Stop Open-Air Tavern in Kathu
Very loud in a neiborhood where people work shift and children must rest for school(Kathu, 2019-02-19)
This is unacceptable and a real threat to peace and quiet in a neighbourhood. It could also lead to an increase in crime in the arae(Kathu, 2019-02-19)
Please stop this tavern doing business!!(Kathu, 2019-02-19)
We are all working people and need our rest. My right as a citizen must be taken in account. The safety of our young people also.(Kathu, 2019-02-19)
You cant sleep because the loud nosie.(Kathu, 2019-02-19)
The load music is disturbing and the location of the tavern will influence property rates in the area(Kathu, 2019-02-19)
Unbearable load music, public not a place to drink(Kathu, 2019-02-19)
Ek kanie slaap nie!!!!!(Kathu, 2019-02-19)
Polution. Noise. Theft. Disturbing peace. Thats why Im against is(Dibeng, 2019-02-19)
I oppose the Open AirTavern. It is load till early mornings. No one can sleep with the noise(Kathu, 2019-02-19)
To much druck people driving and makeing acedent not good for our town please(Kathu, 2019-02-19)
I'm signing on behalf of the safety of the community(Kathu, 2019-02-19)
Is not good for our town(Kathu, 2019-02-19)
I it breakdown of our community and disturbs every one(Kathu, 2019-02-19)
The noise and disrespect for other residents is just to much to handle. In my 42 years in Kathu I have never experienced so unruly behavior also.(Kathu, 2019-02-19)
Unruly and disrespectful and loud.No regard for other residents
(Kathu, 2019-02-19)
My house is only 500 meters from this open air taven in kathu. Loud music send vibrations in my house on a sunday night til Monday morning every weekend we are shift workers and must sleep for work but with this noise nobody can live i bought the house 1 year ago .now i must think of selling my house and new buyers is not going to be happy with this tafen without walls?this is a lowering of kathu standards and will impact kathu badly. how was this license given without a building. Can i start a tafen in the veld?(Kathu, 2019-02-19)
Stop open tavern(Kathu, 2019-02-19)
It is frustrating all hours of any day or night. I believe accidents have increased as well as prostitution. I cannot believe it is good for the nearby businesses. And I do not see it have a positive contribution to our town. Cannot imagine have to live opposite it if we living further out can hear all the noise and imagine if you working shifts that will be messing with their life's as they will not be able sufficient rest /sleep(Kathu, 2019-02-19)
Cant sleep at night because of the loud music and cars racing up and down.(Kathu, 2019-02-19)
Too much noise and other unlawful staff that happens behind kameeldoring cafe(Kathu, 2019-02-19)
I am fed up with the never ending noise every weekend.(Kathu, 2019-02-19)
Alcohol being sold on Sundays and music is so loud you can literally hear it kilometers far till early Monday mornings. Was so bad that my son woke me up at 3am on a Monday morning. We did not sleep at all(Kathu, 2019-02-19)
The tavern is causing terrible noise upto the early hours when people want to sleep. Rhe music is very loud and the people are drinking and driving.(Kathu, 2019-02-20)
Music disturb people nearby(Kathu, 2019-02-20)
I'm signing because I live three blocks away and the music (if you can call it that) is not only clearly audible, it is a nuiscance and disturbs me!(Kathu, 2019-02-20)
Ek kry hoofpyn van die geraas.(Kathu, 2019-02-20)
I was personally exposed to the noticeable prostitution and felt very offended and would like put town to maintain a good moral example for our children and keep them save in the community.(Kathu, 2019-02-20)
It is unexceptable(Kathu, 2019-02-20)
Because of noise coming from there.Sundays no respect for my quiet time.
(Kathu, 2019-02-20)
I do not concent to this open air tavern(Kathu, 2019-02-20)
This is outrages.(Kathu, 2019-02-20)
I refer to the Bylaw, Noice Polution and visitors driving undet the influence of akcohol that have very bad effect on other sober drivers. Other people who are working shifts who need to rest any hour of the day. I do not see any benefits to this community except money in the owners pocket. Thank you.(Kathu, 2019-02-20)
The venue for the open air tavern are unsuitable and affects the residential areas in the area in more ways than one ito noise, crime and erosion of property value. The crime rate will increase tenfold which will drain the police capacity.(Kathu, 2019-02-20)
To much noise and drunk ppl(Kathu, 2019-02-20)
It is very destubing until the early moning. Nobofy can sleep(Katuh, 2019-02-20)
I stay 500 meters away from this open air tavern we work shifts and had to stand up at 04:00 in the morning the musiek is so loud its impossible to have a good rest its every Vryday / Saturday an even Sunday's from 20:00 up to 03:30 in the morning and that is totally unacceptable nobody is taking the residence of Onderwyserspark inconsideration when the go ahead was given to this open tavern(KATHU, 2019-02-20)
I'm signing because this place is degrading the towns value and promoting illegal activity(Kathu, 2019-02-20)
This tavern is introducing our youth to substance abuse and causing drunken driving and racing(Kathu, 2019-02-20)
Alexis clarke(Kathu, 2019-02-21)
Very very noisy and disrupting every ones rest(Kathu, 2019-02-21)
Cannot get ANY sleep with the loud music on a Monday Morning at 4'O Clock. Cannot even spend time in my own garden on a weekend because of the load music. VERY loud(Kathu, 2019-02-21)
