena Groves (Brunswick, 2020-04-23)
It's coal and the rest of the mine abused traditional owners land rights and the rest of the environment, water, sea, land and sky.Jacinta Stephenson (Wallan, 2020-04-23)
I have worked for a decade to stop this project eventuating.1. Qld government cancelled aboriginal land rights in the Carmichael basin. Now there are great fears of water pollution and the destruction of valued land.
2. Adani is not a reputable business man. He has not a good record in his native India.
3. It is shameful to be opening the biggest coal mine in the world to power overseas countries when our world so desperately needs to reduce carbon emissions.
4. I’m proud of the Moreland Council on many scores and I ask you to be resistant in every way possible to stop this project.
Anna Sinn
Anna Sinn (Brunswick, 2020-04-23)
Its time to stop using fossil fuels - coal, oil and gas. The future belongs to renewable energy.Lyn Hovey (Riddells Creek, 2020-04-23)
I'm signing because coal needs to stay in the ground to prevent catastrophic climate change. It's time for renewable energy!Beatrice Lucas (Trinity Beach, 2020-04-23)
The long term detrimental affects of this mine to future generations and Australian (and world) ecosystems are something we cannot stand by and allow to happen.Kammy Cordner (MANSFIELD (VIC), 2020-04-24)
Australia is enduring a bushfire disaster emergency clearly linked to climate change and the rise in temperatures due to global heating.(Abram 2020) Australia is increasing coal and gas production right at the time when we need to be reducing extraction. (Production Gap 2019) Scientists are clear we must stop all new fossil fuel projects, if we are to meet the Paris Agreement targets. "We should leave remaining stocks of fossil fuels in the ground" said 11,000 scientists in November 2019.(Ripple et al 2019)Robert Hart (Preston, 2020-04-24)
In the near future, all households will simply be running on their own sustainable multi energy cycle systems, demolishing the fossil fuel industry VERY effectively, ending ANY need to pay energy bills. TELL every council this, we all will forget them and end the Infantile leadership that is no longer required, as millions of citizens around the world take it upon them selves to create a better world, sharing the ideas and abilities into our new future. MORE OF US - LESS OF THEM!!LEIGH MARTIN (SEAFORD, 2020-04-25)
Climate change - even more insidious than the novel corona virus - is the biggest emergency we face, we must act now. For the sake of our planet and our children.Stephanie Cath-Garling (COBURG, 2020-04-26)
This project will decimate the environmentCarly Dober (Melbourne, 2020-04-26)
I oppose the development of the massive Adani coal port project.Jasmine Wigley (Somers, 2020-04-27)
No organisation or company should support climate wrecking Adani in any way whatsoever!Malcolm Robins (Castlemaine, 2020-04-29)
It's time for Australia to take climate change seriously, and we should be ceasing to mine coal and use coal for energy production.Another reason I'm opposed to the Adani/Carmichael mine is that it makes no sense from a business perspective. Nobody is buying low-grade coal anymore, and our taxes and the water resources in North Queensland can be used much more profitably in other ways.
If we respect our tourism and farming industries in Queensland and value the thousands of jobs they provide and their contribution to the economy, we need to shut down the mine.
Adam Jenkins (Coburg, 2020-06-09)
I fear the result of excessive CO2 and CH4 in our atmosphere will be dire.Jim Adamthwaite (Brunswick East, 2020-06-10)
Local governments need to provide leadership in tackling climate change. Procurement policies are an effective tool to do that.Logan McLennan (Brunswick West, 2020-06-10)
I don't believe coal is a option.Stop Adani
The recent bushfires terrifying.
Patricia Sweeney (Melbourne, 2020-06-10)
The Adani mine is unacceptable and unviable environmentally and economically. Coal is a dead future in all senses.Amelia Thompson (Melbourne, 2020-06-10)
The rest of the world is leaving us behindRon Guy (Comadai, 2020-06-10)
I am genuinely fearful of the ability to live a healthy and happy life due to climate change in the next 2 decades.Erin Bicknell (Brunswick West, 2020-06-10)