I cant sleep at night with thats place music(Kathu, 2019-02-22)
This is not good for our residents. We need peace and quite at our houses. Loud music and liqour is not suppose to be in our living space.(Kathu, 2019-02-22)
They are causing a disturbance in the community and also placing a higher risk for accidents at a high risk area.(Kathu, 2019-02-22)
The loud music is a disturbance to everybody.(kathu, 2019-02-22)
I live in a neighborhood close to the tavern. The music in the early hours of the morning especially Sunday nights/Monday mornings is unbearable and unacceptable.(Kathu, 2019-02-22)
We do want not extra shebiens in the town area as there are already enough legal and illegal ones. The noise they are making behind Kameeldoring cafe at the moment can be heard and is desturbing inhabitants blocks away day and night. Legal house and shop owners should surely be respected in this case(KathuS, 2019-02-22)
Cant stand the noise.(Kathu, 2019-02-22)
We can not sleep due to the loudness of the music and they do not have a license to sell alcohol, but the do sell it(Kathu, 2019-02-22)
This open air tavern is making a lot of noise.(Kathu, 2019-02-22)
“The social ills and negative affect on the broader community is not being considered in allowing this operation to proceed. The benefit of one night club owner cannot supersede the public disorder, increase in criminal activities (i.e. drugs & noticeable prostitution), road safety, noise pollution, general nuisance and sleep disturbance ”(Kathu, 2019-02-22)
It is disturbing and causing problems(Kathu, 2019-02-23)
Reasons stated above.(Kathu Northern Cape, 2019-02-23)
The music is disturbing people that live near by.(Kathu, 2019-02-23)
Loud music is coming from that open tavern till late. We are living nearby and is not acceptable for 6 day working people who needs some rest(Kathu, 2019-02-23)
Due process has not been followed in obtain the zoning rights and the liquor license for The Emperor Lounge. As a property owner and an adjacent neighbor my rights are adversely by the unlawfull business.(Kathu, 2019-02-23)
I hear the music playing at 1:00 in the morning and I stay about 750m from the tavern. The poor people that stay close, I can not imagine what they must be going through. This is inhumane. Close them please.(Kathu, 2019-02-23)
Unsafe for surrounding businesses.Dit not follow due process.
(Kathu, 2019-02-24)
I care about Kathu and its people(Kathu, 2019-02-24)
The noise is disturbing.(Kathu, 2019-02-24)
I say no to the opening of the tavern its going to cause problems in our town.(Kathu, 2019-02-24)
This is a bad thing the noise is very loud and more dangerous for all of us, drunk people rape and hurt our women and girls kill other in fights and drunk driving it is unacceptable, close the place for all people of Kathu,'s safety, wife and children go hungry because money spent on liquor(KATHU, 8446, 2019-02-24)
Going to cause problems for people working shifts(Kathu, 2019-02-24)
We reside in Onderwyserspark right next to the high way and the loud music can be heared inside the house. Our kids can't sleep in their rooms and prefer sleeping in our bedroom due to the noise.(Kathu, 2019-02-24)
Open air tavern is not acceptable(Kathu, 2019-02-24)
Reasons in petition(Kathu, 2019-02-25)
I live closeby and its a real nuisance. Have also been a victim of break in(Kathu, 2019-02-25)
I sign because I live about 1 km away and hear the noise. so, how bad must it be for the homes close to that?(Kathu, 2019-02-25)
Die geraas in my dorp is erg steurend Vrydae, Saterdae en ook Sondae, wat ons rusdae moet wees.Baie ongerymdhede kom daarmee saam deur alkohol gebruik, ons het ditnie in ons dorp nodig nie!
(Kathu, 2019-02-26)
Jannie ja ek het n probleel met die harde musiek wat gespeel en ook die mense kom van die kuier plek af dan kom soek hulle moeilik huis by my huis en daar was reeds en man wat vrydag aand met n mes geseek is daat so asb(Kathu, 2019-02-27)
Maak asb al die tavens toe. Want hulle dink aan niemand anders behalwe hulle self en dit raas en daar is mense wat Nagskofte werk ook so almal kry min slaap in(Kathu, 2019-02-27)
I am a resident of Kathu for more than 12 years and much involved in services rendered to families and learners at school and training facilities. The social changes in town are concerning. There is an increase in alcohol related problems amongst families, young working adults and teenagers. Along with alcohol misuse comes an increase in abusive behavior in marriages and families as well as misuse of other substances. Rape and teenage pregnancies are often reported in connection with a habit of drinking alcohol.To me as a loyal citizen of this town I am concerned of this tendency and how an open air tavern promotes this type of lyfestyle and invite people to participate in consuming huge quantities of alcohol every night of the week until the early hours.
The along going noise creates an unpleasant disturbance for residents like myself, who is now subject to music until the early morning hours. I find this factor personally very disturbing and unkind, not to mention that it is also illegal.
My plead is that the tavern should close down, since the contribution thereof in Kathu is not to the benefit of residents at all.
(Kathu, 2019-03-01)
To license such an establishment can in no way be to the benefit of the community.(Kathu, 2019-03-07)
Petition against open air tavern at back of kameeldoring due to en vironmental and safety concerns.(Kathu, 2019-03-19)
Loud music (above normal) whole weekend (incl Sunday nights)(Kathu, 2019-04-14)